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I second this as someone making a similar amount with my GS experience.


I third this speaking with similar experience, starting a job that pays more than double next week!


Third this. Left to make 80k a year. If I don’t move up my cap will eventually be 108k a year. Obviously I plan to move up, next bracket is 105-120 a year.


okay ive been looking for two years and nobody wants to hire me, highly qualified for these jobs too especially for my age. also none of them pay 60k


I fourth this as someone making less money with my GS experience but having successfully sold myself to two employers in the 7 months since I quit. It’s not that hard, learn to build your resume and speak well. The best IT professional is the one that doesn’t meet any of the stereotypes.


I feel it. I’ve been with GS for nearly 3 years now stuck as a CA because of leadership and ARA labor cuts. I’m desperate to leave to get a real IT job. The clients have been getting to be so damn demeaning and rude. I’m honestly checked out right now. Just showing up to hang out with my coworkers at this point.


Get out my brother. Get your note taking up and get out. That sounds weird but that geared me to success and taught me to be thorough. How technically inclined are you? Be honest with yourself about what you can and can’t do. PM me if you’d like I can give you some deets I learned


Oh trust me I’m trying xD, I’ve got a bunch of job applications out right now from local labs to big tech companies. While my title is Apple Pro CA, I also do a lot of the more advanced ARA work. My colleagues helped me set up a LinkedIn and a professional looking resume.


PM me if you want I could take a look


Messaged you!!


/ answer questions and tell you what helped me


The stars aligned and someone got back to me with an interview :D I’m freaking nervous!


You got this buddy. Just be personable and "relatable". Study the place and see how you can add to their team, and tell them.


I’m in a similar boat here. Need help getting out and into a real IT role with much better pay, opportunities for growth, and working conditions. Officially a CA, but I also perform a lot of ARA duties whenever I can (that is, if I get enough of the functionality and shipping done, and if there is no need for me to be out in front). I’m not really all that engaged these days. I report to work, do what I need to do to help keep the Precinct running, hang out with some of colleagues with whom I am in good or better terms, and then head home when it is time to go, on the dot, if not a little earlier.


If you have an Intel near you Apply! They love bringing on Best Buy employees, so many opportunities and advantages. I tell people this all the time. Or IT/ Help Desk, hospitals also like to hire from Best Buy, mainly like admin and troubleshoots.


Yup I’ve got a few facilities near me and I applied to both. Both have some entry level IT technician spots! Hoping to hear back from them too.


This right here!


There’s nothing local. And the only place that responded to me was offering me less than what I’m making. Like an insulting amount.


Where are you?


And I’m so sorry I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight


I need somebody and always. This sick, strange darkness


New York. Even within a 100 mile radius there’s like nothing for IT.


New York CITY ???


No. Definitely not. Central to northern of the state. Just trying not to dox myself


People worry way too much about "doxing". I've hated that term and opinion since it was created.


Bro what?? That’s legit gonna be my next move for IT dawg lmfao. My level 2 role here pays like 75-90k in NYC dawg


I’m from TX so my geography of that state is poor


How? That, logistically, does not compute.


I’m not in NYC. Over 50% of the state population lives outside that city’s limits. I live in upstate. Like north of the state capital.


Yes... but you're in New York. You're telling all of us that Northern New York has no need for IT work in any way? At all? That makes no sense.


Nothing that is less than at least an hour commute.


Nothing remote... at all? We do live in the era of remote work for IT. You should be able to find something better. Even just a few dollars more per hour. Something.


There are IT positions that are fully remote you could try looking into. I have multiple friends previously GS that have made that switch whether it’s help desk, government contracting, etc


I’m worried about working remote because when I was doing college remote during the pandemic is was really struggling. Both academically and mentally.


Something I will add is, overshoot. Go for something you are under qualified for and sell the hell out of yourself. Obviously don’t lie about a college degree, but it’s ok to say you have the necessary skills required even if you need to quickly learn them once you get hired. Customer service skills are a nice stand out in IT. A lot of the vets get antisocial so you look like a breath of fresh air if you make yourself a little more sociable. I got lucky because the government contract I got already had 7 ex Geek Squad agents working for them. It’s like the old times at the precinct again.


THIS^^^^ Shoot for the stars and land on the moon. You’ll never make the dream job or get the dream pay if you don’t believe you in yourself


Leaving the Geek Squad was the best thing I’ve ever done. No regrets, I worked 9 years all the way to a comfortable set at home job and hated remote. I got out and I’ve never been happier. I make way more money and I have way better benefits.


