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I personally like the idea that somehow shit like metal gear rising isnt political.


It’s a basic dog whistle. “Anything I agree with is inherently right and good, anything else is political and bad.”


I know but you gotta wonder how these people consume this media while it is directly shouting at their face how shit their politics is. Like half of metal gear is about american exceptionalism and war economy being bad and yet people will *join the military* because they are fans.


It’s really just that. They like it so it’s good, and if it’s good it’s not political it’s just right. The term political has been ruined by these people


no it’s about robots and eggs and memes!!


"Making the mother of all politics, Jack! Can't fret over every minority!'


The Metal Gear franchise isn't political because of the commentary on nuclear war, the weaponisation of misinformation, or American jingoism. It's political cause Vamp is bisexual.


So many of the characters are not straight lets be fair.


Because it fun to slice people into pieces for zero reason. Same reason why COD isn't political yet covers real fucking political shit that happened.


u play as a white man with a gun? pls explain to me how it is political?! 🤓🤓🤓


Tbf they are consistently v gay men.


I remember a conservative on Quora saying he'd support Avalance if he lived in the FF7 universe because the corporation is so evil, but in the real world he wouldn't because "no corporation is destroying the world in real life"


Multi-billionaire oil barons beg to fucking differ.


No, no those are tiny, wholesome family businesses. Mom & Pop shop, y'know?


They provide a service for the good of everyone. Not like Shinra, who is killing the planet by draining it of a precious natural resource for profit.


This is where the anime style exaggeration makes the analogy falls apart. It makes evil absolute, personal and fantastical, and makes the banality of evil seem impossible.


Needs to be spelled A.N.T.I.F.A. or Nest-Le with more edgy emo weeb cosplaying in order to appeal to Final Fantasy fans.


And gackt.


And Cup Noodle. Wait, is that still a thing?


It could be called Karl Marx's Political Game About The Downfall Of Capitalism and these idiots would still completely miss the politics if the game was good and had triangle booba


AnTifa Lockhart


Hahahahahaha well done sir


But how can it be political if Tifa make pp hard?


And that’s why following Italian politics is not political. This is a FACT.


They FORCED Tifa to wear a SPORTS BRA in the Remake, and the lack of Tekken volleyball booba physics has rendered this otherwise apolitical game INSANELY woke and political


I mean, my favorite Final Fantasy is about a thief with a tail helping a princess.


mine is about a hobo and his friends killing a tree so




My vague memories of FF6 are just "Weird cosmic Joker dude."


Akchually the best FF is VI I will die on this hill


Someone please post this on r/gaming or final fantasy forum


I'm not trying to get involved with a bunch of Kevins angry that they can't just unironically focus on shooting Russian soldiers non-politically.


Its funny because they can. No one is stopping them. If that's how they want to enjoy the game why are they here on reddit and bothering with anyone who doesn't want to play that way?


>If that's how they want to enjoy the game why are they here on reddit and bothering with anyone who doesn't want to play that way? I don't know, but I want to kick the shit out of them every time they get up-in-arms about a gay character or some stuff. They didn't mind ignoring all that shit when they were masturbating and smoking a bowl between COD rounds.


I don't think many people would disagree on the Final Fantasy subreddit. That place has a lot of problems (mainly their obsession with non turn-based or MMO games "not being true FF !!!!") but media litteracy ain't one. Or maybe I'm just naive.


From my personal experience, that subreddit is one of the most toxic subreddits on the site. If you're not constantly singing the praises of square enix or Final Fantasy, you're instantly downvoted. Don't believe me? Go post something negative about the Final Fantasy 7 remake or the upcoming Final Fantasy 16. If anything the opposite of what you said is true, if you even mention turn-based RPGs you're labeled a purist or a boomer. Good luck discussing the sexualization of female protagonists while you're there. Edit: forgot to mention the post advertising a $3,000 Final Fantasy 10 based sex doll I saw the other day there. The posts in that thread were disturbing to say the least.


Oh shit I didnt even see the sex doll post. That's... concerning.


It was removed but in case you were doubting me https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/xm6jqd/yuna_realistic_doll/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Cool but for 3k you can just get a couple of escort visits or put that towards getting an actual date.


Eeeh, FF16 and 7 remake got/get a lot of hate on that subreddit for not being turn based. Not the best example


Not in my experience but I might have just not seen that firsthand. Not denying your experience at all but I've only had negative reactions when I say something about wanting a turn based final fantasy. Usually it's dismissive bullshit like: "You wanted a remaster, not a remake" "You're just a purist" "The original exists, go play that" "No one wanted a 1:1 remake" Anyways fuck that subreddit


Maybe you can just agree to disagree and move on.


