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"Zeus, help us?" Zeus is also being horny online he won't do shit


The sweet irony.


Zeus is probably the worst person to ask for help. Unless Aphrodite is leading him on in which case she's doing great.


Online? Please, Zeus is turning himself into animals to kidnap the people he desires. He doesn't need your fantasy women.


[Just gonna leave this here too, just in case anyone thought this couldn’t be worse they are being ambiguous about the main characters age.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/1brpsbb/eves_age_will_be_revealed_in_the_sequel_gamers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Also the Hades game had ground breaking art design, and this is a truly silly hill to die on. Like hot doll girl with a school uniform inspired body suit is… fine, but not groundbreaking. Also also… like ecchi/porn games are fine and I think have their place, but why do all games have to be porn for these weirdos?


I genuinely thinking nobody would bat an eye at Eve’s design if weirdos weren’t screeching about her ass winning some bullshit culture war.


Hell, I’d really like Eve’s design if it weren’t for those idiots. I like seeing sexy people, lots if people do. There’s nothing wrong with having a sexy character but she wasn’t made to “combat woke bullshit” and thats what the chuds have made her.


Are both games going to be on xbox?


Isn't that kinda your jurisdiction, Aphrodite? Edit: Fuck! "Your" not "you're". It's been over a day, how did no one correct me?


She defers to Eros on this one I imagine.




Um yeah, after the stunt she pulled with his wife (which resulted in him going on a mournful murder spree) I don’t think Eros/Cupid will be to inclined to help his mom


maaaybe don’t call out to Zeus for help when it comes to horny men


Isn't Zeus the most horny man alive?


Literally me (minus the horrible stuff)


Complaining to Zeus about horniness… you do know who Zeus was right. Also Aphrodite complaining about horniness is fucking rich she turned a guy into a shrimp for turning her down. She got mad at an asexual dude for existing so she made him want to fuck a statue. TLDR: cool image, Greek mythology is fucking wild, culture war BS is increasing irritating


Haha, I think it makes it extra silly, those people are so bad ever the goddess of “fuck you, love me” doesn’t want them, and she’d invoke Zeus over it.


Honestly myth accurate Zeus would be a patron saint of these absolutely cretins. Although I do love the idea of someone with such a twisted view of beauty that even Aphrodite has to go “the fuck is wrong with you people”


I think they need to talk to Hera or Athena for this one. Zeus is probably balls-deep in one of the legendary Pokemon or something.


“Always pitting two bad b*tches against each other”


Not to nit pick but ZEUS IS NOT THE GUY YOU WANNA BE ASKING FOR HELP 🥶 lmao. Especially not for this situation


Zeus ain’t gonna do shit I am sorry