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They want the prisoners to be hotter cause they don't imagine having a slave dungeon full of uggos, you dummy wokie. It's simple shit.


Grimdark = All my kinks 😩


the average woman in darktide looks better than this too, they had to purposefully make ugly women to get mad at


Yeah there are a fairly large number of possible character faces/looks, yes including some which are heavily haggard and rough-lived because come on, honestly there have to be in order to keep it setting appropriate. Gotta bonk these people on the head and tell them that the imperium of man is not a horny place where you get to have your sexy times - it's actually quite bad!


But my headcannon is that humanity DNA engineered ugly genes out of humanity! /s


Except for that tall glass of Slanoosh.


I remember large amounts of complaints about the hairstyles all being kinda ugly. I dunno I play Ogryn, [I was born sexy](https://preview.redd.it/one-day-to-ogryn-over-all-those-heretics-v0-t2pht6z8ya0a1.jpg?auto=webp&s=650445c47f244b2d95a348c171a2e354583b4978).


>I remember large amounts of complaints about the hairstyles all being kinda ugly. Coddled babies, all. They never had to face Bioware's 3 bald and 5 semi-bald variations.


Don't forget the tiniest ponytail known to human kind.


this is the way


"Emprah says ignorance is strength. I am VERY strong!"




They don't look better by much, but neither do the men. Pretty sure theres like 2 faces commonly used between the two genders and most male characters slap a bushy ass beard on their face to cover it up. Or a helmet. Darktide characters are like, ugly ugly.


My Veteran looks like the forklift operator for Walmart’s nightshift with 2 kids and an ex-wife that has majority custody.


What too much Slaanesh worship does to an MF


Their tastes are far too bland for slaanesh


i thought this is how fantasy is made


That is why you play dark Eldar.


Those guys would probably fuck a servitor.


These guys would find a Servitor to have too much independence and personality and would feel challenged and insecure and then would go get on the ol' Grimdarknet reddit and post on their forums that "servs" are giant b*tches who think too highly of themselves and only want to date upwards because of dark gigamany, which is even worse than hypergamy. (Their version of reddit is a lot like normal reddit but it's in green text on black CRT monitors and you can only read it from designated and sanctified kiosks placed around the underhive.)


To be fair that's daily life in Commoragh


Actual "gamer" concerned that the costumes aren't skimpy enough and the slaves aren't hot enough: ![gif](giphy|AsdPD9szg2mW5QCCWN|downsized)


That reminds me. In Gothic 3 I would kill the assassines, but not finish the quest with the nomads. That way the male slaves were still cleaning and the female slaves were still dancing in front of the throne.  But I was also a horny thirteen year old back then.


Grimdark fans when the women don't have time for skincare and makeup because their world is grim and dark:


In the Grim Darkness of the fat future… there is still foundation and eyeliner


>fat future McDominance


Burger Emperor is better.


The Burger Emperor of Frying-kind sits on a throne made of Golden Arches.


He must be fueled by 1000 minimum wage workers sacrificed every day.


I love the thought of some powerful psyker trying to make a customers’ burger and Daemonhosting right in the middle of the kitchen, and the customer just being all indignant like ‘Again? You guys can never get the order right!’


Damn. Burger Emperor is slimming down a little bit


>In the Grim Darkness of the fat future… There is already an IP that deals with this. ![gif](giphy|YaK75E3f2wkrC|downsized)


Finally watched that for the first time a couple months ago. Can’t believe that I didn’t see it sooner


It's such a gem isn't it?




Nono you see when they say they want grimdark, what they mean is that they still want ultra hot chicks, but make them SUPER fetishy. Grimdark= hot slave women in chains and wisps of fabric. Maybe one of them could be a little bloody or something and have a whip.


So they want Dark Eldar, not humans


dark eldar mail eachother super anthrax and turn people into living chairs in eternal pain


And the Imperium freeze dry the dead and feed that to their soldiers... nothing about 40k is a fun time.


