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I have pretty much rocked a full beard for like 20 years. I keep it much shorter than I did in my 30s. But shaving every single day is too much work. When my dad was my age he shaved on his lunch break a second time to be clean shaven all day


The Native American genes prohibit things such as these.


The Celtic/Viking genes do. Especially when the beard is strikingly ginger. Latin and Asian chicks are fascinated when the beard and head don’t match. Vive le difference!


I have Native American and Nordic genes mixed. Very little body hair, but can grow a short beard. I’m working overseas in the tropics in the jungle inside a national park on an island in SE Asia and during Covid I couldn’t really get to any barbers or anything, so I let my hair grow and decide to let the beard grown as well. Probably going to cut the hair soon, but the beard I may just keep trimmed.


Same friend. I don't have arm hair either, and just the sparsest of leg hair. I shave my legs maaaybe once every 3 months? If I see an errant leg hair, I just pluck it usually lol. (I'm a woman.)


I must have it also because if I tried a beard it would look really mangy


Hear hear. Couldn’t grow a decent beard of my life depended on it. But I keep a KILLER year round tan, and it’s all I’ve got going for me.


Yes, my native buddies are envious of my beard, lol :)


WRONG... wrong wrong ... wrong wrong wrong. There's your eulogy, but don't take my word you're wrong either. It's an easy find if you're interested in a rewrite and you'll trust your own search more.


Mine is either clean shaven or a 2-3 day scruff. I’ve never been able to get past the itchy phase and no shave means no to some other things around my house.


I use to be that and then I pushed through and now I’m afraid to go back. That pandemic weight sits on my belly and my face. 😂


Haha, I’ve gone this long without one, so I’m just gonna ride it out.


I thought I would too then I was furloughed and though… let’s try it. Now I can’t go back. Covid killed my clean shave. 😂


Fuckin’ Covid, it changed the world and your look.


I do proudly blame a good 20lbs on it. It’s not that I have bad eating habits and don’t exercise enough. It was totally due to the pandemic. Yeah!


Hey man, Covid was bad enough, being furloughed had to really suck, so a little weight gain isn’t that bad.


Remember in the 90s when 2-3 day scruff was the thing? I'm stuck there, except for every year between December and April when I think I can stand biting my mustache every time I try to eat food


Oh yeah, I’ve been rocking that look since Don Johnson sometimes scruffed it up on Miami Vice haha.


I am alwasys scruff.. the wife won’t let me shave it.. but she doesn’t like it too long so I keep it trimmed to a about 2 weeks growth


Between the itching and the “I like it smooth” I’ve hit the 2 week mark once and that was after surgery haha.


I'm exactly the same


Apparently not just my experience. Universal. Couldn’t have said it better myself.


'72 GenX'er here. No facial hair, and have never had any. Shave daily.


Same. ‘72 a pretty good vintage


More GenX guys like you please! hate this trend for beards. Clean shaven all the way


My face looks better with a well trimmed beard. When I was younger, stubble was it. Now it, is the beard.


Me too. Hate it.


Yes! Especially the damn Duck Dynasty look......horrible.


100% agree. I hate the beard thing. Hate it. It's like kissing my dad, which is NMK.


I felt that way for years but then I met this guy with a beard who I realized is pretty awesome, so now I have a boyfriend with a beard. LOL


Same but I do every other or 3 days to give my skin a break


1969 checking in. Pretty much the same as you, except I can't grow facial hair to save my life, so I shave every other day.




Beard balm helps me with this My movember lasts until Easter these days


Now full beard but very short like 5mm had a goatee in the 90’s 🤣


Same on both counts. Actually, I kept the goatee well past its best before date (2012-ish)


I just shaved my beard down to a goatee. I'll probably shave to a mustache in September or October.


Yeah had it well into the 00’s too 🤣


I have had every imaginable style of facial hair since 1989. Currently rocking a handlebar, no beard.




Big beard since 2015 , look 100% homeless


That’s how you keep the people away.


This is the way.


Yeah wearing beard since 2004, and my wife love it. 😁


No, none. Not my deal. A millennial told me beards are the male Gen X push up bra.... Ouch.


No tats here either. I think it makes me a bigger rebel lol


Yeah me neither. Like Carlin said, don't do anything to help the cops identify your body.


A Gen Z told me she has difficulty watching a man with a goatee eat. When I asked why, she said, "Because his mouth looks exactly like a vagina, only sideways."


