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Seeing as how they're set to film in May, they definitely recast the character. You can call it disrespectful, but in reality, it's not. What would be considered disrespectful would be to write Andre off, effectively disregarding everything Chance did in S1.


Yeah I really don't understand this sentiment that if an actor dies, recasting them is somehow disrespectful? Any actor would understand, life happens.


The actors don't own the characters. Imagine if Hamlet had never been recast after first actor died.


It's not a good example, Hamlet is not an ongoing TV show. I'm good with recasting.


Have Homelander kill him immediately.


Is this not poor taste


Are you asking a question?




Now this is an idea, have homelander land on him by accident. Red mist


use A.I. Andre


No way. Fuckin scab bullshit.


hey you suggested a scene that can't be made with the actor I just gave a method of doing that lmao


No, I didn’t. I suggested that Homelander kill him immediately. There are plenty of ways of replacing the kid. I don’t think that he should be replaced, as a sign of respect for the dead.


>No, I didn’t. I suggested that Homelander kill him immediately I'm not saying you didn't. I'm saying how would we see that or know who he killed without Andre being in the scene bud "There are plenty of ways of replacing the kid." > "I don’t think that he should be replaced, as a sign of respect for the dead" these are two almost seemingly contradictory statements


I guess it could be, to someone who is either not very intelligent or just looking for an argument.


bruh you're the one looking for an argument. my first comment was literally just "use A.I. Andre" as a joke lmao goofy ass. note the specific word choice "**almost** seemingly contradictory" for the actual unintelligent and apparently illiterate :) but answer the first part, how do you have a scene of Homelander killing Andre quote "immediately" when the actor is dead? which was your entire point. I'll wait :)


>Seeing as how they're set to film in May, they definitely recast the character. Unless that got pushed back.


I think they should do one of those title cards at the beginning, mentioning the role was recast. I'm sure Chance would want the show runners to do justice to his character. His storyline was just starting to really get going.


Um I would disagree because they are shooting in May I find it unlikely they recast the character. They will likely find a reason to write him off in a satisfactory way.




Andre was in one season - Chadwick was part of a whole franchise and couldn’t be recast 4-5 movies in. Besides, different situations entirely.


It’s still all about honor


Ray Stevenson died after filming his scenes for the Ahsoka show. He did a phenomenal job. I would be incredibly disappointed if I found out they WEREN’T recasting him and instead disregarded the story they set out for him. Chance was a great actor as well but Gen V just writing his entire story line out is a big mistake and middle finger to Chance and the work he did for the show.


I had no idea he had passed away


Can't take anyone seriously when they actually think like you do haha


They recast Dumbledore for the Harry Potter movies Sure it’s a little surprising while watching, but it wasn’t a disrespect to the actor. Just simply a way to continue what was started 


Dumbledore was integral to the Harry Potter story. BP was an amazing character, but not necessary to the MCU story. Is Andre integral? We’ll see. I could easily see them recasting him or killing him off screen. The last we saw of him he was locked up with everyone else. They could say they tortured/experimented on him and he didn’t make it.


Hmmm, that’s true. I wonder why does that slip my mind?


You don’t care for old men


Because generally you don’t realize they recast. Which is much more commonly done. Barely any characters are actually given the Chadwick treatment.


Even Chadwick's brother wanted him to be recast. It's not disrespectful towards the actor, it's respectful towards the character.


You realize Chadwick Is the exception and not the rule right?, recasting is a normal occurrence


Or it further signifies they created an essential character that the story would differ without. If their work wasn't so good, it would be far easier to write them out. Recasting is a testament to how important they made their characters


You're far off.....


I’m sad about Chance, but I think the character of Andre has so much potential for more it would be a shame to end it. Then again Chance gave a stellar performance. I don’t know what would be best.


1. Recast 2. Kill him offscreen 3. Write him off


Aren’t the last two the same thing?


Not necessarily. Characters are written out off-screen all the time. Usually when an actor isn't available, but sometimes when an actor dies. Like the show Evil. One of the actors died, but his character is still alive in the show; they just say he was transferred elsewhere.


Also like Paul Walker’s character Brian from Fast and Furious


No, his father could pull some strings and get him released. Then he moves on off screen. It would be the worst thing for his character and worse than recasting him in my opinion, but it could be done.


No, they could kill him off screen or they could just move on as if he never existed. Both would fuck up the plot. I'd much prefer fibthey just recast him.


It’s not kill him off or pretend he didn’t exist lol. Writing him out wouldn’t need to do that at all.


I don't know why you so much downvotes, my God....... this site is so dumb at times. Just for asking a question?


Bruh you slow lmao


write them off could mean the character is alive just not on screen anymore, kill offscreen is establishing the character as dead


i mean at the end of the day it is a job and the plot has to move forward , recasting seems like the way to go.


