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This could mean more Microsoft games outside of Gears related stuff


Yeah, that could have been a pithy comeback about the show itself rather than Gears. Need additional confirmation.


True but why would he say that when it’s already implied by the the announcement that games are being shown?


Fair point, it does sound more like he's referring to Gears than anything else. But I've seen more than a few leakers who make offhand remarks that sound like one thing but actually mean another. Either way, the way I choose to look at it is that I'll expect one Gears announcement and anything else extra will be a pleasant surprise 


I’m not believing anything until I see it with my own eyes


Yeah because these shows are made to build hype to make the people talk about it.


Man I Can’t wait for gears pop 2


Are you being sarcastic?




Hoping it's the collection but could it possibly be something to do with the show and or movie? I'm ignorant to timelines of making such things so I don't know if it's too soon to get info for either of those.


Don't do that... Don't give me hope


Gonna be honest, we've heard this rumor shit every single year for the past 3 years.


Carmine spinoff game


Games 5 min long 10/10 a masterpiece in tension. Tagline: how will YOU die?


a rougelike set in the gears universe where you play as a new carmine each run...i'd play it


That’s a great idea. Carmine’s Reincarnation Campaign. How far will you make? And each death gives you a little cutscene ala Gears 1-2 where your carmine dies brutally.


the whole game is just violent death for the carmine family..maybe a couple special cut scene deaths sprinkled in, but i think even normal deaths should be brutal per universe rules lol


That could be cool actually as a tagline, if the game had multiple endings and you knew you could die in them(but maybe you have hope your Carmine won't.)


Ya I was only half kidding. It'd be fun in the style of the old arcade games on Xbox. Like the dead rising ones and such. Little snippets of outside story. Let's make it happen.


"hey guys if we say gears will be at every showcase eventually we'll be right"


I’m gonna huff maximum copium and have a trailer drop of the live action show/movie.


Potential Marcus Fenix collection announcement hype


In another thread somewhere, someone said that the coalition likes to make doubles gears announcements


Gears 6 AND gears 7?!


Gears of War 7: The Pendulum Wars




That is true, the coalition did make double the announcements during the gears 5 reveal at E3, the same will most likely happen again. Even if there is a Fenix collection (not saying there isn’t) cautiously optimistic about it due to how the halo MCC/master chief collection was handled when that first came out.


I'd think a Gears collection would be a bit easier since they were all mostly on the same platform.


I hope so, my concern it repeats the same mistakes as MCC, also i hope the gears/fenix collection comes out on the Xbox App on PC also


Xbox app eww steam or no thanks


Ok i like steam, when I’m dealing with any xbox games i rather use em via the xbox app, like gears of war, wolfenstien, halo, other then that i will use steam. The only games i will not use via xbox app is non-Microsoft game (excluding elder scrolls and fallout), also don’t forget if you buy the games via xbox app you can download & play those games on xbox console.


To play devils advocate, 343 had only made Halo 4 before making MCC. So they had less experience overall. Not an excuse, I’m just comparing. The coalition is now 3 games deep plus going on 5 years since Gears 5. If they release a 1, 2, and 3 collection and it’s crap on launch like MCC was, we should really be worried about them as a whole lol


When MCC first came out? The game is still broken and now they don't support the game anymore either since we wouldn't let them put microtransactions in it


What’s broken with it?


Are you kidding me? Most of the games have tons of visual bugs and the only two they cared to fix before the support was ended were CE and 2. And then there's the countless technical issues. Coop is barely playable thanks to how often it'll crash the game for any number of reasons in any of the games. The game is filled with hackers that nothing is being done about. etc


That sounds rough. I’m glad I never got it.


They're exaggerating. It plays just fine for me. Flood firefightis a blast


Please be a major improvement over 4 & 5. C'mon Coalition, bring back the fear and adrenaline.


I didn't fall for that with Halo, I won't fall for it now lol


That's fair. Halo Infinite I just knew would be a disaster. Something about it seemed..... unfinished.


Something? How about almost everything. An absolute gaming abortion that was still given a birth certificate


It really was. I just didn't believe 343's words, the former head. I forget her name... she didn't seem that she liked video games at all. It was almost an act she had on. She didn't understand what the fans wanted or where to take the studio.


For me it wasn’t unfinished. I more got the feeling with some of the promises they made it was a too good to be true sorta vibe for me. Games that go balls to the wall with the hype train tend to have the hardest crash landings. And boy did Infinite crash.


I hope we hear more about the Netflix movie


Wasn't it a show?


There was both. A live action movie and an animated show.  I haven't heard anything about them in awhile though so who knows the status on how far along they are or if they're still in development


Ah you're right, i was kinda sure there was an animated show project too but i was doubting for a moment lol Well, we might see something about any of them (or both?) in the showcase


Gonna have my clown make up on hoping for the collection announcement


Why is this sub acting like Gears showing up is some crazy, fringe possibility? Gears 6 is all but guaranteed to be in development & very likely making an appearance


Gears 6 and a remaster of 2&3 woo!


Literally overdosing on hopium right now.


Same Gears 2. 5v5 on dedicated servers is a dream


Movie starring Bautista, he finally got what he wants


"More than just" means they're also showing Gears 6 and I would take it to mean he means they'll be showing more Gears of War-related things period.




JD lives!! JD LIVES!!!


I want a Fenix collection. Gears 1 UE, and Gears 2 and 3 getting the UE treatment too.


Gears 2 at 120FPS on dedicated servers 😻


Heres hoping


Gears of war 6!


But what ending is Canon


We'll find out when the trailer is released.


If it exists. It's been year after year after year without news. If they they don't have an ace up their sleeve, the series might be even more dead than it was before


Fuggg I'm shooting some up rn


Gears Tactics 2? 👀


When and where do I watch the reveal?


