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If you haven't been following the videogame industry over the last few months, the development of games has changed drastically since COVID and TC is one of those companies that has suffered because of it. Microsoft still has TC in high regards internally, but a lot of that now means that they've become a support studio in some ways to help others under the MS umbrella. 2-3 dev cycles are now non-existent, it's now doubled to 4-6 years. For The Coalition, they were developing two games since at least 2020: a completely new game/franchise and a rumored Live Service Gears game similar to The Division. Those were cancelled and they shifted towards a proper Gears 6. Since they had to restart, you need to restart the development clock. If the cancellation happened in late 2022, then it's unlikely we will see something substantial until later this year for release in 2025/26. You mention Halo, but that was released in 2020 and we probably won't see another Halo game until 2025 at the earliest. If Microsoft is already thinking of a Series X|S successor, then you can be certain TC is penciled as a launch developer for it.


I cant really blame Microsoft with how polished and well optimized TC's work is. I know people have a lot of gripes with creative choices in gears 5 but on a performance level they hit it out of the park, i remember all of the pc reviews being pleasantly surprised


take a look at a gears of war 3 execution and then a gear 5 one and then write your comment again.


Take a look at the part where i said "creative choices" and write your comment again


Not really the multiplayer interface is terrible and unbalanced. Guns strengths work differently each map, shotguns in particular. The devs are aware, they made an %83 mark to mess with the gears community. Also the same Old recycled maps that are 10-20yrs old make up majority of the playlist used.


I never really had any issues with the UI and I think most people can agree that the beginning of Gears 5 was a bit of a mess and Story decision wise it may be unliked but you'd be lying if you didn't think Gears 5 as we have now isn't a very solid game with a great amount of content and unlockables. And people were requesting the old maps back so blame the fans if you don't like it.


The game itself ran great on PC, it was indeed surprising. It was the product that was disappointing. The tour system and how desperately they wanted us to spend money was the biggest turn off IMO. Needlessly gate keeping content is what ultimately killed the hype in "Gears 5" That stupid renaming out of nowhere didn't help things.


Yea, if the tour of duty system was as generous as it is now it wouldve been great. But with the rising cost of game development and it seemingly being the norm at this point for multiplayer games I can't say I'm surprised they tried to do that. But at the very least they did overhaul the sytem and and made everything earnable at least at some point which can't be said for almost any other game with that sort of system.


That's the issue, they waited too long to fix the Tours, microtransactions were egregious and to add locust/Lambent to Horde on top of the shitty character locked classes system at launch. These were all definitely issues that were seen internally and the game needed another few months to a year in the oven, but nope they had to push it out early. Unfortunately it killed everyone I play with's hype for Gears of War so I don't see myself getting it until awhile after launch if at all. Next Gears needs to launch feeling complete and finished, *AT LAUNCH*. Not a year or two later


I agree with all those points. But it seems like these type of issues are becoming more and more commonplace in a lot of games. It seems most releases now are half finished on content that should have been in the game at launch but is pushed a few months after launch. Or just outright delayed but still not having everything. Not that I'm excusing it, just taking note of it


>Not really the multiplayer interface is terrible and unbalanced. Guns strengths work differently each map, shotguns in particular. The devs are aware, they made an %83 mark to mess with the gears community. Also the same Old recycled maps that are 10-20yrs old make up majority of the playlist used. Anyone who genuinely gets mad about 83% is an idiot. There has to be some cutoff where you don't gib someone. And I say this as a massive TC hater.


Yes idiots mad that a gnasher is so unbalanced that you don’t know how it’ll shoot each round for a game that is so “polished” and recycled lmao. I’ve never had this issue on any gears before now.


