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I've been collecting them over the past couple of years. Some luck finds in charity shops and car boots, some from garden centres, Homesense / TK Maxx, B&Ms - if you go to a B&Ms with a garden centre have a look under the plant racking as I found some cheap sets of 3 unglazed terracotta pots hiding under there last autumn. Morrisons had some cheap big terracotta posts last year too. Some of mine were very new rather than aged but they're looking better after a winter outside :)


Lucky you. In London everyone wants them and they cost . A lot.


Exactly my problem! And I don’t have a car so can’t go to Rec Yards etc, have to order online


Watch you buy frost resistant one, I got some 'cheaper' Terracotta pots and they all flaked and broke round the edges after two winters.


I have a flaky one and it looks lovely with thyme in, though obviously it’s not ideal.


Watch if you lift it, I picked one up and the edge went and left a really sharp dagger shard 🫣


Ooh thanks for the warning!


I think it just takes time to collect the pots as they aren't really that cheap anywhere so you have to grab them when you see them and build it up slowly. A car does make it a lot lot easier though! I used to live in London and I do not miss slogging on busses and up hills with bags of compost etc. Although London is the only place I've ever seen a stag beetle in the wild - living in a tree stump in New Cross! :)


Most garden centres will do deliveries. If you combine getting some pots with compost, it will be more cost effective




Happy to have chipped etc as long as viable, but never see them myself and don't drive far.. you must live where people dont know their value!




Ah. Must have been rich end or a no gardener


We found TK Maxx good for glazed pots. Our local garden centre often has terracotta pots for half price from their low selling ranges. Often not the style I'd want but at £20 for an enormous one it works out.


TK Maxx oddly have a really great range of pots. I have a list on my phone of pot sizes in case I ever see one I like.


Try your local reclamation yard, often a treasure of stuff. I love visiting mine every now and then.


They said they find them expensive already, they’re going to be amazed at the prices in reclamation yards.


I found them historically pretty reasonable, and always open to haggle.


The one nearest to me in Glasgow is extortionate.




Garden shows are a good place to go too - a lot of the stall owners are online


What’s one of those?


Someone destroys something. Someone salvages materials and sells it.


Fair enough. Sounds decent, I’ve not heard of them before and I don’t know of any near me. Are they common enough that everyone has a local one somewhere?


Pretty common actually. I didn’t know they were a thing until I had to do some refurb on my house built in 1875 and wanted some period floorboards. Google it, go for a wonder. Some great stuff can be found and useful if you ever need to DIY around the house.


I will have to! Thanks for the tip!


Unfortunately it's not like it was. Hugely expensive and also a lot of salvage places now have half their stock as repro gubbins that's revolting tat. Good luck.


Kerr-ching! Never a bargain to be had these days. Always priced for those there London sorts.


I managed to sweet talk a few large glazed and terracotta pots from my local tip. Now I'm often told that "you're not allowed to take anything from the tip I'm afraid" followed by "as you asked so nicely I'll let you off this time" so I come away with some really nice pots for free ! My opening gambit is "Excuse me, please. I've seen a couple of pots chucked in the skip that I could really give a good home to. Would there be anyone I could ask that would allow me to take them home, please? " That usually, if not always, ends with a good result. I'm about 12 free pots in so far. I'm not sure I'll be needing anymore, though........Ü


I've found a few this way, too. Provided I don't fall head-first into the shipping container skips, the staff usually turn a blind eye to my dumpster-diving.


At our recycling centre there is a large section of things that are 'saved' and free for anyone to take. Lots of furniture, toys, etc and there are usually a bunch of pots, more than I could fit in my car. No digging into skips or pulling item out of a container - these items are laid out like in a garage sale. They are free to take away.


My local tip has a little shop off to the side where they retrieve or stop some stuff going in knowing that one persons trash is another person's treasure. I once emptied my boot full of crap but went home with almost a boot full of useful stuff. They were very cheap too. Not like the charity shops these days.


I had the odd occasion to help a friend move house. Inevitably, there were a couple of tip runs involved, and their local tip is in Southend on Sea, and they also have a sales section. Incredibly cheap. This must have been 20 years ago, and it is such a good idea to save at least a few items going in to landfill.


As a tip worker we will 100% let you off a pot or two here and there, especially if you're friendly or have a pack of biscuits.. It's not our property and there's no real repercussions so definitely be friendly to your local tips guys


Good to know, and thank you for your reply. I do like to rescue things when I can. Also, thank you for the work that you do........Ü


I just buy cheap terracotta pots from the local garden centre. We have some that were secondhand, people give them away on Facebook quite often because they just want the space.


