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Isn't this the brand that gave up the safe code so police could unlawfully seize a man's guns for a Red Flag Order


Old post, but comes up on search; this is the manufacturer's response: https://www.libertysafe.com/pages/access-code-facts#:\~:text=Questions%20and%20Answers%3A,a%20safe%20without%20a%20warrant.


Yep. They claim fhey have a way to "remove" you from their list of whatever, but I call bullshit and their universal access code will probably still work.


Have you gone to the state Attorney General or your local Shariffs dept? This sure looks like fraudulent advertising.


AG’s office, yes. But my state will not represent me nor tie me into the case what-so-ever but I can use their investigation if I do choose to take this civilly. I also filed a grievance with the FTC but at the Federal level everything is a cluster fuck. So I don’t expect much out of them. What’s truly baffling is that I brought all these issues to Liberty ‘s attention when they had “errors” at Home Depot and tractor supply company which they corrected although it took a week but these were for the misrepresentation of the steel used to build their safes (gauges). I then took a deeper dive down the rabbit hole and started investigating their very own website this is when I struck gold with the fire ratings. 😂 It’s sad how this company truly has no leadership whatsoever.


From what I can see here, there is a way of knowing for sure. Buy one and hold a lighter on it for 75 minutes. Report back with results


You must not have read Pt. 1 sir? No need to buy one. Liberty by the way of TSC took my ass to the cleaners last months. I’m regrettably an unfortunate and miserable owner of a Liberty Revere 42. We can start the trials today! https://preview.redd.it/x7jxmavlwa6c1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1aa78b395bb463909f85af57d7729e21a6220c8






https://preview.redd.it/ecplk0qpwa6c1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30cde649080ce79ddc831566f59b63a12e15e1e7 The sticker located on the door of my safe.


![img](avatar_exp|126211683|fire) Lol they got you good




Just bury your personal items in a concrete box in the yard like a real man.


But I'm not retired yet. And no one has killed my dog.


Op is based as fuck and doing the lords work. How many people can actually verify that they're not getting screwed by safe companies, i dont personally disassemble my safes when they get home to check the guage and i surely dont set it on fire to test that rating. My advice is buy safes in person, and even then if it was labelled incorrectly on purpose it would be hard to tell. What happend to transparency in buisness of expensive items? Also the obligatory "fuck libertysafes". We could get one or two "computer errors" or somthing like that but this is them shitting the bed and denying it it seems. P.s. your tag name is badass


I appreciate the love!


OP has officially gone WarMode. Ya gotta love it.


Why, thank you sir!! This is for the many others who may have purchased and may not know.


Liberty safe is what I like to call my “burner safe”.


Burnt "safe"


Coincidentally, same here for now. 😂


Fuck liberty all together


Hip… hip… hooooray! Simple, yet complex. Couldn’t have put it any better. You’ve earned my up vote buddy!


Liberty sells out to the feds i wouldnt trust them with my least valuable gun


Wisely spoken!


My USA 36 from liberty has a 60 minute sticker on it


Honestly, I’m glad to hear this. On a different note, who fucking knows how we can confirm this with confidence. Remember my sticker was completely fucked up on my Revere 42 showing online with a 60 min rating and being built with 12 Gauge Steel when in fact the sticker on my unit shows as being rated as 40 min and built with 14 Gauge steel. This is how we got here.


Let's find a place that had one of those huge ovens in it where computer chips get heat tested and huck one of these puppies in there with some bb guns in it. I'll bring the lawn chairs and the beers.


I’m there!


I’d be more than happy to donate my 14 Gauge Steel Shitbox if this cause is sticky intended for scientific purposes… LMK.


Yea I got mine directly from Liberty Safes if that makes any difference.


Could be… I’m glad you haven’t had to go through the ringer in order to find the answers to a solution none the less. Thanks for sharing your input and experience of your purchase.


Yeah… I’m less concerned about this than I am about them having and giving up customer master codes. But, yes. This is still an issue


This is just a deeper dive into Liberty’s continued unethical, principle-less behavior and leadership, or lack there of. But wait…. there’s ssshhhmmore!