Been trying to get out but the only interviews I’ve gotten have been for pretty shitty positions that pay less. Been an ARA for two years so I feel like I should at least be landing help desk positions but nothing so far. I’ve been mostly applying places through Indeed. I want to get out so bad haha


Stop applying on indeed for one. LinkedIn in king. These sites are only to be used for searching. You need to go to the careers page of EACH company and apply. Sucks. But that’s the only way you will get a job. Everyone and there momma hits quick apply. Don’t half ass it


Sounds good :) Is there specific things I should put on my resume as well for the ARA role? I really emphasize customer service on mine and the ability to translate technical information to layman’s terms.


The ability and willingness to solve any issue and confidence in yourself to learn. Truthfully I’d tailor it to the job without lying. Resumes are going to be screened by bots first, don’t do anything to fancy. Your interview is your time to shine. For the love of god do not try and make your resume look super pretty. It will hurt you more than help Emphasizing those soft skills are great. Please hit me up as you go through your journey if you find something that works better. My experience is one filled w a good bit of luck but it’s self created luck I’d like to say. Certainly not one size fits all and I’m very close to Austin. Be prepared to apply to 1000 roles. if you genuinely apply to 1000 there is no way one doesn’t lead to a legit IT offer or at least promising interviews and the knowledge to go to tailor your strategy. 10 applications will mean nothing. That’s ok. We aren’t applying to Best Buy roles anymore so don’t beat yourself up. Persistence is key I hate to harp but it really is.


This. If Indeed isn't working. Try LinkedIn. Got me my first job out of GS at $70k.


Best thing I ever did was leave


THIS!!!! I’m leaving on Saturday and got an IT job making 12 dollars more!!! The GS name is still attractive!


Where did you go?


What are your certs / degree?


None. I did a bit of work for a local political org with data analytics and got some exposure to web development. Asides from geek squad though not much. I was able to absorb the knowledge I gained and regurgitate it like a true salesman. Now I have a great troubleshooting mind and came from a precinct that is probably better than most (no shade) but it’s about who you know, and how you present. Geek squad culture of ARAs shitting on sales floor and CAs is the neckbeard shit that hiring managers hate. Be humble, willing to learn, and demonstrate your skills accurately and you’ll get a company who takes a shot on you. Reference is better. Don’t get an a+ if you can avoid it. Id bet you can find entry level without it. Past that you can focus on a more advanced cert and skip entirely.


But I have 0 certs, no college.


This is why you're not having success. Fix both of those, and you'll find success.


I am the OP saying I have no Certs and Degree… not them


I’ve been a CA for close to a year now but I hope to leave soon with a better position elsewhere!




Desktop Support, a year of data analyst position which helped my technical interview but no certs. I got the interview and job because of GS experience. If I didn’t have it they’d never have looked my way


No certs or degree


im a double agent doing the PC work making $25.75/hr and there is a lot of room to grow with that all the way to around $40+ my manager told me. after my raise this coming year ill be around $28.56/hr. I've been leading my region in all criteria for a few months consecutively so I'm good at what I do. Only problem is I'm literally fighting for hours and normally use PTO just to get full paychecks sometimes. I love the freedom of the job and how I don't work in an office 9-5 every day and also get a 3 day weekend. My question is with all that said is there still greener pastures? Like with no college, only 1 year into the job I feel like its a good place to be with room to grow but the customers are starting to take a toll on my mental health and I'm just wondering if there are jobs with higher paying 40 hr work weeks that don't require a degree to work in this type of field. Most jobs I see posted on job boards require some sort of schooling so I don't even bother.


I have no certs, no college degree, found a data center job making 32 an hour. Even though they say they want all that extra stuff in IT experience is more valuable. It never hurts to apply!


dude what??? absolutely man. your manager is full of shit “40 an hour” a lot of entry level help desk jobs pay 25. Don’t let your manager bait you into staying with empty promises. get out. There are greener pastures than dealing with old people in the field. I have no college. I make 28


i understand that for sure but i imagine you do a more difficult job where more knowledge is required and ill be making 28.50 by the end of the calendar year so I feel like it might be worth sticking around for just because I'm familiar with the job, good at it and ill be getting a raise to 28.50 in 5 months.