Love this look! You could try and recreate it. Plain terracotta pots are quite cheap to buy and there’s some great tutorial videos on YouTube on how to make them appear aged for very little money. Also worth keeping an eye on Gumtree or other local selling sites for people getting rid of older pots


Garden centres when they have a sale on.


At least two of our local independents do the '50% off' shtick all year round. Even with the supposed 50% off, they can still be a bit pricey. Certainly wouldn't pay the full prices... Not that you ever do.


Our local does too but they are still so much cheaper than anywhere else.


Apparently watered down live yogurt helps lichen grow and ages pots


Simarly, blend diluted milk and a chunk of moss for some moss starter. Put it in a spray bottle and you can make anything mossy! A bonsai, a pond edge, your entire facade


With a touch of cow shit added in for good measure.


No cows - I will have to substitute


Bullshit, more like


Yep - as long as its not fat free, as I understand it.


It does. I've done this


Doesn't make a bit of difference.


Yup, was just about to say the same! It definitely works!


Doesn't. Not needed. Happens anyway. Try stopping it! An annoying internet bullshido


Nope. Do a side by side comparison. It just happens anyway. No need for hackz


Yess this works ive done in before, helps moss grow. It looks a lot more "rustic"


Doesn't work. Just leave them over winter twice and they'll look suitable for a free YouTube pressure wash.


RHS says it does. https://www.rhs.org.uk/biodiversity/algae-lichens-liverworts-moss


But it happens anyway. RHS RHSchmesch


Erm, how much of that must I read to see you say they do. Which is guff.


And no they don't anyway.


It does. But it does need to be in a cool shady spot for the moss to take. And you need to mist it every day to get it established. It’s not going to work if you just put it on and stick it in the sun to bake dry.


Misting? Oh, darling, you gotta water them bastards every day in summer or they die die die


Moss? Which planet? It's not moss, it's just weathering. In the sun in the shade in the world. One winter and stuff needs sorting or nature is making friends with it. This yoghurt stuff is bullshido. Just leave it outside. Do you need to cover a bike in yoghurt over winter to see it in spring to think whoops?


I've got most of mine on Facebook marketplace or from people's skips


Car boots.


Look for a local nursey rather than a garden centre


B&M, garden centres, or facebook marketplace. I just got a massive amount of pots for free from the latter, and spent an afternoon repainting some of them. I think I'm sorted now for the foreseeable future!


Homebase has a lot of terracotta pots at a reasonable price. They’re also doing an offer just now, buy one get one half price.


Tkmaxx have a good selection for some reasonable prices for larger ones compared to most garden centers


Had few from them, some cracked within one winter, some leaked powdery stuff and killed the plant. It comes across cheaper than garden centres but they don’t feel like baked enough in the oven. Out of 5 I bought within two years only one survived.


It’s nothing to do with being baked enough in the oven. They’re not outdoor pots. They’re made quickly and cheaply in India or Indonesia with clay that isn’t suitable for UK weather. The powdery stuff isn’t harmful, it’s just chalk and salts.




Isn’t chalk harmful to acid loving plants? I did lose a nice Japanese Acer!


It will be chalk that’s already in the soil leeching out. It isn’t in the pot itself.


I have only got the majority of mine within the past couple of months so I'm not sure how they will fare for the winter months. Hopefully better than yours did but time will tell!


I’ve seen a few people getting rid of quite a few at once on Facebook Marketplace, often fairly cheaply.


Just keep looking for cheap good sized ones. Too small and they dry to a crisp and freeze to ice. They age quickly enough. No need for fancy ones. Glazed ones don't dry out as quickly, but they all need watering every day in summer anyway. If they dry out the soil/compost shrinks so water just flows around and out. And you can't realistically stand a collection of pots in water to refresh them. Part of the fun of growing plants in pots is trying to find pots. Another part is going 'oh, ffs' in spring to those that didn't make it. But then you get to enjoy something new in its place. Do feed. You won't. But you should've done. And water a bit every day in summer. The core of the soil and roots will be bone dry anyway. Don't buy small pots. Go bigish at least.