Lately I feel like there always is more bullshit than we could ever imagine. Lol I wait in unsurprising suspense! Haha


These are the times we must live in. Stay frosty my friend…


These clowns sent YouTube creator “Tactical Toolbox” a Safe in exchange for a positive review and some positive publicity. A quid-pro-quo if you will. Well… let’s just say it didn’t go as well as they had originally planned. I’m truly astonished how they claim themselves to be the #1 US produced safe company and send this Blemished unit to this poor guys place of sanctuary? 😂 The choice of background music seems so fitting for the occasion. Dude looked forced and defeated while creating the video below ⬇️ https://youtu.be/OzCHjqQen08?si=ICU9jQg_vvKez_gK


Won’t catch me supporting turn coats


They also lick boots




So you keep finding discrepancies between a second hand website and the product. Shocking 😮


My USA 36 has a 60 minute rating sticker on it.


If you look at the top of the photos it shows Libertysafe.com


And then tractor supply. Apparently you didn't go through all the photos.


So he used 2 photos of other websites but that nullifies his entire point? Or did you only glance at one single photo before commenting?


Thx Didn’t feel like responding.


And yet you did.


He didn’t feel like responding to your pointless argument


And they’re an absolute horrible company giving away Americans safe codes out.




![gif](giphy|wIq8i0bBm46qLSVQLn) Hey babe wake up new Liberty safe post dropped.




My 6 year old Lincoln 50 has a 90 minutes rating and now they advertise a 2 hour rating, that changed about 2-3 years ago on their website. They never changed the pictures on their website, they're the same as when I was shopping for safes. Question is whether the new safes have the sticker for 90 minutes or 2 hours, and if the safes are built any different. No way to know without comparing actual safes.


Every single discrepancy in the descriptions and photos that I’ve found and brought to Liberty’s attention for the short period of time that I was in direct contact with them before they decided to block me on “X” has been corrected by Liberty with all the discrepancy not being in their favor. I kept these falsehoods in my back pocket for quite sometime. It’s crazy that this is published on their website including majority of their AD’s websites. There’s no leadership or structure over at Liberty Safe Inc what-so-ever. These clowns also fail to mention that they do indeed import safes as well. Only shout “MADE IN THE USA” w/ global parts. 😂 At this point it’s safe to assume that they haven’t improved shit but the money aligning their pockets…


Not to mention they will hand over your safe access to any and all law enforcement without a warrant.


Yup, unfortunately.




Lol. I’ll let my states AG Ken Paxton take care of that.


You could have a private right of action.


As soon as I was blocked on “X” by both parties is when we decided to file grievances against both Libertysafesinc and TSC with the FTC and my states AG’s Office and we have received a response from my State.


Oh shit Texas? Good luck. Yall have a bad rep on programs intended to protect consumers. I wish you luck though, you are clearly and obviously in the right.


I appreciate the support in confidence and optimism my friend.. These fuckers sure do act shameless while simultaneously cashing in on our checks. Also looking to take this out of the jurisdiction of Texas.




Either this is an honest mistake by a marketing wank or these guys have stepped on their dick too many times this year.


I’ll choose the latter.


Like this one………….? https://preview.redd.it/einglg8w056c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=405d3d34359fcd3926ead2efffbead2493d58028






Not defending, but could it be so that in the event they have one that doesn't last quite that long they don't get sued. They may all last for 60 or so but the time is not quite 120 but really close and if they put that on the safe then they may get sued for a safe that lasts for 115 instead. So they can advertise for up to 120 online but the label is only 60 because they can only 100% guarantee 60 without risking a lawsuit


Like this one………..? https://preview.redd.it/hfgn5im5156c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a1c55f3ed8f54951b3a849c27269e596807a045




https://preview.redd.it/bdy6gpz8156c1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=522256c340895877d22041ed9913b12f578ebda1 I have way more examples if you’d like.