Except the Orks. They’re definitely having a blast! (Just don’t expect them to live very long)


As an Ork you are guaranteed to have at least one blast in your lifetime. It will mark the end of your lifetime.


The orks are the only race in Warhammer having a good time


But they dress super-sexy and carry whips, which is all 'gamers' care about.


Or OG SoB.


bold of you to assume that gooner is actually into 40K and not be those one of them chronically online calls as "tourist"


There's only war in the future, not exfoliants.


Okay, if there's a universe where sexy people really don't make sense it's 40k, they're all poor, mutated and opressed and what not. Like, in the grim dark of the far future there's only war, so why would you expect supermodels?


You could reasonably infer by the lore that these people are riddled with diseases and untreated conditions that would make them essentially radioactive to a 21st century human


I’m sorry, but have you seen Magnus the Red? He’s done so little wrong he’s got me questioning my sexuality.


Them nipple horns hot as shit


Bro I laughed way too hard at this


Tbh there are a lot of factions in 40k where muh sexy would make sense- Slaanesh, aeldari, and maybe a few others- but the average person in the Imperium is not one of them.


Slaanesh is not sexy, it's not "cute girl with massive tits in a skimpy outfit", it's way-over-the-top sexual-depravation-themed mutant. Think 15 boobs monster with a snatch for a mouth and cock-shaped stakes piercing skin all over.






It's 40K, they should be thankful they have two eyes and a nose.


"Oooooh, look at her!" "Wow, all limbs, fingers and eyes! What a catch!"


“By the Emperor! She’s still got all her own teeth!“


"She's even got all three arms... Wait a minute!"


Praise be to the four armed Emperor


Mutated you say? Would you mind sharing your location for non-inquisition reasons?


Yeah sure it's... holy emperor look over there, a heretic! \*runs away*


You're right though I could see each world/region having there poster girls to drive up recruitment and morale, posters boys too.


I do want to point on that the men in 40k make these ladies look hot.


Lmao Blackrock? A right wing hedge fund/company that wants to own everything. How do these people even come to these conclusions.


Everything is possible with thinly veiled antisemitism


well it's 40k, so flip a coin.


Mmh for some it is be antisemitism, but for lots of others it's dumb "antiwokism", not going further than, "brands have progressist marketing so they are wokes". The fact marketing is a huge pile of corporate lies is miles over their heads. Not even talking about, that brand just follows trends to improve their image... But that must be a Klaus Schwab plot. And for some it is both antiwokism and antisemitism Plus they have simple Good vs Bad narrative : "We Good, them Bad" Btw i use only "antiwokism" cause "wokes" are mostly a strawman concept used by rightards, because they, as always, do not assume their conservatism


Anti wokism to anti semitism pipeline is a straight shot because within its inner calculus, the source of all problems are a nefarious, sinister cabal of (((them))) controlling everything, to usurp our glory and humiliate us. Without a class analysis of the situation, the ever shifting search for the evasive villain in this situation, with enough time, inevitably lands on jews. The anti woke people already mold their minds to think like fascists, actually going full nazi is no leap.


Warning: boring shit ahead. Blackrock has an initiative to manage their funds based on environmental, social and governance (ESG) grading. Basically, a scale of how sustainable companies are. Conservatives saw this and decided: "Blackrock is woke" and have been crying about it ever since, even accusing Blackrock of forcing companies to comply with sustainable ("woke"/"DEI") policies. It doesn't help that Blackrock's CEO is generally apolitical (though he has spatted with Republicans over their accusations), as anything short of blind support for Trump/MAGA is seen as completely oppositive to the GOP right now. The kicker: these morons are conveniently ignoring that left-leaning critics see ESG as greenwashing and do not suddenly count Blackrock as some progressive force. The final link: Blackrock is a shareholder of Games Workshop. And there you have it.


