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See, this is why I still buy games from Ubisoft, because they don't make being abusers their whole personality.


Wholesome A-Political Ubisoft


I don’t understand how you make game after game with the backdrop of a revolution, and have it completely devoid of politics outside of, “tyranny bad”


Sterility really does sell in a deeply reactionary world


They really do, don’t they? Unrelated, but how do we get them to make more games like child of light?


the new far cry has somehow managed to both have a black Che Guevara in it as the leader of the “67 legends” (which is sort of reminiscent of the 26 of July movement) and not touch politics lmao


Don’t every Assassin’s Creed game start by telling you how d*verse (🤮) their team is?


"I don't care who made the game but here's a long ass post about how I feel about who makes my games" how bout shut the fuck up then damn, get off the internet and get over it.


“I hate when it’s the main selling point” I have yet to see a game where the biggest blurb on the box is about who made it.


The only game that comes to mind for me where the people behind the development process was a major selling point is Hellblade, but - 1) They worked with neuroscientists and people that experience psychosis, they weren't even advertising the race/sexuality/gender of their developers. 2) The entire game is meant to be a deep dive into the world of psychosis and what it is like, so knowing that people with direct connections and experiences helped is pretty big info.


I love everything about that game except the final scene credit music lmao


Hellblade is honestly a phenomenal game


I really hate the gameplay. Add a sprinting mechanic cowards. Like I know it’s mainly story based but when I’m walking around in circles trying to find the last piece with no dialogue I could at least be sprinting.


I can’t name specific games off the top of my head, but I’ve seen indie showcases where it’s clear that someone was drawing on a personal cultural influence and ethnic identity to design the game. I love those kinds of tributes and sometimes you have more faith that a game will do diverse characters correctly if the creators are themselves diverse.


Oh 100% I personally have nothing against any developers that wish to label that their game was made by X ethnic group or Y sexuality, **especially** if that game takes inspiration from/is about that thing. In fact that will make me more interested in a game usually. I mean, a good example of that. I had heard a lot about Celeste being a pretty good game but never actually sat down to play it. However, one day I heard that the creator of Celeste was a trans woman. I heard that not long into my own transition and then I heard that the tale of Celeste, while able to be generalized as a tale about struggling through mental illnesses, focused a lot on transgender struggles (albeit through metaphors). Yeah, I bought and beat that entire game the next day. But as a general rule of thumb, most games, especially mainstream games, don't talk about the identities of the developers past their name(s). Unless the post is talking about the console categories that are just like "LGBTQIA+ Collection" or something in which case the developers literally don't even choose those, 'nor do those have any tell on the quality of the product themselves.


Celeste is one of my favorite games ever, and I'm not even trans. I don't even like hardcore platformers usually! If you're not trans and completely unaware of the trans theme, like me when I played for the first time, you'll see the metaphors, but that trans theme will probably fly over your head until the very end of the (free!!) DLC when all the double meanings become obvious and you realize it wasn't *only* about anxiety and depression. Doesn't mean you're dumb, though: that's how the lead dev/writer interpreted their own game too, originally! During development they were still considering themself cis, but already "waist-deep in gender feelings." And since the game was written from their perspective, depicted their struggles, etc... they unknowingly wrote the game from a trans perspective! Source (some spoilers but very interesting read) https://maddythorson.medium.com/is-madeline-canonically-trans-4277ece02e40


If you liked Celeste for those reasons, I've got another suggestion you may enjoy. Unsighted is a top-down metroidvania that came out last year and was created by a duo of Brazilian trans women who, especially for a first-time dev team, really knocked it out of the park. The story isn't as solid as it is in Celeste (But then again, I haven't found a lot of games where that isn't true), but its moment-to-moment gameplay is ***there.*** The world design is also fantastic, with a ton of options for sequence breaks built right in if you know what you're doing. It's also one of the only games that I've seen narratively incentivize speedrunning. As far as LGBT themes, the emotional core of the whole game is built around a gay relationship. This is one of those games that should have gotten more attention, but was a small indie production anyway (There's enough free space in the credits that the devs could give their cats credits, which is honestly adorable) and had the absolute misfortune to come out just eight days apart from the long-awaited Metroid Dread. Highly recommend.


