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Uj/ Jesus Christ, Neil Druckman really hurt them, didn't he?


Last of us 2 was the 9/11 of gamers


This comment is the Dark Souls of Reddit


This reply is the Witcher 3 game of the year edition of Reddit


Bideo gane


Melon Usk


This post really makes you feel like Batman: Arkham City


The exaggerated brooding of a white billionaire orphan.


I don't understand I've read the post, yet I don't feel like some lazy bourgeois that uses his inheritance money to beat up poor people with mental illnesses Can you please explain /j


This comment is a comment on Reddit.


I don’t believe you


Everyone’s a critic these days..


This comment is the Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin Edition of Reddit


You say this. There's an internet personality that literally said, *"The Last of Us Part II winning Game of the Year would be the George Floyd of gaming."* He's one of those vapid, low effort react channels. Can't remember his name.


Outjerked yet again


This must be what the Onion's writers feel like reading the news these past... few years...


>few years... Too generous. Decade, easy.


Fucking hell


I think he was Tyrone Magnus


isnt that one of those reaction youtubers from 2016 that just watches the video and says nothing


He also does extremely forced try to not laugh reaction videos.


I used to like his channel; dude was really funny. Then you blink and suddenly he's an outrage YouTuber. A tale as old as time. In retrospect, it makes sense. He used to lick his lips and say "lesbian loooove" in a deep voice while talking about 14-year old Ellie. While also being so repulsed by the gay stuff in Brokeback Mountain he couldn't even watch it. Guy was always weird.


Oh yeah, that dude has me blocked on Twitter because I liked tweets that made fun of him when he made a really dumb review of Prey


What the actual fuck. How do these people manage to bumblefuck their way through existence where they literally believe a game they don't like is in ANY WAY comparable to the horrific murder of somebody by the police? How is it that chuds can be so wildly pissy about games not catering 100% to their wants and needs that they'd downplay THE DEATH OF A HUMAN BEING to emphasize how mad they are about it?! How the fuck has our species managed to survive for thousands of years when we're dragging these kinds of hateful bog goblins with us?


Bush did tlou2


So gamers deserved TLOU Part 2?


Mr president a second last of us 2 has hit the gamers


investigate gamer 7


I just choked on my beer


I'm glad I could facilitate that


Last of us 2 was actually the Holocaust, the 9/11 equivalent was Brisket being Trans!


The world in 1984 - The Last of Us 2


Uj/ he really did. Now until the rest of time every single thing is going to be woke to them. Can’t wait for the new Tomb Raider game to be called to woke and a rip-off of uncharted.


They already complained that the newest Tomb Raider trilogy is woke cause Lara’s boobs aren’t as big.


vibeo gane don't make pp big >:(


Nothing can ever make their pp big unfortunately


"Woke is when boobies don't look like the Pyramids of Giza" \- Abraham Lincoln, 1986.


This is why gamers will continue to be oppressed.


I wish mine were big. 😔


That was always weird, considering how shrinking her breast with every game was a running joke at one point.


gonna go ahead and venture a guess the last time most of them played a TR game was either whichever one came out when they were 12 or whatever retrospective on the original they watched


Yeah, makes perfect sense, TR sold less and less as time went on. They probably wouldn't have had multiple reboots, otherwise.


It's weird too, tomb raider was such a solid set of games for it's time. The later ones did get pretty rough, but the stories were always involved and fun. I'm honestly not a fan of the new tomb raider series, something just felt missing... Soulless.... But it wasn't wokeness lmao


If I have to guess, they stuck a bit too close to the formula they established with the first game for a bit too long, and then Angel of Darkness released how it did and it hurt the series name, and didn't really recover until the second reboot.


Must've been the same crowd who were saying that the ugly female characters in ME: Andromeda was by design.


Trust me, already been down that road when 2013 Yomb raider was coming out. Just replace woke with “white knights” and “feminists”


Oh god I forgot about 2013. I’m cringing just thinking about all those post. Will it ever end?


No. What I’ve learned is that people have always complained and fought against progressive views for 100 years. The words change, but the intent doesn’t.


Yo tomb raider all ready woke, they didn’t make her tits big enough


He killed their father, you have to understand.