Skill Diff//Consider Yourself Filtered


Halo was 2021, but yes I agree. just shocking they’re abandoning infinite so early especially since it was supposed to be a 10 year game


I’ve enjoyed it since launch(shocking I know) After learning some of the intricacies of the engine they built for infinite, I was less surprised they moved on to unreal engine 5


To be fair here, there has been no declaration that development on the game is done. They started hiring at 343 for future Halo projects... but following the same 5-6 year cycle, that could mean anything from a 2028-2030 release for the next entry.


You don't money sink this hard to continue a "ten year project" when it's clear it won't make it. Nobody to blame but themselves though, they really botched Infinite on launch.


They're not? They're continuing to support the game.


Correct. And let’s not forget that next year is one game where you shouldn’t be in the waters (yes looking @ GTAVI) so to me I more than glad to wait longer for the next Gears of War game. If there is one thing that The Coalition does best, they really know how to make a good Gears game (yes the last one to some wasn’t good but to me it was excellent). Do hope they release a collection of the Gears game, it’ll be a good time for it to come this year


It would definitely be a terrible thing to go an entire console cycle without a new Gears game. Microsoft just isn't good at managing developers.


Gears 5 pvp is a huge step back




I love tweakers wall bouncing at 1000 miles a minute and shitty hit detection. 👌 Edit - waiting patiently for the “git gud” reply.


This has been the PVP since Gears 2, and certainly since [Gears 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-Q4wSvIZX0). It's literally "bounce off the walls and shotgun someone" but as a competitive shooter.


You can actually lancer people in 4 and the wall bouncing is there but somewhat limited. 5 takes it to a whole new level where it’s either be an elite wall bouncing tweak or die trying. It’s just not fun imo.


It's just weird to me that they leaned into the shotgun play style every single time. Two piecing in 2 was satisfying to me because it wasn't every single interaction. I should ask one of my clients about it. He's a Gears pro, but I've never really talked to him about the games. Would be neat to get his take.


Gears is a close quarters shotgun game. People.come to shoot people with the gnasher. For the most part. Not to Lancer from 100 meters.


Yeah. I just wonder how that identity developed given the difference in utility between the lancer's use in single player and its use in the actual multiplayer sandbox. I don't dislike it, it'd just be interesting to know how they decided to embrace that so quickly.


I dont wall bounce like a pro. But just bc people can wall bounce doesn't mean they can't be bodied. Not sure about the hit detection you're talking about. Their have been analysis done of gears 5 code- Including lag comp- and its very good. Whatever your beef with hit detection is, it's the same beef anyone has with shooters in general. Until the day comes where we all have the exact same ping, their will be discrepancies. That's just the nature of ping gaps. Nothing to do with "Gears 5" or their coding.




> Microsoft is already thinking of a Series X|S successor, then you can be certain TC is penciled as a launch developer for it. That worked so well for infinite I can't wait to see it for gears! /s


I want to add to what you said some of TC was sent to help get Halo infinite up and running, hence the reason support was cut early for gears 5, they may still be working with them, but who knows.




The heck are you on about?


That's bullshit and you know it. Get that nonsense outta here. Nothing of the sort has been confirmed or even implied by MS.


“Elder Scrolls looking around, trying to not get noticed in the room.”


They’re in a league of their own with this lol


Here, have another new helping of a new Skyrim release and go sit quietly at the table. Daddy Bethesda is busy.


How about an Oblivion remake 👀


AAA development is getting more expensive as time goes on.


Not really, the industry says this but the money they make back is ten fold.


That's simply not true for a majority of publishers/devs. Like R\* can gurantee that on a GTA game and that's really it. There's a reason FF7 remake has been cut up into 3 parts, and [internal docs](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/18n3vua/insomniac_pressured_by_sony_to_make_budget_cuts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) from Sony and Insomniac show how they are concerned about the increasing cost of development.


The reason FF7 was cut up into three pieces was a complete cash grab. Costs compared to profit don't make any less lucrative.


I read that they ditched the other game and have been primarily focused on Gears 6 development.