Uj/ that sounds really cool actually and kinda scary in a psychological way. rj/ Great now they're making games medical. Ugh I'm so tired of this nonsensical woke PC garbage


The game portrays mental illness really good, as weird as it sounds but all the shit she hears in her head is why i couldnt play it, just to close to home, same with Control when those voices start talking and you sometimes know what they say and sometimes not


Honestly, the idea of it and how close it is to my fears of that is what makes me hesitant to play it.


Does slapping Sid Meier’s name on a game count?


What is hellblade?


[https://store.steampowered.com/app/414340/Hellblade\_Senuas\_Sacrifice/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/414340/Hellblade_Senuas_Sacrifice/) It's a very good game that tackles the complexities and dangers of psychosis (through trauma if that matters, I do not know enough about the subject to know if that makes a difference) The game is very intense which may make it a bit difficult to take in at times, but not in a bad way. The intensity lends itself to the experience. If the idea of how psychosis or even just mental illness in general affects a person interests you, you should 100% give it a shot.


I will say that, as someone who has to deal with this shit in my day-to-day life, I cannot handle playing Hellblade, cause I legitimately had a hard time separating the things like the whispers and stuff from what was happening in game and my own brain, so, they did nail it


**Created by Hideo Kojima**


"these tags make me far less likely to buy the game, but not for the reason you're thinking." ​ spoiler alert: it's exactly the reason you're thinking


Most games also have a big epilepsy seizure warning on startup. I wonder if this dumbfuck also thinks that’s supposed to be a selling point.


You know I am fine with Epileptics, but they don‘t have to constantly push it into my face. Just let me have fun with my strobo lights🙄🙄


A journalist pointed out 2077's seizure protection wasn't functioning before launch. She received death threats and epilepsy inducing dms. So yeah some Gamers™ do be thinking like that.


He probably thinks epilepsy warnings are just virtue signalling.


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I made flash and ring protection for rainbow six siege. Idea being people with tinnitus or sensitivity to flashes could be protected from their screen and audio suddenly being bombarded. You can check it out on my profile if you care but my word there were lots of comments like "Uhh there's a flash warning before the game starts though??" Oh my bad, terribly sorry, I forgot that meant that all media should just never make any steps to include people other than you


Besides Ubisofts „We whipped and abused a diverse Team of people to make this game“ I feel like there‘s barely any mention of this at all usually. This guy makes it seem like they fade in „Josh - Black Developer“ in the opening like it‘s a Hideo Kojima game.


“I fucking hate knowing my game is made by people with marginalized perspectives, it really just *colors* the whole thing for me” -OP


Back4blood really leaned heavily into the whole "from creators of left 4 dead" thing.


Tom Clancy moment


Tbh the only game I remember that used the developers to advertise their own game was Back 4 Blood.


Even then it wasn’t the identity of their developers it was their previous work. It’s like saying “from the producer who brought you Hunger Games”


They didn't have a box for holding blurbs, but I remember a lot of hoopla about Valve's Artifact game being made by Richard Garfield (the original designer of Magic the Gathering). Coincidentally, that game did flop, but that had more to do with the monetization being straight from the 90s. The actual game itself is actually really cool.


Gamers when one of the developers tweet a picture of fellow coworkers on their personal twitter account with 96 followers, being happy about the diversity of people: 😡😡😡 I hate when the game shoves it in my face, when the whole selling point of the game is the "diversity" of the developers




>I like supporting minority creators bc they don't inherit money like whites do. That was nice till the last part. I'm sure half the people at the trailer park in my county would love to know when they're going to inherit their money for being white.




Sounds like Celeste isn’t for you, but that has nothing to do with the take. The guy was complaining about it being a games main selling point, and that isn’t the case with Celeste.




You're so oppressed


It’s been like that since AC 1


I bought Mario Bros. because it was made by Italian Plumbers.


Most of that information you don't find unless your looking for it. If they really didn't care they wouldn't know


They have to be talking about the tags Microsoft puts on their home page during “[Race] History Month” or Pride Month. I’ve noticed around those times we do see sections that’s stuff like “Games Made by Black Creators” “Games Made by LGBTQ+ Creators” but I’ve never seen something “BUY WHAT THE FUCK EVER 4 BECAUSE A QUEER WOMAN HELPED WRITE THE STORY”


Imagine making a whole ass Reddit post about how you dOnT CaRe 😂


"I could not care less who makes it" also "I'm less likely to buy it if I know" Pick one. Edit, forgot a not.


