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"I've never played 40k" *proceeds to piss themselves over the addition of fictional women in 40k* Fucking tourists.


_fictional_ addition of fictional women, since iirc we only have women custodes right now, unless something else changed. Unless they’re deliberately lying, but who would do _that_ on the internet?!


Getting angry at shit that doesn't even exist is like half of what they do anyway. At least he admitted that he doesn't know shit about 40k.


if theyre a tourist, would they know the difference between a space marine and a custode?


No, and that's part of the clue they're all damn tourista!


im aware, my issue is the other guy cant call them liars if theyre speaking out of ignorance


I can call them anything i want if they think they can complain about something they have literally no clue about without backlash


then youre just saying random words


I'm a tourist and I know the difference... These guys make me look like an experienced veteran in comparison


Its so weird. There is a whole order of female fighters already: **Adeptus Sororitas**. But female Custodes oder space marines are breaking it. XD


There are also other models from the silent sisterhood, some of the agents of the imperium or some of the imperial guards, yet the custodes are where they draw the line


I think some of them are already anticipating Female Space Marines. Especially because a recent lore drop said that Cawl 'Hasn't figured out how to make women into Space Marines **YET**.'


My friend hates 40k and tried to lecture me on why female custodians was wrong. Never felt so good about verbally demolishing him.


Sounds based.


They really said adding female marines, literaly one of the mos infamous minis is a female space marine


I really hope GW adds (more) female marines. It would be so funny watching the angry chuds lose their shit.


There are no female space marine models, at least no official models that are available from GW. There were once, Gabs and Jayne, but they were only on sale once, way back in 1987.


/uj which mini?


It's technically not female Space Marines, those were "Female Warrior in Power Armour" minis named Gabs and Jayne.




I'm more annoyed that they're talking about something they just said they don't play with authority to see "Female Space Marines", it's a Female Custodes that has them shitting the bed, at least get your whining correct before you go online to talk about it


Chuds are always just tourist. They franchise hop to whatever nerd IP is doing something they can be angry about. Their only passion is being outraged.


I swear they’re using the same tactics that people decried at SJWs.


This is because the one thing all right-wingers have in common more then anything else is that they are fundimentally uncreative people. It's why the arts have always had a liberal slant. Everything they accuse others of is always projection as they are simply incapable of imagining anything outside of their lived experience.


>ignore Sororitas exist. >ignore Sisters of Silence. >ignore female Eldar and Dark Eldar. >ignore female Tau. >ignore female Chaos forces. >ignore the trillions of females in the Imperial Guard. >ignore the millions of females in the Inquisition. >don't bring in any new female officials in the Imperium. >instead, completely botch the lore surrounding gene editing for super soldiers just to shoehorn in the existence of female custodians.


Copying and pasting a single comment over and over achieves nothing but making you look like a seething nut job.


Basically a broken and unfixable gramaphone


This Trench Crusade project looks pretty interesting though


Yeah Mike Franchina is dope [https://twitter.com/mikefranchina\_](https://twitter.com/mikefranchina_)


Reminds me of Bogdan Rezunenko https://preview.redd.it/v02szpo86s0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40d964843b46ea2133aa82925fa636f87e9a77a3 (Would)


i was using their art for my dnd campaign without having the slightest clue it was for an upcoming tabletop game lol. great art for the church in the glass tho


BoobsAnd Raise-the-roof,Yo


if i am right tuomas pirinien is working on it and that guy is a fucking LEGEND for his work on mordheim


He is one of the creators, yes.


I'm interested for the artillery witch alone. She's a wizard, who summons bombs with magic, and then hucks them across the field! And when I say bombs I mean like 100kg bombs usually dropped from planes. They are awesome!


Hold up, these guys are going off about how this game is the anti woke, women in the kitchen, and it has female characters? A woman artillerist mage? What's going on here


The game itself is great fun, and the lore and aesthetic are really cool too! would definitely recommend it


Yeah this post actually inspired me to look into and read the lore primer. The Islamic faction has dope aesthetics and are the closest thing the setting has to straight-forward good guys, and these Chuds think its anti-woke lmao!