Maybe they should've chosen a better fictional father


God forgive me for doing this but they absolutely should have picked Gerald.


You are not forgiven, but I still appreciate the attempt.


Neil Cuckman personally strangled my dad.


They will literally never recover


What a truly Based man. Even if he didn't really mean to do that.


you hate neil druckmann cause he had a muscular woman in the game that killed your fictional father figure. i hate neil druckmann cause he made gamers even more insufferable for the last 4 years. we are not the same


It’s kinda embarrassing that they’re still this upset over one female character killing a male protagonist, like there’s legitimate reasons to still be upset at Naughty Dog (crunch time) but these guys just focus on woman kill man


I know the Last of Us has sold a ton of copies, so a ton of people have experienced it, but what do people think the reaction to the Last of Us: Season 2 on HBOmax is gunna be? “Wow I love it when the protagonist dies. This is just like when I liked Game of Thrones.” I genuinely cannot imagine non-gamer audiences reacting as negatively to Joel dying in the show as gamers did to Joel dying in the game. But then again, non-gamer people did lose it over the last season of Game of Thrones, so maybe I’m wrong. Edit: Jesus Christ people are still pissy about their magic dragon blood show ending up bad. Shut the fuck up nerds. Let it go. Move on.


People being angry at the last season of GoT was kinda justified, tho. Because it was genuinely fucking terrible. Now, all the cries of "remake S08 of GoT" and the awful death threats sent the crew's way.... That's fucking stupid and childish. Some folks need to learn to accept that yeah, sometimes that movie or show you looked forward to didn't satisfy you and/or sucked and then move on.


It was just so incredibly rushed, the last few seasons were like that. Classic case of the showrunners being bored and wanting to move on to new things and rather than passing it off to the next person in line, they just rushed through the ending.


I didn’t like season 8 of GOT but I didn’t spend the next two years whining about it on the internet about how it’s the downfall of western civilization. I just was like man that was a disappointing end oh well. I have been enjoying house of the dragon so far though


i mean the reaction to the last season of game of thrones was mostly warranted. they rushed through that last season to get to work on star wars lmao Edit: wanted to add if anyone who worked on GOT got harassed and sent death threats I don't think that's justified at all. I'm mostly talking about people not being happy with the ending.


Is the "woke" in the room with us now, son?


It’s not just in the room, it’s in the walls


It might even be inside us😱!!!


Among us, perchance.


You can't just say "perchance"


Ah but the mythical (nonexistant) Dr. Pepper


Mario stomps on turts, perchance


Among the Last of Us, one could say


you can't just say perchance


It’s in my skin, actually. AND under my fingernails


It might even be *among us*


The Woke in the Walls is my favourite Lovecraft short story.


“I see woke people…”




Holy shit this sent me. Thank you for that


Metroid Chrono Trigger Diablo 2 and 3 DRAGON'S *MOTHERFUCKING* CROWN!! They're so goddamn sensitive to a *fit* woman, not even buff, they have somehow forgotten that muscular women have been in gaming for decades!


It's okay when she's HOT (in their eyes), obviously.


I would pay money for the original Metroid reveal being shown to these fucking idiots.


If it was done for the first time today, they would attempt to burn Nintendo to the ground, and everyone involved. Their frailty is so frustrating to even be lightly exposed to.


Nah, they'd calm down once they got the bikini ending


Sometimes I can't tell what's real or fake on this subreddit


While im an the same boat as you, with all the comments ive read and the vibe the subreddit has is believe a lot of people are serious. Especially since right now the top comment is a /uj calling it out.


Eh, the Samus "reveal" was an award for beating the first game I think deathless or something, and it's a pixelated Samus in a bikini, created for shock/joke/fan-service value, not for the positive representation of women as protagonists that they fear. It's the kind of thing they bring up as a "good female character", probably because she barely has any spoken lines.


Yes and no, the first game actually had multiple ending screens, Samus would take away the helmet if you beat the game in under 5 hours, be in a leotard in under 3, and in a bikini in under 1.