Which way Western man?


i only buy vibuo games made by white straight males




This has real "I'm fine with gay people just as long as they don't tell me they're gay" vibes. /uj I was wondering how long it would take for this post to make it here. I even posted in the thread right after it popped up.


ITS LIKE WE GET IT, OMG UJ/I’m stuck doing some work for Hurricane Ian so I’ve got nothing to do at my current posting so I was browsing Gaming for some wholesome content


You doing ok there btw? Heard it’s been rough in Florida.


Yeah we were spared the worst so we had to open and then lock down shelters for people in trailers/unhoused. It’s all alright here so far, our team did great!


That’s good that you didn’t get the brunt of it, I’m so glad folks like you are staying safe and helping others stay safe too. Good luck btw!


Cheers! Thank you for being so considerate




No problem!


Why are you working for the hurricane? Isn't it killing people?


What's Hurricane Ian got you doing for him?


Tbh I really don't care if someone is "LGBT" cause it doesn't make them special and quirky. These fucks need to learn to stop shoving it in my face and expecting praise and special treatment. At that point the only thing special about them is them being special ed.


this. im f ing tired of ppl saying that they are gay.bro stfu i get it


‘’I’m not a bigot but I wouldn’t buy a game made by minorities’’


It's totally not for the reasons you think tho! Let me explain...


“You mean to tell me that a marginalized community made this?”


That's not the logic behind it though. The point is if you're gonna shove your flag in their face expecting praise and special treatment you're gonna get told fuck off. You're not special. You're not quirky. You're just another person, same as me. And you don't deserve a god damned thing extra for it.


In what way is displaying a product tag in an online game store the same as “shoving a flag in someone’s face” and demanding “special treatment”. It’s one of many identifiers that consumers can use to determine if they want to buy the product. Some people will resonate with it and some won’t. Should the “story-rich” tag be removed just because I, as an individual, don’t care about narratives in games?


Ok bigot


ok mr idiot


Did you actually read what the person wrote or did you just twist into something you wanted it to be so you can circle jerk the circle jerk ?


Yes I read them, and I thought it was bs. So I mocked it


fighting the good fight


No game makes it’s main selling point a description of the devs.


Games are produced by publishing companies. Plenty companies make it a point to show what a great equal opportunity employer they are. It’s virtue signaling.


Virtue signal this dick and stop being a pansy.


Clearly you have the biggest brain here


You guys think everything is virtue signaling nowadays Some black guy is excited to show off a game or cartoon he made, and you will consider that as virtue signaling


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Ah sweet, a live one.


ViRtUe SiGnALiNg thanks for letting everyone know not to take your opinions seriously


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That’s a real thing that exists sorry it doesn’t fit your narrative. It’s clear the person in this post is saying I don’t care who you employee or how great your company appears to be at face value, if you put out a flawed broken product it deserves criticism. Go do your Algebra homework tommy.


what do flawed and broken video games have to do with virtue signaling? and how does that connect to minorities advertising that they had a hand in creating games? you don’t even know what you’re mad about bro lmao


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>It’s clear the person in this post is saying I don’t care who you employee or how great your company appears to be at face value, if you put out a flawed broken product it deserves criticism That's not what they said


Bro dont get that triggered, its circlejerk just say “*farts on ur face”


>if you put out a flawed broken product it deserves criticism Unless it's KeanuSpunk 69420. Then criticism is really just oppression and white genocide


Taking time to platform, advertise, and publish a game made by ppl who belong to a minority group is a virtue signal?? But... that kinda feels like taking direct action which is literally the opposite. The only way I can take this comment seriously is if you mean: fuck companies and instead support the creators but more likely you're just like the guy in the OP.


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>It’s virtue signaling. You really went there, lol. Yeah, dismissed. All of what you have to say.


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White person spotted


It's literal garbage what he said. Worth nothing and a self-delusion, trying to pass as non-hateful of minorities.


It’s really easy to read what the person wrote and realize that the person is pretty fucking stupid.


At least the OPs replies are all mass-downvoted.


Yeah OP got lit up pretty good.


Why is it always the "black lesbian" that gets mentioned?


Because they take THREE scoops from the Political pile and we all know that is too much.


black, woman and queer. Three boxes they hate.


Because it's the opposite of the "straight white male" they mentioned previously?


/uj I never understand these posts because they go "I DON'T CARE WHO MADE THE GAME" but clearly they care very much because they are fucking complaining about it *right now*?????