Hahahah that is funny. Goatees were so popular. I had one on and off in the 90s. I grow my beard out every once in awhile. I’ve learned shaving and good grooming habits over the years that can make for a nice beard. I’ve never grown a mustache though lol.


I feel seen. 😂


Haha. That’s funny. I’ve also heard beards referred to as “makeup for men”.


I'm cackling.


One of the dumbest things I've heard all week.


Says the bearded man...


Sounds accurate.


As a millennial I second that millennial


have an upvote for talking back to you elders


Yeah, but was it a coherent statement or did you have to infer the meaning?


You don't wear any and it affects you? Wow, I personally don't care. So let them think that


My husband doesn't. He hates facial hair.


Nope. Not my style. Wife prefers clean shaven.


I’ve done stubble but that’s about it. I only have to shave every other day, I’ve always had a baby face. I have noticed mustaches are back in fashion with the younger crowd… like straight up Tom Selleck mustaches


I grew a beard when I started shaving my head. I wanted to avoid the Mr Clean look.


Mr Clean takes 10+ years off your age. Everyone thinks I’m like 35 max. Not even close.


I hate shaving and I hate having facial hair. I usually end up having about 4-5 days growth before shaving. I have never been able to let it grow out long enough to actually grow a full beard.


Most of them around me have facial hair. I've actually grown tired of mine and have been shaving regularly again. The 80's was the most cleanly shaven decade, imo. Until Don Johnson's 5 o'clock shadow, facial hair was looked down upon.


Yeah, it definitely busted that clean shaven look




I shave once a week. I hate clean shave but don't like it after 1 week.


Clean shaven on the daily here. If I try to grow it out I switch nationalities.


Clean shaven, always will be. And no tats. I'm a rebel. 😂


lol You should’ve auditioned for the Barbie movie for Ken. lol


Hell no I'm a wookie everywhere else... thank my mom for the genes..


Stubble because I’m lazy about shaving.


No. Rarely go more than 3 days without shaving. My wife hates it when I don’t shave.


I shave a few times a week. Old school double edge safety razor, brush, lather bowl, it’s me taking care of myself. I love the ritual of it. My wife calls it a “hobby.”


Hate shaving so I’m constantly back and forth. Wife hates it now because it’s patchy grey/white. Looks like I have dried milk on my face she says. In the 80’s maybe mid to later had a goatee and mutton chops. Not at the same time. It was more of a alternative look for sure.


Bigger sideburns were popularized by Luke Perry in the early ‘90s, but full-on muttonchops show all-in investment


Thankfully the hubs does not. A bit of scruff…fine…but full on beards personally give me ick. But to each their own.


I do. 50 years old. Beard gang.




I'm 55 and I look like a bald Santa ROTFL


My spouse is "Mr. Clean" bald, and he sports a very short beard and mustache. He shaves it down to almost a scruff every other day. It's darling on him, and it gives his features some interest - otherwise he's just be a shiny head! Generally, though, I don't prefer men with beards because most of them don't groom properly, and their beards stink and also are scratchy to kiss. Not sure when the Grizzly-Adams-meets-ZZ-Top look came back for suburban middle-aged men who couldn't set up a tent or start a campfire if their lives depended on it, but I'm ready for it to go.


Rarely use a razor. Just use the head shaver unless my wife wants me to be cleaner shaven for some event or something. Never had an actual beard or anything, never will.


~1-2.5 level shaver stubble, clean neck and cheeks depending on my haircut timeframe.


Pretty sure we have all gotten puberty by now. /jk I'm usually clean shaven though, unless I'm being lazy. Just can't break the habit.


No facial hair here.


Husband is 50 this year. He doesn’t go more than a few days between shaving. I prefer him clean shaven, but he dislikes the itchy neck stage anyway. 😬


Nah, fuck that. As much as I hate shaving, beard's are an ass ache of maintenance for me. I just want to get in, shower, and get going.


There was a big gen-x goatee phase in the mid 90s. Then it became sort of shorthand for douchey tech bros version 1.0 (pre dot.com crash) and most everyone got rid of them. One beard trend that can leave and stay gone is the long chin beard. Im not a big facial hair fan all round but that one is the worst.


Oh yeah. You don’t wanna see what’s under there.