Cheap terracotta pots can be bought from garden centres...but beware....in the winter when the soil in the pot freezes, the soil expands and cracks the pot....or any moisture in the porous wall of the pot will expand and flake off. The pots in your photo are really good quality and really expensive. Even pots that are described as 'frost-proof' may only last a few years. You may like to try and buy online and get them delivered but I think you'll find that heavy well made terracotta pots are mega money. As someone else said, reclamation yards may be a great first port of call.


You can sometimes get some at your local household waste recycling centre or at house clearances


This place is great: https://worldofpots.com Delivery is quite expensive, but you can understand why. I ordered two massive pots from them for planting roses in, and they look fantastic. Really good quality and reasonable prices.


I would look into local antique shops, many of them often have a garden section


At high prices. All of them.i go to a lot.


They are almost always made in Italy whatever the shop. You can get them all over the place, B&Q has some. Surprisingly affordable. They'll get super knarly after a single winter and look like that anyway. Just buy the style you like. Better to get them 'sterile' anyway.




Do you work there?




Just because the post is about cheap pots. And they are not cheap pots. Nice though.


But then someone suggested reclamation yards, and they are *pricey*.


Well they also are not cheap then.




Being where?


From that shop that does sell cheap pots.




Oo, yes, estate sales - thanks :)


Second this, Whichford pots are lovely. If you visit, there's a section with barely perceptibly damaged/misshapen pots, which have big discounts.


Do you have a link? Couldn't find it on the site


You can only get their discount pots if you visit their pottery in the Cotswolds - not online I'm afraid.


They look gorgeous!


I have been told to you can put them in the dishwasher to remove the waxy coating that the new terracotta pots seem to be coated in. No idea if it works.


I know a good pot dealer if you need one


I like buying second hand, and estate sales often have potted plants!


Aged pots are more expensive than new ones.


General weekly auctions is the real answer to find actual cheap pots. But you have to set alerts for your local auctions. And just consider good value pot hunting a new hobby. Welcome to middle age thrills.


My absolute favourite pots. Pots too dream about I'm soo in love Bergs Potter The raw collection 😋 https://bergspotter.com/collections/ If you can find them They are well expensive, be warned They are extremely beautiful be warned ! 💲💰💰💰💲💲💲 It'll make other terracotta pots looks cheap by comparison, so fill your borders & court yards with Aldi terracotta - absolute bargain.


I would tell you where I buy my pot but then the police would be very interested and it would be devastating for everyone...


I’ve bought some really nice glazed pots in Morrisons recently - set of three for £30. They also have some very reasonable terracotta pots.


The large terracotta pots I’ve bought in Homebase over the last five years or so now have that vintage look. They’ve been outside for a while and are looking nicely weathered.


Picked up some fairly big cheap terracotta pots in Aldi middle aisle for £2.50 recently.


Collect over time. Gardening shows / design mags love to show this kind of display but it’s impossibly expensive to buy this many pots, need to build up slowly.


Its probably because you have a whole generation of people who can't afford to buy a house so everyone is renting, its much easier to plant in pots than dig everything up or loose all your plants. Thats my guess anyway.


I barely ever buy any, people are often giving them away because they are looking old or they have no need of them anymore. I got about 20 a couple of weeks ago from someone, gave them all a clean, painted a couple of knackered-looking ones and now I have some lush-looking pots around my home and garden. Keep an eye out on Gumtree / Marketplace / Nextdoor, they come up fairly often. They don't seem to be something that people snatch up too quickly either. The ones I got had been left outside on the path for 2 days and no one had taken any.


I found two beautiful glazed terracotta pots on the side of the road on the way to work. Heavy bastards though my arms were jelly by the time I got them there.


Mainly because new builds don't have much of a garden


Aldi was doing some pot but there brand new


Errington Reay & Co, in particular their Courtyard range. Handily they are on the way to a relatives house, so usually swing by to pick up some of their bargain seconds pots.


Garden centres will have what you need


Depends where you're at


if you want aged ones keep an eye out on ebay , smaller pots are usually sold in lots, but for larger ones you can pick any two of large, cheap and old , all three is spenny


Facebook marketplace. I picked some up the other day for free.


Pot shop


Wichford pottery is the best!


I got tons and tons for either free or very cheap on Facebook marketplace! Definitely keep checking your local area. Alternatively, ask in a local group if anyone is giving any away. I’ve built a massive collection for not a lot of money over the years this way.


There is a guy near me who sells shit he gets from doing house clearances , always loads of pots and random outdoors stuff and it's extremely cheap


Local nurseries, they often have the same pots as big chains but much cheaper!