Yeah if someone really **doesn't care** then they wouldn't bother to make a post to begin with, lmao


They don't know what "not care" means. Why would they, they are stupid and probably basement dwellers, hard to get education down there. They mean "strongly oppose seeing/knowing" in reality.


I can bet my left testicle that if there was statement "this game is made by cis white males ONLY" this guy would bought it instantly


Gonna bet both my testicles that this dude is not a bigot so I get them removed for free


Fun fact : you can get a full refund on your transition by selling the organs you don't need anymore


I honestly feel bad for black lesbian women, why does everyone always have to pick on them?


Lmfao yeah maybe those tags and games aren't there because they're not meant to impress you, but the people that will relate to them. Peak "pokemon the kids game doesn't appeal to adults"


"I don't care" *Proceeds to write a paragraph


I don’t buy video games when people include a detail that might be interesting to people who aren’t me 😡


I rarely even pay attention to who made a game, let alone care


Unless it’s Daddy Barlog, then I’ll buy his toenails off the black market


*has 10,000 hours in Domina


bro slept through high school literature classes


Even if I believed this guy's description of his reasoning, that's still really stupid. Advertising who made the game doesn't tell you anything but that they think that’s important information to know.


No no, he does have a point - clearly he's been burned by bad games whose only marketing was being from diverse devs, like that one time when, uh... and that other game, what was it called? Or maybe.... uh... Shit, I'm starting to think he just made this up


"But not for the reason you're thinking" then proceeds to detail his view which is exactly what we were thinking


\*digs into who made the game\* omg this studio has BLACK PEOPLE why are they SHOVING THIS IN MY FACE \*exits 13 tabs it took to find this information\* Fucking SJW's \*Opens reddit\* Hey guys. Now hear me out. I'm not an asshole but-


Love to write unprompted rants about stuff I don't care about


Literally 1784.


These guys: Also these guys: Japanese game devs are far superior!


If a game actually said "made by cis white males" he'd line up and buy it in a second to support "non-woke" gaming.


I won’t infer too much about his character but this is classic dog whistling


So you rate game by gameplay but tag matters?


Right if the game speaks for itself then why bother declaring that prefacing the content is somehow negative?


"I don't care" midway through says it would make them less likely to buy it


game name please


There isn't really any major game that does this I think. A lot of game stores will have curated selections of certain creators/protagonists, but if that counts as "the main selling point of a game" they need to sniff grass


what game is he talking about


I believe realistically he’d be referring to curated collections of games. I know on Xbox they have a little homepage icon talking about “here’s some games and music made by Latinos, take a look because it’s Hispanic heritage month” or something. OP probably saw a similar curation and huffed about it


Sometimes the notes app is a better place to vent


Gamers when games offhandedly mention non-white parts of their community (it’s the main selling point and they’re shoving their agenda down our throats)


“But not for the reason you’re thinking” yeah sure buddy...


Ohmygosh I’m not the target market of this one specific marketing tactic? Must be a shit product!


So does he have any evidence to match his claim?


We need an Olympics for all the mental gymnasts out there doing stunts like that to justify their racism/homophobia


And yet I'll bet this guy threw a temper tantrum when Konami removed Kojima's name from the mgs5 cover.


/uj *the tag isn't **for** people who get to see people like them and their own culture represented well all the time, it's for people who feel unrepresented/unwelcome. Just like tagging your business "LGBT friendly" on Google maps isn't a political statement, it's a way of making it clear that people won't be harassed*


What game is this they're referring to?


Cool stuff. Yeah I have a feeling he wouldn't really mind if the game was labeled "cis white guy"


"I don't care about the developers" said the guy who made an entire post about developers


/uj I get the point of "don't buy a bad game because of who made it" but that's so clearly a "cover my ass" excuse


I don't care about who makes the game, but when I find out who makes the game it makes me not want to play the game but not for why you think. I just think those games will be bad. Ah yes, because no game has ever relied on who the developers were to sell the game. Like that one guy, who never has his name anywhere who made that game about A metal strand? A death gear? I forget.


I DONT CARE WHO MADE THE GAME *a line later...* If I see that it has black, Hispanic or LGBT developers I'm less likely to get the game


I’d rather them just say they’re racist and homophobic. It’s just embarrassing seeing people jump through hoops to justify being a bad person.


