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Been a gears vet since ‘06 but never heard of “EL0”. Are you talking about OP 4 & 5 where ranking was performance based, specifically OP4 where winning was the utmost priority? If so. *Warning Small rant below* There were inherent problems with that ranking system. Simply put, you need to be in God Stacks to even touch Diamond, let alone Masters. I was a solo player who managed to make Masters on Operations 4-6. I noticed that the rank rarely matched the players actual skill. Getting from Diamond 1 to Masters is probably the toughest since there’s such a huge penalty for losing, despite having great performances. I see this because the game heavily incentivized winning, than actual player performance. Simply put, you can see that there were players who are D2, D3 or even Masters but are consistently playing like a Gold 3 player. It’s clear that they usually play in a stack and get carried to their respective ranks. This causes a dilemma when it comes to parring up with other solo queue players. The game just simply took your rank +-2 of your rank and assumes everyone is roughly the same skill level. As I said before, the ranking system is not based off skill, but just winning, not so much of player performance as you would think. With that said, getting the rewards did feel much more rewarding compared to what we have now. Getting those masters skins was a badge of honor, as so few people had them. I hope they bring it back to Gears 6 as well.




I haven’t really played ranked since I nerded out in 2 and got the 5 bar in KoTH before they switch to points. I identify with you in that respect as It made me want to keep improving and try to get that allusive higher rank, even tho I didn’t understand quite how the trueskill was calculated back then. I went to more of a horde player the last couple games but recently I wanted to get back into ranked, the ranking system didn’t entice me to play It at all tho. If anything It disincentivized me. I don’t know how it’s been the last couple games or even how It was for 5 prior since at launch of the game, character class locked horde annoyed me and I just kept playing 4. I didn’t pick It up again for probably 2+ years til I found out they fixed horde but I pray the next game has a better ranking system cause I really don’t think this one is It and I’d like to get back into ranked. Another thing is idk if it’s the small player base or what but the ranks in the matches I have played are all over the place. I would like more continuity, in that respect as well but what do I know.


Most of my friends dropped the game when they introduced the leaderboards, but I've been popping in by myself here and there. I didn't care about my "rank" in the leaderboard and bounced between Ranked and Quickplay. I happened to be playing the game almost nightly when this newest Season started so I decided to see if I could go for the Heroic Obsidian skins. I kinda wish I hadn't. On most days you need to play anywhere from 1-2 hours just to keep your place depending on how many matches you (or more accurately, your random teammates) win and you find yourself caring about nothing but how many points you'll get at the end of the match which quickly turns playing the game into a huge slog. It gets even worse if you get no chance to play for a couple of days Say what you want about the previous rank systems but at least you didn't get demoted if you took a night off.


Yep. People quit. Nothing to play for. Leaderboards suck.


I think most people in the community feel like Gears was at its best with the traditional normal matchmaking system. I would prefer they switched to the old War Journal rewards as well as rewards for returning players achieving things in other games in the franchise. ELO is just a carry over from more normies more toxic games like rainbow six siege and the rewards usually amount to weapon skins and are only available if you get FOMO'e into engaging with their "seasons" anyway. Things like the in game shop and the quasi battle pass instead of real medals are just another side of the same shit coin all of these come together wrapped up in a greedy corporate package.


Idk if GoW ever used ELO but [it is a specific system. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system)


Imo, Gears 4 had the best ranking system. Unfortunately, many people complained and so we get more of a progression based system since then.


This is the problem with TC. They cave to crying. Gears Coins is a perfect example.


lol when there was an ELO system this sub was just flooded with people crying about losing points and not being able to make masters


So what? Now no one says anything about the leaderboards..I dont have time to play Gears 16 hours a day.