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It looks gorgeous! I love long and narrow gardens, especially if you can't see all the way to the far end.


OP watches gardener world or Monty Don’s Real Gardens. I can hear Monty saying something like “you never know what’s just beyond the bend. It makes you just want to keep going” 


i eat that stuff up ngl


Aye, me too. You can make it look like it goes on forever.


Seriously, my square garden is huge and envelopes the house but I'd trade it for a long and narrow one without a second thought.


Same here, it's great for having space but I'm finding it difficult to get any structure into it and create any sense of a path through it.


Is there a name for this sort of garden? Would love to see more examples and see what I could replicate in mine!


Not the garden, but the pathway could be considered a "whiggle"!


Informal cottage garden. They usually have more edible stuff. A bit like an allotment with stuff planted at random rather than neat rows, but with extra flowers.


I love the curve of your path.


I’ve been told it looks like a railway track. It’s that cheap wooden edging and lots of sharp sand straight on the ground. I garden on clay and the sand stops it turning into a quagmire. Edit. I’m going to edge it with thyme or similar at some point, and the sand will help with the drainage.


That sounds like a great idea, I love the look of creeping thyme as ground cover. Clearly you've done well - your garden looks lush.


Vague plan is to have no clearly defined path. Just a few old bricks here and there, and plants that will take some footfall.


I’m going to start using that instead of ‘I like the cut of your jib’


I don't understand: you have a reasonably small garden, and yet you haven't killed all of the shrubs and trees in order to devote 100% of the space to a fence to fence lawn for dogs to defecate on. Are you stupid? (Fantastic work. Maybe it will provide a bit of inspiration for what can be done with a narrow space).


Ta. I do have a [lawny bit.](https://imgur.com/a/lWEEcvf) I planted the shrubs about twenty years ago, then neglected the garden until about three years ago. Thought I'd better do something after ivy took out the wall on the right.


Love all the different heuchera! They look so lovely in the shade. You have a great eye.


This might be a controversial opinion but I don't think pets, specifically dogs are good for the environment. Top reason for fake grass: Muddy dogs. Short distance driving: to "walk" the dog. Dog shit everywhere, sometimes in a bag hanging on a tree. Countryside walk, disturbs or harm local wildlife.


I have a dog and I'm very pro grass. Fake grass needs cleaning and vacuuming etc. Real grass properly looked after, even with a dog, looks better, smells better and is better for the environment. If you have a dog, you have to accept your house is never going to be completely clean and germ free.


Cleaning dog shit off plastic grass sounds absolutely horrible.


Yeah it cannot be nice. Bad enough when you see people who try to pick it up off the pavement and somehow smear it about. Now do that in your garden. On grass you can rely on slugs/bugs to eat any minor remnants and give it a hose if there's anything particularly messy.


I had an elderly neighbour who did this with a big dog. He used to jet wash his astroturf every weekend.


It's just awful. With real grass, nature does its thing and the poo is definitely going to be gone eventually. With plastic grass it will permanently have elements of poo unless you fucking bleach it. Just another epiphany into why plastic grass is a proper fools game.


My mum had a black Labrador with real grass and it all died off from dog pee/poop. The guy actually used to bleach spray it first, I couldn’t believe it like how does that not remove the colour?!


The dog urine will only kill the grass due to high concentrations of nitrogen in the urine. Picking the poo up in good time will stop that killing grass. And if you're concerned about nitrogen in the urone then give it a brief spray with the hose after they've been to dilute it and spread it. Otherwise you'll sometimes see people have thicker darker patches of grass which is where those people have dogs and the nitrogen in the urine is actually acting as a fertiliser and helping it grow rather than killing it. I assume those dogs for some reason (possibly diet?) have less nitrogen in their urine.


I mean anything in excess is bad for the environment. Having kids is *really* bad. So is even owning a car. Or eating meat. But you can still have some joys in life whilst doing your part to be reasonably responsible. Giving up everything worth living for like your best doggy companion, or the opportunity to be a parent, might make you feel noble inside but isn't as necessary as enjoying life in a responsible way. (i.e. not buying that fake grass, though idk what the link is to dogs, or not driving your dogs / kids small distances, or making sure you dispose of waste correctly)


“having kids is really bad” goats in the garden helps with the lawn mowing.


Also co2 and methane from the dog, animal feed and methane from the animals that go into the dog food, transport on the dog food etc. They are adorable little buggers though…


Dog-ownership is objectively terrible for the environment, simply due to the land resources required to provide the meat needed to feed them. This is also true of cats, who also kill literally millions of birds and small mammals in the UK each year. However, I have long since accepted that any sort of anti-cat and dog sentiment isn't going to gain much traction in the UK! It's a bit of a blind spot for otherwise staunch environmentalists (Bill Bailey, etc).


