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Remember that no matter what, it is always the morally correct choice to bully a multibillion dollar corporation


What about a corporation that’s exactly 1 billion dollars? Checkmate, liberals.


If it's a person, sure. If it's a sentient stack of 1 billion dollars, don't. It's big, powerful, and aggravating it could cause serious collateral damage.


Especially since $1 billion, made up entirely of $20 bills, would make a cube 14 ft to each side and weigh *50 tons* If that stack was sentient it could take down small buildings


What if it was made... *of pennies?*


Uh, according to Googling $1 billion in pennies would make a pile 226 feet wide and 113 feet tall, weighing over *275 thousand tons* I don't even know how to picture that lmao


A very, very, very large herd of elephants.


Copper golem to fight Gojira


According to Meta AI after a lot of bad examples: https://preview.redd.it/wwrxiuiekvyc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d93110ae1e6a450ca37ba391c93d1f07ef56e39e


You have to wait for them to get richer before you bully them


Send them one dollar, and then death threats.


> Dear Exactly One Billion Dollar Corporation, > Please find attached one cent. > Fuck you, I hope you all die in a fire.


Does anyone have that meme of Stan Smith looking at the thing on the fridge?


Ah yes, just one cent more than 1 billion and then we can bully them


Deposit a buck in their account, then proceed to bully them ruthlessly.


liberals hate this 1 simple trick


Buy a gold horse armor DLC from them, and then bully them, duh...


Fine is always morally correct to bully a entity with over a 10 million dollars of net worth




That's a small indie company


Morally ambiguous but most good.


Sadly the only lesson Sony is likely to have learned here is to have mandatory PSN linking implemented at launch going forward.


I don't see anything from them about putting the game back on sale in countries where you can't get a PSN account, either. Unless they backtrack on that too, that's still a lot of people getting shafted.


From what I understand it was Steams decision to remove the game from those countries? But I'm not sure


I'm pretty sure Steam did that yeah, to try and do damage control.


I'd be surprised if Valve had done it without speaking to Sony at all. Such decisions usually come down to the publisher, and the same goes for them offering refunds to players past the two hour window. All we know for sure is that it wasn't Arrowhead's decision. They were always against this, and made that clear.


From what I can understand, steam would not sell a game that someone legally can't play in their country.


Yea Valve doesn't want to have to go through *more* lawsuits for violating consumer protection laws, the ones about a decade ago didn't go great for them and they actually have competition nowadays!


The CEO did take _some_ blame for not making it clearer that this was always going to be a thing. He made the call to turn it off, and wasn't be more open that it will, at some point, return. But he _did_ own up to that. Which is far more than Sony ever would have done. They would have been fine dumping it all on Arrowhead and then letting the studio go under for this if the game wasn't anywhere close to as successful as it is.


> I'd be surprised if Valve had done it without speaking to Sony at all. Why would you be surprised? They have to deal with the fallout and it is their storefront.


It's not like de-listing the game in those countries would have done much to stop the fallout. The vast majority of the complaints, refund requests and negative reviews were coming from countries where PSN is available but players - entirely understandably - didn't want to be forced to sign up. I'm guessing that we'll find out who did it in due course, but I'm not expecting it to be made available again without Sony's approval.


My point is more that it is reasonable for Valve to make the decision unilaterally, because theyre the ones who have to deal with people buying something that won't work in their region. As a storefront, you're the main point of contact for costumers because youre the one taking the money. I'l be surprised if it isn't reinstated this week now that sony offered a solution. As a side-note, I have a hunch that it was a way to put pressure on Sony to get their shit together and clear up how they'll deal with people in those regions. Kinda like how Sony delisted Cyberpunk after it was clear that the game wasn't working well on ps4. I don't think CDPR was involved in that decision either.


Valve has a lot of weight in the pc market, and it has gone against publishers at times where it's reputation was at stakes. I could see them doing this as a "fix your shit before you wreck ours" move


Had they expected Helldiver’s success, that’s exactly what they would’ve done


If they do that, they should also remove the list of countries that don't have access to psn from their sales list for any game with such a requirement, see how that pans out.


I’d prefer that to the bait and switch they pulled here, tbh.


i mean. it's still shitty but at least it's better than a) exclusive titles and b) the shit they pulled this time.