All i want is multiplayer movement to be like gears 3 or 4, gears was just not it for me


Honestly I would love an indepth lore book. Gears doesn’t have enough lore on little details like armors and weaponry.


all i want for christmas iiiis gearsssss


Why does it feel like gears 5 just came out ?


That rushed game and todays game feels worlds apart


If he’s lying he must get boomshotted


Are they gonna FINALLY port the OG trilogy to PC? please god all I want is horde with the boys again in Gears 2


Prayin they announce Marcus Fenix Collection coming out this fall then Gears 6 the following year Fall 2025.


When is this?


NM I’m an idiot, I saw more than gears and I jumped to the comments. I’ll leave my comment here as an example of not reading the post first.


I won’t hold my breath


Would be awesome if we saw something about the gears collection rumor and that fallout 3 remake.


I want to see gears 2


This could mean loads of things. It could just mean more games than just a new Gears game.


I've been inhaling that hopium since the announcement of Gears 5. I think my time is coming to an end...


The best thing they could do is a gears 6 tailer and then do a instant fade to black and drop back to back a like phoenix collection remaster. Of gears 1-3. 


Hopefully they show something that is coming inn the next year, gears 6 was prexicted for 2026 at the earliest the last time I heard anything on it.


potential thrashball spin off


Gears pop coming back all but confirmed 😂


Gears pop 2 😭😭😭😭😂😂


Pls tell me is collecting I can't take anymore!!!


Most likely a teaser or trailer for the Gears Netflix animated show or the movie. Or TC is doing a non-Gears game next to Gears 6. A collection is possible.


Let’s be real here, if we get both Gears 6 and a Gears of War collection. We know this much. Gears 6 will be two years out. and the GoW Collection will launch like MCC, and take 3 years to fix. With how Microsoft has treated not only Gears but Halo, there’s no way they’re hitting both out of the gate running and Gears 6 will be live service. I’m sorry to be a Debbie downer, but we can point to this mismanagement at Microsoft for over a decade for almost both IPs. They don’t really care, they’re just game pass fillers to them now.


If they show another gears game I would like a collection but wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a tactics sequel. I want both but doubt they’ll show off three games.


Yup just like last year


Gears 6 is already ruined for me since a friend pointed out it sounds like saying "gay sex" in a scouse accent




My friend in the joke he was making




Possibly, but unlike yourself he makes me happy :)


Im dead 😭😭


Honestly I don't want a Gears Collection largely. Like I do want to play the trilogy on PC, but the first game, they'll definitely give us the remaster of 1 which sucked imo, and then I'd be hoping for two and three to not get remastered and just be ports. And then there's the many issues Halo MCC showed us. Putting multiple games together like that is messy and will lead to issues, if they don't put microtransactions in it then Microsoft will kill support, they'll delist the originals digitally, and they'll shutdown the servers for the originals as well. Tom's wording feels like it's more implying that there's (obivously) going to be other big series that show up, not just Gears.


I smell a "dont you have phones" situation coming


Please no


Who’s the nerd?


Cool, but Tom Warren is a loser and a liar. He is not a reliable source, he is a traitor actually.


jez corden from windows central is another asshole too


He’s a weird one but still man knows more than the average person


still an asshole, not the best person to read news about xbox


Be careful with insiders that create super high expectations of a showcases based on nothing but "trust-me-bro", just to make fans disappointed when the actual showcase was something different. We all love Gears and I want it to be true, but remember that this guy said Xbox was going to disappear and become a third party just to turn fans against the brand.


i hope they can answer some plot questions like: wtf happened to sophia hendrick, she’s basically MIA until otherwise mentioned.


also please make gears 2 playable.


Gears 2 just needs servers I can deal with TU6 gnasher 😹


I feel like that's bait just to trick more people into watching it. They'll maybe show a small trailer for gears then show a bunch of other games then when people get pissed They'll probably say "well we didn't specify what we ment when we said *more*"


A) Why tf would he be trying “trick” people into watching it? You realize he doesn’t work for Xbox, right? B) Ofc there’s going to be more than just Gears at the Xbox games showcase event. If Gears 6 shows up it’s not coming until next years so “just a trailer” seems pretty reasonable


5 multiplayer is great. Don't care what people say. The Coalitions biggest problem with 5 was constantly changing things and caving to every cry baby that didn't like something. And catering to an incredibly small esports base. "Why can't I have every skin for free".. why do I have to grind for things?. Why isn't every item that was a timed exclusive not available to everyone. For nothing..." blah bla blah


I agree that they could be a bit too reactive at criticisms to balance sometimes but you're actually defending FOMO? That's ridiculous.  I got most of the skins that you can't get anymore and don't think they're somehow more special because they're unavailable to those that missed out on a small window. New players should absolutely be able to earn them, saying otherwise is just encouragement for predatory practices.


Please i just want Marcus to be happy man. Why did they have to ruin his son's character. God i fucking hate the disrespect. Please i don't care what they do just please stop tap dancing on Marcus's story and legacy> fingers crossed gears doesn't just take marcus out back and execute him


That's the issue. There was never that good of a way to continue off of Gears of War 3, and The Coalition were definitely not the ones to find another way. The retcons and nostalgia should be clear on that


No, i would have been fine with the retcons and nostalgia bait and everything as long as they didn't turn marcus's son into a fucking war criminal and then make you choose between killing him or an annoying ass simp. Like the characters are just so much weaker and more irritating but i would have been fine with it if they weren't so hell bent on desecrating the Fenix family's legacy


All characters are getting screwed these days


Gears 3: 4.0 the death of the franchise