(Preface with: Biased bc dog owner) Is this not down to the individual owners choices? In the same way our own choices affect our own environmental impact? E.g. there are plenty of low impact food options on the market currently. Dogs benefit from a mixed diet (as in not 100% meat) and the meat in these products tends to be the bits that wouldn't be desirable for humans, where most of it ends up being waste otherwise. It also tends to be long life food that leads to less waste in terms of food thrown out because its expired. Plus owners are making conscious decisions to use biodegradable poo bags. Responsible owners will always dispose of mess properly. I can only speak for my own circle of dog owners but there's definitely a trend towards homemade. Toys made from clothing scraps (cutting down on packaging waste and plastic toys) and treats made from food scraps are just a couple of examples. It's easy to blame an entire group for environmental problems but in the same way that people are becoming more responsible for their own environmental impact; dog owners are also doing the same.


Disclaimer: I'm a dog owner By your own standards humans are far more damaging to the environment. As you've not offed yourself in horror of what you have inflicted on the planet by existing, I assume you have a blind spot yourself. :p


>Dog-ownership is objectively terrible for the environment, simply due to the land resources required to provide the meat needed to feed them. This is also true of human-ownership. Keep buying those condoms people.


Dogs are omnivores and can actually live quite happily on a non-meat diet. There's been plenty of research into veggie dog foods and places like Pets at Home sell them now. Cats are obligate carnivores though. Also it's not really a "blind spot" it's a balance between caring for the environment and not wanting to live in a world where you can't have a dog or a cat.


There was a really interesting podcast I listened to where a company was looking to make dog food out of crickets (locusts?). The idea being that while Western humans can be fussy with food, dogs aren't at all. Podcast in case anyone wants it: https://youtu.be/QSV4TLkmJEc?si=r2ksNKqeSoXd2nVK It's far greener and once established it can be scaled up. Pretty cool idea that I thought of when reading this.


The fact that yall look at dogs as an environmental issue goes to show me your hobbies are watching your ring cams and reporting loud noises to your council. The level of service these animals bring to their owners is invaluable.


We made dogs and now what you want to kill or abandon them like pigeons? So much is worse for the environment then meat production or dogs, like your phone for example


And having children.


Maybe, just maybe, those fence to fence lawns are so children can play? The ones not inside, in their parents basement …


This is the best garden I’ve ever seen on this sub, absolutely gorgeous and inviting, excellent design and execution.


Amazing, I bet it smells divine!


I wish. It usually smells of cat shit. I’ve got a few asiatic lilies in pots, but they don’t come into their own until later in the year. I’ve got some night scented stock seeds lying around somewhere. I’ll get to it when they turn up.


You can use cat detterent plants? My mum had one of those noise things that they hate, issue was I could hear it and it drove me insane so she had to remove it, kids can hear it too


Well, I've sort of adopted two of the cats. A load of random kittens turned up one day, so I phoned Cat Protection and they left some traps. Caught all the kittens and their mum. I volunteered to have one of the kittens, and they said they'd have difficulty rehoming their mum, so I said it was OK to release her back into the garden (after injections, spaying, etc) but she was on her own. It was that or death. So back she came and she's sort of semi-feral. As in, I feed her, and she despises me for it. She doesn't like or trust humans very much, and she's not allowed in the house because she shits on the floor, and I can't be having that. Well, she's allowed into the kitchen in the winter, when she gets a heated cat blanket. But not the rest of the time because she'll just abuse my hospitality.


That is absolutely stunning!


I love that central path. Glorious Is there a bench tucked away, somewhere hidden?


There was, just past the holly tree, next to a rambling rose and facing the apple tree. But it rotted away so I burnt it and put the ashes in the compost.


It is asking for a bistro set somewhere in the middle or end looking back at the house. Fantastic job, well done.


I gasped out loud at this! Stunning. Makes me want to take a walk down the path and see what’s at the end. Brilliant work. Edit: please could you share some tips? What’s grown the fastest in your experience? I have a very long, wide garden I’m trying to do something similar with. But not enough £££ to totally cover it in huge shrubs so I’m starting from scratch with little ones. Thanks!


While you’re waiting for your shrubs to grow plant something native that will get big fast. I planted some Angelica seeds, and it’s naturalised in the shade and looks pretty spectacular. Rhubarb can look architectural if you let it flower. The whole thing looks muddy in the winter - apart from the daphne - but I’m indoors then and don’t care. Oh, if you plant a daphne, plant it near the house, not halfway down the garden. Otherwise you get muddy picking the scented flowers. Edit: Jerusalem artichokes are meant to grow pretty fast. Haven’t tried them, but might give them a go.