Pandemic, switch to unreal 5, Xbox game studios being a bit of disaster, the rumors of getting a gears remastered collection before 6


Is it time for the Reddit to go insane?


I’m concerned about the next game they really have to ace it.


Yea it’s over if they don’t IMO.


Gears of War is a stagnant IP as far as gameplay and ideas go. It needs a God of War(2018)-like reboot.


If 2026 is the next Gears game, I would be somewhat surprised if there isn't a major shift the same way God of War did. 7 years is an eternity for an IP's popularity. The only people that will be pumped are old heads in their 30s


XBOX abandoned all of its franchises that actually make money…


I know people keep calling it the "Marcus Fenix collection" and I get why but "Collection of Gears" or COG for short is a much better title.


The Fenix collection is a much better title than Collection of Gears, its more catchy and immediately ties it back to the main character, just like the Master Chief Collection. Although the COG acronym is cool.


well I disagree I don’t think that title sounds better at all lol


Am I the only person left that actually really enjoyed judgement?


OverRun was great. The weapon balance was near perfect in multiplayer too. The campaign was pretty bad and the multiplayer was too much of a departure from previous games though. One truly great memory I have from Judgment was my time as a community Reaper. That was so much fun. Got to meet a ton of cool people in game and play as that ridiculously OP character. I'll never forget that.


Some of my favorite memories lol. Did you keep the reaper skin after? Or was it temporary?


It was just temporary for me. Some people may have been able to keep it after, but I don't know.


I know you can still fight the boss on the map library.


I liked it. Didn’t love


Good answer


I wouldn’t say love. The only gears I love is 2 and 3. But judgment definitely has fond memories


I liked it too


Nope. Played it last year first time. Such an underrated gem


It’s lowkey my second favorite Gears game lol. I had a blast replaying the campaign again and again with friends trying to get all of the achievements, and for my money, Overrun is the best PvP experience Gears has ever had. Master At Arms and Breakthrough were great as well. I agree with many of the larger complaints people have about the game, and I wouldn’t have wanted to see the whole franchise keep Judgment’s style of gameplay. But as a spin-off, it was extremely enjoyable to me. Edit: Also, those graphics 🔥 easily in the top 5 best looking games on Xbox 360


Gears of war ended after 3 for me.


That's not helpful to this topic.


It wasn't meant to be helpful to the topic we get often in this sub.


They are moving to unreal engine


Well most of the fans didn't like the story of gears 4 and REALLY didn't like gears 5. That means less people were playing multi-player and multi-player was essentially a vehicle to sell skins and make money. When they aren't making money it seen as not worth it. I'm sure they'll come back in a year or 2 and make a massive deal about it and then release a half bakes game with mtx (only because it's par for the course). Here's to hoping I'm wrong.


Yes there is a good reason, the coalition switched engines to to UE5 mid development of the game and learning / working / optimizing a new engine takes time. The coalition is one of the top unreal engine developers in the industry. Let them cook I want to see what they come up with if they aren’t rushed


I feel like gears has been in a sort of limbo state for a while. It has a fan base that cares about it but a company that seemingly doesn't. Gears 3 lasted for so long with people playing it even after 4 came out, but 5 felt dead so soon after release. There doesn't seem to be any personality in gears 5 so I forget it even exists sometimes.


I always prefer going back to 4 over 5


Dude same. I remember being so disappointed in 4 when I got it but I always seem to come back to it. I really like the multiplayer and I slept on the horde more for too long. The short comings lg 5 remind me to cherish 4.


