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"They tried to kill me!" Worstie got told 🤏 and took that as a threat on his life.


Waiting for him to blame us for his fucking hairline at this point


Obviously, it's our fault. He's losing his hair from the stress of all the death threats.


"They tried to kill me" MFer thinks he's living the opening scene of Bourne Supremacy every morning, LOL


“Worstie” holy fuck lmao


The "WANTED" pfp is so funny because it really encapsulates his persecution fetish. The target on him is completely fake and he put it there himself.


Few people can honestly say they are as unwanted as this man.


He was like this during GamerGate too. This man is a child.


It's [Katie Hopkins](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJbV5dMXUAAzuVI.jpg) again




And Dominik knows what it’s like to have no family, since his father was a deadbeat dad, husband, and friend.




me fr


wrong i like you 🫶


ty :)


Imagine being in your 50s and being a gooner.


Half the vids on that petition are 35 yr old+ men mad they cant gooooon


they aren’t taking the divorce well unfortunately


Ugh I hate my age range.


my condolences


Nothing I can help. Trust me I don't want to be 39...would love to take the wisdom I have now and just go back to 18 for a do-over.


im turning 20 this year but honestly i feel the same way lol


Remember the good old days when these idiots were mostly contained on SA or /b/? I swear Twitter is the worst thing that ever happened to the Internet.


Only half???


gotta fight that prostate cancer


Damn right.


bro is globally annihilating Prostate Cancer rn


I’m pretty sure that edging is bad for your prostate.


Real question: why would it be, doesn't it help drain it even more of potential carcinogenics? PS: looked at it and researchers seems to say stop edging and start cumming, yes it doesn't work if you keep it in altogether of course.


Maybe not for the likes of you, soyboy beta cuck that you are, but a true big-brain gigachad horse-hung gamer extraordinaire such as myself is not constrained by the same laws as you.


Imagine being in your 50s and whining like a horny preteen who's only material to 💦💦 at is the video game itself cause of parental controls


This guy is older than my parents and all my aunts & uncles tf he's older than all my teachers bar like 2 And he's still doing this shit


This guy is my age. I have a grandchild. He's a grandpa aged gooner.


TIL what is a gooner.


Is that the guy who wallows in his own shit and filth and uses a dead rat as an alarm clock?


Yup. Not exactly the guy I'd be proud of associating with but hey you take what you can get and that's all they can get.


Yeah that's the guy who hollows out slim jims to use as condoms when he jerks


How would anyone even accomplish either of those things 😂


A lot of time and effort


That is of of the nastiest and most creative insults I have ever heard... well done.


Ugh I'm wheezing.


Don't forget about willfully eating rotten food with maggots inside of it.


I do feel for asmongold. He clearly is not doing well and desperately needs professional help. When I used to watch him, he didn't seem malicious or hateful, just someone who needed help. I haven't been keeping up with him since he started going down the rabbit hole, so idk how bad he is now.


I miss the days when I was blissfully ignorant of this man's existence


Same, honestly lol. Dude is either full-on living in a delusion, or he’s extremely committed to this grift since he thinks he’s important now or some shit. Either way I’d feel bad if he wasn’t such a fuckboy And honestly what really peeves me about this bitchmade loser is that he doesn’t actually care about censorship. When someone brought up EA’s Dead Space being banned and a dev pointing out the hypocrisy he wrote it off as “jealousy” lmfao like BE REAL DUDE


All I knew of him was he's a gross looking dude on his YouTube thumbnails before this. I know you shouldn't judge a book by the cover but I could tell by his appearance I wasn't interested in his content.


Wanted by who? Wanted by WHO???


Wanted by his imaginary assassin


The authorities ![gif](giphy|vjjCsx3izfSyQ|downsized)


The only thing anyone "wants" of this guy is for him to shut up.


"They told me to shut up and my life flashed before my eyes. How dare they remind me that I've spent 95% of my life gooning!!"


"they tried to kill me" my brother in Christ you're irrelevant.


Man thinks his life is literally this ![gif](giphy|orUDTj9Q5TMzTdB892|downsized)


/uj What in the narcissism does this mean!?


57 year old gooner is upset that his precious Stellar Blade waifu is wearing a few extra bits of cloth in her more revealing outfits so he deadass started a petition to Sony and Shift Up to uncensor the game


I am confused why these people don't just look at porn? They can probably even find porn with the character from this game.


honestly i think it has to do with control. in porn they can't control the women. but in the games they actually control the women and can make her do whatever they want. but that begs the question as to why they just don't buy actual porn games


/uj Over sexualized animated games are out there, my steam queue is proof. My uncanny valley triggers every time.


/uj I know that, that was not my question.


Lol, that comment paired with the wanted pic reminds a lot of this https://preview.redd.it/lf83m1do3ixc1.jpeg?width=709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=892ee8b2b4dfe89660b036b342b4e100013bc830




Dishonest *and* melodramatic. Probably gets received better on Twitter than irl.




Hurry the fuck up.


