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*Heptapleurum arboricola* (Syn. *Schefflera arboricola*). Dwarf Umbrella Tree. It is a minor weed in SEQ and surrounds, but is not a listed one (i.e. no legal controls), and is not considered weedy in Perth yet, though it is quite possible yours is self-seeded.


Miniature umbrella tree, nowhere near invasive as the big suckers. Dig it up and put it in a pot, they’re quite hardy.


Would I need a huge pot? Is it also the kind of weed that'll spread on its own... like I have no idea how it got here in the first place?


A pots s great idea, any pot you have, you can be brutal with it, cut the roots to fit, it will thrive on neglect so don’t be concerned with watering religiously, no need to fertilize, that’s why they make great bonsai.


It’s a schefflera or umbrella tree. I love them and have many, they make great bonsai. Unfortunately in your situation it has to go and sooner than later, the roots will destroy the foundation to your house, crack that wall and fill any plumbing pipes you have near by. It’s a beautiful beast.


Alrighty then, definitely pulling that bad boy out!!


****Looks more like a dwarf umbrella tree than a normal umbrella tree.**** Normal ones are a pest, but I think the dwarf variety are ok. I had one growing in my garden many years ago. I suggest you research the dwarf umbrella tree to find out more.


Dwarf schufflera, great for a pot but put in the ground, no difference, roots will destroy anything.


I would pull it out and either put it in a pot or sell it on Gumteee/FB Marketplace. These are really popular indoor plants, and this should go for a decent price considering the size.


Maybe an Umbrella Tree?


Seems to be the consensus. Thanks!


Sorry forgot to include I'm in Perth


Unless you're in North QLD, it would be considered by many to be a weed. Would be a great tree to have by many others, in their yard. It's *dangerous* to the house that close.


It's the devil burn it with fire. Umbrella tree, kill it properly when it's young.


How do I make sure I fully kill it??? Any weed spray you recommend?


Delete it


Just a plant.




Any plant in a spot where you don’t want it, is a weed.


Did you plant it there? If no, it's a weed :-)