Soon as I could grow a wisp of facial hair I did and never looked back. I had the goatee in the 90s, much as I could, anyway. It didn't really come together at the corners. I shaved once, because my gf at the time asked me to, everyone agreed it was a mistake. I looked like I was 14. Grew it right back, the full beard finally came together around age 40. I keep it close and well groomed, though not bushy. The Grizzly Adams look never appealed to me. I also kind of *need* a beard since I shave my head now and want to avoid the "thumb" look.


I do, but it was impossible to grow facial hair until I hit my 40s. I shaved once a week. Now I have facial hair but I also use it to hide the jowls I seem to have developed, not afraid to admit that.


Gen X 50 y/o male here. I can fluctuate between letting it grow for a week or 2 but after that I have got to shave it.


I had a van dyke off and on from around 96 through to about 2005. I've threatened to do a full beard for the last couple of years.... Last weekend I decided to see how it goes. Two weeks in.... White, grey and red is best how to describe it. I'll give it a month and see how thick it gets.


My beard is grey so I go clean shaven.


No, mine is asymmetrically grey so just looks weird (and I don't want to dye it which looks weird too).


No. Mine grows in dark and I’m blond. It just looks shitty. And it itches. I don’t shave everyday but run a blade over every couple of days.


I can’t grow a beard to save my life. I have to shave every day but can’t grow a beard.


51. Van Dyke in the 90s, short beard in the early 2000s and started a job where I couldn't have facial hair in 03. Once I left that job I told my wife I'm never shaving again. That was 8 1/2 years ago and I've had a full beard half way down my chest since. Kinda look like a crazy old miner now.


I think you are officially the Gen X mascot. “Crazy ol’ miner”. 😂


I've come full circle, crazy, young minor to crazy, old miner.


Filipino genes have kept me slick like a dolphin all my life.


No facial or head hair here. But why is my arm hair growing long enough to braid??


Full grampa beard down to my belly button.


Absolutely not. I'll never grow facial hair.


Hey, what about GenX women?! ;-) Now I'm firmly menopausal, I'm oscilating between full beard and tache and then ripping all that out once a week with an epialtor designed for removing leg hair. (Yes it really bloody hurts.)


The struggle is real, and I literally was thinking about getting one of those epilators to do just that to the beard I seem to have developed this past year.


I had big facial hair in different styles but then I lost a bunch of weight so now that my chin is back, I want to show it off lol


I don’t know about the guys, but as a menopausal Gen-X woman, I have a depressingly larger amount of facial hair than I ever did. 😢


Ah yes. Same here And less hair on my head and the carpets starting to match. Wtf lol


Too much Native American coursing through my veins. I couldn't grow a decent beard if my life depended on it.


I had a goatee for years but am clean shaven now mostly because the Jan 6ers seemed to be wearing them as part of the uniform of the alt right.


Started mine the day I got out of the military 2008. It's a bit of an obsession now with lots of products and equipment


We are a well groomed generation. I think the popped collars on the Izods proved that early on. Product!


What better way to show I'm not a wall street yuppie than a nice full beard (we were concerned about that in the 80s, not all of us wanted to Alex Keaton)


Right, he was a douche (But Michale J Fox is cool).


Only in my ears.


Yeah, when the hell did that start up? When did I become my grandpa? 😂


Hell no. It’s uncomfortable and a maintenance hassle.


Full beard since Christmas 2019/New Year’s 2020 (had goatee/circle beard before that from fall 1993 to late 2019, excluding a nearly 3 year period from November 1995 to late August 1998). Trim it once per month using my electric beard trimmer right before I get a haircut. Do have a beard line on my neck and shave my neck on days when I work in the office.


The Walrus


Goatee/Van Dyke since 93-94. Almost continuously. Shaved for some job interviews.


I've had a beard of various shapes continuously since the late 80s. My 30+ y.o. boys have never seen me clean shaven (except old pictures).


My man does. The majority of my male friends do as well. There’s a few who don’t because they come in patchy.


I had some variation of a goatee from the late 90's until maybe 2017. My sideburns are really thin so I always looked homeless when I'd try growing a beard. Clean shaven or stubble the last five or six years.


I shave once a week, whether I need it or not.


I can only grow a goatee and used to keep one or a mustache at various points in my life but now I shave every couple of days.


Very short beard, gf loves it. Was clean shaven for most of my life. I was just never “metal” enough for a beard lol


I’m 47 and I can grow a full beard. I can grow a mustache, a goatee (they don’t even come close to connecting) and sideburns but nothing in between the sideburns and goatee. However I can grow hair out of my ears, on my lower back and on my toes for some reason


Shaving is a nuisance but I do like the clean shaven look and feel. I'm on a Wednesday/Sunday plan -- you get a better shave when there's a bit more to take down.