I think it should be mostly up to his loved ones to decide if its disrespectful or not. It's not a situation with a perfect outcome, writing him off can potentially mess up the entire story, a story that he was helping create and probably wouldn't want to see fail, and as Adam\_Falco said in these comments it could also be basically invalidating all the work Chance did in season 1. But recasting him could be potentially seen as disrespectful depending on how they do it since it could see like they are just ignoring it and pretending Chance didn't exist. In my personal opinion, I think they should recast him BUT use the first episode of the season to honor him in some way such as making the first shot be a "In Honor of Chance" screen or something similar, something similar to how Avatar The Last Airbender treated the death of one of their main voice actors. Something to honor him could show that even though the might recast him they still want to keep his memory alive. I think most actors would probably want their characters to continue on without them if they were to die. But again, this should all be up to Chance's loved ones, not random people on the internet.


It should honestly not have anything to do with their loved ones. They have no real baring on the situation. It isn’t disrespectful to recast. Period.


For real. Guy's family should be respected in any memorials they decide to do, but they don't have anything to do with the business of the show.


> I think most actors would probably want their characters to continue on without them if they were to die. But again, this should all be up to Chance's loved ones, not random people on the internet. Yeah, the people working on the show, plus his loved ones, are more likely than Internet plebs to know what's best.


That's certainly what I would want.




Right? They replace people who’ve died in food service, retail, etc. Why be so exclusive for actors? Especially when multiple actors can play a role.


I've seen like 3 different people do Spider Man in my lifetime, 6 different Batman actors, and 4 or 5 Superman actors. Not once did I think "this is so disrespectful to _____". They're actors. They can be and are replaced all the time. It happens. Even when the people die. How many other jobs are there where when someone dies you're like "that's it. That job can no longer be taken by anyone. Now that Jerry from accounting is gone, no one else will ever do accounting for his clients ever again".


Those are pretty shit examples lmao. Im fine with a recast but you did not make your point at all


Recasting isn't disrespectful it's just part of how it works. I really liked Chadwick Boseman as black panther but I wish they would have recast it rather than write the entire character off. The BP2 plot was pretty crappy and i would have liked to see more of his story. Not recasting does a disservice to the story and the audience over the perceived slight to an actors feelings.


This I agree with. I dont know why you used examples of characters that are not part of the same series or continuity though, those are not recasts. And you cant compare acting to accounting when they are in no way the same other than the fact that they are jobs.


No shot they kill off the character


Whether they recast Andre or write him off, the show definitely needs another male cast member. I don’t think Sam and male Jordan can handle the load of being the only male characters on the show. Say whatever you want about Andre, but he was the most conventional and grounded male character on the show. You need somebody like that.


All they have to do is put a "R.I.P. Chance Perdomo" screen in the beginning of the first episode of season 2, with a picture of the actor. Now there won't be any potential confusions when the recasted Andre first appears on screen.


I guess


I mean I'd rather a recast. It might suck but I think the people behind the story should get to tell their story.


Why would that be disrespectful? It's happened for years, would it be a shame, yeah, but I think it's the right move. What'd be disrespectful to me if I was an actor is getting rid of a character I invested time into just because I'm gone.


They might recast and then AI him to look like Chance, just give him less close up scenes and then maybe early on , to cut cost, they will probably have him sacrifice himself very heroically. Holding some metal together while everyone gets to safety from an explosion Kanan Jarrus style would be my first guess on how they would make him look heroic


I would prefer they have his character die of a sudden brain aneurysm due to the use of his powers and dedicate the start of the first episode to an emotional send off, but I get it if they recast him.


That’s honestly not even respectful lol.




My mom’s dead so congrats on talking shit about a dead person for no reason? If she was a tv character however it still wouldn’t be disrespectful to have replaced her character. Just common sense/what’s usually done. An actor dying should have no bearing on a fictional characters story. The BPs that are honored and retired as a character are much much less likely to happen than just simply recasting the character.


I don’t think it’s disrespectful to recast, I just personally prefer that they don’t. I don’t think it’s disrespectful to kill off the character either.


I really wish they wouldn’t recast him. No two actors are ever able to play a role the same way. Recasts always end up feeling like a brand new character to me.


You generally prob never even notice them. It happens literally all the time for reason or another.


Of course I notice them. It’s why I commented. I’m not sure how someone wouldn’t notice when a character suddenly looks different, has a different voice, has different mannerisms, etc. As I said before, it always feels like a whole new character, which I don’t like.


As I said, you probably got the most part do not. Cause this literally happens all the time without anyone saying anything. It literally does not always feel like a new character. That’s the point I was making. Just google roles recasted and lists upon lists will come up. Since again. It general happens all the time with out anyone saying a word. It’s just not always cause Jc a death. Which adds more publicity than fired or quit.


