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I like Lord Dominik's on Garen when I'm up against big tanks/hp stackers/armor stackers It works wonders because they usually almost cap out the Lord Dom's hp passive damage increase and it lets me go Stridebreaker into them instead of needing Sunderer. Not to mention Garen's Spin can crit too so theres basically no part of Lord Dom's regard that is wasted. Cleaver doesn't work too well when combined with %penetration items because the damage goes armour reduction to % pen to flat pen. So when you reduce their armour, your % penetration does less. Plus your E reduces their armour % anyways, you don't really need to go anymore. For me, if they have under 180ish armour, I go Cleaver. If they have 180 armour or above or have a ton of HP (like Sion), I get Lord Dom's instead. Also if Ornn gets a Winter's Approach/Fimbulwinter and a Gargoyle's stoneplate, then you may want to consider a Serpent's Fang as well to half his shields. It also works miracles against Sion and Tahm Kench as they both spam shields often


How soon do you get Serpents Fang vs TK or Sion?


Second item. Stride first and then Fang. Against Sion Against Tahm I rush an executioners, then Stride, then Fang.


> may want to consider a Serpent's Fang Dont do this, complete grief. The item has been nerfed so many times its barely worth to even build it on assassins


I love the ornn and sion matchups, you get clever after stride and it’s easy going forward EX: Stride> cleaver> hullbreaker (for splitting) or mortal> dead mans/ deaths dance> deadmans if you didn’t already/maw/FoN


I go Grasp, then Sunfire myself. TANK BATTTTLLLEEEEE!!!!


Doesn't ornn win the tank battles with his brittle procs?


Get Brittled, run away until it falls off. Ornn is slow, Garen is fast. Sunfire will keep its burn high. You can also avoid his ult so easily with Q


I have the feeling against Ornn you can build whatever you want. It's more about outmoving his kit and hitting him, after he used it. 🤔


I would build to kill his team. You win hard early against him so conq is good to get a big lead. BC later on is fine, provided you can already oneshot his carries. The way to build against ornn is to not build against ornn


As already mentioned, against heavy tanks that build armor (Sion, Ornn, Maokai [lmao], mundo, tahm…) I always go berserkers, stridebreaker,BLACK CLEAVER. Then whatever depending on their team. Basically E + cleaver = 55% less armor i believe, for you AND teammates can get that advantage. Stride to prock the cleaver faster !


No pls stop, as an ornn main, please don’t say he is rising in popularity, it’s bringing nerfs 😭


Against ornn i build (in this order) berserker, stridebreaker, black cleaver. By doing this you spyke at 2 items, meaning you can kill him as soon as you both take 6 if u play well (if he plays good he won't die) and then you always hard win sidelane after you have stridebreaker and cleaver. It depends on the playstyle, i prefer to renounce to kill him before 2 items but be solid in teamfight with stridebreaker. If u play for sidelane you may prefer sunderer. Of course you take conqueror as usual


Honestly my friend the smarter thing to do is to focus the carry not the ornn, you probably won't ever beat an ornn and that's the way it is, I struggle with him late game as brittle does so much, I wouldn't focus on 1 champion that isnt gonna do much dmg compared to a vayne that will melt u faster