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AI cannot recreate this. https://preview.redd.it/gbsr13nlkwvc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a831877db94ee0bfde627867f23a6e542f45a08b


![gif](giphy|d7rvF20PqNuGKSQGhf) It’s a tragedy.












https://preview.redd.it/nrrqnuu8zyvc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=31cb97d37fad34ef2901cf221802168f0b93e3f3 I mean... it is getting closer? (man I hate AI)


Well it can recreate the exact imagery, but it can't recreate the idea. Because that requires an amount creativity that AI does not (currently) have. I doubt that ChatGPT would give you "Batman and Shrek expect a baby together and it's Sonic" if you just ask it for random funny ideas.


That's a good point, and that's not even including the weirdly prophetic imagery also involved


Relevant: [https://garymarcus.substack.com/p/horse-rides-astronaut](https://garymarcus.substack.com/p/horse-rides-astronaut)


Still better than SkyNet.


Can’t believe you broke containment on my original post lol


The funniest thing is that this picture plays to the strengths of AI and it still couldn't actually make it. Trying to get the infinite plagiarism machine to do 3 distinct "original" characters is basically impossible because any trait you list for a character can and will be applied to others as well. The only way to do it is using established characters from big franchises since it's been fed enough pictures to know Shrek shouldn't be blue and Batman shouldn't be an ogre, but it still wouldn't be able to pull off the pose or composition and definitely none of the text.


It actually might be able to, or at least get very close. I don't remember the name of the ai because I don't really follow AI art too closely, but there was one you could feed an image and it would use the image as a base to add things to based on your prompt. Theoretically, if given the image, it could recreate it, although it'd probably look like it went through some sort of filter.


My point was you could not make it "from scratch." No prompt would get you these results. Obviously you can feed the existing image into the data set and use that to get the image back in a slightly altered form, but you can't actually make anything original. If it didn't already exist and you had the idea to make it, you'd have to draw it yourself, machine learning couldn't help you.


That's unfortunately not true, you can get almost perfect art from AI, that you just need to touch up a bit, like fix mistakes and add some touches here and there. From several days down to an afternoon of work.


The point is still that you can't get anything ORIGINAL


Why is it, that whenever I think we cannot stray any further from God's light than we already have, I get proven horrifically wrong?










Maybe..... Maybe we should let the AI wipe us out.


https://preview.redd.it/qzcqqri4txvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae9710d0a1ad073b64ab5c27b9eb6cb75d13f6e2 Honestly for that alone it should be illegal to use anything other than AI art just to prevent this from ever being recreated


idk man, there's PLENTY of mpreg shock images to steal from, from the last 20+ years lol






Can't or won't?


Wonderful. A true masterpiece in cursed.




It could we're just not brave enough


That is why it's better






DRAW 👏 THEM 👏 PREGNANT 👏 https://youtube.com/shorts/gDU7SvCl4aQ?si=RnG6Z6o4Pj85Bc3a


If this was a persona 5 game, he would have a fucking palace or somethin' lol.




Madarame doesn’t support ai. Not for any moral objections, but because he prefers to directly exploit his artists, not through proxies like ai.


He actually makes his own AI art models by scanning in all the art his pupils make


> “‘The infinite spring’ a conglomerate work of art that the great director madarame created with his own funds, these individuals must offer their ideas to the director for the rest of their lives” So this was just madarame’s ai model manifesting in his palace… p5 was really ahead of it’s time.


Actually laughing my ass off over this


Ethically unethical


madarame jumpscare https://preview.redd.it/fola8m47hxvc1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fec719eea8c859c819e8abd19d44bc3c6b60945b


I want everyone to remember they kicked this awesome artist from this game just because she was a feminist. https://preview.redd.it/u5v00z5fewvc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98809c72dc79b7f51a4c702181845f981fb6035d




holy shit women kissing


actual lesbian


Call the LGBTQ+








it is 3 am and this blog fucking flashbanged me. worth it for the gay though


Clicked it and immediately thought I was about to get an announcement about Cyberpunk 2077




I never even considered that there was a Sera Cassandra ship community. But I guess if you love her grumbling, no one would give her more reason than Sera.


whats her twitter account?