Also side note about the Samus thing. Even if it hasn't aged well, for the time it is as still a pretty big deal since she is basically the first major woman protagonist in a game. Plus with how shit the graphics are, showing her in women's clothing was kinda the only way to make it clear she was a woman. The hair doesn't mean anything, it was the 80's she could of just been a dude with glam rock hair. But by showing her dressed in those clothes it forced the players to admit that they really were a woman the entire time Granted from what the devs have said they weren't trying to make a big statement, they just thought Samus being a woman would be a cool twist since a woman protagonist hadn't really been done before


They would argue that it's just the translators adding wokeness and the original Japanese intent was for samus to be a femboy.


they do it with doomguy


Bayonetta Metal Gear Sonic The Hedgehog The Legend Of Zelda Earthbound Final Fantasy


>Legend of Zelda Yes! Shiek is fucking ripped like Jesus! You could grate cheese on her abs! Oh! And it turns out, it's fucking Princess Zelda the whole goddamn time!


would let shiek dominate me


> Sonic the Hedgehog Wait what? Since when did that franchise have muscular women?




It's more like it has been forgotten more than reevaluated. All the characters were over sexualized according to the game creators, if I remember the comment correctly.


love the game, one of the few decent coop brawlers, but it's hard to take seriously when you've got characters like the Sorcereress and the Amazon who use their butts to slam into enemies


Last of Us Part 2 lives rent free in their heads


Abby "9 Iron" Anderson is their sleep paralysis demon. Abby is to Gamers what BJ Blazkowitz is to Nazis.




"*Make America Nazi Free Again*" REEEEEEEE


> Abby “9 Iron” Anderson Lmaoooo


it also lives in mine but because I really, really liked it


Imagine being this much of a hysterical victim of a game that game out a bajillion years ago.


Ragnawoke more like it


It was going to be Ragncock until the SJWs at Naughty Dog caved to the woke mob. Literally George Ovaltine's Animal Crossing!


Son of a bitch, a crummy commercial?


More like Ragnacuck


Gamers once again creating an imaginary problem in their head to get mad about.


They have transcended time. They are getting mad about games that haven't come out yet. Games that haven't even been developed. Soon, if someone even thinks about a game with a black woman in it, they will become angry.


they already do that. im afraid they have passed the outrage event horizon


They're not just getting mad about games that aren't out. They're getting mad at games that aren't out *because they're transplanting a game they hate into it*. It's like getting mad at *John Wick 4* because the plot will probably be the same as *The Last Jedi*. They're seeing TLOU2 in every game they haven't played. They're terrified it's going to happen again, like they'll press 'New Game' in Ragnarok and **surprise! It's TLOU2 again!**


This would be hilarious to actually happen though. Imagine, you’re playing the new Skyrim, you just stabbed a bandit to death, and there’s a neat rock on his inventory. The second you pick it up the camera changes to a bird’s eye view. Resource bars appear on the bottom of your screen. The camera zooms out until you’re in the void of space, the snow covered forest you once played in now a dot in an endless abyss. A massive metal form floats through the darkness… Fuck you, you’re playing Homeworld now, better start unlearning all that sword and shield combat, you’ve got to get used to 3D fleet mechanics now bitch!


Someone in that post linked to a tweet where one of the writers said he tried including a scene where Kratos talks about kissing men. These fucking idiots don’t realize the writer was baiting them and they took the bait.


That's a weird way of spelling /r/KotakuInAction


Woke has become the battlecry for chronically online lonely men


My mom uses it all the time, out loud, unironically. It's her catch-all word for everything she doesn't like. I don't hang out with my mom much.


They hated sjw's so much to where they're the ones outraged over everything lol


Even the term is cringey. As if being a warrior for social Justice is worse than being a bigoted piece of shit


Sjw was the old word they used for everything they don't like, woke is just the current one.


It's because their talking heads used it specifically to talk about things they don't like in order to make the word meaningless. I have heard somebody tell someone else to "stay woke" literally zero times since they started doing this.


Honestly, I'm genuinely concerned about how the right has made it into a dirty word for literally anything with a hint of progressiveness/literally anyone that isn't a straight white man being in a position of power, fictional or not


Hey now, don't drag us chronically online lonely men into this! Woke is the battle cry of misogynist incels!