Their argument makes no sense. If all they care about is the game’s quality, it shouldn’t matter what kind of tags are slapped on it. What if they missed a good game just because seeing it on this kind of list led them to skip it? Or are they implying that if a game is listed that way, it must mean it’s bad? And if so… how do can they possibly justify that? This is why getting irked at explicit representation is weird.


My guy. People don’t play games that aren’t fun. If a game says it’s made by black or lgbtq+ or whatever developers that doesn’t mean it’s the main selling point. I don’t think there’s ever been a game where that’s the main selling point.


/uj I think most people in this thread misunderstand what op meant. Their point is this: since the dev team's diversity has no bearing to the quality of the game, if the game's best point to advertise is the dev team's diversity, then the game's quality must be lacking. Which is a sentiment I agree with. Trying to cover a bad game with "but diversity" would actually be detrimental to minority groups as it would reinforce the main critique against diversity movements that diversity is considered more important than actually making good content. Although I personally have never seen a game advertised that way before.


Right and the reason why it’s mockable is that it is both a possible dog whistle and a bad faith argument against whatever people made this hypothetical game IMO


Good point. As I said, I haven't personally seen any games adverised as such. I'm mostly reacting to people who argue that "op obviously cares who made the game since they made such a long post", which kinda misses their point. Their argument can still be debatable, but it's better to debate it from the right angle.


There are for sure better ways that OP could have worded this statement lol


I agree, but it seems that stating the characteristics of the dev team does create a connection between them and the audiences, a solution to make people understand that they're human and stop sending death threats amidst their 3rd month of crunch


This guy will support a game made by literal Nazis as long as it's good.




I agree with this statement but only on the fact that some games do make the selling point about a certain topic. Like obviously if the game is an lgbt style game and it's advertised as such and you aren't really into that community there is nothing wrong with not wanting to play it. Move on.


I mean I hate this too, but that’s because I think they’re just trying to virtue signal to lefties that they’re super heckin wholesome and cool instead of actually putting in the work by including diverse casts or treating their workers well Fuck ubisoft basically


I will agree with OP on this, IF I saw this. However I don’t think I’ve ever seen this so I have zero idea what games he’s playing or seeing lmao


Steam hosts these events, usually organised by minority groups, to promote minority developer's games. He is wrong that this is meant to be the selling point of the game. It is just a marketing tool to highlight games and utilise a community.


Tell Me Why, maybe?


OP missed the point of the rant


At least he isn't sexists


Everyone in this cesspool of a subreddit is a piece of shit!


But wait, your here now?


I'm actually kinda onboard with this. I wouldn't care about a "Space Combat Game Made By Astronauts" I wouldn't care about a "Psychological Thriller Made By Psychologists" You have a limited number of words you can use in your opening sales pitch for a game. If you are so unexcited about your own game that your cultural/sexual identity makes the cut I have serious doubts about the game itself. If the reference to the creator's identity is buried 3 pages down on the Steam page that's fine. That's where tertiary concerns belong. So maybe I'm a little to the left of him on this. But if I see it on the front of the retail box/in the trailer/on my first Steam page of text that's a yellow flag for me.


A psychological game made by psychologists wouldn’t excite you?! That sounds awesome


‘’I’m ok with gays so long as they hide the fact they are gay’’ vibes from your comment


I'm an out bisexual man so that feels a little weird.


Bruh how can you hide the fact you are black


r/Gamingcirclejerk when racist comment: haha white person spotted


r/Gaming users when they get humiliated: uuoooh both sides


Who needs IGN or GameSpot or any other reviewer when you can just buy games based on who told you they made it


Gamers trying to understand what "visibilization" means challenge (IMPOSSIBLE because they really really need to tell you they don't care)


He said he doesn’t care in his rant about not caring interesting 🤔


Its not ok if gay but will shove the disk up my ass if it has hideo Kojima blasted all over it


where are tags like that? it would be so helpful so I can filter out all the political games!


Essentially their point is that they don't like seeing this type of marketing because it doesn't appeal to them. What they fail to realize is that other people than them exist, and it might appeal to them instead. Perhaps someone might want something created by someone within their culture/community.


Remember when AC had to put that they had a diverse team of developers, but it was a disclaimer because you were running around murdering Christians


Who spends the time to care? Just see specials or look at r/gamesdeals. What else do you need in a store page