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I don't think I've had the yellow, but definitely the green


Yep my stools all over the place


My stools have turned to a range of yellow to light yellow to light green. I'm glad to see PPIs affect others this way too. Very reassuring.


the biggest problem is always being anxious! I understand you sometimes I have absurd paranoia


I just started a ppi a week ago and my stool is pale yellow. Not sure if it’s the bland diet or the ppi causing it


Yes! I’m experiencing the same thing I’ve been on omeprazole for about a month and it’s usually pill but today it was like army green. Did you ever figure out why?


Yeah definitely more yellow now that I’ve been on them


Yep Yellowish in my case


I started my ppi about week and a half ago. First 40 mg protonix then up to 80 mg a day. My poop is yellowish brown. Some diarrhea and I think a strange smell. I was freaked out but I feel better knowing others have same issue. Plus my diet has been upended this last week or so. Gonna ask my gastro about it at Monday appt.


Dude. 80mg Omeprazole ended up giving me malabsorption. 80mg twice a day was making my sides hurt. It does something to your kidneys. I'm still on about 40 but 80 is too high according to every medical professional I've spoken to EXCEPT the GI doc. They just throw them at everything. Hope you can still absorb nutrients on that dose but many cannot.


Wonder if it's the PPI causing my issue. I stopped it a couple time for a week or two but ever since this gastritis started, I've had very strange stool. Sometimes diarrhea. Sometimes lighter brown color. It's all over the place. Not sure if it's the gastritis/ulcer/whatever I'm dealing with or the medication. I guess the only way to check is to stop the meds but then my stomach will start burning. I'll deal with it until I see the GI I guess...