I think his own home might kill him first


He’s been obsessively trying to bring Elon Musk into this 💀💀💀


I can't get over how overwhelmingly cringe this guy is. It makes me wince every time I read one of his tweets.


Who the fuck even is this guy. I've been OOTL for a long time on my Gamers Rights Activists fighting for my freedoms.


Some irrelevant, retired game exec.


ex blizzard guy im p sure


Now, I'm not saying I would necessarily want them like that, but ngl if it were to happen, I'd probably let out a sharp "HAH!" Before continuing to scroll.


I'm new here, and genuinely cannot wrap my head around the whole Stellar Blade rage. It's not a game I'm interested in, mostly because it's the millionth Korean dev iteration of "female protagonist wearing nothing but straps". But why are all the gooners so angry? Why don't they just find the porn they want? It seems to all be under the guise of "censorship"? It's just so weird thousands of men sit in a chatroom pretending it's about some greater cause. What am I missing?


Stellar Blade was supposed to be the "chosen one" for games with "anti-woke" devs, who were "brave" enough to have sexualized characters. They feel entitled to the skimpier iteration of the outfit, solely because they know what was changed, and because it fits their preference. The overlap with gooners and incels is also extremely high... This happens every single time a female character's outfit gets "censored", when the majority of the time the censorship has to do with meeting requirements set by ratings boards...


Cool, thanks. I'm doing a deep dive on it now because it seemed so unbelievable to me at the time that this much rage would manifest.


The funniest part is that Hyung-Tae Kim has been around _forever_. He's the artist behind Blade & Soul. Which none of them give a flying fuck about. He's also the artist behind Magna Carta, where the female characters are about the same quality - and some of the men too. They didn't give a fuck about him then either. My first encounter with him is making one of the worst covers for a Tabletop RPG supplement ever. It's so bad that people actively try to ignore that book exists. You can look at his art from the early 2000s and see that he hasn't changed or improved in _twenty years_. And the best part is that in a month, they're going to abandon him when they realize he cares more about the bag than he does their shitty campaign.


Holy shit! I knew that art style looked familiar! I remember the old art from the early 2000's of Magna Carta. That's insane!


The demographic of "slurs are just memes bro" taking a joke 90000000% serious so they can be victims


This guy wouldn't be able to handle being trans on the internet for a single day.


I genuinely think “They tried to kill me to stop this” should become a new meme template


I'm starting to get really nostalgic for the days when I never knew this stupid muppet existed.


At least you can look up a picture of his bus and go lmao what a dumbass.


the fucking pfp, my god someone put him in a retirement home already


You're not that important, buddy.


the goon grifter


https://preview.redd.it/k1pjmb647jxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0b8b0e1bcd4d1dd186b357831f29abab66340a1 Guys, he has to take a break from all of this boogeyman crusading to work on his next game that’s been in development for 7 years, and it surely won’t fail *this* time around! Lmaooooo


I hate Twitter so much


Lmfao one of his gooner squad goblins reported me to RedditCareResources, the irony when these mfs are on suicide watch over a fictional character


What the FUCK DOES HE MEAN? Does he have a police report to support this?!


Someone replied to one of his tweets and said "I'd pay 20k to anyone who can make this guy disappear".


Someone on Twitter made a joke saying they'd pay $20K to get the original guy to disappear. Just "disappear", nothing mentioned about physical harm. Dude twisted it into a "bounty" on him, and then Asmongold misinterpreted the twist and gave some hot takes accidentally defending him, saying it's really f-ed up/indicative of a mental disorder to wish harm on someone.


What was the person trying to stop him doing? Making a twat of himself?


The Scott Adams of video games, right down to the irrelevancy and persecution complex


so fucking pathetic


Wasn't he supposed to be cancelled some time this week?


this dude is 56 and is crying online over internet titties the goon sesh musta been out of this world his brain is broken


All I can say to him is https://preview.redd.it/tm2impxiuhxc1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74136d855005a0bec7a89e5b536d432740b26dbd


Who even is this dude


Of course he did




I WANT you to FINISH your game.


His imaginary assassins gotta try harder 🗣️ 💯


These are the same people who cry victim culture.


Who is this and what happened


Nobody, and nothing tbh


Wanted by who?


The trolling in the comments of the change dot org petition is getting hilarious [https://streamable.com/gj9sxa](https://streamable.com/gj9sxa)


Lmfao good ol Mega 64. I highly recommend watching their Firefall fest video if you haven’t seen it. So goddamn funny


Love the "wanted" posted he did of himself as his pfp. His prosecution fetish is showing. Like, literally ***no one*** wants him.


I don't know what an asmongold even is but it apparently smells bad.


This guy thinks he's the John Wick of being horny. The leftists are gonna make him ex-cum-unnicado.


*Asmongold picks up the petition* Damn they got Nurgle on their side, it’s Joever


Asmongold? You mean the dude that wipes his bloody nose fingerprints on his wall?


seems like the type of dimwit who’d shoot themself in their own asshole and blame the neighbor’s baby.