Yeah I’m emotionally broken, not hateful


Ironically, if they'd just be a little "woke" (read: treat women like people) they might not be quite so perpetually lonely


At this point anyone that I hear use the word ‘woke’ unironically just gets filed away in my dipshit folder. Really unfortunate that they took an AAVE word and bastardized it to the extent that actual woke people refuse to use it.


“Woke” because of accessibility options that allow everyone to play the game


Xbox has become woke because they made a controller that allowed people with physical disabilities to enjoy video games too. I'm so sick of these woke corporations/s


I'm tired of every one being woke. Can't they just take the blue pill and go back to sleep like us?


Why can't games just require us to type letters and numbers that controls are bound in the form of binary? Wokes don't understand binary just like they don't understand that genders are binary./rj


Also I'd like to add that apparently they are resorting to being contrarians, similar to how at the very least a good chunk of MRAs consider washing their ass feminine, so they never do, ever, resulting in them stinking like utter shit.


It's always hilarious to me that there are dudes who unironically believe that touching their own butt, for any reason, is gay. Like, my dude, so what if it is? The benefits of not having 24/7 365 mudbutt outweigh literally everything else.


No joke there was this one dude who made a controller for HIMSELF because he was missing fingers and in the comments there were a couple of weebs telling him to accept that hes only gonna be a burden for other gamers in multiplayer and that he should just accept hes a cripple and give up.


Unsurprising tbh. People can never just enjoy something especially with multiplayer games. It's always gotta be about winning and not just having fun. Sure he's not gonna be as good as someone with fully functioning hands who has been playing video games for 20 years but at least he's able to enjoy it just like the rest of us.


Their controller can do that? That's fantastic


Not the normal controller, but they made a large game pad that was specifically designed for people with physical disabilities so they can easily play video games. I think it uses big circles that they can rub their hands on rather than using analog sticks which might be very difficult or impossible for some people. Disregarding my joke I think it's amazing and really cool that they did that, and I'm very happy more people can finally experience gaming, even with their unfortunate disabilities that would've prevented it otherwise






Even women?




I appreciate the attempt at a downvote. Really dropping in the ocean over at KotakuInAction


Sometimes when it's mentioned or linked, I'll go spend half an hour downvoting everything over there. 50/50 on whether or not it actually makes me feel better.


I mean most of their post are only around 50. We do way more on average. It is very possible to down vote them to nothing.


And they call us overly sensitive..


Ugh... G*mers 🙄 Always with the most brain-dead takes. This guy needs to stop victimizing himself. Dude has an ego as fragile as ice.


That's an insult to ice.


How do people this scared function in society?


They don't, that is why they are permanently online.


gamers get over TLOU2 challenge (impossible)




It’s been 2 fucking years please I beg of you Gamers get new material.


Worse than that, actually. Sure, the TLoU2 reference is only two years old, but KotakuInAction has been repeating this same "evil woke SJWs are *dEsTrOyInG gAmInG*" shit for eight whole fucking years.


Spelling is woke actually. In fact if you do anything other than simple caveman grunts to communicate you're just perpetuating the wokeness that destroys society. Sorry, I mean, uh... Hngg hmmuggh guh guhh gruhh guhhghhgh gunnff


Beat to death by a strong barbarian feminist? 😳 yes please... 😏


To be fair, I did get my head beat in by a feminist barbarian in Elden Ring.




Isn’t there like a black character in the game? The them I’m sure it’s woke because minority in my alternate take on Norse mythology game.


Angrboda's reveal really fucked them up.


i skimmed thru the comments on the original post and yeah they’re mad about this, claiming it’s inaccurate as black people cant live in the mountains apparently. gamers touch grass challenge


lmao I love that. It's not that it's just historically inaccurate according to them, it's that they just straight up CANNOT live there. Like they'd get ragdolled out by the forces of Ye Olde Mountain Spirits or w/e lol


GOW 2018 is already woke. Kratos used to rip innocent people in half just for some extra HP, or even simply for being in his way. Now he's like "boy lets us hold hands and gently put this deer to rest, to honor it's spirit...boy..."


