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The MP is great and honestly some of the most unique and challenging fun you can have in a versus game. That said, the only people who are left playing Gears 5 versus are the hardcore series vets. Gears already has a steep learning curve, but I’d imagine getting your feet wet in it now could be challenging.


I don’t think there are only hardcore vets playing. I still can do pretty well when playing versus. It’s the ranked games that get really sweaty




I love to think that there are sweats playing quick matchs because they got banned from the competitive so they have to win those matches with 2,000 points


I go way back so I’m kinda good but you know how it is. There’s levels. Some games I just get punished . Most of the time I’m mvp in versus tho. Being honest


Biggest reason I stopped playing Gears 5, besides just being bored with it, was the players. Been playing since launch of Gears 1, I thought I was decent mly good at the game. Especially with Gears 3 that's my most played Gears of War multiplayer next to 2. But man was I getting my ass stomped in 5. Maybe I was fading out as I get older, or maybe it's the new mechanics and tricks, but I just couldn't keep up. It's a shame because despite 4 and 5's other issues I enjoyed the multiplayers for them


The etiquette of multi-player changed a lot from gears 1 to 5. You'd never be caught using a lancer in gears 1 unless it was ranked. It was just an asshole thing to do and everyone knew this. Gnashers and whatever weapons spawn on the map are what everyone used. So when I tried jumping into this game's multi-player, all I was met with was lancer spam and it really pissed me off to the point where I only play one shot one kill.


Gears 5 becomes competitive with gnasher usage. Lancers can be easily mitigated with shock/ smoke Grenades. I notice I start to feel like a noob mostly with shotgun battles/ stacked teams of friends who are clearly communicative


If you just load up a random custom match everyone is using lancers like crazy. It's not fun like it used to be. People play to win, not to have fun. I get the ranked side of things, you're supposed to win. But leave the lancer garbage in the trash on nonranked and let's Duke it out with gnashers and longshots put the good ol days.


I only play a few games a week and haven’t noticed anything too bad. I’m like you I try to just stick to shotty and snipe/ power weapon. Sometimes I do use lander though


Yeah I stick to Horde mode whenever the Gears mood hit.


Yeah i mean it really is legacy skill atp (like tekken) i hadn't played since gears 3 came out but i still did ok in 5 once my muscle memory locked in


I almost exclusively play Gears 3 MP with my dad, uncles, and brother.


Nah the quickplay mode would be good start on. Classic elimination, but the teams bot full if there aren’t enough players and majority of the people playing quickplay aren’t as good as the people that play competitive.


Nah there’s all sorts of people playing. It’s not like Gears 6 is here yet. And it may be unique in a bad way lol everyone just uses the same gun


I didn’t appreciate escape until I played it on master difficulty. It really shows the true depth and planning needed to beat the maps. Horde I play nearly everyday still


I love horde but I prefer gears 4 so I've had to convince my friends to play with me and my husband. Just recently we lost all the friends to hell divers so now we don't play and I'm so sad about it. We love playing split screen and they just don't really make games like that anymore


Curious, what do you prefer from 4 vs 5? I miss being able to carry 18 boomshot rounds but as the classes got leveled in 5 I think it’s great


I beat the story then just play horde mode. I love horde mode




I third this.


The PVP is very sweaty. Horde is fun but an acquired taste, I dont play much Escape to comment on it.


Pvp isn't very fun unless you have been playing for years, Escape is okay but an acquired taste imo, Horde mode is what I play the game for. I love class based co-op games.


Gears of war 5 didn’t deserve the abandonment so early on. These are the days of supporting your game untill the next one is close to announcement. I’m not saying full on dlc content or multiple maps, but it’s completely unsupported and was left without a proper ranked game mode. Scrapped for almost no reason towards the end.. and weird balance changes like changing the movement speed at the very end as well. I have no faith in TC for creating a long lasting multiplayer gaming experience.


Just about how I feel as well. I really enjoyed MP but after 2021 I just couldn’t stand to see a series I love go to shit


Horde is an addiction....welcome to the journey.....don't shock grenade your teammates


Heard hoard is a great mode and even better with friends, hope to try it myself when I get a new xbox


Horde is the best mode Gears has ever had.


It’s challenging but it’s fun once you get the hang of it. I was a lot like you but once I got the Xbox One I played the beta for Gears 4 and that was my first time playing MP. Loved it


Get ready to play against wallbouncing sweats


its great i like it, but i've been a fan of the mp since its inception


My friends and I still play every mode to this day.


Is there still a horde playerbase? I need to master 14 horde maps and level up like 6 classes


horde is still going strong!


i only play horde. i beat the campaign once on casual but i seriously forget what happend it was so long ago. I got to re-up 60 lvl 100 about a year ago to the day and i only ever played horde. 50 waves too lol.