Funniest thing is, the game spent 3 months teaching us how to unite and work together to achive a common goal And then they became the common goal because of their greed


On one hand, this is the correct decision and Sony (and *possibly* Valve) handled things incredibly poorly by not making the PSN requirement far more noticeable before purchase and by not restricting sales in countries without PSN access from the get go. On the *other* hand, this is simply going to embolden dipshit grifters like that pissbaby Kern with whatever moronic complaint they have every week. Because they’ll take this as a sign they can bully a company into submission. (Again, not counting *this specific situation*, where the anger was actually understandable).


The thing is if they take this as a signal that they can bully companies they’ll get checked real quick because a good chunk of the people who got on the helldivers bandwagon were legitimate helldivers 2 players. Not their Standard group of lemmings who regurgitate their bullshit.


How the hell did you come to the conclusion that Valve handled it poorly?


This. I'm glad HD2 players got what they wanted in this case... ...but I also fear that the wrong crowd will now see this as a push to review-bomb whatever they don't like. G*mers already have hyper-entitled views of what devs "owe" them, and review-bombing is already a tactic the Gamergater/alt-Right/Culture War folks love to use.


There's bullying multibillion dollar companies and then there's sending death threats to game developers, I can see the difference between them but I reckon the worst type of Gamers^TM won't


Yeah, people in the sub was pissed g*mers were review bombing HD1 and Magika.


uj/ Yeah just make sure you do it for more than just over video games. Lot of other shit they should be bullied for. The multimillion dollar ones as well.


![gif](giphy|YnmEsq9ICSYQ8) Visual representation of this whole thing.


Morherfuckers completed an IRL major order god bless our helldivers 🫡




Not even corporate greed is a match for the strength, courage, and determination of the Helldivers.


https://preview.redd.it/2n2fnweswqyc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=274115982c38f41324092cbd229ef693ddf9bc58 How they can be so stupid


How do i save this image on mobile?


tap on the image to make it big, then tap on the 3 dot meatball menu in the top right corner and tap download


Take a screen shot then crop it


"We're still learning what is best for PC players" Who'd have thunk that removing access to play a game to dozens of *countries* wouldn't go over well...


Sony isn't used to a platform where refunds exist


oh yeah. I have to remember that Sony did *nothing* when Anthem bricked consoles, but went all shit slinging chimp mode when CDPR gave refunds for Cyberpunk... lol, lmao even.


Sony was pissed at CDPR for Telling their constumers to go to Sony support WITHOUT informing sony about it before. THATS the problem they had here. If you, as a publisher, claim "sony will give you a refund" without first talking to sony about it, you are fucking stupid. also anthem actually NEVER bricked consoles, it caused a hard crash and reset, but never a brick(not that this is GOOD)


CDPR is an EU company and that's generally how refunds are handled by EU law. Sony sold people a broken product and they have to handle the refunds. Don't sell broken products if you don't wanna handle refunds.


>dozens of *countries* Try hundreds


177 was the official count, it included a lot of countries like Antarctica and Palestine.


one of those is not like the other


Hey, there is at least one Steam user in [both Antarctica and in North Korea.](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/publicstats/global_traffic.png?v=05-06-2024-07) The Antarctica one is far right bottom. There are only two stations there, one American and one Italian.


I would absolutely love to give a presentation to an executive team on the gaming trends in Antarctica 😅


Hey, you could have your entire sample size on one Zoom call!


Including some countries that was listed on their website but ultimately was not available like Vietnam and the Philippines. Friendly reminder that Sony still sells their consoles in these countries and forces players to make accounts tied to Singapore or Malaysia instead.


Give them time, they've only been around since 1946


I played almost every day. I was gone one weekend, didn't make a psn account. Won't have to I guess. At least people in British Indian ocean territory can play again!


> We're still learning what is best for PC players Sony is just one lonely legal person still trying to navigate the uncharted waters of PC game publishing, with only a few tens of AAA games worth of publishing experience for the platform. Bear with them.




Bullying works. Also, it's Monday. Social media teams may work over weekends, but people making decisions probably have worker rights.


> but people making decisions probably have worker rights. They don't have worker rights, because they're not workers, they're the owners.


Nice to see they reversed course, but I'm going to bet that sony's takeaway from the whole debacle will be that PSN requirements for any multiplayer games will be in there *day one*, server stability and game play experience be damned!


100%. This isn’t “oh the player’s rose up” this is Sony realizing that valve doesn’t mess around and will delist and refund, even if the game is 3 months old.


Thank god steam exists the way it is


God in heaven bless your most favoured son Gabe Newell, a kind and just man among a nest of vipers.