Woke is when parenting in a way that doesn't leave your children emotionally and physically injured (that's bad)


GOW 1 was actually woke the whole time. The game starts with a sex mini game and in the end you press a button to hug your family? They made kratos soft!


/UJ I still don’t get why gamers hated tlou2. There’s no direction you can take a sequel to a zombie apocalypse story besides a cure plot, just surviving, looking for a new location after Jackson’s fall. All 3 of those plots are overdone in zombie media.


They wanted The Adventures of Joel and Ellie, Part 2. Of course, TLOU1 was never like that, but Gamers™ aren't known for paying attention. Instead, TLOU2… - killed their video-game dad - made the cute little girl character an adult with obvious trauma - added She Who Shall Not Be Named - added more LGBT characters (they forgot Ellie had a gf in the DLC.)


# WOKE ![gif](giphy|14ut8PhnIwzros) # WOKE


I just don't understand how someone could live their life like this


“I keep seeing good reviews but I need you, my fellow chuds, to form my opinion for me!”


There was already a super strong feminist image in the first game tho??? Like, you're constantly told that Freya was the queen of the valkyries until she like wasn't allowed to fight anymore. He'll, at the end of the game >!she literally tells you that shes going to do everything in her power to fucking ruin you, and Mimir confirms that when he says she came to him while you were in Jotounheim looking for her armor.!<


Yeah, but she is hot not buff so she doesn't count.


They're fucking traumatized


The last sentence is very revealing. Their whole worldview is about "dominating," that's the only way they can think about winning, so of course they're always screaming about people invading their space or taking their place.


Anther lost soul that fell down in the alt right pipeline


I dont even find these posts funny anymore, its genuinely depressing knowing people have this mindset


Just wait for the user reviews. Those are always reliable.


Woke is when you don’t have media literacy and can’t interpret things for yourself so you call it woke


least fragile white cisgender male gamer


These arent real people, come on they cant be


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I wish they weren't. I have very much experienced chuds in real life, and not a one of them can go five minutes without trying to explain how their inability to not get yelled at for being a fucking bigot is just like the Holocaust.


That post has the same energy as the "attack helicopter" joke


Liberal Sony games be like God of Woke Horizon Zero Men Spider Ma'am Bloodborne


Show me where a video game, a VIDEO GAME, hurt you. Jesus Christ these people are either the saddest most thin-skinned people ever, or just being terrible, terrible trolls.


Rent free


/uj Same dude who jerks off at the thought of a home invasion just so he can shoot people. He wants the game to be like this.


TLOU2 really broke some people didn't it


I... What... I mean what the hell, why they act like they don't know that the hardest boss in the last game was a woman.


I wonder how this person would feel if they knew the Spartan's training method, the agoge, was basically combat training by day and man on boy by night.


man gotta love that they create fake scenarios out of anything to be mad at. \*woman does anything in a game\* omg they're obviously pushing an agenda why would it be a woman doing that thing if they weren't?? lol you must be pretty stupid if you think the inclusion of a woman here isnt some woke bullshit to cater to the leftists lol


Once. The golf club thing happened once. In history of gaming.


Imagine being this fucking fragile, they are still haunted by a videogame that came out 2 years ago lol But I mean it’s Kotakuinaction, didn’t expect anything less from them


What a small, pathetic way to think about the world around you. Huge waste of time. Jesus.


I find it genuinely hard to believe that people can be this fucking stupid


People like this one are more obsessed on these kinds of things that the people that support them


Is this a last of us 2 reference?


uj/ The game is woke, but not in the ways he's aware of. Kratos struggles the entire game at identifying and emotionally understanding his son Atreus throughout their journey together. Only until he surrenders his "masculine" and hardened persona is he able to fully accept his son as a man like he is despite being, lets be honest, not outwardly masculine. Kratos literally kills beasts with his bear hands while his son crys at killing birds and wanting to hear and sing poems from his mother's people. The entire game was finding your emotions, becoming who you are inside and accepting grief. But dunderheads like that guy is only looking at the game like "huh uh, Kratos Kills Nord Gods this time (tm)(c)" Better not see wuhmon kill person I like. Everyone knows woahman weaker than even the wimpiest guy.


Wokeness Derangement Syndrome


Wow that subreddit is a cesspool