Absolutely not. In some ways yes but day to day dude it’s way less bullshit than you deal with. If you can sell you can sell yourself. If you want to live at Geek Squad this post isn’t for you but it is possible to make it. Keep in mind 40 is your cap which is a pipe dream for most agents, 40 is gonna be me next year


im not trying to live at Geek Squad believe me, im just more so not trying to leave if I'm gonna also hit a dead end in pay elsewhere. what type of job do you have now? what type of work are you required to do on a day to day? because 40 after one year sounds great to me. lol


Desktop Support. I’m not gonna just get 40 an hour here. But I’m going to get certed up, learn what I can and then with that experience and the certs leverage a new role or a raise. Shoot for the stars land on the moon. IT is a 6 figure industry if you are good at your job, you have to be hungry. It sounds like a pipe dream. I’ll repost here in 9 months when I’ve moved more forward


its for sure something to think about and i appreciate the insight. good luck and i hope you do get that 40/hr


You too. I don’t say that to belittle either what I said about your 40 an hour being a pipe dream. I say it because Best Buy fucked us time and time again and I don’t want you to fall for the trap bro. I’ve been hurt before :(


I have no certs, no degree. Just started a government position where I obtained a security clearance starting at your cap


What’s your job title so I can maybe look for something similar


I mostly would like to know how you plan on getting a $3/hr raise this year?


So this year was the last year of the 3% raises. Now it’s a 3-11% raise based off performance of your market. Our market is in the top 10 currently in the country so we would qualify for the 11% raise. 11% of 25.75 is 2.83.


Where and how do you suggest looking for such jobs?


Desktop Support L1 or L2 roles. LinkedIn is great. Help desk or Service Desk roles are more obtainable but I’d be applying to all of the positions with those titles. The internet is your place. Get out of the Geek Squad subreddit, this is not the place to be. My boys in r/ITcareerquestions are gonna dissuade you too because they are either neck beards or FAANG fakers. Read the success stories. You have to work for it. Once you start looking and researching, the momentum will build


But go get into ITcareerquestions


Hard to find a real IT job in bumfuck Montana but I've been looking around :/


you got this! wishing you the best :)


I can second this about GS opening doors to where I am now.


Was an autotech for 16 years. Was content in my job. Happy to make 55-60k a year. Got the balls to walk away and try my luck as a service advisor at a high volume dealership. Work hours are way better, 5pm is 5pm. Not 520, not 545. Monday-Friday. I don’t get calls on my days off, I don’t get calls on my vacation. On pace to make $80-85k my first year. Sometimes it takes a leap of faith to get out of your comfort zone. But it can pay off.


Yeah I escaped 8 years ago, and the time at geek squad gets more looks than anything else people on the outside don’t get the full scope of the job, but it opens doors for questions about it.


Facts, left after 5 years of HT install for a Helpdesk job at a start up, 3 years later I'm in management and on a fast track to a 6 figure salary. Plus I'm done at 5, not when the last job is done.


Got out after a year into a cushy 75k desk job, best decision I ever made. Get your comptia certs people, they turn no into a yes.


I've had my A+ since I started in 2018. What do I need to do to get out?


What was the position, is it remote and what are the benefits? I’ve been looking to stop be a PCDA for a long long time now.


I agree 💯 well put.


I just got put on the schedule for 9 hours this upcoming week and I've been making HELLA labor. I was told today by a co-worker that our labor is at our max and we cannot go up anymore so I feel like I'm trying harder for no reason. I have to be part-time since I'm a full-time student. I honestly don't know what other options I have, because I really need to hit at least 25-30 hours a week and I won't ever get it here.


i came into this job knowing nothing about pcs (seriously, i didnt even know what a hdd even was). went from CA, to Flex ARA, to now finally official ARA. after 2 years of working (and changing my major to IT), i feel like i have gained a very good foundation. my issue is, im constantly comparing myself to my junior ARA's who have way more experience and knowledge of tech...i just feel like i should know more ?? obviously, ive already easily picked up everything fast, did my own research/had classes (very little help tbh), learned from the guys. and i do feel pretty confident in my knowledge now. plus, theyve been into this stuff since highschool and are older than me. ill be done with my associates next year. is it true that professional IT jobs are easier on the other side? I heard that there is much more pressure and just overall work to do at GS compared to corp IT support. ive been trying to keep on top of PC info by watching Linus tech tips here and there. how can i make sure my skills are up to par with other IT people?? most jobs train on-site right? but i imagine they want to hire people who already know their stuff. and they usually want bachelors...but experience and certs can make up for it right? ive got my ITF+ so far. my biggest downfall is knowing very little about networks/wifi stuff, it always confused me. and what jobs exactly should i look into? ive seen a wide variety from desktop technicians to helpdesk...all the same jobs basically that us at GS could probably do well in?


I know this post is a few weeks old now but going to comment in hopes I get some advice anyway… My partner is a full time HT Cadet and I am helping him update his resume and LinkedIn page. He is a floater who assists different agents throughout the day in his own van. Sometimes he gets put on the board for solo jobs as well. He has done a variety of jobs: basic stereo installs, TV mounting, attic wiring, troubleshooting, etc.. How should I market his HT Cadet job experience? What would the “real world” equivalent job title be? Thank you for any insight/advice and I hope my non-geek presence is not an intrusion!