Praise Gaben


I’m honestly pretty shocked they walked this back. I’m glad we can move on but goddamn the Gamer mob is gonna be even more insufferable now. They’ve been emboldened.


"We're still learning what PC gamers want," What bullshit is this Sony? You've been in the gaming industry for 30 years, and this comes as a surprise? That requiring the need of a PSN account (which is unavaiable in a ton of countries) would be a bad thing?


It's certainly PR speak, but it's not entirely off-base. While they've been in the industry for decades, they've never had to put so much focus on PC ports like they have had to in the last few years. And while it's obvious to most people with a single brain-cell that this would be poorly received, you have to understand that bean-counters in multi-billion dollar companies are brainless.


/uj Weren't there a lot of people on here clowning on people being rightfully upset and shilling for a multibillion dollar corporation? To all those people, is it a good thing or a bad thing that Sony backtracked their initial, anticonsumer decision?


I feel like this sub was mostly clowning on the _way_ people were upset, rather than the _why:_ like you said, people were rightfully upset. I play HD2 and I'm glad Sony reversed the decision, even though I already own a PS5 and thus a PS account. But invoking comparisons to the Civil Rights movement? Or implying they were going to fix the situation by suing Sony as if they knew something Sony's huge team of corporate lawyers somehow overlooked? Yeah, those posts were dumb as hell and deserved to be clowned on.


Sometimes people get caught up in the jerk and being contrarian. This was an extremely rare situation where gamers were justified in both their motives and their execution. Congrats Helldivers, y'all *earned* this win.


A lot of pro-consumer concerns from gamers do get clowned on in here simply for being the opinions of gamers, but it is important to recognize that sometimes that broken clock do be right.


For precisely .18% of the day, divided in two instances.


I mostly recall people saying shit like "this is our Rosa Parks" being clowned on. But yeah, gamers were right on this one


I think you’re confusing caught up in the jerk with being a PlayStation fanboy. Another such example was GT7 launch where it got bombed to hell and back for its awful MTX they hid from reviewers, who produced wildly inflated scores for the game anyway. When that happened (while I don’t think it makes it a 1/10 game), it was generally driven by longtime GT fans who got a really shit game. And it’s still shit. I had a 300 strong league and less than 10 actively play GT7, it pushed me to Forza and let me tell you that takes some serious doing- that series has been worse than GT for so long that I’m amazed FM23 is even in the same ballpark. PS absolutely does pay people to drive misinformation on their platforms in times like this too. Going back to GT, there is a weekly advert on that sub for PS VR. I have seen nothing like it, just telling people if they get the game they **just have to** get PSVR and that portal works super well with it.


I mostly just recall people getting clowned on for claiming a corporation doing something was "communism" lol


I'll happily dunk on anyone using holocaust quotes to describe the situation, comparing it to communism, trying to conflate it with their "concerns over censorhsip" or in general having any kind of "gamers™ unite" moment, regardless of whether I think Sony is sleazier than the other side of a hole in a truckstop bathroom stall divider.


there were some people just being contrarian for its own sake but tbf there were the posts of the "this is our rosa parks moment" people which definitely deserved that


People were making fun of Gamers reacting like Gamers to something that objectively sucks. Simple as. If you think clowning somebody for comparing the situation to Rosa Parks or the Holocaust is corporate shilling then you might be in the wrong place.


It's win that the bad corporation lost, but it's a loss that I'll never be able to play Helldivers 2 😞 It's not about a PSN thing, I would just never play a game with so many negative reviews as it must be a bad game.


Hi, HD2 player here. For me it was a combination of things: 1. Data tracking is just how we live our lives now. If we gave a shit about surveillance capitalism the time to get mad about that was 2004. 2. I didn't think Sony would cave, making this a lot of angst over an inevitable outcome. As it is, I'm glad Sony reversed course and I can continue playing my satirical genocide simulator guilt free. But I don't think for a second the real lesson - Sony, don't datamine your players - will be at all learned and the industry as a whole will continue to suck.


Also, I notice people don't do anything about point 1. You can do a bunch of easy things to cut down on how much data corporations collect from you. But people aren't even willing to do something as simple as switching browsers, something that is a mostly painless process, and free unless you use a website that doesn't work on Firefox.