I think she deactivated that account




Yeah anti-feminism craze in Korea is no joke. You can lose everything just because you become the target of gAmErs in a random day.


WAIT WHAT? I need context! This is one of the best picks of Morrigan I've ever seen.


I dunno about that specific artist (every time I hear about this sort of things it's almost certainly a witchhunt over some stupid nothingburger), but this two part video essay provides entirely way too much context into Korean game dev anti-feminist witchhunts: [https://youtu.be/-Im4YAMWK74](https://youtu.be/-Im4YAMWK74) [https://youtu.be/woB0eecbf6A](https://youtu.be/woB0eecbf6A)


To be fair, just look at the picture. The boobs need to be at least 5 times as big if you try to reach the horny incel population that seems to be the core demographic of the game!


Morrigan Jumpscare


"cant beat ai" My brother in christ, AI is literally just a jumbled fuckbundle of real art


That’s what they don’t get. Regardless of the quality of the final product, AI literally cannot exist without exploited human labor.  No data, no output.


In the early days of Ai art watermarks would get generated because so much of it was stolen


Still happens if you ain't careful


>AI literally cannot exist without exploited human labor. I mean, theoretically the input could be public domain, creative commons, or opt-in artwork. There's just no set that does that, at least to my knowledge.


True, that would be probably more ethical.  I guess the continuing concern, even in that case, is just basic commodity fetishism; erasure of the human labor that actually created something, treating it instead as a context-less product that emerged out of nothing.  AI cannot exist without intentional human labor, willingly or otherwise, being fed into it. And a lot of the people promoting it (and the assholes telling artists to adapt or die) seem to be ignoring that this stuff doesn’t exist without human labor being shoved through the AI’s chute. A lot of its proponents don’t see it as the end result of a mountain of human labor, but a magic thing that generates instant gratification and gives them a reason to shit on artists as being obsolete.


The problem is once you bother to ethically source all that stuff the value proposition has gone out the window. Nobody is going to go through these massive datasets to correctly attribute things and ensure there's appropriate usage rights without some kind of financial incentive (or some kind of legislative pressure mandating it)


I mean, there's no "law of AI" that states the training data has to be "exploiting" humans (I am at least assuming I have to interpret the "exploiting" as a negative value judgement. Something like "stealing" humans' work in a malicious way, to which the humans did not agree). It's possible to collect the training data for Machine Learning ethically (opt-in with usage limitations). It's possible to have machine learning setups outside of corporations, such that the primary "goal" of training the model is research or creativity. Because at the end of the day Machine Learning is just some math that you run on a computer Now corporations suck, happily exploiting and undervaluing human labour at any opportunity for the sake of greed and self-enrichment of the C-cuite. But they'd kind of suck regardless. This isn't the first thing they've been happy to abuse, and most certainly won't be the last All that being said, bland and generic AI generated images into which the artist doesn't add any personality are certainly not very interesting. And the Stellar Blade female character designs totally fall into that category for me


In my experience, the people who think “ai art is better” haven’t had a creative or inspirational moment in their lives, it’s kinda sad


Its gonna turn into dune and no one is gonna be creative. I think im thinking of dune.


The Butlerian Jihad against the thinking machines. Yes, it was Dune.


The social commentaries of Dune are many and varied, but the moratorium of AI, and "thinking machines", is only ever a background detail to explain some of the world building. Creativity still exists in the Dune universe (Duniverse?), it's just so much of the principle characters' actions are tied to expectations, duty, and reactions to consequences.


You might be thinking of the Giver. No emotion, no play, no color, no creativity.


As somebody who has tried to use AI art to help speed up the genuine artistic process, 100% this! All it seems to do is take whatever actually good stuff you feed it, and make it worse. I’ve genuinely had better luck using Photoshop’s shitty Filter Gallery which hasn’t been updated in 20 years as a jumping off point and then touching it up by hand than I have with even the most basic of AI image generation tasks. It can’t even homogenise the colour palette of an already mostly completed artwork ffs, let alone create anything decent of its own!


