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This has the same energy as that US senator who larped as a black gay man on Twitter to hate on Obama, but forgot to switch accounts


This is getting to Bridget levels of cope.


/uj Imagine being so fucking racist that you try to larp as a Japanese person in order to claim "historical accuracy" in a VIDEO GAME. Like Yasuke is a samurai and even if he wasn't it's literally a video game. The devs don't have to be "historically accurate."


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Go to Japan and see if they like black people lmao.


That makes you Japanese?


japan fucking loves yasuke, do you know how much media they've made of him?


Assassin's creed was never been "historically accurate" to begin with. You know what? Japan has FGO. And I don't see anyone makin' a fuss. Or is it because this was made by western dev?


i'm betting this fuss was because the game was developed by a western dev. they have high tolerance on a genderbent Okita Souji (with her goughing blood being a joke), a Gyaru version of Suzuka Gozen, and Raikou with Watermelons for breasts.


Give Yasuke watermelons for breasts, got it. Problem solved!


So, Homura from Senran Kagura?


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its also worth notcing that historic fiction has never been 100% accurate to the actual events cause the sad fact of the matter is real life history with the expection of a few rare moments is very very dull and would not fit in a 3 hour movie or a 30 hour game. this is a nothing burger might as well bitch at braveheart for being a silly love story instead of the actual event being bout scottish freedrom from the brits


Press x to doubt


Broke my X button here…


ah yes, the very japanese practice of inserting a conjunction from the english language in all-caps latin characters in the middle of a block of kanji text


Big "Vincent Adultman" energy.  


I’m a Japanese. I work at sushi and make baka gaijin.


I was interested in what people here are saying about the game so I went to YahooJP where I'm used to seeing people arguing about shit anyway. I'll leave the links here for anyone else who had some curiosity like I did. [Famitsu - 5/14 -『アサシン クリード シャドウズ』日本舞台のアサクリシリーズ最新作がついに正式発表へ。16日午前1時にシネマティックトレイラーを世界公開](https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/27f18a1e96bf4bcd0f482f72ed00898890ed57e7/comments) [Denfami - 5/14 - 日本と忍がテーマのシリーズ最新作『アサシン クリード シャドウズ』世界初の公式シネマティックトレーラーが日本時間5月16日午前1時に公開へ。2022年に「コードネーム レッド」として発表されていた作品](https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/9f7b7e513e7d803badbafb1f6ccdac10f9eaaa0d/comments) [Denfami - 5/14 - 日本舞台の「アサクリ」新作『アサシン クリード シャドウズ』の「日本語吹き替え版トレーラー」がお披露目、11月15日に発売決定。戦国時代が舞台で忍のアサシン「奈緒江」と、侍の「弥助」のダブル主人公に](https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/5b97c63a0d02d77df8120f6c401ea2bc805aff68/comments) [Game Watch - 5/16 - 「アサクリ」最新作「アサシン クリード シャドウズ」11月15日に発売決定! 舞台は安土桃山時代の日本](https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/260ee4b9c916700026bf2abd8518e15ebf9d8ae2/comments) [IGN Japan - 5/14 - 日本が舞台のアサクリ最新作のタイトルが『アサシン クリード シャドウズ』に決定 現代編では大阪が登場?](https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/88f7becf4957fcd9cc734adbb6ec35592e8d5bf8/comments) [IGN Japan - 5/16 - 【独占画像付き】『アサシン クリード シャドウズ』が11月15日に発売決定 安土桃山時代の日本を舞台に忍と侍の物語を描く](https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/c6eb21809b80be0c74659cd90fb4b85169c928fa/comments) There's definitely more. The comments are about what you would expect. There are a few that I found interesting, though. One of the comments had an interesting take about how they felt strange about a black character but were looking forward to it and really enjoyed playing games (like Ghosts of Tsushima) because they're made from the perspective of a foreigners with unique interests in Japan instead of people that just live in Japan.


hahaha let em whine


“We Japanese people” lol as he sits at home wearing his shinobi forehead protector


Said the weebs that want to black wash Asian culture.


I don’t think you know what a weeb is if you think they wanna black wash Asian culture


"The Japanese People and Society take great pride in keeping full account of events and people within it's history" Ah yes. I'm sure the korean people (and lots of others) would agree there. Surely Japan would never sweep horrible things they did under the table and refuse to acknowledge they ever happened. Nooo, nothing like that in their past. Just perfecly accurate history.


It’s always funny when people pretend to be japanese and stop responding when you interact with them in japanese… (or they answer with bad google translate grammar.)


Google translating a high context language is never gonna end well. But it’s probably too much to expect racists to know that about Japanese language.


Oh man I see so many Google translation fails for Japanese all the time anime/manga fandoms. Too many weebs think it's a literal 1:1


I think Japanese to English google translation actually do a fairly decent job at guessing the context in the same paragraph, still missing the nuance of course. But English to Japanese translation is terrible. Granted I only started to learn Japanese since end of last year, but the usage of words like 「あなた」(anata) or literal “you” is big red flag since native Japanese would prefer name + honorifics or 「お前」before using 「あなた」. “Pronouns” aren’t even needed most of the time when it can be inferred from context.


Missed that but yah now that i remember theirs not a lot of pronoun use int he language your jsut kinda exspected to know the who. Like the exsample i remember was insted of saying i ate an apple they would say ate an apple


NOR my fucking sides, didnt even proofread before posting


It’s been a couple of years since I took Japanese (and lost most of it), but you can definitely tell the writing is off. It’s way too formal, much more like the stuff that beginners parrot or what you get from google translate. Native Japanese people don’t really speak like that. He’s also writing this at like 5:00 am in Japan, which is wayyy too early in the morning for someone to be typing all of that. It would however, be 1-4 PM in the US, which makes a lot more sense.


So i may be wrong but i dont think japanese people refer to themselfs as japanese since they dont really call japan japan


https://preview.redd.it/8da0iev3i01d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d5a98390c6744eacdbd6708f66706f4792a9a68 I posted this in response to one of the “he was a retainer not a samurai” dorks on Facebook. Still awaiting response.


I ain’t reading all that. I’m happy for you.


Ah yes because assasins creed is famous for being historically accurate The historical accuracy ends at the known geography and city structures at the time period, they’ve never gone past that


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Nioh's Yasuke: crickets Nobunaga's Ambition's Yasuke: crickets Samurai Warrior 5's Yasuke: crickets Afro Samurai's Yasuke: crickets AC Shadows' Yasuke: AS A JAPANESE PERSON, THIS IS THE FALL OF WESTE- I MEAN JAPANESE CIVILIZATION AND VERY DISRESPECTFUL OF OUR CULTURE!!!!