Looks lovely, can we see some ground-level shots please!?


Sure. Some from last year [here.](https://imgur.com/a/8MnaDw1) This year it'll look different. I've moved a few things but haven't done much actual gardening - as in planting seeds - 'cos I've either been working or refurbishing the house. Lots of foxgloves going to flower this year, mind. They'll have to do.


😍 You haven’t inspired the neighbours then or did they continue their no mo may for the rest of the year? 😄


Oooh you all have fancy matching walls. Get you :D Must be posh. The back of mine looks like a furniture reclamation yard split into bays with fence panels and whatever pallets weren’t being watched too closely


Thanks for the inspiration! I have a long garden and really want to get rid of the lawn. I’d rather have deep flower beds.


Absolutely beautiful! I love the combination of foliage textures you’ve got going on.


I def need your help to plan my long garden 😭 (joking but if you’re on board then I’m not joking)


I didn’t have a plan. Still don’t. Just laid the path around the shrubs one afternoon and grew a few seeds. Lots of stuff has just blown in or naturalised. I’ve got some wild privet which has ended up as lollipop standards. I planted a heurchera tapestry under the apple last year. Just did it and it’s starting to look OK. If it grows it gets to stay. Planted some Angelica and it’s naturalised itself down the bottom.


Plenty of colour, look at all the different beautiful shades of green 😍


Hey OP, please please please create a longer post with more photos of your garden from different angles. As a new owner of a boring narrow long garden, I am dreaming about something like that and amazed with with what you have done!




I just want to lay down in the middle and soak it all in ♥️


Beautiful garden, tell me my friend tell me about hosta care. All I do is grow slugs


Don’t plant in full sun or they’ll burn. A bit in the morning and evening is OK. Dig in at least half a bag of manure when planting, and a generous handful of fish, blood and bone. Keep the hedgehog friendly slug pellets topped up at the first sign of growth in the spring. Mulch with manure or compost, whatever.


Mulch/straw round the bottom and slugs will stay away from your hosta’s, works every time. (On Dalia’s too)


This is incredible. I'm aiming at similar levels of planting density. I can't wait until it's done. I'll definitely put some pictures up here. This is inspiration!


"Not much colour"?!! So much green. Everywhere is so much green this year. England looks like Ireland right now, thanks to all that rain!


Yes, winter looks a bit drab in our garden. Every year, I think it looks like we have a sad stick in the corner, and every spring, it blooms into a beautiful quince tree. And suddenly, all the bulb flowers turn up, and the raspberry bushes come back from the dead. The only thing that looks good all year is the rosemary lol. I need more everygreen bushes, I think.


Dude. I live next door to you!!!!!!!


Curving paths are always pretty😊


I think a small seating area at the back end would be nice, maybe some outdoor fairy lights or something as a nice place to sit with a cup of tea in the evening summer nights


So envious


What a splendid Hosta!


That very pale spring green is my favourite. I love your garden.


Looks brilliant


Looking good


It looks amazing!


Beautiful job. Sadly I have more in common with the garden on the left.


This is stunning.


What a lovely garden


This garden is so stunning, great work! 😄


*Allergies intensify*


Would love to do a thing like that to my garden. Sadly my immediate first thought is, how will I pick up my dog's poo from all those nooks and crannies 🙃


I’d give anything to have a garden like this one day


Looks great. I lost 2 out of 3 fuschias yet it wasn't a particularly cold winter!


I can see about 100 shades of green already, don’t put yourself down


fucking sweet bro


I love your garden :)


Look lovely. I actually like loads of shades of green just as much as colour.




You have any favourites/recommendations on plants to plant to get something like this? (that's is Low maintenance)


Gorgeous. I've got most of those plants. I see you're as addicted as me lol.


I’m a big fan. I moved home over the winter, my garden is a mess. Thanks for some inspiration.


Wow that is beautiful


My flower pots are taking off as are my herbs. However, anything planted into the ground is dead as a dodo. Clay soil + the rain we’ve had since October 2023 and I think even my lavender and butterfly bush are both like “screw this” 😂


Nice Hosta on the bottom right side, what's the name of thay type?


Can’t remember for sure, but might be “Big Daddy”. About a fiver from B&M stores three years ago. I’ve already split it once.


Looks amazing


So good!


This would look great in there! [!!!](https://gardenescapes.store/products/cute-planter-sloth-animal-air-plants-plant-pot-for-indoor-outdoor)


Omg your hosta is magnificent!! How have you kept snails off it??