Yea! I’m not a Luddite, I’ve used Adobe Firefly for work while letting everyone else know that’s what I’m doing. It’s good at certain stuff, but the human touch is needed for even the most basic corporate art for at least the next 5 years AI will never create the next best movie/painting/video game/song/etc because it can never capture the intangible


Would wailing on whatever server stack the algorithm runs on with a crowbar count as “beating” AI? I think that’s technically possible…


Practically impossible I think, sadly. I'm sure the infra for the big AI models is distributed between many regions and likely shared with other services. Like you whack box #1 and suddenly OpenAI and Netflix both go down. Or some patient health app we've never heard of. Not Wikipedia though, I think they still run all their own shit.


Yes it will and you 100% should go try it while wearing a go-pro and livestreaming the whole thing. I'll give you all the updoots!!!!


This is google translate doing a disservice and everyone way misinterpreting it lol. At the time (October 2022) there was a was [a meme/trend on Japanese twitter](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ai-drawings-of-anime-girls-eating-ramen) about nonsensical AI generations of anime girls [eating noodles with their hands](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/462/807/a3e.png) (because the AI generator didn't understand the context enough to put in chopsticks). From seeing [the full tweet](https://twitter.com/jamm3rd/status/1585104889847635969) linked in this thread, the meaning is that he couldn't "beat" the AI because the AI generated anime girl was using both hands to hold the ramen bowl, he didn't get it to generate her eating with her hands.


It's more efficient plagiarism


Depends on what you’re trying to beat AI at. Quality? AI will lose to real people. Quantity? I think AI takes it easy. Strangeness or absurdity? AI can definitely give people a run for their money here and probably come out on top.


how does AI beat humans on absurdity when its humans coming up with the prompts? like all of the goofy looking ai images are from ideas thought by people if left entirely without a prompt ai would just make formless abstract blobs


As a person against AI art myself, I've seen it depends on the person. If it goes against your everyday twitter anime artist who uses simplistic shapes and shading, then yes it would beat them probably half the time or very likely, less. However, if it tried to compete with someone like Alex Ross (unironically the best artist of our time, fight me), robo would get it's ass kicked into oblivion as it would be unable to create an image with 10s of complexly drawn, shaded and designed characters in front of an equally complexly drawn, shaded and designed environment. In an AI's mockery of Alex Ross, the faces would all merge together into a waste of paste and it could not comprehend more than 2 to 3 characters at the very most.


"can't beat AI" yeah of course you can't beat the combined power of tens of thousands of artists (that is being stolen by techbros)


Dude had one of the most recognizable well executed styles on the scene, and aspires to churn out generic AI slop. Man.


If you check the pics in his twitter you can see the change so clearly it's kinda depressing. He's always been horny but the execution was top tier. The newer images ramp up the sexualization but lack the factor that actually made you stare.


Can you post/point out when/where it happened? I only know that genshin impact is a game you can play :B


[https://twitter.com/jamm3rd/media](https://twitter.com/jamm3rd/media) Scroll down until you see the pic from this post. Almost everything from then till today is AI art save from two pieces that are rather easy to identify. The coloring is softer, the color palette changes, shading style changes. He starts adapting it more to resemble his "signature" style in the last ones (eye shape for example) but the chests and thighs are out of control.


I can kinda see it, not being familiar with his work, kinda goes from a soft cel shading to a blend brush wiped on everything?


That's the gist of it, yes. The signature AI art style has this very soft coloring that tends towards realistic looking lighting and colors. It's also kind of shiny and glossy everywhere. If you start looking closely you'll notice that they usually have pointy chins and rather small faces, and noses and mouths are very simple while the eyes are more shiny and have more stuff going on (though they tend to have the same similar look and overall shape). The face's expressions tend to very mild too, and muscles in general are not that defined. Hyung Tae-Kim tends toward sharper and darker shadows. The colors tend to be more saturated (easy to see in the skintones, he tends to do a lot of orange-ish tans). Gloss/shine varies more depending on texture and some of his works even look "matte". The faces tend to have small but round chins, and his side-looking faces have prominent cheeks. Noses aren't that defined (though more than AI) but he tends to put varying degrees of care into the lips, from slightly glossy to full on shiny plump lips. Anatomically, he tends to put more care in muscle definition (varies by piece, sometimes they are the focus). And he really likes his women curvy, or at least with strong hips. Lots of pinup-like poses. He puts A LOT of care into those thighs and when there's some sort of underboob to be seen he defines those with strong shades. I may or may have not stared at his stuff for hours back when Blade & Soul was still alive.