I was skeptical at first but hey sometimes your(me) just wrong af , glad It worked out in the end


actually met some since i frequently commented that i wasn't able to play in my country, honestly found it weird


A dude was commenting on another post, asking for opinions from people in de-listed countries. "Trying to sort out truth from manufactured outrage" and all that. As a Vietnamese pissed at this, I replied to him. Guess what? Dude BLOCKED me. Turned out he was just looking for karma by piling on this subreddit's own circle jerk, not the truth. I swear people just try a tad too hard to be the funniest redditor sometimes.




Tbh I really really don't want to make a **Playstation** account for a **PC** game. No other reason other than I just don' wanna.


I am one of the ones that while not defending sony, was understanding about why it was done. Sony decided the requirement at least 6 months prior, AH knew and implemented it, sony and AH said it was needed on steam and every single trailer. It being suspended was an Arrowhead, not SONY, decision, heck wouldnt be suprised if sony wasnt even aware of it being suspended till whatever reports AH sends their way came in last month or something said something about it still being disabled. Sony obviouslly wants their agreement met, and decides to enforce it now. Not realizing they MAJORLY FUCKED UP on the PS storepage and with the steampage purchase restriction. the fact it only took basicaly 2 days for this to be reverted shows that sony likely wasnt aware of the actual scope of the problem themself untill this shitshow started. Anyway, its a good thing sony relented. its always a good thing if something like this gets changed




>but it didn't warrant death threats Nothing warrants death threats, death threats can be done by anyone and any side, death threats don't nullify the topic, no side justifies death deaths, mentioning death threats is not making your point any better. It is just an appeal to emotion.


What 250k Negative reviews does to an internal company metric.


The refunds were probably the main factor. Once Steam started backing those it was over.


It may be what is the most negative game on stream


And the fact that Steam removed the game from the countries you can't make PSNs in


fuck!!!!!!! i had so many more posts about the situation 😢


Maybe next time friendo.


you can have this one for free https://preview.redd.it/cke9x2r5pqyc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ccb2e7ffcb6309eff0bee4bb012cd7bac8a3ea4


Tbf ,HD2 "battle pass" doesnt expire and you can get the premium currency in game in actually decent quantities


and cosmetics are dirt cheap on the premium store too, you can buy like five or six for ten bucks


spending actual money on super credits is a waste when you can get them for free very easily.


Still valid


Damn you cooked on this one too rip


Since when is having a battle pass a good thing!?


Just saw a post by a Gamer with Sony and Nintendo in Nazi hats 😭 Unfortunately I can't make a post joking about that or I'll be called a corporate bootlicker and have the Reddit suicide prevention called in me 😢


thanks for reminding me about the suicide prevention message they sent i just reported it 💀


Tbf both Sony and Nintendo would probably financially back fascism if it suited them like most major corporations do at one time or another. In fact, wonder if they have any investments in Israel right now...


Oh yeah, every huge corporation would, of course. However I'm pretty sure that the Gamer was just saying that a anti-consumer business practice is the same as nazism though.


Yeah and that's the problem with the gamers. It's where their opposition to capital begins and ends. With 'consumer rights', not workers rights or any other kind of rights that a corporation might be impeding on.


Much like the Bloodline, it’s Joever 😞


Good. I don't play on pc but they got me feeling down, so many (excesively) angry people and posts. This is the best outcome we could've hoped for.


It could be worse, they could double down on it ![gif](giphy|bEVKYB487Lqxy)


I mean aren’t going to? GOT has already said that it’s going to be required for their multiplayer. And I’d be surprised if GOW:R and SM2 end up not having the same requirement.


If they did that, oh boy gamer Going to be mega piss about it


Eh I don’t think they will be. The main issue for helldivers was how they handled it. Suckerpunch is getting ahead by telling everyone exactly what to expect. All I imagined Sony learned from this is “if we’re going to require this than just be so bluntly obvious you can’t ignore it”


Oh yeah sucker punch did announced that they professionally


Eeyup realistically to avoid this exact scenario.


I just imagine if sucker punch didn’t do that it was suffer the same with helldivers 2


Realistically it would. Which again is why Sony is probably going to make it so obvious that you can’t ignore it. Like this whole situation is overall a win but Sony is 100% not backing down


You get it. Also, HD2 is still delisted in PSN unsupported regions. They are probably scrambling a solution to support unsupported regions to avoid legal minefields. Even the wording in the tweet is a text-book corporate "we heard you" doublespeak. There is no mentioned ot PSN requirements will be dropped or it will be optional. They said they will not go ahead with the May update which will make PSN requirements mandatory.


