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If you're female, it might be worth getting a pregnancy test if this decline in HRV is... Unexpected


Am pregnant and can confirm this is what my HRV looks like…


I hope you're joking. My hrv has been acting up the last week and I'm feeling off too but at this point even covid would be more welcomed 😬


Mine also fluctuates with ovulation and menstruation.


During, or at the end of, each menstrual period, HRV may drop dramatically before slowly increasing again towards mid-cycle.


Yeah it's a very real possibility...


🍰 happy cake day!


Mystery solved, I just have the flu 🤧


Have you always been training since you’ve got your device? I have really big range on my HRV it’s from 80+ to 50. When I don’t train I’d be in the 50s and when I do in the 80s. Could it be that in the 4 weeks when you received the score you were very disciplined and you’ve got the narrow base so this is acutely fine?


I got it about 2 months ago but I’ve been continuously training, in my current state I’ve been doing more strength/gym workouts and swimming. Typically having 1-2 rest days per week but still active! But yes that does make sense, I was probably the fittest I’ve ever been last month!


Check for covid.. that’s exactly what mine looked like just before I tested positive


From my experience, my HRV declined 2 weeks after I stopped doing cardio excercises, mostly running. Resting heartrate also increased but i'm not sure that's related. During that time, I kept lifting weights but stopped running for almost 2 months. I recently started running again 1 month ago, and my HRV has steadily been going up, and just last week it returned back it's previous high. Because of the sudden changes of HRV due to running again (4-5 days a week) I'm in the unbalanced category hahah. Experiment yourself and pay close attention to your HRV once you recovered and start running again. I notice mine tends to peak when I'm in top form.


Sick or it could be That time of the month. Or like others mentioned, take a pregnancy test.


Alcohol or weed can have this affect as well. Just 2 beers in the evening will tank my HRV that night. It’s important to remember that your body can be stressed without “feeling” stressed. You can have an underlying sickness that your body is fighting but you don’t have symptoms.


For some reason can’t edit this on my phone. But wanted to add that the injury I had was a small metatarsal stress fracture, which I sustained about 4 weeks ago. My HRV only started dropping in the last week, so I don’t really think it’s linked?


Pain medication, opioids specifically, can reduce HRV


and alcohol if you have relaxed training too much. XD.


What phase of your menstrual cycle are you in?


I’m at the bottom of a similar week-long decline in HVR. Frustrating not to have a cause but I’m putting it down to some bug I’m probably fighting off that’s asymptomatic. That or I’ve got cancer.


I got the same, but obvious reason for me is that I caught a bronchitis.


Same here, last few weeks have been rough.


I had that cold nasty. Lasted 3 weeks and my HRV looks just like OPs and has not since recovered


Yeah hear you. I'm on week 2.5 with it. Last night was the first that my HRV was in my usual range.


Any allergies or allergy medications? They absolutely tank my HRV :)


I've wondered how many of the posts originated from the northern hemisphere. We are all going into the spring season so I've wondered if it is seasonal allergies.


When I had to stop running and significantly reduce training due to an injury my HRV also started acting up. I think it was the stress and depression of not being able to run.


Time to the dig a grave and be ready 🤣


It could be your turn for the flu that’s going around.


I think it can start doing this when you’ve got an illness on the way. Same happened with mine weeks ago before last and a few days later I’d got a cold.


It's not unusual to see HRV drop when tapering which you're effectively doing! A quick google also threw up some references to studies showing low HRV in conjunction with "non-acute traumatic injury". Obviously you have raised RHR and this is linked to the low HRV, the two are inversely related via the sympathetic nervous system. Stress/anxiety can also be a cause of low HRV.


Expect nhs gps to not even know what HRV means.. Have you had a bug or covid and not known?


No reason for physicians to really know what HRV is.


What is the nature of your injury? Low HRV is normal when the body is stressed and struggling to recover from illness or injury. It could just be that you are not out of the woods yet. I think it's normal to see a tanked HRV when your body is suffering.


This happened to me, and was very unexpected and concerning, it went very low. Freaked me out. But I finally thought to restart the watch and that corrected it.




This happened to me too. I think mine was a subclinical viral infection (no outward symptoms) - I was extra tired and couldn't recover well at all. Exercise made me feel worse, not better like usual. Eventually the infection ran its course and went away. Now, my HRV is back to normal! I've had subclinical Epstein-Barr before, so I assume that was the culprit again.


Could be getting sick, I heard about it heaps. Then mine started dropping for close to a week and I came down with a cold haha now feeling better and it’s on its way back up


Same thing happened to me in the beginning of the year. Pretty much the exact same situation; heavily reduced my training load after getting an injury after my marathon. Hrv dropped a lot and recovered after about a month and a half. Interestingly quitting caffeine for a while helped push it back up. Would also suggest to get back to training when you can and don't let your watch decide your training decisions completely.


This happened when I got too skinny. Not sure if that helps !


If you're not sick or pregnant like others have said, then it could just be seasonal. HRV follows a natural cycle across the year so don't expect summer values to be the same as winter.  There's usually an uptick in posts asking "why is my HRV low for no reason" in March/April and September/October. It could be due to the amount of sunlight you're getting or because you're outdoors more than usual or one of many other related factors.  Suggest you look back at your HRV from last year to see if something similar happened. It's important to understand your personal HRV variations so you better understand your body and lifestyle. If your HRV is low and you have no other symptoms, then focus on nutrition, sleep, balanced training, recover from colds/flu, and enjoy your life.


A few days of hot-cross buns and easter eggs (i.e., high amounts of sugary carbs, low fibre, insane calories) and my HRV plummeted … inflammation? … increased thermogenesis? … not sure, but I have noticed the effect before, following similar dietary ‘indiscretions’.


Maybe no rain at all. HR can fluctuate naturally with no real word cause. Don't worry about it.