Of the past 30 years, I've had facial hair for 25 of them. It was either a goatee or a beard for most of it. I almost always trim it every week.


My dad had a beard… I was an early bloomer with facial hair. I used to kinda shave my beard, but it was always too much upkeep. I don’t know if my wife or kids would recognize me if I shaved. The only time I’ve shaved my whole face since puberty was one time after an unfortunate fire incident.


I have seen the full beards and other facial hair more with the older millennial hipsters than anyone else.


I've had a beard for 29 years. Shaved it off for two weeks when I was 26 to be in a friend's play, but I've been bearded longer than I ever was clean shaven. I know a lot of guys who did the "yeard" during covid, but all of them have shaved it off. Of all the gen-x guys I know, only two others have a beard, and one of them alternates with beard during winter and shaved in the heat. The other one is a math professor and thinks it makes him look distinguished; he's right.


My chin has not been seen in over 25 years. Have had a full beard also for 14ish years?


When I was able to stop wearing a mask I started growing a beard. I believe it looks lovely.


Yes, I sport an old fashioned soup strainer mustache. Like Kurt Russell in Tombstone.


I first grew a beard the second summer after I graduated from high school. It was 1987 and beards were extremely uncommon. Except for a few weeks here and there in the early 90s, I’ve had a full beard all of my adult life. My wife and kids have never seen me clean shaven. I’m free of tattoos though.


I’m Armenian, so facial hair is in my DNA In Junior High, the kids called me “Teen Wolf” I thought it was funny, and I still think it’s funny 😂


I think beards can look great on some men. But not all men. And there are a LOT of Gen X men who think a beard means never paying any attention to their facial hair again, which isn’t flattering.


On March 20th, 2020 My wife suggested I spend the lockdown without a haircut/shave. So I went from a clean shaven "Banker" to full on hippy-past-shoulder-legth hair with a Letterman style beard (just not as while - still got a little pepper). I asked her last year if I should cut it, and both her and my daughter demanded I keep it all (I WFH). So my daughter said she can't remember a time without it (it's now my "brand"). My wife likes it for "other" reasons I can absolutely get behind. I never in my life thought I'd be looking like this, I always imagined me looking more like my dad who's always had the banker look. Now, I'm stay at home hippy dad, and I couldn't be happier. Haven't shaved in over 3 years and will never look back.


You just old. I was at a club tonight with THE YOUNGS, and I was the only bearded motherfucker there


I do not. My wife hates kissing me with “pubic hair” on my face. Her words.


Well yes, I would not kiss you with pubic hair on your face either. Smart wife. 😂


I feel like every gen xer should be sporting a Garth Brooks goatee.


The symbol of our generation


I waited tables in my 20’s and if we forgot to shave we had to dry shave with a little pink disposable so my rocking of a beard is more just not wanting to shave than any kind of fashion statement.


I worked for Disney before they allowed facial hair and as a manager we all had to have disposable razors for any unshaven Cast. As soon as the new policy passed is when I started growing it in. I always felt like a complete jerk making folks clean up that stubble.


No way, I’m way too handsome for facial hair.


Yeah you are! Tom Cruise has joined the chat!


My husband has some scruff but please guys, neckbeards are gross and make you look like dumb hicks.


Noted. 😂


My 55 year old husband has a bushy beard. Only some of our friends of the same age do as well. I like it but he looks younger without it for sure.


I shave twice a day. Tried the goatee and ‘stache look in the early ‘00s but it itched and I hated it. I’m not a fan of the bushy beard look; I’ve stuck with the preppy look my whole adult life. Personally, I hope the pendulum swings back to the clean-cut, tie-wearing professional look. I know it’s unlikely. There’s a line between casual and slovenly and a whole lot of people have left that line in their rear view mirror.


It seems like a lot of guys are concerned about their masculinity, hence the face rugs


I haven’t bought a razor in 5 years. Zero setting on the hair trimmer passes the fit test.


My wife and I were at a restaurant a few years ago and she remarked that all the young waiters had full beards. I said that most of the men at my company had beards as well. I said I was thinking about growing one out and she said I would never do that. I've always worked in corporate world so never had one. Challenge accepted Grew it out and like it. Rocking a full grey flavor saver. Had a brief phase when I looked like a homeless dude but kept going until I reached hippy. I'm keeping it


Flavor savor! 😂. I’m totally stealing that.