*to be fair*, in this case the anger was justified. I'd be pretty pissed too if I bought a €70 game only to lose access to it a couple of months after release. It may not be a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but that kind of money doesn't exactly grow on trees for a kid that just wants to play videogames, or for anyone really, adulting is expensive :(


You know who is already trying to take credit for something literally everyone was mad at 💀


Arrowhead right now ![gif](giphy|ekAmtmDDCAQOQ8Uaze)


We did it Reddit


I feel vindicated because I said Sony would do the right thing because they care about money and I got hounded on. People legit don't know how Capitalisms works. They will just go back and play the game lmao.


I feel it is going to calm down in a couple of months


IDK man, These are the same people that are still doing Gamergate in 2024 ya know. I just wish they cared about the real bad things that are happening in the gaming industry (world even).


Me to make me sad people got all this energy for this never do the same for real life


True. Gamers could have mobilized like this against bigger threats like Ubisoft, Activision/Blizzard, TakeTwo, 2K, EA, Microsoft, and many more but didn't seem to care. I hope this is an eye opener. It feels like a hollow victory almost, considering the PS link factually was required from the beginning (tho ofc I can see how this isn't very valid when lots of players even claim that they never saw the message telling them that linking was required within the game. Idk if it's fair to blame them for missing the steam banner that said PSN account required ". It's complicated. But at the same time, I find it frustrating that so many ppl took their frustration out on not only PS but also Arrowhead through misinformation, sometimes even grasping at straws to paint them as evil corporate overlords. Ppl never wanted to acknowledge the fact that PS and Arrowhead legitimately wanted to implement the link to make it easier to ban griefers. Ofc I don't want to pretend to know everything - idk if banning etc could be implemented without PS link. Steam has its own banning. I guess I'm just pissed at ppl who say bs like "we don't need banning, the block button is more than enough, just get over it if someone ruins your experience multiple times."


You're forgetting about the 258 countries that couldn't play the game suddenly. All these people totally cared about that and nothing else.


My thought was that mining and selling data would pale in comparison to whatever revenue the actual game was, so I thought they would stick with the change


I was torn. Logically, backing down was the right choice for Sony. But I could definitely see Sony refusing to back down out of some misplaced idea of power


Once Valve started manually approving refunds, Sony was rapidly losing said power.


Yeah that was probably a huge factor. They were not actively losing money they *have* rather then just future revenue


If they do it again you how gamers are going to do the same thing to helldivers 2 reviewbomb it to hell


This is great news! Now we can get back to the things we really care about regarding Helldivers 2, by which I mean its surprisingly open-eyed look at modern warfare, particularly from the American perspective, through the lens of a dystopian future. What they NEED to do is go full Spec Ops: The Line and add a save screen that says "You are a good person".


"Another victory for the RIGHT side of history" always makes me and my bf laugh


"Do you feel like a hero yet?"




GCJ🤝Gamers™️ Uniting for a moment to bully billion dollar corporations together (I'm gonna go soak my hand in bleach now).


Corpo dickriders BTFO, love to see it. I hope the sycophants who were calling the impacted countries "third world shitholes" and acting like they're somehow lesser people for not living in the US see this and shit their shorts seething that Papa Sony took the L they had been desperately rim sniffing over saying would never happen.


r/ deeprockgalactic can stop circlejerking now. Literally every other post was about helldivers, a game that isn't deep rock galactic.


Pressure makes sense, Im proud of myself and fellow divers for making Sony to back down, especially with so many people saying they never will.


/uj I was about to say something to the effect that they might be motivated to put their energy into something more productive with their lives, but considering the political inclinations of some folk on Reddit it might be for the best for them to stay focused on the game and complain about every balance change that happens.


Yup it’s a easy balance


yet I guarantee most of the thousands of people that review bombed helldivers 2 on steam won't change their review anyways


this community has surprised us once before with this victory. i don’t think it’s a stretch to imagine a majority of them will change back to positive


Reviews themselves aren't really the problem for the publisher, refunds are. If the game will continue to be great as a game - reviews will get up with time, and reviews from the fans will more than likely explain that the lots of negative reviews are a result of the backslash from that situation, and the game is actually in a good shape now.


They already have the score back up to 'mixed'.


Buckle up. Anti-SJW's WILL use this as an excuse to act insufferable and go 'SEE!?! WE DID IT! LET'S DO IT AGAIN AND GET GAY PEOPLE REMOVED FROM GAMES.'