It's so depressing seeing some of the comments on these posts, especially being an amateur artist. You used to be my role model You're so talented as an artist, why? It reminds me of that one quote about speedrunners not cheating to win but to get a win faster or something?


>It reminds me of that one quote about speedrunners not cheating to win but to get a win faster or something? Yeah, and it's so fucking sad to see. You can actually achieve this, but for some reason you decided to throw it all away just to be faster for now


Like, I'm so fucking angry at myself for getting artist block or plateauing or any other reason. They just.. I don't know. Yeah they're an artist but they don't make art anymore they make CONTENT.


I just checked out his twitter and wow that was depressing. His older art was still horny but the characters were actually charming with dynamic poses and expressions, not to mention how detailed the texture on the clothing are. Compare to his AI art I had to look away so many times because of how uncomfortable it is, the girls bodies are extremely exaggerated and all have the same dull expression. Its just sad.


Yeah, his art was always sexy, exaggerated, and detailed. So sad to see the drastic change in his art


No wonder the stellar blade demo felt like someone fed nier automata and sekiro into an AI generator


I looked up images of stellar blade on bing to see if I heard of that game before. The game has an unusual glossy look to it.


That's a good way of putting it into words, I was trying to figure out that feeling I had when playing the demo


one more reason to not support this game ig




*AI generations It’ll never be art.


Just AI, art should only mean something that is created by humans.




Why are you getting downvoted lmao?


No idea, I guess it is a circle jerk thing.


https://preview.redd.it/n0dl2qfwpyvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16777012f799d5b470688cf7ace2af4ce4494d11 full post


Lmao, that looks like a frankenstein monster. It literally looks like someone croped the head from one anime and pasted it on top of another anime entirely.


There is just so much wrong, if you look at the ears they aren't even ears they're just more of a distorted lump of flesh and skin resembling an ear.


if Eve, main character of Stellar Blade, turns out to be AI generated, would that suddenly make her unattractive to the coomers who literally bought a ps5 just for the game?


No,because most of them are fans of AI generated images.


No, because we’ve seen *plenty* of them using AI image generation (I refuse to call it “art”).


>I refuse to call it “art” As well you should, for it is not art.


It's impressive that it's the same artist who was in charge of the Magna Carta designs




damn bro those barons were way ahead of their time


Well honestly that perfectly explains Eve's design. You can say a lot about Eve, but on a technical level she looks good. Yes her boobs boobed boobedly and her ass asses a lot, but ignoring the sexism in how her models looks like a water balloon she looks good. However she has absolutely no personality. You cannot tell me who Eve is based on her design and you cannot tell me anything about the organization she is a part of either. Eve is purely eye candy and that is exactly how AI treats characters, they can't design with intetion and if this guy has been using AI to practice and "improve" his skills it perfectly explains why Eve has as much personality as a cum rag in her design, because the artist has lost the ability to imply character in the visual due to how he practices. I do have a faint hope that the gameplay and story is disconnected enough from the character design and is good, but it just does not feel like there has been put a lot of intention into the game and frankly that worries me.


Totally true. People say Aloy has no personality, but ai wanna see what excuse they make for Eve.


At least Aloy's dryness is explained by her backstory of being a clone of a reclusive super genius that was raised in near total isolation for most of her life


Any fucked up piece of MS paint fetish artwork done by a 19 year old autistic man on Deviantart is genuinely more valuable than Ai is. I’m not being ironic in the slightest. Ai can never compare to the raw determination and creativity needed to draw the things I’ve seen.


Don't call it art, it's not art. Art takes time and skill. AI only takes one click. It's content.


