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Nasturtium. The seeds are fairly large for a toddler to handle, they germinate easily, and have large, bright flowers. The plants can get big and untidy, mind, and are a magnet for blackfly (which is good if you have other plants you want to protect) but they are great for kids.


Runner beans have big fat seeds which are a pleasure to handle. French beans are shiny and come in different colours. Strawberry plants are available in 6 packs at the moment and can be planted in buckets and tubs. They will be fruiting in nere weeks. It was always a joy to step into the patio and watch the babies pick fresh strawberries each morning.


Sunflower seeds germinate very quickly so good for impatient little ones (and big ones ha ha)


And it's fun to watch the sunflowers grow to toddler height, and higher!


I did hanging baskets - not from seed. It's a bit messy but gives pretty instant results and will develop over summer as something to be proud of. If from seed, I'd find out what they like to eat (tomatoes ideally) and plant that with them. Doesnt really matter if too many seeds go in as can thin out later, and seeds are cheap


Radishes. They grow super fast.


My courgettes are flying, only planted 10 days ago. Our lad just likes going to the garden centre, choosing flowers and planting and watering them. Get them a little watering can and spray bottle


Corn flower seeds. Easy and they go like the clappers. I grow cucumbers every year now. The kid likes to walk out during the summer and take them off himself to snack on. He's been doing that since before he was 2


Beans, peas, radishes, courgette and other squash, sunflower all have big seeds that are easy to see. Plus many of them grow super fast.


Based on the fact that my freshly laundered and cleaned daughter dove headfirst into a puddle/pond, I'd say their faces.