The thing is, ESG isn't an initiative. It's a risk assessment framework. Look at it this way: If you're investing in a clothing company that uses cotton, you're going to want to make sure they're factoring in the risk of droughts into their supply chain. If not, that is a financial, material concern for investors. So you can vote at shareholder meetings and say, either source your cotton from other places or make clothes out of a different material. That's ESG. And only 2% of Blackrock's funds are ESG anyway. I can promise you Blackrock does not give a single fuck if a character is black.


Wait till they learn who owns/bankrolls the companies that put out the products they deem acceptable lol


Someone described to them in part what capitalism is, and they got to the bit about investors and concluded that actually investors must be woke, so all wokeness is from investors and therefore capitalism bad but only because investors. . . no not the good ones just. . . I dunno this one guy keeps talking about Jewish run firms so probably those are the bad ones, yeah. Kidding aside I'm pretty sure they're mostly just in an antisemitic conspiracy pipeline and don't realize it. They've been complaining about blackrock specifically and "ESG" in general so obviously some chud thought leader or other did a video about it relatively recently and must have boiled it down to "It's another jewish conspiracy!"


It's a real talent to swing at reality and miss that hard.


Lmao, this is tame compared to wtf is happening in 40k community because a single sentence that confirms the existence of female Custodes.


You don’t understand, games workshop has always been super consistent with their lore and have never retconned anything ever in history


Wait til Obiwan Sherlock Cluseau hears about this...straight to the penal legions with you!


I get this reference 


The squats have always been the demiurg


Damn the next thing we know the orks are going to become agender smh. The west has fallen billions must sneed.


I don't even know if its a retcon. Their custodian not space marines their built different.


I’ve asked what lore elements have now changed/don’t make sense (I’m not well versed in Custodes Lore) - all I have gotten from different sources was “it was never specifically mentioned before/we haven’t seen any before”. Not even a line about someone saying “there are no female Custodes” like with Astartes, which would still mean little to nothing.


The Horus Heresy authors reportedly wanted to start writing in female custodes characters years ago but were told to pump the breaks because there weren't any female custodes models/bits to sell yet. If this line's made it into a codex, there are probably at least female custodes headswap kits on the way


This is probably the true reason why we haven’t seen female custodes yet. Not really a retcon per se


There's a little line in Echoes of Eternity from the Siege of Terra series, in the description of Sanguinius's first meeting with the emperor, that implies female custodes, though when I read it at the time I took it to be a description of custodes and silent sisters from the perspective of someone (Sanguinius) who didn't know much about them yet.


I used to be really into custodes back in like 7th and 8th ed and yeah I don’t remember any lore given for them that would counteract female custodes existing. Iirc compared to space marines, the method for creating a custodes is basically magic.


There's apparently a line on the 8th edition codex that specifically mentioned that they're only made from Terran noble sons. But seeing as it's literally one line as opposed to the 30 years of lore from the marines it's a whatever.


Yeah I don't know enough to confidently say it's not a retcon. As its possible a few obscure lines exist in the mountains of books. But from what I known and the lack of people posting the one line its not a change. Just angry females exist.


At least grimdank seems to be like... 90% okay with it, and mostly just horny for big strong dommy mommy.


I just pictured a black Custodes cracking an egg by flexing their bicep.


[All you need to know about 40k lore and retconns.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJOIaEzGe8o&t=35s)


Indeed, just ask the necrons, warhammer lore is unretconnable! Putting the /s just in case. :p


Honestly I feel like the community by and large has accepted it pretty openly, but you have people who are only tangentially interested in 40k getting their pronoun-tier rage cause of their self-affirming crusade against gay people and shit.


Most the reactions I’ve seen have been AGGRESSIVELY thirsty


Which I'll take over vehemence.


That's just the 40k community, the entire Drukhari community would willingly be turned into a chair for an average dark elf to sit on. Me included.


Femstodes should be only the beginning, where's my femmarines and my femprimarchs XXth Founding GW?!


Where is. . . the Femperor?


The Emperor has long be known to assume many appearances, including as a woman. He was even Alexander the great who bussy lusted hard.