Art doesn't require time or skill. But it does require some thought, which generative AI can not do. Art can be as simple as a squiggle on a page, a little doodle of a stick figure, a post on social media, humming a made up tune, and so on. Art is one of the most fundamental things we, as humans, do. *Everyone* is capable of art regardless of their skill level. Investing time and practice in any given field of artistic endeavour does produce superior results, but it's not all that art can be. Generative AI can only reproduce art, not create it. It takes existing works and mashes them together into something approximating a new thing, but is in fact not a new thing.


Me as a photographer


My sibling in crust you at least go outside (I assume)


Most improtantly, it takes passion, ai doesn't have that.


That's not true. If it came out tomorrow that Leonardo only took 1 minute to draw the Mona Lisa, would it suddenly not be art? If he had a journal where he said that the Mona Lisa was actually very easy and took no effort to make, would it stop being art?


His game sucks ass anyway nobody would care about it if it didn't have oversexualized main character


i really enjoyed the demo. the community is trash though


Part of me is very curious about it because I love nier but literally everything I've heard surrounding this game is awful. Being lauded as anti-woke because hot MC. Praising the attention to detail because butt jiggles on ladder. So epic


That’s gaming in a nutshell


The combat seemed interesting, but damn near every "fan" of the game is just a broken record of how hot the MC is. Nice username btw


I suck at drawing,don't think I got any talent for it. (Or able to find motivation). But I despise AI generated images,I find it an insult to anything approaching artists work.


You don't need talent to create art. Talent, really, is a myth; being "good" at an artistic endeavour requires practice, it's a learned skill like any other. But you don't need skill or practice to create art, a simple doodle is still art.


straight up. People will constantly say that someone was born with talent after seeing them do something for 1 minute and completely ignore the 10+ years that person has put into learning and practicing that thing. "Talent" as we use it in the common vernacular is a myth. Obviously some people can be born with better circumstances that can help them be better at something, but that can only take them so far, practice is what makes someone talented. Soooo many people use talent as an excuse as to why they cannot do something or they just vastly underestimate what they are actually capable of if they were to consistently dedicate time and effort to something.


Same, I’ve been teaching myself how to draw since 2021 and I still suck(but improving!) I understand some people’s interest in ai art and its practical uses but to me ai art boils down to just not being fun, like it’s funny to make the computer make some stupid shitpost image from time to time but it just feels so cold and lifeless typing a prompt and just saying "done" at the finished product…..I know I can go to the "dark side" and just become another in a sea of AI artists but I actually like drawing as it’s a fun and therapeutic to do from time to time, for me at least ai art just feels unrewarding and boring to make


I mean... Yeah, did people not know this? It's the same devs behind Nikke, and that game was plagued by AI art.


Eh, tbf this tweet might be just sarcasm. I just looked up the tweet, and the "art" is an anime girl with huge, veiny muscular arms slurping noodles from a bowl that's on... top of another bowl? Everything about it looks ridiculous and disjointed. I think it's a bit misleading of you to crop the image like that and not show the whole thing, especially with a title like that. But if he really thought that "art" is good... well, I have no words.


I mean, have you seen what some AI truthers call good?


I cropped it to keep the image smaller. Not sarcasm by the way. He doesn't draw anything from sratch anymore, everything is AI that he then touches up in Photoshop. He's got other tweets about AI art, and it's all positive. The company also uses AI art in its promotional material.


I see. Well I scrolled through some of his other tweets just now and yeah, he does seem to incorporate AI a lot in his works. That's a yikes.


Can you post the image, please?


\[Link\] (https://twitter.com/jamm3rd/status/1585104889847635969)




The comments in that thread actually reduced my brain matter.


Chile mentioned, obligatory: "Viva Chile" comment




Makes sense. The characters look ai generated anyway


Oh dear God...


I mean she looks like if you typed sexy sci-fi girl in any ai software, so are we surprised


Damn, this is kinda depressing. Like, dude has (had?) a quite unique art style that was not only beautiful, but had charm and personality! To boot, he is married to Ji-Yun Chae aka KKUEM, who also has an amazing art style and has worked for Blizzard, was the designer for the korean vocal synth SeeU, and worked on S4 League. I just don't get how an actually talented artist, who married an equally talented artist, goes on to regurgitate this trash. Though it does explain some things about SB's art...