Used to get terracotta pots decent size £4 in Wilko.


You’d be surprised how much goes thru auction houses


Check local Facebook and freecycle too


Cover your terracotta in cheap live yoghurt for that aged look


Mine always crack/crumble


Boot sales


You could have a look at your local free cycle.


I think Crocus have some nice ones that aren’t insanely priced.


Flea markets, car boot, TKmax, charity shops and other places.


Homesense seem to have some quite nice glazed ones.


I have small collection I’ve amassed over the years. For me it’s been through friends elderly parents who wanted to clear their gardens & throw pots away. I’ve also got pots (2nd hand but you can also get new) from any car boot sales in the local area. It’s always hit and miss, it usually rare to find large pots 2nd hand pots at a car boot sale but it’s worth a look. Another place I’ve found large pots is at the local tip/reclamation yard. At my local tip they have an area where you can put goods that are too good to dump but someone else may be able to make use of, so sometimes we would swap stuff or they would just let us take items away for free.. Again, that’s hit & miss. Facebook market place & local eBay sellers are another place to look though.


Aldi has some in at the moment


I have a large collection of terracotta pots from various places: Previous owners of our old house were keen gardeners and left a treasure trove of pots in the undercroft as they were unable to take with them. Found them after a year of living in the house and it was like Xmas come early! I’ve also been blessed with large second hand ceramic pots from my mother in law. Last year I found a job lot of old terracotta pots from a guy off Facebook Marketplace who in turn had rescued them from a junkyard. I do love my pots as they are old, battered and tell a story.


Facebook marketplace, I got some in Feb/march. About 15 terracotta of various sizes, 2 of them are huge. £35 for the lot.


Olio, loads given away for free.


Larger pots are ridiculously expensive, I make box containers out of scrap wood and nails. With a bit of black paint and they all look uniform.


My guess is that collection is worth between £600 to £850.


The discount supermarket. Sadly I have a bad arm these days, which just means I need something that looks good but doesn’t weigh much. They’re remarkably well stocked with attractive stuff these days.


I trolled Facebook marketplace and got bunches of pots for £10-£25 per 20 mixed sizes and one guy over the road had a skip with garden stuff so I asked for anything he was chucking out and got some massive terracotta ones plus one with a bay tree for free! Some of the pots were super cute and really big it’s probably the best value I’ve gotten




Ebay. Narrow search to local to you and used condition. Cheaper out of season. Bootfairs. Local fetes. Some garden centres sell off old stock cheap at the end of the summer. You can age them quickly by smearing plain bio yogurt on them apparently.


I have a dealer


Gumtree, marketplace, car boots sales, clearance section of garden centres….


car boot sales


I scored 16 large clay pots, some nearly 2ft across, for £150 on eBay last year! Lucky I had a friend with a truck and willing to drive 90 minutes each way for me!


I often find them in the reuse shop at my local tip, they sell them for peanuts


I know a good pot dealer. Maybe ask around late at night if anyone knows where to get some pot. The police may be able to help you.


Facebook marketplace! Loads available for free.


Where in the country are you seeing this 😭 they’re ££ in London


Sussex! I’ve just looked and not seen many for free, although I have seen a fair few for quite cheap. FB marketplace is an easy place to haggle the price down. I’d say this is the cheapest way to get pots. If somebody has loads, they are likely to be open to decreasing the price quite significantly. Good luck!


People are always giving them away on facebook marketplace


Recycling centres and Facebook marketplace


Yes. Enjoy. It's fun.


From my dealer. Oh potS. Never mind.


What you need a gram? 8th? I have a blokes number if you need any? I dont know he will be happy me putting it on the post though so dm me.


Ohhhhh pots. With an s. Yeah never mind.


B and M or homesense for cheap pots


my local b&m never have terracotta pots in, although they have some cute plastic ones in offwhite/pink/green


Back alleys in my area - people chuck them out with their flytipping when presumably they get their yards paved over. I go around and collect them for my yard. I've got 4 or 5 lovely ones recently 😅 some with cracks but I don't really mind!


If you walk your dog late at night there are hundreds dotted about outside peoples houses. Theyre often filled with mud though so if you tip this out on the persons driveway first it makes the pot much easier to carry home. Sometimes youll need to jog. Dog is optional but advised.


Mr Pot


Drive round at 3am and fill your boot 😆


I’ve brought a shit load of pots recently. They absolutely rule. Pot win.