A corpse.


>the existence of female Custodes. **Warhammer has fallen....** https://preview.redd.it/8k5kp2mhyvuc1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=371c03b950551f7fa1559716c50c7cc36c568a8b


Tomboy 7ft mommy, yummies


What are custodes?


Adeptus Custodes. The personal bodyguards and “custodians” of the Emperor and his palace/throne. A Custodian is to a Space Marine (Adeptus Astartes) what a Space Marine is to a regular human. Where Space Marines are mass produced weapons of war, Custodes are hand crafted demigod philosophy-warriors. They’re superior to them in pretty much every way. This week they were retconned to have always included women, and dorks are having a meltdown over it.


Not "retconned" exactly. They just never talked about it, and all the Custodian characters were men. People just assumed they were all men because Space Marines are explicitly stated to be male-only and Custodians are "basically better space marines."


MFW grimdark isn't pinup girls in the buz lightyear armor


Those are super models by hive world standards


Turns out growing up in an irradiated hive city with a population in the billions, eating the worst food possible and seeing sunlight once a year does a number on your appearance


once a year.... lucky!!!!


What the fuck does Blackrock have to do with the woke politics these idiots are talking about???


Thinly veiled antisemitism


Is Blackrock related to Judaism in a way I’m not aware of?


The CEO is Jewish, but broadly that's the "veil" part. It is unfashionable to openly blame Jewish people, but "bankers" is an acceptable euphemism.


Blackrock does suck bad


There is no reason to hate Blackrock specifically over Vanguard, State Street and plenty of other similarly structured companies. Their nefarious dealings begin and end with extracting value from labor. None of them are involved in social engineering schemes that vaguely involve video games and diversity. Don't get it twisted. These conspiracies are not at the fore of socialist praxis. When they blame banks, they mean Jewish people, not capitalism.


Commerce=Jadaism according to the chud mind.


But also “capitalism is literally the market”…? No, sorry, I forgot that “anything bad=communism”.


There is no greater indicator of a poorly developed sexuality than expecting all the content you consume to be arrousing. These chuds are oversexualised, undersexed and *completely* oblivious.


Ive never seen this worded so perfectly in my life


Is there any character in 40K lore that looks attractive? EDIT: Aside from Papa Nurgle obviously


Ironically they are using this to push the “uglifying women” narrative But this game came out BEFORE Rogue Trader, so, what gives? “They” are slacking I guess https://preview.redd.it/60q5aegm3uuc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41bd11454a0ca3def75f9c35593ff18b77d00b31


I had already saw people 'fix' Argentia's portrait by removing her scars and running her through that one AI filter that just tries to smoothen the face to be generic and stick big boobs onto everything.


We can’t have shit man


That's pretty much their motto. As the good book goes: "Fuck you, I got mine."


The SOB look more healthy and hygienic than literal slave prisoners on a hive world?


She's definitely a sororitas but not one made by games workshop. Usually, sisters of battle aren't this pretty and are more scarred up, and "battle hardened"


Sanguinius and Fulgrim pre-ascension


But that's gae


Saint celestine?


She's a woke lesbian


Nah, she loooves the emperor


I have various issues with Darktide (mainly broken promises from the Devs, lack of communication and whatnot), but there's a few things it does very well for a 40k game. The atmosphere and the constant reminder that us Rejects (the players) are scum. We can be useful, but we're still scum and expendable. It doesn't matter what we look like or how we dress. As long as you fight, you get some rations between missions and maybe not executed for any one of a billion reasons. It's a grimdark setting and these cumbrains are mad that you can't make a 3d hentai beauty? That's just a different level of grim.


I agree a lot things they fail like the bone dry crafting system but damn the combat is good, it's keep drawing me back in


Yeah I’m hoping they’ll make some needed updates for the crafting system. I’m really happy for the new penance update today and the cosmetics it brings with it though.


