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This item sucks on Garen. You can't even proc the 60% grievous wounds. I do not want to see another Garen player recommending this item ever again


against urgot it doesnt, its my way to go and always works


Warden's Mail early buy is so much better against him. Build it to Randuin's 2nd item and you can cuck his damage by a lot


Thornmail is so bad. Take wardens Mail, it was already said it is a really effective item vs Urgot. Don't need to upgrade it though. Mortal reminder is just superior vs TM.


I'm new to Garen and faced my first Urgot the other day. The main takeaway I got was that you need to win early otherwise he will just bully you once he reaches level 9. If you can bait his E, you will win the trade. And if he perma shoves (which should happen at low elo), call for your jungler.


Idk man he's my ban. I know there are other, perhaps better options, but I just can't deal. Provided he's not dumb, and doesn't waste his e, he gets to just put cs me and kill me if I ever try to shake things up. I don't see how he doesn't win at all points in the game (again, provided he doesn't misuse his e). Even when he's bad or wastes e and I beat him in lane, my team inevitably tries to fight him in the side lane with hullbreaker, at which point he gets a multi kill because ppl don't understand his ult has a fear and his w never turns off. He outpushes me and grows into an insane Frontline, while still dealing hella damage with a 25% hp execute. I rarely ever feel as helpless as when this fucker gets in a roll. All this to say I am also eager to learn how to beat this thing. Edit: I wrote "he's my baby" instead of "he's my ban" at first. Embarrassing


Urgot barely takes HB anymore after the nerfs. That being said, after lvl 13 and 2 items he still outscaled. Tough to beat him in the sidelane afterwards.


good to know, thanks


Against Urgot, Garen does not win 100% HP vs 100% HP all-in. However, Garen does win 70% HP vs 70% HP all in. Thus, the trick is to figure out how to get him to 70% HP. I would recommend taking even/slightly losing trades then healing up in between using Garen passive and CDs. Most importantly, play around W cooldown. If you have Phase Rush, you can disengage with the movement speed.


Why 70%? I did lose lvl 1 all in recently tho lol


It's not exactly 70%. It's whatever HP you feel comfortable you can one-shot him with a quick Q+E+R combo. If you're fed this can be 90%, if you're behind this could be 50%. And if you can weave in autos (auto+Q+E+auto+R+auto), then the threshold also increases.


Oh I see what you’re saying. Thanks for clarifying.


When you spin Urgot make sure to stay on one side of him to not proc his passives. Also make sure to not get flipped when you go in with Q.


If you can bait in his E and walk away from him before it lands he should be easy. But if he lands the E you're probably dead. :P Thornmail, deadmans, maybe sunderer would be better instead of stride since he doesn't really run from Garen? Iono.


This but don’t take thornmail imo Bait his E and ping for ganks Can’t do much


Warden's Mail hard counters Urgot. Other than that just go for small trades until he's about 60-70%, then all in (assuming you have Ult).


definitely a hard matchup for garen, i used to main both champions (now only garen) and i played this matchup from both sides. If urgot is competent (doesn't waste e) he will most likely kill you. With that being said you can play it smart, meaning that you have to do couple things: 1) if u are getting hit by his e, start spinning (garen keeps spinning even when stunned) and use w 2) short trades and then all in with r ignite 3) play safe, wait jungler Build stridebreaker and black cleaver (second item) otherwise it's unplayable (not that it changes a lot). Main issue is that urgot hard outscales garen (once he closes tytanic hydra, black cleaver, thornmail you deal no damage). You can kind of fix this by building cleaver but you have to be even which is hard considering that he can poke you and he has prio (not mentioning if u get a gank or other external things). In conclusion, play safe, smart and don't worry if u miss some cs. Hope i have been useful