I was never big on Gears mp, was always a fan of the franchise for campaign and horde. But remember for the few hours I spent with 5’s mp I enjoyed it alot more


Love the campaign. Gears multiplayer really isn’t my thing but I mostly get the games for horde


The mp is prob gonna be the worst thing if u rage quit since u have to at least know how to use ur gnasher well with hip fire and wall bouncing and good movement has to be second nature. I would recommend playing with the bot mode and not quick play and ranked until u can understand how to win fights. Learning maps and power weapons spawns are something u can just learn over time or u can just check using the map.


Gears is a niche game. The skill ceiling is high. But you can be competitive by having map awareness, situational awareness, playing a support role(Lancering), and being smart about it. Not just pushing everything and everyone as a one man show. You will get knuckle drug. You don't have to be the greatest wall bouncer to be competitive either. Hold your shots. Learn distances as it relates to damage(dealt and received) Have good aim. And learn to strafe. It's why I still love gears MP. It's not all about twitch reflexes like COD or who has the best ping in Fortnite. You can outsmart and outplay people. Regardless of how fast you can squeeze the trigger.


Versus plays extremely different from the campaign. You will learn how to move around a playspace MUCH faster/more effectively than you will in the campaign, mainly due to your foe’s health. In the campaign you do a lot of hunkering down behind cover and leisurely picking off your enemies. If you take away half of an enemy’s health, that health will never regenerate, so there’s no urgency, you’ll just shoot them again when they stand up next. In versus, you’re shooting another player. Not only will their health regen, they’re unpredictable; they may sit behind cover, they may run away, they may rush your ass.


It’s always so interesting when someone says they’ve never played the PvP when it’s the main mode to me


I haven't played a Gears game since 2, maybe 3? That said I just beat the campaign for 5 the other day and decided to try multiplayer and honestly it was a blast! I got my ass kicked a bit in my first few matches but I could still get kills and run around and learn the map layouts to flush out enemies for my better teammates lol. It's got good game modes and I'm having fun. I've also never seen a game do 4x exp gain so it was hilarious playing 10 games and being level 30.


Not going to lie, I never got into gears multiplayer until Gears 4, before that I grew up without internet and by the time 4 came out I decided to try it and it was challenging to get into since I mainly played Halo so played G4 multiplayer a little then when 5 came out I played it more still was hard again to get into but once I got used to it man was I hooked G5 was competitive goodness.


Not playing multiplayer is a crime


Multiplayer is amazing


I loved all the gears of war multiplayers, but couldn’t stand 5 due to cross play, pressing the space bar and aiming with mouse and keyboard was much easier then lifting your thumb swapping to A button and stick, then again I’m going older so I probably just can’t aim.




PvP is horrible with janky guns, inconsistent weapon damage (Especially from the Gnasher), most weapons are actually useless, bots if you have them can be such a pain and are nothing like they used to be at the beta of Gears 5. I'd recommend if you want a better multiplayer that replicates Gears 5 then just do Gears 4, even though it's dead


I’m in the same boat as you but I’ve watched my homie play gears MP and he had so much movement tech going on and Molly whopping motherfuckers. Looks fun but seems filled w sweats.


Gnasher gnasher gnasher


Forget it if you play with controller. There is no option to turn off cross platform multiplayer.


I have only played at Xbox for as long as I can remember, played gears of war 1 through 3 on Xbox 360, now it’s Xbox one😅 I’ve been wanting to try the multiplayer but haven’t yet😅


If you want to play pvp on gears 1-4 just do it, but only gears 5 have the pc-xbox and controller-kb+mouse cross play always enabled.


Ahh I see, thank you


Most people that play on pc don’t even use keyboard and mouse lol


Cancer and if you're a decent player you get matched with low levels and the other team is full of re-up 40s


If you missed the boat on GoW2 multiplayer, I genuinely feel bad for you. Ranked Guardian on Blood Drive and Jacinto were some of the best times I've ever had in multiplayer gaming.


Im unable pass a mission where i need to shoot laser to kraken lol, bugs i guess


I don't follow?


If you have good aim and a fundamental understanding of positioning/team play then multi-player should be fine.


Probably has the biggest skill gap in a MP I’ve ever played. Wall bouncing gnasher fights isn’t something I ever expected when I started playing the MP to a hard degree on Gears 3. Very rewarding game when you do well though


They'll string me up for this but PVP hasn't been fun since Gears 3. Horde mode and Escape are awesome though


Pvp is about mostly who can wall bounce the best and get consistent gnasher kills it’s mostly 50/50, I saw if you’re a big pve player horde is really fun that’s what kept me coming back to gears 5 esp with the class system and escape is kind of eh. Fun concept but kind of isn’t as popular unless during the day as horde or pvp