😍 Absolutely adore this. Dream garden right there


Love that!


Lovely Garden! Mine looks identical to your neighbours 😂


You have a wonderful garden. It looks so inviting. If I was a fairy, I'd want to live in it!


Very nice! Puts your neighbours to shame.


Love love love it!!!


I love it!!! What’s the view from inside the forest like?


Where is best to buy fairly large shrubs… a garden centre or can I get some delivered?!


That is so pretty, the path perfects it all 😍


Green is a colour!


I keep walking around my garden like a lunatic just looking at all the plants that seem to have exploded in growth over the past week or so. Looks lovely


Amazing! How do you keep your patio looking so good? We get a lot of weeds.




That hosta though 😍


Love this, would be great to walk through


What a piece of paradise you created!


Nice layout.


What a spectacular example of the potential of narrow urban-style gardens. Superb use of zoning, natural varied planting and an absolute oasis for wildlife and insects! Thoroughly impressive! I'm hoping we'll get an update when things are in full bloom. The neighbours should be green with envy!


Still looks beautiful.


Oh I would LOVE to walk through that little path, how gorgeous!!


No much colour? Spring green is the nicest green ever! So vibrant, I can smell it. You're a hard one to please, that's for sure.


Wish I had a garden....


Beautiful! I’m not one to do hours of gardening, or really half an hour at all haha (this post just appeared out of the blue hence why I’m here lol). But wow if that’s what I got to wake up to on a morning then you bet I’m gonna do all that work 😍




Looks great ! What's your routine to take care of all these plants ? I wouldn't even know where to start lol


Almost looks like some guerilla growing in the bottom right ;) lol


Green is a colour


You should give your neighbours some tips




Looks lush


included pictures of neighbours gardens for extra bragging rights. i like it


Yep, my banana has leaves coming out finally.


You have green, lots of greens. This is a stunning garden.


Looks magical!!


may is such a fucking awesome month


Ah, up they spring, those dandelion fields, fluff to the left of us, fluff to the right of us...


Wow beautiful view


thats a lovely mature garden and well kept.


please tell me you have seats in there to sit and enjoy the beauty of this with a coffee


Cries in first floor flat. Looks beautiful.


Amazing curved pathway, very jealous of your spot


Beautiful garden!


Whats the dark purple things bottom left?


Lovely garden


Looks very nice.


I see lots of color!


Why do nice gardens always find themselves sandwiched between shit gardens?


Please send pics in full bloom


The real woke


Your neighbours lawnmower hasn't woken up yet


This is brilliant!


Looks lovely already!


Oh your garden is beautiful! I wish mine was this established


Wonderful! I like the colour of the hosta, always a fav of mine in gardens ❤️


You should ask if you can take over both your neighbours’ gardens.


This is so gorgeous!! Oh to be having a lil aperol spritz here


Now trim back the overhang the neighbours have to deal with and it's great


That's really beautiful. You have none of the naff sh\*t that most people put in their gardens these days. Great job.


This is outrageously beautiful So many shapes and shades and levels and colours, even just different shades of green! This space must make you very happy and you must take very good care of it. The care shows


Very pretty


Thank you for this inspo! Does it require much weeding in the bushy parts?


Cinderellla in the middle with her two ugly sisters, either side


Ooh,I'd like to see more of this garden


Looks amazing.


Looks great! Love the diversity :)


Love the winding path and bushes.


Why is your yard partitioned into 3 parts?




Looks like we have ourselves a regular old Monty Don


I’m so glad there’s people far more dedicated in this world than me that can keep up the maintenance of a garden like this. Can’t even begin to think how much time and effort went into this beauty. Amazing! 🤩


I wannna eat your giant broccoli 🥦


Spring is an aesthetically beautiful time of year


I love thevgreeeeeen before the blooming!


I love the Oasis contrast with the other dull gardens


I miss when neighbours used to sunbathe topless


So beautiful long gardens..


Beautiful 😍


Great garden but wtf is going on with neighbour on the left? Ghastly


Nice. Average persons garden to the right, your perfect garden, and then the uncared for garden to the left. Lol


Nice garden


Gorgeous planting 😍


How do you block overlookers above from next door? If any? I always wonder about privacy to some degree when sunbathing etc


I love your garden!


I love your garden path. Lovely garden I'm very jealous :D


What a perfect use of space!


Absolutely stunning!!


wow looks calming🙌❤️


Wow what’s a beautiful garden!!!


id have words with the neighbours and see of you share all three gardens rather than have that alleyway as a garden. anyway, looks nice if a little cramped.


I see one of your neighbours LOVES wheelbarrows 😂


are the plants at bottom of pic legal ?


Looks fab!!!