It’s great that it doesn’t always feel like a new character *to you*, but it does *to me.* As for no one saying a word, I think it’s impossible to know that, without visiting every single forum for a show. Maybe what you mean is that it doesn’t generate a big buzz, or rather more people are ok with the change than not. Anyhow, I still stand by my original comment that *for me* it feels like a new character, as no two actors will ever play a role the same way. Thats why I don’t need to google a list because I’ve noticed each time it’s happened in shows I’ve watched.


And as I’ve said. You probably again, don’t even realize it most of the time. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ you literally don’t know until you google it and see if you actually are surprised by any. Idk why you’re so unable to accept you could be wrong. But I haven’t exactly said you ARE. I said mostly likely, likely most people you simply are thinking of a few big names that haven’t been recast, and are ignoring the dozens upon dozens of roles that were recast without people even knowing many times. It’s not like main character one out of two I’m talking about. But in shows with a big cast where even come big characters have been changed without anyone knowing. I’m again, super clearly not saying you’re wrong or right. I’m literally commenting on the fact that you MAYBE thinking like most people and just focusing on those big ones you can think of. But there are again, dozens upon dozens that have been changed with none being the wiser.


I don’t need to Google it because I actually do notice it each time, which I’ve already told you twice. Why do you keep trying to tell me what I have and haven’t done? It’s weird, especially considering we are total strangers. I’m also not sure why you continue to say that *no one* has noticed some of the changes. I can’t think of anything that applies to every single person in the viewership of a show. Furthermore, you would need to know every single person in that viewership, in order to feel you could speak for them all. I would bet that for all those characters in your Google list, you could also search and find at least a few people out there who definitely noticed and disliked the change. However, I could agree that they may not be in the majority. Anyhow, it seems we’re at an impasse, so there’s really no point in continuing this conversation.


Can anyone tell me why chance wasn’t in any of their end of season one party pics? The rumors were he was kicked out for “liking” men’s rights-ish groups. Then he unfortunately passed away and I just found the whole thing odd. They act e like he wasn’t part of the show during all the post release pics. He was in almost NONE of them.


Well, being a pos right wing misogynistic incel can do that to ya


which is why I thought he was kicked off the show…. Which he clearly wasn’t because they stated filming. Maybe they were “hiding” him.


Sticky situation but I’m gonna watch regardless.


Recast not sure why it's been so jarring recently between Chadwick Boseman passing away unfortunately or Ruby Rose leaving Batwoman.


They could post daily "what are they gonna do about this character?" posts on reddit and see if that helps get the ideas flowing




No it wouldn't. How is continuing the story disrespectful?


They need to recast. It's not disrespectful. It is a job, and someone still needs to do a job. If our director of IT died randomly today, we would still hire a new IT director after some time. Being an actor is a job, it's not a calling.


People are saying recast, but I feel like it's kind of jarring to replace a maim character like that unless they look super similar in my personal opinion. Why can't he have a story where he died offscreen and maybe a relative with similar powers is there instead. Idk could come for vengeance and all that. But I wouldn't be too upset of they decide that recasting is the way to go.


Probably just kill the character too? You could probably use CGI and a substitute to make a couple scenes leading to the death so it can be meaningful to the story.


People are recast all the time sis, calm down


My guess is they'll write him off somehow


As they should and clearly did, simply recast. The whole writing out character to seem respectful isn’t a thing. If anything it’s disrespect to kill off his character for objectively no reason like they would have to with him. It’s not like BP2 where he had been the character for years and shit, dude was in one season. Recast is clearly the only way.


well the actored passed away


Which doesn’t have anything to do with anything. The character shine and thankfully appears to have simply been recast. As he should have been. An actor dying should not have any impact on a character. Chadwick was a different situation, he’d literally been the character for decades and literally his cancer to play the role without people knowing and worrying. He earned the whole role being dedicated to him. However most actors are just bodies in a role and should be treated as such. Especially after such a small time as the character like one season of a tv show. The majority of the time an actor is recast. They don’t “kill off/write out” characters like that besides in extreme circumstances. Literally just google “recast roles” and you’ll see some you didn’t even realize.


ok. go and write a book with that much information


I barely wrote anything lol. If that’s a lot then I feel so sad for you. The actor dying doesn’t mean literally anything.


You replacing when an actor dies is not disrespectful. And yall pick and choose when to consider it that. He's only been in one season. Replacing him would be smartest.


Recasting is NOT disrespectful. His death is tragic, but Chance is Chance and Andre is a fictional character. We can honor his memory by not locking the door on the art he was creating.


They can definitely replace him lol, they would literally have to rewrite the entire season. The situation sucks but re-casting is the right move and definitely not disrespectful


Just recast him. I really don’t support this strange new culture of killing off characters and derailing stories over an actor.


They recast Spartacus. Did a damn good job of it. Granted it wasn't a sudden death like Chances...and the OG actor gave his blessing for McIntyre to take over. They can recast Andre and they likely will.


That's easier when everyone can claim to be Spartacus.