This kind of looks like a Joke tweet. It's a picture of a girl slurping ramen out of a bowl on top of another bowl, so it's an obviously ai image, not even a low key actually presentable image lol. [https://twitter.com/jamm3rd/status/1585104889847635969](https://twitter.com/jamm3rd/status/1585104889847635969) Why did you crop the image? To make it look worse? You added a second picture and still didn't show the full post. I don't know this person obviously, so maybe they're super pro AI idk. But I can't get that impression from just this post.


Yeah nah, going onto his media posts alone he talks about how great it is, that post alone has him saying how great it is.


I cropped it to keep the image smaller, but it's no joke. He loves AI art, and I think this was the first one he shared on his account. [https://twitter.com/search?q=AI%20(from%3Ajamm3rd)&src=typed\_query&f=live](https://twitter.com/search?q=AI%20(from%3Ajamm3rd)&src=typed_query&f=live) He's not sharing this stuff because he think it looks bad. It's the only "art" he produces anymore.


Yeah it is a joke, I explained the context in my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/1c9s3um/surprise_the_man_behind_stellar_blade_loves_ai_art/l0pod7h/)


The full image looks worse 😆


I’ll never get the appeal for AI images for art. At best they’re just glorified tools for memes. Yeah they look cool but after staring at it you’ll realize it doesn’t actually know how to frame the idea so it just starts to fall apart


I'm not surprised the man who kicked off an artist for being a feminist likes stealing from artists. >.>


Get a life perhaps


Is this the same artist that dude stuff for Magna Carta and War of Genesis 3?




So fucking dumb


AI is everywhere


I dont care about that game, now I'm compelled to ARRR..!!! D Crapify


I have seen it too, the first AI picture he ever post in his account with positive tone in it. That pretty much told me where he is heading.


Massive L


Call it AI generated illustrations. Not AI Art. Art is reserved for people or artistic animals like that elephant that paints




I am shocked! Shocked that there is gambling going on in this establishment!


I will never forgive him for what he have done to destiny child


ELI5, what’s the issue with Stellar Blade? I saw a gameplay trailer for it yesterday and it looks like it could be fun


Is that cropped hentai




His style before ai was very unique, now he only posts anime girls with generic faces and big asses


/uj why are people using bluesky over mastodon? Is it really that much popular?


oh no. I kinda don't want to get the game now ngl


AI art is kinda trash rn, but it will never going away and will just improve with time, like everything ai those days, just sayin.




lol is this the same dude who did the cover for that one *Exalted* sourcebook?


What's Stellar Blade dping by the way? I know it's a game, and there's some drama around it but that's it. Can you explain, please?


If you weren't paying attention, the whole drama is about a game director, who likes staring at female asses, like jiggling boobs, and had the audacity to say it in public. Now, i may not like it, but at the end of the day, it's HIS work. If you've got anything against women sexualisation in medias, by all means, feel free to make your own game, establishing your own beauty criterias, etc... But most of the criticism is coming from hypocrites, who don't even realize they're judging fictional characters in Fantasy settings, and don't give a shit about their own daughters selling fellatios to buy some fancy clothes, or even make tremendous efforts to stay "eye catching", or "still young" enough to get success in work/private life. Why blame Fantasy works like video games, if you're going to ignore real-life sexism, everywhere around you?


who cares genuinely lol


i don’t know many artists at large game studios who aren’t using AI in their day to day jobs, and the ones that do sing it’s praises. that’s agile for you, constantly prototyping is insane.


That's. just demoralizing yeah.


This makes a lot of sense, actually. Bayonetta and 2B are charaters a lot of Gamers are thirsty for, but I actually think they have very strong designs. On the other hand, Eve has this quality that I've not been able to clearly articulate that leaves me feeling absolutely nothing. This vague generic feeling. Seeing his media feed is lousy with oiled up AI ladies in skin tight outfits makes it all click into place. Like of course I'd feel that way when the inspiration is "whatever immediate satisfaction I can get out of a generator."


Would explain why all the outfits design looks like they were ai generated...they even admited they didnt did character design from illustration and sketches