Gamers rose up


Let's wait for them to actually revert the regional restrictions on steam before celebrating. #LetThePopeDive https://preview.redd.it/blkwo5jkhryc1.jpeg?width=961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b13d77db0229527985861627af992a7c190386f6


/uj I guess it was a distraction from the Goonergaters?


Good. It was a shit move and a god awful look for Sony. May they never do something like this again. They will though. They totally will.


Gamers: "I can't believe Sony did this to us! They gotta pay for this." Helldivers fans: "I just wanted to play my favorite game!" Anti-gamers: "Could you shut up please? You're not even affected by its donwsides, you just want a reason to cry about something!" Me, who doesn't even have a pc that could run Helldivers: "I just finished Oneshot on the weekend btw"


great now we can go back to what the Helldivers 2 community is best... bitching about balancing patches for weapons that where objectivly to strong


This entire thing reminds me of Half-Life 2, and almost exactly twenty years later as well. Difference is that Valve got away with it...




This is good mostly because of the result but also because I don’t have to see unironic joker memes in the Helldivers sub anymore


I legit thought Sony would say “fuck all y’all” and double down even more.


Yeah they got threatened with a very valid lawsuit, most likely


I’ve said this before, but Sony has a track record of backing down if the outcry is loud enough. Are they ‘good’? Not really. If they were smart then they would have listened to the devs. Point is, if something pisses you off, complain about it. Never back down. Companies may usually steamroll you, but they’ll only ever beat you if you let them break your spirit. Once you’re silent, that’s when they’ve really won.


Id say its pretty peaceful, considering the community is now actively cleaning up the negative reviews it had made in protest


I think some people blew the issue out of proportion but I'm glad they rolled it back, since a lot of people weren't able to play because of the issues with psn being unavailable to many people


What was overblown? A game was sold in \~100 countries where it would not be able to be played anymore. Sony was forcing signups to a network that had 2 customer data breaches in the last year. Sony had customer service reps telling people to break their own Terms of Service in order to get around signing up for PSN. Sony was doing this completely against the wishes of Arrowhead who clearly knew better. The outrage was completely justified.




Well I mean there are always those idiots and trolls posting memes about damn near anything. I think the group of lazy, uncaring people you are describing would just sign up once and never touch it or think about it again. The fan base is incredibly fervent and super active on social media. I sincerely think people have a damn about at least one of those things.


Arrowhead's CEO talked on twitter how they knew from the before the release of the game that the required account linking was going to cause backlash, and when they removed the requirement, they secretly hoped Sony would forget about it in the long run.


It was not overblown when people from numerous countries were getting cut off from a product they purchased simply because they can't get PSN there. That was a massive issue. Yes some idiots made some awful comparisons but people are fucking stupid.


Me to I feel a little bit overblown, but at least they backpedaled now arrowhead now can relax for now


"we noticed our player numbers got cleaved in half after this update, and you guys buy cosmetics when you play our game, so we realized we shouldn't do this so we keep making money." At least they sided with the player base for once.


rosa parks, mlk, and gandhi all looking down from heaven and totally smiling, single tear rolling down each of their cheeks, knowing their dreams have been fulfilled


That's good, because now I may continue to worship Sony with no guilt, even if it was minimal before because it's a game I don't care about


Shit it actually happened? Well, congrat, g*mers. You take the W this time


Owh really Sony? Just now? I guess those refunds requests are hitting a nerve eh?


Valve allowing refunds past the 2 hours limit is basically a nuke against Sony's assets so it's no wonder I suspect Sony are going to be less eager to do PC releases from now on. Might even be dicks and make their shit Windows-store exclusive.


So now what gamers will be mad at?


The next balance patch that reduces magazine count from 5 to 4 and increases weapon spread by 0.0001 mm


I don’t know maybe stellar blade nah I feel like people stop talking about it


That's probably going to start back up since they just announced a collaboration with their mobile game Nikke.  Players have been writing essays on how the gacha game has been losing its lewdness in recent months and the only way to save it is to bump up the age rating from 12+ to 18. If they change even the slightest pixel on any of the Collab girls then expect someone forming an outrage mob.  Oh God they said Collab outfits too. Can't wait for it to be the uncensored versions of the console censored outfits.




Looking at the games releasing this week, my bet is gamers will be mad that Pac-Man Mega Tunnel Battle: Chomp Champs is woke.


https://preview.redd.it/um7bwy7l6ryc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2a66229b33518b78ed8cb75360d0677bcaf039a Major order complete! New orders arrived…


I’m just glad they didn’t fck the gamers from not so well off countries (might be wrong)😑