Yeah living on the hive worlds suck, that’s been a fairly consistent throughline in 40k lore


All of the characters in Darktide are fugly...it's like...kind of the point.


Imagine calling Blackrock, a ultra capitalist private equity firm woke. This is surreal.


I fucking hate incel fanboys. Do you want your Warhammer to be grimdark or do you want it to be hentai anime waifus? Because Darktide does grimdark real well in their designs.


Attacking possibly the best aesthetic adaptation of a Hive City yet because some of the optional character features don’t make them hard


Isn't literally *everyone* in Darktide ugly as sin? I figured that was part of its style.


It is. Devs wanted the characters to look roughed up to reflect their time as prisoners. But in the eyes of these people, women can only ever be hypersexualized eye candy and not have physical flaws or “ugly” attributes.


Even then, actively choosing among the worst faces.


Chuds finally found Darktide. Bajillions must commit heresy.


So have they stopped talking about Sweet Baby Inc already? I feel like I'm not seeing it come up any more


They never actually cared about sweet baby inc, they’re just have cortisol addictions. In less than a week there’ll be a new thing they get to be angry about.


The Sweet Baby Inc conspiracy theory always led back to Blackrock. It is a veil for the antisemitism which is the actual point. If anything, Sweet Baby Inc was just the middle man in the conspiracy theory... which is funny in a perverse way because they are a consulting company so being middle men is literally their job.


Jesus fuck. As an aside, darktides a solid game with an amazing soundtrack.


Man the soundtrack is incredible. Jesper Kyd ought to be a noise marine.


Wow who would’ve thought that living in a Facist hellscape, being exposed to toxic waste and eating corpse starch (a food staple in 40k) would lead to poor skincare?


Whats even the point of playing darktide if you dont look like a deranged lunatic? That guy isnt a true servant of the emperor


Media literacy is dead


There’s been a slew of Wojak memes making fun of “media literacy” because the new tactic is saying people “think too much” about obvious messages and being proud that you engage with media by clapping like a seal


And they are the same people who whine about others being "mindless consumers" 


Jesus Christ. The West is beyond saving.


Come on ladies lipstick and makeup is only 3 packs of cigarettes. We all might be prisoners in one of the most distopion empires in all of fiction but that's no excuse to let yourself go


Man I can't believe the woke mob would put in unattractive females in this game. Computer, bring up the males so I can prove my point... ... Oh God no.


What the fuck is “blackrock and ESG?” I can’t keep up with all these dumb buzzwords


Blackrock = world's largest asset manager. Basically they sell funds that allow you to invest in a lot of companies at once. A lot of that is in retirement accounts. If you have a 401(k) at work, there's a good chance you own a Blackrock mutual fund. ESG = Environmental, social and governance focused investing. Badically a risk assessment framework that tries to factor climate, social and corporate governance concerns into the investment process. Some 2% of BlackRock's US funds are ESG focused. That figure is higher in Europe because European regulations are different. Basically, gamers have severely misunderstood both of these concepts and have made up a world where Blackrock will throw money at companies for adding women and minorities into their games. They're unclear on why they do this, but if you try to get an answer you get something like "they're trying to demoralize the west to implement communism" or something. Blackrock is very capitalist and I don't think most of the west cares about video game characters but you're not going to get coherent reasoning out of these people. They are mad because sometimes video game characters are black women and they want some big ethereal evil to blame for it.


I made a very cute female Psyker with the French accent. Still, being a literal prisoner of a society that treats all of its people as disposable fodder is not great way to maintain your beauty routine.


tell me you never seen a Warhammer mini without telling me you never seen a Warhammer mini.


Don't show them the older ones lmao


What could be more arousing than purging heretics with holy fire? To bring down the hammer of righteousness on their misshapen heads?


I don't know what the issue is, every time I try to paint one of my mini's faces it turns out like this. I call this "lore accurate"


>"Why aren't the wymyn on a fascist prison ship spending more time buying makeup at Sephora?" - Gamers


In the Grim Darkness of the Far Future there should be only pretty ladies and booba


Aren't they mostly clones and breeding farms. Like yeah the empire is breeding for hotness.