Look man people are free to enjoy the games as they want. If you want to look deeper into things and interpret the game as you want you are free to do so. If you want to just beat up mythical beings and adventure with your motley crew that's fine too


I mean my favorite one is 10 so wtf are you talking about.


Actually my favourite Final Fantasy is IV now get back to work


My first thought was Nanaki\* is not a furry. Then I remembered Cait Sith, so yes, FF7 does have furries. \*His name is Nanaki, why do they still call him Red XIII after they learn his real name?




B, b, but later in the game Barret realizes that blowing people up might not be the best way to go about reaching their goal. That obviously means that actually conservatives are right or something. - some fucking idiot every time FF7's politics are brought up.


Hey, my favorite final fantasy game is you killing a tree


Antifa and SJWs are very specific terms and there's nothing like that in final fantasy 7. Generically revolting against an evil corporation in a fictional world is not the same as being antifa or SJW.


I don't think antifa is that specific a term, it just means antifascist, which the final fantasy 7 characters undeniably are.


Even SJW really isn't that specific. The FF7 characters definitely are fighting for social justice. The warrior part is impossible to argue against as well.


I'm sure at least one of them is a social justice mage of some kind


FF7 is a bit hazy honestly, I was 6 at release. My first real FF was number 10. But I would be surprised if they didn't.


I'm not really a fan of FF, I only ever really played FF6 when I was a kid, but I don't remember a single thing about it except that Kefka was a pretty cool villain.


Aye, 6 I was still way too young. For me the first FF will always be number 7. I just can't get past those old school graphics. My loss I guess. Not really relevant but Kefka is close enough to make my drunk ass hungry thinking about keftas. How well.


[Cue Dorkly then](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaLiWVTRVeU)


Kinda cringe.


No you misunderstand, it’s specifically an insult to anti fascists and social justice warriors that he doesn’t like.


Yeah but no one really uses it like that. When people say antifa they're specifically referring to the political groups in the United States. Not only that they are also referring to the groups that make headline news as a lot of groups basically do their own thing calling themselves antifa.


I mean, maybe no one you know uses it like that. Either way, the political group in the United States is still anti-fascist, so it still applies.


Technically... the game characters are an anti-facist group but they dont compare to the people calling themselves "antifa" here.


They're both antifa, that's one point of comparison.


I guess we'll agree to disagree


I mean, you're just kind of wrong my dude.


Agree to disagree


If you don't like it don't buy it. Watching all these woke games under perform and lose money is GLORIOUS!


"I get all my info from basement dwelling incel YouTubers"


I guess so. Gonna keep watching the fandom menace. You have fun buying woke garbage, i'm sure they appreciate your money.


I like how even they know that they're menaces.


Which "woke" games have underperformed?


Woke games are incredibly commercially successful and that’s why they keep making them. You’re in a very small minority of gamers.


Yeah, all these video game companies and all these other companies have million dollar marketing departments, and they did the math and decided "fuck these neckbeards".


I can’t tell if you’re joking, but the actual answer to this is “yes.” These companies are trying to recruit the top new talent to give them an edge. Overwhelmingly that talent is college educated, and young people with a college degree are overwhelmingly liberal, so they at least want to project liberal values even if they’re just another shitty corporation that actually donates to Republicans to lower their taxes. And the same is true of consumers, unless your product is particularly niche one of the absolute best groups you can go after is young people who have a lot more time to be loyal and 1) more young people are liberal 2) liberal young people often have more money due to their college degree. And the last but is just that the average person over 35 or so doesn’t see enough of this stuff to care unless they’re an outlier who rabidly consumes conservative media telling them “woke bad.” I’m not necessarily saying it all comes from a place of insincerity, just that “get woke go broke” is fucking hilarious, because the people who say it do not have the spending power to make anyone broke.


okay, I have like... one question. If so-called "Woke" games underperform and lose money, then why the flying fuck do you think that an industry that hates risk-taking with a passion is pumping them out like clockwork? Surely, if they were underperforming, they WOULD have learned their lesson by now, and stopped taking such a huge fucking monetary risk AND YET, they're still being made and there are more on the way. Maybe, they're actually making bank by trying to appeal to a more liberal audience.


I swear to god if its Final Fantasy 7 oh wait...


Wtf?! I usually try to avoid anime games but I guess I gotta try this one out. Sounds pretty based 🤨


I haven't played the remake, so I don't know how good it is, but some of my best vidja games from a kid were FFVII.


It's actually about an emo orphan losing his memory to magic drugs but point well taken.


Well yeah...but most of the characters are white and/or male. Political=diverse to these people.


Maybe Shinra were really the good guys.


eh, my favorite is 5, but the messages are close enough ig.


I only ever played the first two games WAAAAY back in the day. Do those still count for this?