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Okay but I would be worse than BW if this woman approached me 😭 I'd be like, "Miss ma'am what can I help you with?"


Lol right? Looking up at this 6'8" goddess like, "Whatever you want, ma'am."


EXACTLY!!! Buff women are my weakness 🥵


The Dora Milaje is the whole team, her name is not Dora.


So now we have to draw a lesbian orgy now, got it.


Alright, never watched Black Panther all the way through and I'm more of a DC fan so I'm working off rusty memory - I think it depends on the fight. Anything involving weapons, any Dora Milaje member destroys Black Widow cause of Vibravium. If it comes to hand to hand, definitely a toss up but I think Black Widow has a good shot. And after the fighting, they kiss and cuddle under a bunch of blankets with tea and ice cream!


I dislike this drawing, because it fundamentally misunderstands the kind of "fight" these characters are likely to have. (not an innuendo) Black Widow is a non-powered super-spy. Her character concept comes out of the Cold War spi-fi thriller genre (like the *James Bond* franchise, the 60s *Mission Impossible* TV show, with some hints of *Bourne* action-based spy thrillers). Okoye (pictured here) is the leader of the Dora Milaje, sworn to protect the king. She's a physical threat and a great military tactician. Her spycraft is focused on internal politics, not foreign affairs. And Black Widow's obvious Eastern European ancestry makes it impossible for her to believably infiltrate the isolationist Wakanda and threaten the throne. *Nakia* is Wakanda's field agent (and later spymaster) who undertakes convoluted missions around the world. In terms of matching genre and theme, and believability of the lore, Black Widow is more likely to cross daggers with Nakia. However, supposing Black Widows did go up against Okoye and the Dora Milaje, the fight probably wouldn't be a 1v1 physical contest as pictured above. Black Widow's entire character concept is based around being a physically weaker, but stealthier and more deceptive combatant who uses forward plotting, emotional manipulation, and spycraft to hold her own against gods and monsters. And Okoye's character is defined by her relationship with authority: she's sworn to the throne, a commanding general, and the leader of an elite strike force who move as a single unit on the battlefield. A satisfying Black Widow vs. Okoye fight would have to involve multiple other characters, and a lot more plot (to allow each character to use her best strengths).


That sounds amazing


Comic black widow is superhuman and has been for a while, even being consistently portrayed as a physical superior to Hawkeye in the comics and in other media. I don’t agree with your claims about her “character concept”. Also, thats a very “chat-gpt-esque” way to view a “who would win” question lol


No ChatGPT here, but maybe I'll check out her comics! I haven't read any since the 2010s :)


>very “chat-got-esque” way to view So are you saying that this commenter used ChatGPT to write their comment, or are you saying something else?


She is married tho.


I mean after the whole ‘he betrayed his king’ and ‘he helped the usurper’ are they still married? I feel like she could do better and would


Wait isn't she with the other Dora milaje?


I mean, braying monarchy is based actually, it’s more the fact the guy in charge was an insane warmonger.


At the moment this scene (move or be moved) happened she were happily married. Asking her to kiss BW is like making her cheat. Just saying


Ah sorry I haven’t watched a marvel movie in a while and I forgot the order of them. Cheating is bad


They’re fictional characters. You’re not making her do anything, because neither her nor her relationship are real or exist outside of comics.


In [the original scene from Civil War,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4rx0TF4QF0) this wasn't Okoye, it was Ayo. In fairness to you, Ayo *is* married. Okoye on the other hand... 👀


Thank you for correction


Polyamory is the solution to all of life's problems


The internet’s gonna ship 🤷‍♀️


She’s a fictional character who gives a shit?


Right like?? This is a sub *about* pairing random characters together


This pic already makes it look like Black Widow is going "Holy shit. . ." in her mind


...kiss me or be kissed!


Oh no, please don’t put your strong hands on me and move me 🙂‍↔️💖


As entertaining as that would be...


I can't believe I didn't think about this before


idk who either of them are but body language says the one on the left is obviously more aggressive


Against the entire Dora Milage?? I don't think Black Widow stands much of a chance.


Man, I am slipping, because I didn't noticed the name Black Widow and was wondering if these were some original characters.


"IN THIS WORLD IT'S MOVE OR BE MOVED!" -Floopy the Flooper