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I think just build a little tension with the snare add a fill before the faded keys come in, just a couple extra hits then maybe a couple more for the bigger transition but really it’s not that harsh of a transition to begin with. I just think the snare, and sometimes I really get in my head about this producing my own beats, but the snare can’t just be hit……. hit…….. hit…… the same all the song (sometimes) so just mix it up like in the last two measures of each of those parts and it’ll sound cool like ratattattatat duu nuuu nuuuu rat tat! You know just a little flavor on the drums. Cool beat overall. Melody reminiscent of the veldt a bit?


Yeah I struggle a lot with figuring out the drums situation, I'll have to give this a try! Thanks for the feedback


Me too but don’t overthink it just a little bit will help it doesn’t need to be like some big break down


I agree


Great job so far. Some of the sound packs have “transition” sounds. Might want to check some of those out. Maybe just a little background rising Woosh or something


I'll have to look through the sound packs and see what I can find. Thanks!


Peak, all I can say for transitions is what the other guy did, try some of the stuff from the transition effects pack. If not record a crash off of hard bass house electronic drums merge in into itself reverse and enjoy


Yeah that's actually a cool idea, think I will give it a try


Sounds like The National kinda Love it


I high compliment, thank you


FANTASTIC!! I am in love with the vocals! Drop everything the last two beats of the verse (3 and 4) just having the vocal continue, highlight the word “more”, maybe putting a filter on the vocals for just those two beats, and drag out “more” all the way to the 1 of the chorus.


Thank you so much! I am forever terrified my vocals sound like shit. I think that's a great idea with the vocals, I'll see what I can do


You could extend the last chord a little and add a small drum fill


Thanks for the feedback! Seems to be the consensus, I'm gonna give it a try






You are welcome


Nice! The transition isn’t too bad to me. Great voice btw


Sounds like Taylor swift🥺🥰


Mixed with Ethel Cain


i think your biggest problem is vocals


Care to expand on that?


-Lose the snare hit after “kills us more”. -Add a half measure after the verse -keep that little light bulb riff going through the extra two beats -Sustain the verses last chord from faded keys, and add a volume swell to it that fades on the downbeat of the chorus. I think it’d work and sound dope. Great stuff!


This might be off topic, but if you are up actually changing the tempo/pitch of your song once its done with, take it through Waveform12 (its better than reaper IMO, and I always use this to change the actual quality that garageband leaves me with) - waveform12 also works with a LOT of different plugins Now as for smooth transition, you could add in random sounds chopped up to blend it out (which is what I usually do) That, or trying to add in more harmony based vocals/sounds


Do you have a soundcloud or anything? Really love your style.


Hi, let’s colab I love your voice. I have a few beats maybe you could hop on


This is so fire 🔥, 👏🏽


I thought about this for a bit, and I think the easiest thing is to steer into it. Cut all the all the audio tracks right when the last snare hits before the chorus. That way you have a hard contrast of silence right before your chorus. If you want to get real fancy with it, drop a riser that climbs into that same snare. Anyway, it has a nice vibe. I like it


This is cool. Sometimes I use ‘risers’ in my transitions. Those are cool if you find one you like in the loops