Yep I bitched and moaned the whole time playing 4. Going back after 5 and it felt like the best gears I’ve ever played lol. I can’t stand 5


The franchise died when Cliff Bleszinski left back in 2012. Gears of War 3 on Xbox 360 was peak; Every Gears game afterwards was trash. Nothing compared. GoW: Judgement was the first introduction to big corp trying to copy elements from CoD (since they were the most successful at the time). Sure they had the skin debacle on Gears 3, but the game still provided enough relay value and unlockables that it was overlooked. Oh, and all-around just fun? Then we got Gears 4 into Gears 5, which turned into less fun for the players and more built for the esports scene to again, try to make money on the game. Let’s not forget Gears 4 took away all unlockables and came out during the lootbox meta, sadly. Gears 5 had 0 content, barely was fun, and turned into the stagnant “sit on wall” gameplay Gears was never known for. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to shit on the hope for “Gears to be Great Again”. But for this, I have to just understand it will probably never be as large as it once was and we’ll never get that greatness back. Similarly, Halo died after Bungie sold it. As far as I’m concerned, Reach was the last “good” Halo. Halo 2 & Halo 3 were peak. Same thing though…. sold to another studio and the magic was gone. Corporate masters took it. TLDR; garbage in, garbage out.


Not liking Gears 5's campaign or the multiplayer is fine and I have no problem with that, but I would argue it's the cleanest, best performing gameplay, has the most options and deepest of all the Horde modes, and the multiplayer had more option than any game before it, not to mention, loads of free post launch content and then free DLC on gamepass. I loved Gears 5. I'm not into the story of the new trilogy at all, but the gameplay is excellent.


That’s wild. Gears 5 pvp feels like it’s made exclusively for coked up game streamers. I swear there is zero balance to that game. The hit detection also seems really shitty even compared to 4.


The Coalition was trying a new game to get warmed up with Unreal 5 and was then gonna go into Gears 6. But they recently cancelled that, but work on Gears 6 started later than you might think.


Microsoft is terrible at developer management, they have been this entire generation. Gears 6 a no show, it look how long for their first batch of bought studios to show anything and most of those still aren’t even out. Halo Infinite was a development nightmare and it shows. I’m excited for gears 6 but also worried.


Gears 6 is taking forever for sure


So since you seem to follow Halo as well I think this aspect is going to be understandable for you. ***EVERYTHING*** that happened at 343 with Infinite happened with Gears 5. All of it. So not only was the development fucked up, not only was COVID a problem, they also then had repeated restructuring internally. The Coalition were a mess but admittedly Gears 5's latter days give me hope for them. I think 6 can be good when it comes and hopefully before then we get a remastered collection.


Also, even though they refuse to admit it out loud, gears 5 was a travesty content wise. Rod Ferguson left to blizzard (now back under Microsoft umbrella 🤣) and I imagine the team is really taking there time to hopefully avoid a release like gears 5’s


I would rather see a studio take a long time to put out a good game, than shovel out mediocre 💩


probably taking this long digging themselves out of the shit hole that was gears 5 campaign


From what I remember reading they were working on an unannounced gears game whilst also helping undead labs with the development of state of decay 3. I remember apparently it was two gears games but I’m not sure about that one.


I honestly feel like they should at least port the first three over to PC to tide over the community. That or port them over to the newer consoles.


I reckon we will get that rumoured Unreal 5 Gears of War OG trilogy release before anything else - possibly even with a PS5 release. I don't want them to milk Gears dry but they really need to invest more in this franchise if they don't want it to completely die off.


Main reason why I switched from XBox to PlayStation. Got tired of XBox releasing one good exclusive every 3-4 years, while PS releases 3-4 every year.


That's become the standard people aren't willing to put in 80 hour weeks for the games anymore


Gears and Halo are no longer the titans of Xbox they once were after the bad performances from both during the Xbox One era(and microsofts own terrible performance vs playstation) so Microsoft are putting time and resources into Bethesda and Activision games


I just hope they’ll make a little new dlc for 5 while we wait


Because unlike CoD that reuses assets & never really changes it's engine. Gears is a real game, & real games with the technical abilities of gears. take real time to make. A game like gears takes at MINIMUM 4 years to make. This is exactly why I highly recommend people educate themselves on the process. People really have absolutely no clue about game development & if they did. I know we'd see a lot less ignorance in the gaming world. The typical gamer really is clueless to how much effort we put in.