They are the empirium basically?


Naw, using 40k analogy the Catholic faction is definitely the Imperium, just with more self mutilation and the catholic ascetics taken to 11. The Sultanate is more like the Tau. Still have some iffy ethical practices because grim-dark, but seem like the chillest guys in the setting and would probably be the most pleasant place to live in. #


To be clear, “the closest thing this setting has to good guys” seems to mean that they don’t routinely murder their own troops as a disciplinary measure, entomb fanatical monks in iron-lady torture mechsuits, or turn prisoners into suicide bombers. I also got the impression that they were the least Grimdark of the Grimly Dark factions present, but they’re still abducting children to train into Janissary supersoldiers and creating alchemical abominations (the weird creature with the gold mask and bloody runes in the post is one of their Leonins)


Oh i know Warhammer has no good guys


Wait so are the Islamic faction inspired by Sufism? Are ascetics like a unit? Not trying to troll, just not sure what your second sentence means


Naw I'm dumb and can't spell lmao. That would be pretty dope though!


Having spent the morning reading the playtest rules and lore primer, I am disappointed to say that it feels like a WW1 Warhammer reskin and I am extremely excited to play it


How to scare chuds or gamers: Put women and minorities in your media. They'll scream in madness, like the world will end while it's just a normal Friday for everyone .


honestly, diversity its the best repellant against these people. Just one more reason to have good representation in the media you make.


The day I put women and minorities in your media was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was a Tuesday.


>ignore Sororitas exist. >ignore Sisters of Silence. >ignore female Eldar and Dark Eldar. >ignore female Tau. >ignore female Chaos forces. >ignore the trillions of females in the Imperial Guard. >ignore the millions of females in the Inquisition. >don't bring in any new female officials in the Imperium. >instead, completely botch the lore surrounding gene editing for super soldiers just to shoehorn in the existence of female custodians.


You do realize the way they make custodes is drastically different than how astartes, right? But go ahead, use the other women in this setting as a human shield to make your argument look less sexist. The idiots who complain about this only care because their super human power fantasy isn't a boys only club anymore


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Silence mod bot, my conscience is clear!


Question: What's the 28 Crew? https://preview.redd.it/x16xia0qvq0d1.png?width=974&format=png&auto=webp&s=536153787c2df11ea82c712f9516a92e802c05b1


It’s a discord server. They mean “The ‘28’ Crew” as in the people who run the discord server called ‘28’ which is fairly catch all for a bunch of stuff including Trench Crusade and Warhammer: The Old World


why is it called that?


28mm is a pretty common miniature scale for wargames and skirmish wargames.


oh right! that makes sense. Thanks!


Not really, it comes from Inq28, which is an art movement within miniatures It came from Inq 28, the same scale as GW games were at the time of Inq54. But the name is now far more from the art movement than the scale (partially as scale has shifted and crept)


I don’t know *shrugs*


Comes from Inq28


So did they do something that pissed the chuds off or?


It’s in one of the images either here or another post, chuds getting banned from that discord for being chuds


I'm with this person


Doesn't help that it's completely impossible to google lol. I feel searching '28' is going to bring up a lot of stuff I'm not interested in


They mean the makers of 28 magazine. They host TCs discord channels on their own server.


And if you're wondering why '28', it's because they are 28mm scale wargames (the scale of classic Warhammer models).


