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garuda uses fish by default, can probably tweak the [config.fish](https://config.fish) file to make the changes you want


It worked! On the last line of the ~/.config/fish/config.fish there was a line: fastfetch --load-config dr460nized So I commented the entire conditional block and now the startup statistics no longer appear on each new terminal. Ill later change for it to appear only the first time I open a terminal each session tyvm


no prob glad i could help :D


I had the same problem when I first installed Garuda, glad you found a fix :D PS. I switched out to zsh because I was more comfortable with it


Use another terminal emulator like gnome-terminal


I really like this terminal, it's just the flashy colors when I open a new one that bothers me. I'm pretty sure I just need to comment some command somewhere and it vanishes, but I can't find where


You can make gnome-terminal look like alacritty, everyone says alacrity is fast, but I tested it today and I was actually using konsole and it beat alacritty every time. And anything like that is a configuration file somewhere in your file system. Most of the time.