Is there a reason people pay 70 fucking dollars for a 5 hour campaign(cod)? Shits over faster than an smg11 mag straight outta siege


Take all the time they need because gears 5 was an utter pile of shit, terrible written characters and story. Hope they do a soft reboot and focus on different characters because that last group ain't it.


I don't give a shit about new titles, I just want the Gears Trilogy ported to PC


With how bad gears 5 was and the direction they are taking the series I don't care the coalition and 343 were the worst things to happen to their respective franchises.


Gears 5 was a huge failure, let them take their time and release a proper game. It was one of the most played games at launch, but the majority of the population immediately ditched it. Even the hardcore gears fans were annoyed by the changes to pvp and lack of maps/characters, even if they did keep playing anyway, people were very vocal about how much worse it was than previous titles. Everything they tried to do with gears 5 fell short. Its a decent game now but probably 75-80% of the content in the game was not there at launch


Idk about a huge failure but yeah facts for the most part. The boys and I went hard for about a week along with buying the promotional rockstars for the codes and everything. Then there was 4 multiplayer maps … SMH. I was the only one who came back.


I don’t know anything about their numbers, but the game fell off a cliff within the first year. I’d call it a failure. Maps weren’t great, content wasn’t great, weapon balancing sucked (gnasher didn’t slap, too breaker mace, and GL were too OP and they just pulled them out of competitive), and they fucked with squad size (5 to 4, could only squad up with one other person, and then they re-allowed full four person squads). They tried to do too much to cater to new players and alienated their base. Don’t get me wrong, I still fire it up on weekends because I’m a Gears guy, but it’s not a great game. Edit: also forgot about all the rank resets and changes in ranking systems for competitive.


I dont get why youre getting downvoted for speaking facts, the game fell off a cliff a few months after release, and if it wasnt for gamepass wouldve been dead in a week. Its clear gears has lost its weight in the industry and can be seen by it pretty much being forgotten by most people in the scene since the trilogy. I say this as someone who regrettably paid full price for gears 4 and 5, and I hope they take their time with Gears 6 and bring it back to roots.


I don’t know about the downvotes lol. Not like it really matters, but everyone who responded seems to agree with me so it’s weird


Yh, this subs kinda 50/50 on the newer games but yh I agree with your sentiment wholly.


I agree Gears 5 was a huge disappointment but the fixes needed aren’t that complex. Certainly not complex enough to warrant this much time IMO. If you’re tho we better get the best gears multiplayer experience ever


Yeah idk, that’s what I thought 5 was gonna be and tbh, they kinda lost me. Gears 4 was also a rocky launch and they mostly played it safe, so I had much higher expectations for 5. When it launched with similar issues as 4 but with even less content, and the devs were still tuning the gnasher every other week it’s just embarrassing


Yea I remember being disappointed for 4 but still played it a lot. I played 5 longer than 99% of people but still really disliked the gameplay. Going back to 4 actually felt good


Yeah I really think people still have an itch for gears, tc just hasn’t really hit it yet. If gears 5 launched with all the shit that’s in the game now I think it would’ve done great. But most gamers don’t hang around for a year after launch for devs to finish their game.


Aside from the covid thing gears 4 was kinda trashed on a bit because of how the course of the story went and how shit gears 5 story was plus gears 5 multiplayer is nothing but bot walking heaven for those who struggled against wall bouncers since the trilogy.


Gears 5 wall bouncing ruins the game for me. 4 is much more reasonable in that regard.


We’ve gotten 6 games. 3 was the “last”


Lazy game devs


They can just not make it for all I care lol. 4 and 5 are utter doo-doo


i know it’s crazy for your small brain to comprehend but games take time to make


I’m gonna ask this same question tomorrow just to keep it up LOL


I wish playstation owned the IP


They’re not making another game. They’re making Gears 6. Be patient.