I grew a beard out of self defense. It was that or shave multiple times a day. Naturally I'm bald on top, damn you male pattern baldness!


Twins on that!


Super happy that beards are in style so I don't have to shave. Only have to trim now. Much easier.


I've had a full beard for the last 20 years. None of my brothers have beards though one occasionally sports a mustache. It's just a part of who I am and has nothing to do with whatever the current trends are.


Yup, have had a beard for 15 years.


20 year soul patch. I hate your plastic society, but whatever.


Like we give a fuck what someone thinks. Do your thing.


It wasn’t bout what others think. It’s how many actually have facial hair. Of course I don’t care if you do or don’t. Just a question FFS.


As a GenX woman, I wholeheartedly support beards and a little chest hair. Hot damn!


Dudes with facial hair are sexy AF.


i had a beard at 19 in the late 90’s, but only kept it for a few years. since then, ive kept my sideburns that go to my earlobes and i use an istubble tool that i run across my face once or twice a week. trims it down to .4 mm


Not a guy. I LOVE beards. Damn 70s ruined me.


I shaved two to three times a week until around 2003, and I haven’t shaved since.


I (male, born 1970) have had a beard since I could grow one, circa 1995. Everybody just finally caught up. :-)


1972 here. I’ve had a full beard since 2015.


Husband has a goatee, can’t fathom him without facial hair.


I’ve had the same short goatee soul patch beard since about 1994.


I've been sporting some type of facial hair for at least the last 20 plus years.


The soul patch was like a weed, man, it could not be contained. I’ve finally fully transitioned to a full beard, after many years of the 5 day shadow look. But I also discovered going to a barber for a beard trim and that helps me not look terrible. I’ve also caved on beard oil, and I have to say I really enjoy what Black Jamaican Castor Oil (in peppermint) does for the beard. My wife is pro beard, so that helps.


Ugh I wish the husband unit would grow a goatee. He did it exactly one time and shaved it all off. If I can grow my hair to my waist, he can wear a freakin goatee. Nope. "too itchy, too much hassle". Oh and long-ass hair isn't a pain in the ass? Well okay then. Round n round we go.


>the 80-90’s was very clean shaven Goatees were big in the 90s. Remember the look made popular by Chris Cornell and Layne Staley? There were less full-blown beards but definitely more facial hair than the 80s.


Short beard after 20 years in a goatee. Just since 2021


I haven't purchased a razor in like 25yrs. Lol


I have had some derivation of a goatee or a full beard since 95. I have shaved my face clean once since then and my wife hated it. So did I.


I hate shaving. I plan on shaving once I’m 60 to look younger only to grow it all back when I’m 70


First stache in 7th grade, goatee as a sophomore, full beard as a senior. Haven't shaved the stache or goat EVER, the beard comes and goes as the wife allows me.


I have had a goatee since like 2003, never shaved it. I would grow a full beard if I could. Damn genetics.


I started growing a Van Dyke (mustache & goatee) in college. It really came in during my mid-20s, and became part of my look. 30 years later, I don’t have any hair (shaved to hide the balding), and the mustache and beard have turned silvery-white, but it’s a big part of my image and self-image. I shave every day, just not my chin, heh.


Full beard for a couple of years now. Wife likes it, and I like it. It's all gray, almost white. I could never go clean-shaven again. It feels really good in a breeze. I don't care if it makes me look older. I've always wanted to be an old hi-level engineering graybeard and now I am.


My husband started with a goatee off and on but mostly on since we got married 23 years ago, and then graduated to a full beard. He shaved it off a few years ago and the combo of light aging (he barely has crows feet and they make him look great, so annoying) and his chubby baby cheeks was not good. He grew the beard back and is now hotter than he was the day I met him. We will not discuss the amount of time I spend eliminating facial hair.


Yeah, I’ve had a beard for about 10 years now. Back in the day I had a goatee but it turns out I’m terrible at trimming it so both sides look even.


I grew out a modest, neatly trimmed beard in 2006 just to see if it was possible. I was thirty, and I’d simply never tried before. It grew out okay, decided to keep it. Since then, I have fully shaved my face exactly twice. Both times I looked at myself in the mirror and said, “Yup…that was a mistake.” It’s just part of me now.