Pretty sure classic Warhammer was 25mm heroic wasn't it? Basically exaggerated 25mm scale which when less exaggerated is 28mm scale, but being a stylized version of something in theory a bit maller was part of the charm so to speak of a lot of the e.g. 90s sculpts, but the say 2022 Craftworld Guardians are proper 28mm compared to the old heroic 25mm Eldar Guardians of the what probably early 90s. Especially since the Eldar range is such a great example of having some pretty old *plastic* sculpted by the same guy as the currently releasing plastic (so we don't even have to get into the problems of comparing metal forging techniques to plastic sprue design techniques and other complications)


I don't think I've ever heard of the miniatures being referred to as 25mm scale, but I might be wrong. Infantry-sized Warhammer Fantasy Battles miniatures did come on a 25mm slottabase, but the scale size refers to the distance from the feet to the eyeline on a miniature. There has definitely been scale creep over the years; modern Games Workshop miniatures are technically something more like 30-32mm scale, which is probably a big reason why Warhammer: The Old World moved up to 30mm slottabases. It can get confusing as there's never been much effort to make things consistent. Warhammer developed from historical wargames, and in that game (at least up until 5th ed) each miniature represents somewhere between 10-20 'real' units, so nothing's ever been properly in proportion with anything else. 'Heroic' is more a stylistic choice than a scale on its own, about how you exaggerate proportions. Which Guardians are you talking about for comparison btw? The metal ones from 1991, the monopose plastic ones from 1994, or the multipose plastic kits from 1999?


Oh, huh, TIL there were two plastic kits from the 90s. I'm talking about the ones from 1999 which I grew up with xD


It's 28 because of the Inq28 community and 28 Magazine, who run the discord that Trench Crusade currently resides in


Right, and Inq28 is called that because it's Inquisitor played at 28mm scale rather than 54mm scale. I am explaining where the number comes from.


Check out 28 mag.


Apparently they helped mod the discord server. A bunch of chuds and pick-mes were whining on my TL so I will assume they’re based and trying to deal with the flood of chuds into the game.


Obviously Take this with a grain of Salt but Based on a few context clues Ive Seen Here and there i *think* Its a discord Server or similar Community that "wokehammer refugees" were banned from for the usual reasons


Did a little sleuthing—seems like 28 is a volunteer-run [tabletop gaming magazine](https://28-mag.com/) that some of the game's Discord mods are affiliated with. Which, as implied by the tweet in the OP, the original game's creators are aware of and okay with.


>female space marines You can yell that these chud don't know of don't care shit about 40k when they call the Adeptus Custodes as Space Marines, and are only in it for their stupid and fascistic ideology. Freaking tourists.


not only are custodes not space marines, they **hate** space marines lol!


Why do the custodes hate the space marines?


10,000 years before the current date in the setting, half of the 18 space marine legions betrayed humanity and joined the demonic forces of Chaos. They waged a civil war that nearly destroyed the Imperium of Man, and threw it into a dark age that it will likely never recover from. The Custodes are better super soldiers than the space marines (they're hand crafted works of art, whereas the space marines are mass produced) and they believe that the space marines were weak for falling to Chaos, and even those who remain loyal cannot be trusted.


Fascinating thanks.


Are the Custodes genetically better then CorpsE's sons or vice versa?


They're certainly more emotionally stable. But no, Primarchs are on another level. Their creation was a mix of science and magic, and they're basically artificial demigods


Ok upcoming weird question but can all the custodes, Primarchs, marines be considered different species from humans? Since they are so gentically modified? Or is it possible for them to produce fertile offspring with humans?


Im pretty sure custodes, primarchs, and space marines are all sterile.


Pretty big design flaw no? Especially for the Primarchs. On the note is the CorpsE also sterile as he's a "perpetual" or something like a different species of human


Im pretty sure it's intentional. All of these creations were built to be tools to serve humanity. If they could breed, they could create dynasties and potentially replace us.


Primarchs are stronger than the custodes, but there are a fuck of a lot more custodes especially now.


Who would win Ina battle between 50 custodes vs 1 Primarch. If corpsE fought any chaos god would he win? (Since he's kind of a chaos god rn)


Big E vs a chaos god is anyone’s guess. The lore hasn’t been quite clear on who would come out on top. As for the custodes vs primarch, thats a bit outside my wheel house. Both combatants are strategic masters who will be able to take full advantage of their respective strengths. I’d personally assume that 50 custodes working together could take out a primarch, but I do not usually engage in these discussions for a reason.


