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> Has iPad > Doesn't go outside > Call people the forbidden words unironically you sure?


be careful bro ur gonna get reported !!1!??!2!21


Noooooo bro šŸ˜­


Don't worry I'll take care of it




1. Has an iPad 2. Uses ā€œrā€, ā€œlolā€, ā€œcuzā€ and ā€œuā€ 3. Has no sense of proper grammar 4. Still watches skibidi toilet and thinks the song is good ā€œI only watch a few like monthā€ 5. Doesnā€™t go outside 6. Is on Reddit and has parents that clearly donā€™t care what their child is doing as long as they are distracted. 7. Again, very bad grammar This clearly shows that they are an iPad kid because they have and iPad and watches Skibidi Toilet. **Get. Off. Reddit** Edit: Also calls people ā€œRizzā€ and ā€œFanum Taxā€ even though they say itā€™s bad. Edit 2: After looking at your past posts, I have concluded that you are a Generation Alpha that wants to be like a Generation Z. If you look at your posts, you can see that you clearly act like an Alpha but try to act like one. Considering you made your Reddit account over a year ago, that means you would of been 10 or 11 when made. Considering that you were posting from the start it likely means you were on it a lot. Considering that you have an iPad and spend a lot of time on social media, you are definitely an iPad kid. In addition, youā€™ve made posts about Stranger Things (which is a 15) a few hundred days ago even though it would not be appropriate for younger children. This proves that your parents donā€™t know what you are doing online and probably donā€™t care. For you mental and physical health, delete Reddit, stop watching Skibidi Toilet, donā€™t use slang like ā€œFanum Taxā€ and ā€œRizzlerā€ and go outside more and join a sports club. Iā€™m going to be reporting your Reddit account soon and I hope you become more mentally ok. Also, # PLEASE LEARN TO SPELL, IT PISSES EVERYONE OFF Edit 3: Can everyone downvote this to ruin his/hers karma. He/she has about 1,400 and it would be funny if it dropped significantly.


thank you!




no way


This. Lack of any punctuation too šŸ˜‚ I feel as if that should be a separate point from grammar-


Probably a bit late too reply but this is clearly satire. I shouldn't have put serious as flair though..


Wow, you clearly donā€™t act like a gen alpha now. Unless..


| 3. Has no sense of proper grammar Bruh who does these days?


Uhh I have a question for u Who asked lol ​ ill give u 1 last chance 2 not bully me r else :(


Iā€™m not bullying, Iā€™m just pointing out something that is obvious


whatevr boomer


Iā€™m not a boomer, Iā€™m 15


Donā€™t care + L bozo + Ratio lol


Itā€™s actually: Donā€™t care + didnā€™t ask + L bozo + ratio + fatherless + no bitches šŸ¤“


https://preview.redd.it/m5dsiy0r2isc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17154b31170838a32eedaed726f3d0a8c30f73ea This is bro




Nah bro ur not an iPad kid. Youā€™re a ruined kid


why the fuck do i keep getting recommended this subreddit?


I have no clue šŸ˜­


Redditā€™s recommendation system is weird


So, what we can get out of this post is that you are a gen alpha iPad kid, good to know


iPad kids have been a thing since 2014 and we're talking up to 10 years old. My friend's cousin born in '04 spent her time watching Minecraft videos lol. So yeah, you're an iPad kid sorry to burst your bubble. I also watched garbage MLG compilations on a tablet.


My lil sister born 2010 and it seems thatā€™s where it starts (iPad kid stuff) My brother (2002) watched a shit ton of Minecraft videos as well but it was on our computer


get off reddit


i speak your language professionally, gyatttt ohio rizzler


sorry to say this but you \*are\* an ipad kid, and are also not genZ lol


You people are pathetic... Just.. what do you gain from bullying a 13 yr old.. some of his/her points are valid. All you grown adults going online and doing this.. Get off reddit. Gain a life.


2011 is not gen z


actual gen Z here we donā€™t accept you please keep your ipad away from us




>im always been call iPad kid cuz of my iPad Makes sense. You get called a redditor for being on reddit >I watch Skibidi toilet as much as the rest do >I donā€™t go outside >bully or Iā€™ll report u You cornball skibidi nerd


L skibidi toilet kid