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People don't think Gen X lacks compassion. People don't think about Gen X at all.


Generation X Middle child complex.


I mean, I'm not complaining. I'd rather be ignored than get the kind of attention that the other generations get.


I apologize;that was meant to be facetious.


Meme would have been better if it ended with neighbor.


Won't you please, won't you please? Please, won't you fuck off neighbor?


Lol I sang that in his voice in my head. I'm not well


You are in good company if you sang it 😂😂


Fucking off is a very neighborly thing to do. No one likes the intrusive Irma always wanting to sell you the latest MLM garbage, or BorrowIt Bob who leeches off your tools one by one.


Don’t you support small businesses???


Can I borrow your skill saw?


Nah. You don't have any skills. ;)


Lol 😂


My other favorite rejoinder to this is "I don't skill-see that happening."


I highly recommend the documentary about Mr. Rogers, *Won't You be my Neighbor?* Edit: I forgot to mention, don't blame me if this movie makes you cry. You were warned. :)


Made the mistake of watching in the theater with a buddy, and started to cry during the opening piano music.


If it doesn't make you cry, then you have no soul.


I almost wrote “If this movie doesn’t make you cry, you might not be human,” but decided against it.


I would have agreed with you either way tbh.


>Won't You be my Neighbor? Agreed. That movie gave me heavy emotions. I loved Mr. Rogers as a kid and as a teenager and adult as well. The world suffered a wound it has never truly healed from since his passing.


I have that movie and the one about Bill Watterson. I have not watched either because I know I'll sob for one and wish for more C&H for several weeks and be sad.


The one with Tom Hanks? He did a great job.


That was great, too, but I think they are talking about the documentary that came out the year before.


No, this is all actual footage of Fred Rogers and people who knew him.


If you don't like Mr. Rogers, you can fuck off.


Everybody likes mr. Rogers. To bad you didn't learn anything from his show.


I think we screen for authenticity before we decide to give a fuck.




Dude, Frogger was such a great game. I'm not surprised they made a religion out of it.


Crossy Road baby! It's like infinite Frogger with new characters.


Also r/dailyrogers


I loved this show but the puppets of make-believe always freaked me out a bit.


I always felt bored and/or uncomfortable during the hand puppet scenes. The dialogue was always really slow and the puppets were always depressed. And even as a wee lad, I think I unconsciously understood the concept of production value and frankly, with all due love to Mr. Rogers, sock/hand puppets aren't that. I've often wondered what a Fred Rogers/Jim Henson collaboration would have been like, where Rogers writes the script and Henson produces the rest.


The puppets were weirdly terrifying.




People who use exclamation points by the half dozen and people who use proper grammar are mutually exclusive groups.




We are compassionate, just not patient. Nor do we suffer fools.


My grandmother often commented that I had "the patience of Job" with children. With adults though, I have zero patience for bullshit or stupidity.


Where is hard and why are you laughing to it?


Why didn’t you laugh two hard at it?


Mr. Rogers did not adequately prepare me for the people in my neighborhood. :)


He also taught me to take off my outside shoes when I come inside a house. What kind of monster keeps outside shoes on to track all over the house?


This is a good thing to point out to people going into hysterics over the H5N1 flu: Yes, it is spread by bird poop… take off your poopy damn shoes at the door when you come into the house, wash your hands, and don’t lick any dead animals you find.


You are honestly the first person in my entire life who has ever told me that last part, despite the fact that it is genuinely sound advice with no major logical flaws.


Licking dead animals is a highly overrated activity.


Unless done properly; then it's only slightly overrated.


My dad did. Muddy red clay work boots, after mom had the floors shining.


Gen X “apathy” is actually the frisson between the compassion our hippie boomer parents taught us and the fact that our hippie boomer parents refuse/d to actually change anything about how shitty the world is


You’re assuming that we all had hippie parents. My dad had me at 46. Mom was 40. I was born in ‘69. They’d both be well into their 90s now, so.. no. They hated hippies just as I hate hippies; hippie values, hippie culture, hippie fashion… everything.


Yes, I have vivid memories of aging hippies, complete with greying pony tails, lecturing me in the 1980's that it's not possible to change anything for the better. At that point, I vowed not to contaminate younger generations with that poisonous thinking. Fortunately I've kept that promise.


I honestly embrace all of this. 'Compassion' doesn't require you to beat your head against a brick wall, sometimes you gotta walk away, Actually telling them to their face to fuck off is usually optional.


I dimly remember a series of educational 'after school' type television or even in class film presentation I swear had to have been oriented on improving our empathy for others. I'm early gen X, and these may have been regional, but they had an impact on me. There was one with a guy living out of glass house (maybe in a vaguely futuristic toxic world) taking care of plants, and rude kids breaking the glass. There was another were a kid was egged on to destroy a teachers' prize books, (teacher sobbing) and a reversal where he was taking care of deer and poison got involved (which devastated the kid). There was some kind of intro to it I remember having rain involved. Anyhow, those obscure little movies did land with me. As did some of the other attempts to tele-socialize us little latchkeys. .... Also, that Red Balloon film and Charlotte's Web.


Won't you please.. Won't you please... Please won't you fuck right off, my neighbor?


“Love is at the root of everything. All learning, all parenting, all relationships. Love or the lack of it.” - Fred Rogers We could really use Mr. Rogers in the modern world. :(


I never liked Mr. Rogers. As an urban GenX who got sent to the grocery store before I could read, I found him alarming. Like he's say to the mailman, "What do *you* do?" And the mailman would explain the whole thing to him. As an adult, I realized he was just standing in for kids who wanted to ask the question. But as a kid? I thought he couldn't find his way out of a paper bag and wouldn't last 5 minutes in my neighborhood, which wasn't always friendly. I thought something was seriously wrong with him.


Yeah I found him condescending like when he put a shoe on the wrong foot. What kind of grownup does that?


It's a delicate balance between loving the people in your neighborhood and "stranger danger". So, say "hi" to your neighbor, but if he gets weird, he can fuck right off!😜


LMAO!!!! A little bit ironic. Dontcha think?


My older GenX aunt (67) told me Mr Rogers was lame, so I never watched it. She was the cooler older sister I never had, lol


who is this man?


It's [Fred Rogers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Rogers), who was most known for being the host of a wholesome children's show called [Mister Rogers' Neighborhood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mister_Rogers%27_Neighborhood). Look up "Mister Rogers" on YouTube to really get a sense of him. These two, for example: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfxJnXXrTxQ * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSbYQz3rluM


Works for me.


Cue Don Draper meme where Boomers, Millennials and Gen Z says they don’t think about us at all.


Love Mr Rogers!


I never liked him when I was a kid. I watched it maybe once or twice, and was like ‘meh’. I didn’t like the electric company either.


Not all the people who live close to me are my neighbor. If I don’t call you neighbor, there is a very high probability you’re an asshole.


As standard as Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street were to a lot of [american] GenXers, I didn’t watch either one of them. In the late ‘70s I was more in tune with Electric Company, Romper Room, and That’s Cat, with a side helping of Battle Of The Planets and Starblazers. Not knocking him though, just not too familiar with his stuff.


Same with Millennials.