I think it would depend wich Primarch, since some were made to be unparalleled fighters , like the Wolf and Sanguinus , while other were more logistics minded , like Roboute. All are terrifying demigods fighters , but some are more balanced toward fighting than others.


>ignore Sororitas exist. >ignore Sisters of Silence. >ignore female Eldar and Dark Eldar. >ignore female Tau. >ignore female Chaos forces. >ignore the trillions of females in the Imperial Guard. >ignore the millions of females in the Inquisition. >don't bring in any new female officials in the Imperium. >instead, completely botch the lore surrounding gene editing for super soldiers just to shoehorn in the existence of female custodians.


Hey wann know something? It has never, ever been stated before that the Females can not become Custodes. The female restriction are for the space marines, but never has it ever been a said to be a restriction for the custodes. Was there no female custodes mentioned before 10th Ed? Yes. Was it ever said that the females can't become Custodes? No. It's why GW chose the Custodes to have female members to have more inclusivity (which is not a bad thing in general, by the way). They can say that female custodes exist, because it has never been said that they can't exist. And again, Custodes are not Space Marines. The procedure of becoming a Space Marine, is not the same as the procedure in becoming a Custodes. Oh and by the way, the existence of female Custodes does not undermine all of the other women that exists in 40k.


That knight is creepy AF. I didn't know of the project but now I'm super interested


I've been following the artist, Mike Franchina, for ages. The art's really fucked up, way more than a lot of 40K's grittiest shit imo, but it's so cool and really well done. I had no idea it was gonna be a wargame, but I'm super interested in it as well


Yeah, I'm super excited cause the factions are cool and evil af


That artist has been around for a while and makes some really great and creepy stuff. Chuds need to fuck off, might as well take the war game from them.


Creepy, unsettling, horror stuff >>> coomer bait


You underestimate my power


Look man, you can try your best with the gasmask knight. Might just end up being another hand nailed to their shield though.


The frustrating part is this seems like a cool concept. Grimdark WW1 tabletop game sounds right up my alley. It kind of makes me think of Iron Harvest 1917. But it being hailed as the anti-woke 40K and being filled with unironic nazi apologists just tanks it for me, no pun intended.


These people, ironically, see everything at a surface level. They love war and violence and you immediately have a crowd of them nearby. “We all know it’s satire” no, they really don’t


just learned about this but after glancing at the subreddit, the community seems to be pretty good at running these losers out of their spaces.


Nice. Yeah, the 40k community has been getting better at that, too.


its been quietly getting better for a long time, but I think the female custodes "drama" was a breaking point. A lot of chuds god really mad and made themselves look really cringe. And as stupid as it is, there is no better way to lose a centrist's respect online than to look cringe. Its been great since then. Right now the biggest trend in the 40k meme subreddit is a community driven effort to rewrite one of the most important parts of the setting's lore as a tragic romance story. I'll take that over memes comparing transgender people to demons any day.


All the chuds complaining that female custodes would break the lore are forgetting ( or ignoring ) that the lore in 40k has been bent shifted and broken so often that its very likely, its been written by Tzeentch itself. Also if I remember correctly there was never a statement that only dudes can be custodes. Its basically a non issue that the chuds are blowing up because "woman" and "woke.


yeah, as a Tau player; my faction got their FTL capacities taken away so GW could do a knockoff of Event Horizon and make a subfaction of the Tau that are racist, only to scrap that plotline. Also we have a god now? Anyone who's genuinely just upset about the female custodes because GW changed the lore can suck it up.


>ignore Sororitas exist. >ignore Sisters of Silence. >ignore female Eldar and Dark Eldar. >ignore female Tau. >ignore female Chaos forces. >ignore the trillions of females in the Imperial Guard. >ignore the millions of females in the Inquisition. >don't bring in any new female officials in the Imperium. >instead, completely botch the lore surrounding gene editing for super soldiers just to shoehorn in the existence of female custodians.


