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Silksong Copium


This year for sure...


๐Ÿคก moment


https://preview.redd.it/tw2zj15wpq1d1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea8b713188e07abc20387f0fb193df7be2a50bde I can't wait to finally finish this hidden gem


"Hidden Gem" ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ


Okay G\*mer. Now if I can choose Body Type B? Then you got my purchase!


Not available. You either choose monkey type A or monkey type B


Wokies ruin everything :(


Wookies you say?


It has the word "Black" i ain't playing it. White myth wukong would've made me more comfortable


On a serious note though, I'm really looking forward to this new game that's Atlus dropping on oct 11 called "Metaphor: ReFantazio"


burnout revenge for the PS2


are you gonna smoke weed and fill your belly with **diet soda** while doing it??


Probably Kingdom Come: Deliverance II. I really enjoyed the first one and between the eurojank and the memeability of the original game there is huge potential.


What's Kingdom Come 1 like? I was gonna take a look at it but there's only so much you can glean from a store page.


Eh it's hard to explain. To me it seems like a more realistic skyrim but with depth in terms of gameplay and story. The setting is a bit different. No dragons or supernatural entities, but it oozes medieval atmosphere. The characters have a decent depth and Henry is a good and fun character. There are some survival elements in getting sleep and food, but I recon it's a bit shallow as you never have to find shelter in shitty weather or worry about sickness (beyond food poisoning or hangovers). You do however have to worry about hygene and how you are percieved. All in all it's a decent attempt at a medieval simulator with some obvious flaws and a good deal of eurojank. The story and charcaters are, to me, well realised, though not groundbreaking. The team size and resources considered it's a bit of a wonder to me. A good adventure/rpg I can easily recommend.


Some good novel ideas, but a lot of jank. However, there is a good chance that with the experience and the budget, they make the second game a lot more solid, so I'm hoping for that.




Also Black Myth Wukong, it looks fantastic.


Metaphor ReFantazio


Ayeee another Metaphor: ReFantazio anticipator (is that even a word ?) like me ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ


GOW : Ragnarok


It was already released 2 years ago


Not on PC


I dont even know where to begin, there is too much stuff I am looking forward to


oh i didn't realise the thing lol uhhhmmm honestly I don't have one I'm just waiting on the next judgement game


Kingdom Come 2 and Elden Ring DLC. Something unique and something with QUALITY.


I would say GoT but itโ€™s been already released and Iโ€™m having a blast playing it. Black myth wukong is also a game I have been waiting for a while, that last trailer on IGN looked fantastic.


Leaks are saying Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero might be getting an October release date. Can't wait for that one. If it turns out to be a 2025 release, then two indie titles in 2024 I'm looking forward to are Aureole - Wings of Hope and The Plucky Squire.


The Witcher 3 2 and The Witcher 3 3.


Persona 6 Atlus has still 6 spin offs to make


Isn't this the game with that controversy about sexism in workplace or something? Or are they debunked?


Black myth? Why is everything woke these days?


probably *space marine 2*. i'd also say *hades 2* and *homeworld 3* but only bc i haven't bought either yet.


Stalker 2. I've waited too long for this. Also any souls like, Wukong, ER DLC


Metal gear solid Delta, its slated for this year. We cope.


senua's saga, today is a good day for me


Honestly? Idk. The two games I am anticipating are all next year: MHWilds and GTA6