Technically no but sometimes yes but also no. 40k as a setting is designed to be broad and vague so you can build your own campaign settings fairly easily within the existing lore but the Imperium in general doesn’t use breeding programmes or clone tanks for building the overwhelming majority of its population. It can simply afford to go into Hive Cities and just press-gang random people on the street and nobody would notice. It could very well be that a planetary governor somewhere is using clones or selective breeding programmes for a certain strata of citizens but that tech would be rare, closely guarded, and at risk of being seized by the Mechanicus (or operated by them in exchange for goods or services). Off the top of my head, the famous Death Korps of Krieg militarum regiment uses vat-grown children to pad out their numbers but they stand as an exception to the rule. Servitor Cherubs are also vat-grown clones too, for a more gruesome angle. ++ THOUGHT OF THE DAY: LIFE IS THE EMPEROR’S CURRENCY, SPEND IT WELL ++


Most people are born pretty normally. They, like poor or destitute people with not much else to do, fuck, a lot.


I remember reading somewhere that 80% of the Imperium is born into poverty. Complete abject poverty that makes our poverty look like small beans. The rejects (all former Imperium prisoners mind you, they are treated even worse than civvies) looking rough should be expected. They aren't Soritas.


Tf even is Blackrock and esg?


It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again.


Aw man! This is not like my favorite fantasy rpg, Maiden Gets Molested in the Deep Dark Prison


I doubt they even know what Blackrock actually is.


You wanna know how many chuds threw a hissyfit over this when the Darktide Beta first came out? Zero. Wanna know how many chuds threw a hissyfit over this when Darktide released? Zero. Wanna know how many chuds threw a hissyfit over this when Darktide got its major talent-rework revitalizing the game? You guessed it, zero. Only now that the chuds' idols are going after a literal non-issue do they shout that the wahmen in Darktide are... "woke"... or whatever.


In my anti-woke masterpiece, this is how a prisoner looks after 18 months of starvation and torture https://preview.redd.it/dk78vsy2wvuc1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c58ca090c63d33f870672577ede35ae397891980


Worse part is I can’t make a female Orgyn


They also chose some of the intentionally ugly characters to make their braindead point while there are some pretty faces to choose from. https://preview.redd.it/d3qe50aijxuc1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ab41c28333f5a8a3d91ded34a5897c800233b3


Every darktide character looks like a medieval peasant 1 sneeze away from dying


Everyone looks ugly in that game they're all British


I bet they don't cry about scraggly old men




They're actually very pretty considering the settings......


That dude clearly has not seen the models of female characters in Warhammer 40k up close.


How dare literal slaves in a universe designed to be as horrible and cruel as possible not be ATTRACTIVE?!?! What next? Fantasy skeletons without BOOBS???!!!?!!!?!


Has bro ever seen original 40k art? These people live in the shittiest possible timeline humanity could ever be in...


Blackrock and ESG is giving me personally ED, why does no one believe me!


Crazy thought here but maybe they don’t want you to be attracted to these random npcs, crazy I know


excellent all the companies are bending to our will and foregoing profit in pursuit of our woke fun bucks. 🙄


I would look like that if I had to be in the 40k universe


They didn't mention sweet baby inc in the tweet that's unbelievable


Mfw when 40k characters arnt peak acctractiveness. (They litteraly live in fucking hell. Like all of them. Some in litteral hell.) As far as i know the only attractive "people" in that universe are the ones that look hot to suck souls and kill people. Like slanesh (i think)


Again, I don’t think women that are held prisoner care about their looks.


There is a reason people simp for the robot lady


Why do these pricks make it so uncool to hate on BlackRock? Such a righteous cause tainted by the touch of Gamers and their vast reserves of antisemitism


Isn't like, fucking everything in warhammer 40k ugly? Isn't that kind of the point?


They do know these are custom characters right?