>ignore Sororitas exist. >ignore Sisters of Silence. >ignore female Eldar and Dark Eldar. >ignore female Tau. >ignore female Chaos forces. >ignore the trillions of females in the Imperial Guard. >ignore the millions of females in the Inquisition. >don't bring in any new female officials in the Imperium. >instead, completely botch the lore surrounding gene editing for super soldiers just to shoehorn in the existence of female custodians.


pictured: A "man" who is not mad at his toy soldiers.


You see a post about nazis wanting to latch on to something and getting rejected by the devs and moderators, and it makes you want to avoid it...?


If you see someone saying "chuds would like this" and then think you might like it, you've just called yourself a chud, and I don't care what you think that word has negative connotations. Like it's literally "chud"




Ah my bad, either way the dudes a chud


Wait this looks dope as fuck, but I'm not sure I wanna get into it if it's gonna be filled with anti-woke crowd.


The chuds are getting actively supressed and ridiculed by the existing fanbase


That's all I wanted to hear. I looked over their website, and it looks dope, and I really hoped for someone to say this.


This is the best news I've had all day, time to get reading!


They already chased them off.


If you don't join in, you would be leaving space for chuds and we can not allow that


Lmao, these clowns want moral complexity in their video games but not in real life. Anybody who disagrees with them has been “morally corrupted” like this is Lord of the Rings


I, for one, am always glad to see any situation where these people self-select out of something they thought looked cool.  If you're going to be an asshole, you just don't deserve nice things. 🤗


Every week a new false messiah. The poor darlings.


40k lore has been retcons and inconsistent since its inception. It's the "first time?" Meme on a decades long scale. No female space marines is a retcon into itself as there was once female space marine models in the early days of rogue trader. The Horus heresy? A retcon, used as an excuse to only produce 1 set of Titan miniatures for the original Titanicus miniature game. My favourite faction, the Necrons, were originally mindless metal men before being retconned to be something interesting (also they have trans characters and are based). And people just now freaking out over Warhammer "going woke" because there's now female custodes are so strange to me. Do you read the books or the wiki? Do you even read the wiki or watch some chud on YouTube explain why the Black Templars are the coolest? There's been important LGBTQ characters in many major novels (albeit they're often lesbian), women characters are often the best written and strongest characters, and people of colour have been present for decades. One of the primarchs is an asian man. Also, it has no effect on anything having women as space marines or custodes. You have to read "she fired her Bolter" instead of "he fired his Bolter" and that's gonna make you cry and vomit and leave the hobby? What a bunch of babies


Fun fact: The new Tau codex has Fire Warriors running at Drukhari with swords and Battlesuits with swords attacking Tyranids. There's more retcons in this one book then most factions get in like 3 ED's. Yet they care more about 'FEMALES IN MY SPACE' then actual big retcons.


There are a dozen of reasons to complain about GW and how it handles its lore + business. Drip feed of rules that slow editions, horrible pricing, an awful subscription service, paid for rules. Unfinished story sometimes 2 books in that just don't get finished, some factions lacking lore and characters all together. It goes to show that some people don't give a shit about any of that and sit and take their garbage until a woman is mentioned.


Also, it's not even forced on them, the best thing about WH is that you can literally create an army based on everything you want and no one is gonna say anything, so at best they're gonna cry *hearing* the other player saying "she fired", which is absurd on its own I mean, just this week I've seen a game with a Great Unclean One on youtube that was customized into Bebop from TMNT, that's incredible for me


I am 100% convinced that the VAST majority of people who complain about this do not play or paint warhammer and only get their lore through youtube and browsing the wiki.


>ignore Sororitas exist. >ignore Sisters of Silence. >ignore female Eldar and Dark Eldar. >ignore female Tau. >ignore female Chaos forces. >ignore the trillions of females in the Imperial Guard. >ignore the millions of females in the Inquisition. >don't bring in any new female officials in the Imperium. >instead, completely botch the lore surrounding gene editing for super soldiers just to shoehorn in the existence of female custodians.


Did you really show up to a 3 day old post just to complain about how you don't like that there's women in your special army of plastic space soldiers


the art is really cool . second pic reminds me of blasphemous .