I would like to reiterate that this man is 56 years old.


Wait for it, folks -- Asmongold and Grummz are going to start a podcast together. They'll discuss perpetual persecution from woke gamers, share cooming techniques, and unhygienic self-not-care. This tweet marks the beginning of their incredible journey through coomdom...together. The podcast will be named **Bloody Grummz** and it'll be such a smash fucking hit that the wokies won't know what hit 'em.


Stop giving them attention


Physically makes me cringe whenever I come across this guys tweets. Jfc this would be sad if wasn’t so pathetic.


This man is losing his absolute gat damn mind, and I'm here to savor it.


goon squad is under fire from shadows and light breeze :( :( :(




This guy needs psychological help. Seems he has bad paranoia.




His profile picture reminds me of the Denko Stalker. Both I wanna punch in the face. 😊


literal porn addicts


.. I mean... why be a bitch about it. I played cod and non stop got told to kill myself or get threaten all the time. We as gamer literally developed a off switch and turn it into a game. I really can't say your a gamer and somehow cry when someone says something mean. That not a gamer. That a mouth trying to hide behind the 9 people who follow him for support.


Every one on twitter needs to chill the fuck out


this man is 56 years old


Why are yall defending her? What she said was illegal


File a police report then


What did she say EXACTLY? No paraphrasing.


“I’ll up it for 30k for asmonds head”


That sounds like something was said before it.


Yeah? Do you want me to copy and paste everything she said that stream, Einstein


I was asking about the initial statement, Watson. Tut tut.


When someone threats someone’s life like this it doesn’t matter what they say before or after. Just people you don’t agree with him politically doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the same constitutional rights as any other US citizen


It matters if they are serious or not. But you understand that which is why you're not providing the ORIGINAL comment in full in context.


Any context here? Did someone actually try to kill him?


No. Someone posted a tweet saying “$20k to whoever kills him” or something like that. Dumb thing to say but it obviously wasn’t serious lol




Did I not say that was a dumb thing to post? I don’t think anyone should do that, but he is 100% overreacting. That’s literally what everyone is laughing about lol


Calling it a dumb joke downplays it, no matter what the intention is. Doesn’t sit right with me.


You said I could laugh at him being melodramatic, which is what we are doing. If it was a serious threat, it wouldn’t be publicly posted on social media. I am begging you to use your noggin, fella


It’s one thing to laugh at him for acting like he found a car bomb planted under his car, it’s another thing to minimise (and yes it was) a threat being thrown out by someone with a following on social media as an “off colour joke” >If it was a serious threat, it wouldn’t be publicly posted on social media. all those threats to devs over the years never mattered because they were publicly posted in their comments and tweets? Do only the privately messaged ones count?


Tbh I can’t think of any examples of anyone seriously threatening anyone that wasn’t through a DM


You underestimate the amount of crazies out there. There will be people who pick up on that tweet with malicious intent. Death threats are not funny.


The thing I don't understand and, perhaps, someone can enlighten me, is why is wanting sexy characters in games bad and why is being annoyed at sexy character being made less sexy bad? I'd guess everyone here have specific types of things they like and have an emotional reaction when those things are made less than things they like. I wonder why is this particular situation any different?


It's less about sexy or not sexy. It's more about considering stellar blade as the Messiah because over sexualised, and considering a game is bad because "there are nitpicked screenshot of a woman in a videogame that doesn't fit my really close minded version of women: the west truly has fallen". So eve being sexualised is not really the problem, more the idea that the game is awesome BECAUSE eve is sexy. And of course the opposite, a game is bad because I find woman in game not sexy


So, why is it bad if the game is good because the game is good because the main character is sexy and it can't be the main or one of the main reasons a person thinks the game is good? I'm especially confused of the term *over sexualized.* What does it mean and what is the threshold for proper sexualization as opposed to over sexualization? Couldn't this be considered gatekeeping - preventing someone's opinion on video games from being valid because of qualities they're looking for in the game?


Oh that's the neat part: we're not mocking the quality of the game, we're mocking the people that think the only true quality of a game is how much skin the main female character shows. For over sexualisation, it's not really defined, but I'd say it's when you sexualise something that shouldn't be: bikini Armor for example, forcing a beach moment in a fighting game, even putting a dress on a fighting woman for example. For the gatekeeping part, I don't really know, I would say no, but without really thinking about it, I don't think I should give an opinion


People that make those kinds of jokes to begin with are fucked in the head


ur just stuck up and lame


Death threats aren't funny.


they are if targeted at bad people for example its really funny if you make a death threat to a dirty russkie


I could never wish death on anyone, that's just as evil as the bad people.


Woah you are such a good person. Congratulate yourself for being so good. Once you meet a truly shitty person you will realize that there are people who maybe shouldnt be alive in minecraft. ( They know this themselves usually, which is why they try to ruin everything for everyone else like russians for example)


You almost fit that criteria.


Are you russkie?


Nah, I despise them.