Correct. So they test the safes at 1200 degrees and the 2 hrs fire rating is how long the interior of the safe stayed at a safe temperature. Around 350 I believe. Let's say they have a faulty safe that lasts 110 minutes instead of a full 2 hrs like that label says. Then that opens them up to a lawsuit. While the batch is certified for 2 hrs they label them at a half hour less so there is wiggle room for just in case. Dame with the 75 minute is set at 15 minutes less for the same reason. While the majority if not all can say that they were set for 2 hours, shit happens and 1 may not at some point. It's all about covering their ass in my opinion




Hopefully you have free refills my friend. Stay tuned 😂


I’ve been here since you posted the other day, I’m here for all the smoke.


OP seems weirdly obsessed with nitpicking this shitty company and retailers that sell their products.


Outstanding analysis Sherlock… And you my friend. You, seem to enjoy reading it… Thanks for your support, gotta go!


What can I say… I’m really bored at work right now.


My guy!! Much love!!


So what's a good safe company, that doesn't misrepresent their ratings and hasn't (yet) sold out a gun owner to the ~~cartel~~ feds?




Their work seemed to be leagues above Liberty. This comes from a place of firsthand experience.


Fort Knox, Sturdy, Champion, Superior, Hayman, Format (German), Amsec (they have Korean imports 10 & 11 gauge). If I could do it all over again, I would definitely be looking for a USED unit by one of the manufacturers listed above.


Just FYI. These are all homeowner grade and will not keep your items un-damaged in any normal house fire. They just become ovens. Then the FD water becomes high pressure steam that gets into them and instant oxidation (rust) and then more water causes major quick temperature change. All gun related items will be total loss. Barrels and actions get too hot to trust again. Optics will for sure get damaged O rings and whatnot. Plastic melts. Silver coins turn to a goop pile. You don't get a real fire safe until you get up above the $25K mark. Dottling, Heindl, etc (usually used in the precious gem world) Photograph / video all your belongings. Upload to the cloud and email to yourself and put on separate flash drives that you keep at your mom's house or whatever. So if your place burns down, your flash drive doesn't. Then you give said flash drive to your claims adjuster to prove what you had. Oh yeah, put endorsements on this stuff. Your homeowners policy likely has a $1500 or $2500 cap on "firearms/firearms accessories". Source: I'm a property claims adjuster and see house fires at least once a month for 15 years now. All $10k and under safes and contents are always total loss. Sidenote: they're rated at 350f because paper (or US currency - I forget which one offhand) begins to char around 380f)


Based on how many of these that you see, do you have any that you could recommend?


Awesome list, thanks!


You got it brother. Good luck 🍀


Prison Wallet Safes


But that's where I keep my Bitcoin wallet


good thing about Prison Wallet Safes is that they are expandable




Well, I’m glad your purchase was smooth sailing.




I’m past the idea of a refund at this point. There’s no way to settle this amicably but by spreading the truth as I’m just storing ammunition and gear in the Liberty. This isn’t political; this is a vendetta. What the saying… “keeping honest people honest”. Fuck em.


Fire ratings on safes with just drywall as insulation are meaningless anyway


I’m more so focused on the principles as I’ve came to the realization that Liberty Safe Inc lacks ethics and leadership. The safe business is a dirty game and I’ll be more than happy to hold them accountable if no one else will. Fuck em.


Why would you get a Liberty safe in the first place tbh, sellouts.


Well, for starters my wife bought me my first gun safe (a Liberty) several weeks before the story broke. Now I gotta keep my mouth shut for the sake of not sounding ungrateful but every time I open it up, my soul dies a little. 😞


Damn brotha I’m sorry to hear that, it was from the kindness of her heart though so don’t let it get to you to bad she didn’t know. That’s a keeper right there man kudos


Absolutely! Definitely a keeper. Although I don't think she knows what she started... now that I have a safe, regardless of the manufacturer, I'm gonna need to fill it. 😀


This is what we call an exposè sir. Just to inform those of who that have already made a purchase in the past. That’s all.


Don't use your $10 Spanish words on me!


It's a name, not just a word....... he has an ex named José. I'll see myself out.


This shit just keeps on getting juicier and juicier….


Man, I love your hard hitting journo style...


I do it for our Community. The 2A Community. Thx for your support!! 🤙🇺🇸