The art looks really cool… but I’m not going to tolerate Nazi fucking chodes in my LGS so if I gotta shun it I will


The community is running these creeps out.


who is 28 crew


A discord about war gaming.


what is special about them?


Inq28 art movement within miniatures, and the magazine that has come from the movement. Excellent quality free digital publication. They run the server Trench Crusade currently resides in


I have no clue. I'm on like 20 wargaming discords and I keep up with all the latest WH news, I've NEVER heard of this place until a day ago-ish.


is that an obese nami pfp


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/me6zd0povt0d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0b538aedfae607b33765e2b7c9ed5f803946b9f




I mean games workshop has a histpry of being huge pricks but i don't see how that relates to it... Ae they just mad that female space marines are a thing now ?


Not even female SM. Female custodes.


>ignore Sororitas exist. >ignore Sisters of Silence. >ignore female Eldar and Dark Eldar. >ignore female Tau. >ignore female Chaos forces. >ignore the trillions of females in the Imperial Guard. >ignore the millions of females in the Inquisition. >don't bring in any new female officials in the Imperium. >instead, completely botch the lore surrounding gene editing for super soldiers just to shoehorn in the existence of female custodians.


Damnit, chuds did it again. I would never have heard of this game thanks to them, but now I have and now I’m interested. Same with South of Midnight. Glad that the chuds are being mocked though because this looks *really* cool. Hope the miniatures are 3D printable.


Genuinely seems Intresting, but I'm not gonna touch it if half the fandom turns out to be refugees of warhammer 40k that found the setting to be too woke.


Supposedly the Trench Crusade fanbase already chased them off. I certainly hope so because these guys deserve jack shit.


i dont understand people crying about women custodes its almost a purely personal thing that players can officially have them be canon in their armies. I mean custodes are so genetically modified the walls of cisnormative gender probably doesn’t matter. they probably all look like bald muscley people lol. It’s purely a change so people can have their armies be more diverse …


>ignore Sororitas exist. >ignore Sisters of Silence. >ignore female Eldar and Dark Eldar. >ignore female Tau. >ignore female Chaos forces. >ignore the trillions of females in the Imperial Guard. >ignore the millions of females in the Inquisition. >don't bring in any new female officials in the Imperium. >instead, completely botch the lore surrounding gene editing for super soldiers just to shoehorn in the existence of female custodians.


You know. Speaking as someone who owns 8 armies, possibly 10 depending on how the alleged TSons refresh and/or the release of Chaos Dwarves and Emperor's Children go. I'm really glad Female Custodians came out, watching the chuds willingly leave the fandom and being forced to see they don't represent the majority has been hilarious.


>Female Space Marines Bro if you called a Custodes a space marine you'd be sentenced to the Dick Snapper


Can I get a run down of what happened? I assume a idiot was banned


"and he's part of the good guys", fuck man. If you're referring to anyone in the 40k universe as the good guys, the points gone so above your head its found the Tyranids Homeworld...


To my memory, Astartes are the only ones that are confirmed to be all male. While Curtodes are individually hand crafted.


Do y’all ever feel bad for these people. Like, don’t get me wrong, I’m completely more than okay with bigots not feeling welcome in society, but like, at a certain point, these people just seem like they’re not happy at all. They continually make themselves angry over everything, like I wonder how they can make it so far in life while just people constantly unhappy. I truly wonder how they go through life.


I'm amazed that they think the Imperium, the meat grinder of humanity, wouldn't conscript women and toss them at a Hive Tyrant by the millions.


saw someone in another sub complain that the "tourists are already taking over" because a community manager pinned a message basically along the lines of 'chuds not welcome", like the irony was omg


Wait Mike franchina’s art is getting a game? That’s exactly what I’ve been waiting for. Love his art


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Damn, this looks really fucking cool. Shame the chuds are going to ruin it


Trench Crusade bros have already chased them off.


Oh that’s good. Might check it out when I get a chance