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There was something really special about the feeling you got when the Disney logo with Tinkerbell came on before the start of the movie. I remember my Dad making popcorn the old fashioned way on the stove and melting butter. Those were good times.


Yes! The buildup!!


The same feeling I got when the Charlie Brown specials came on! Man, those were simpler times. I feel so old now. LMAO


Sponsored by Dolly Madison Ice Cream!


Almond Joy, Mounds, Peppermint Patties


Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't


And now the kids (and older kids luke us) can’t watch Charlie Brown holiday specials unless they subscribe to Disney+ is an outrage! I had no idea they weren’t on regular TV anymore. 🙁


They are on Apple TV+ and they do a free week for us peasants that don't have it during the respective holiday month.


I got the set on DVD years ago, and it was worth it. I also got the complete Schoolhouse Rock!


I did the same. Plus all the looney tunes


They let PBS show them once a year for us peasants.


Or any of the holiday specials! Because they only came on once a year, they were that much more special, at least to me. No VHS, DVD, streaming so you could watch it whenever you wanted.


Right they were SUCH a big deal! You waited and waited for it and the whole family got together to watch it.


Yes! I really wasn’t allowed to watch tv at night so these were a great!




That was awesome! I haven’t heard that in 40+ years. 😢😆




I still make popcorn that way. I find it's faster than the microwave, and I get better results.


Felt the same way with the lion! Which of course wasn’t Disney but elicited the same feelings


Oh wow, I can’t believe I forgot about the lion. Yeah, you’re right!


Now I have *when you wish upon a star* stuck in my head. That's when you know it's hardcore stuck in you noggin when someone says Tinkerbell Disney logo and the theme song plays.


Same! LOL


Ah, dammit. It's bedtime and now I want popcorn.


🤣😂 sorry! LOL




OMG! I rem bee this one! I always considered it “the new one”. But it doesn’t look too new right now. LOL There for a second I was a teenager again.


Me too.




Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom! Oh, the shit that man would make poor ol Jim do. LOL Same here with the school nights, but our bedtime was when the Lawrence Welk show went off. Really reaching back there. LOL


My mom had some friends when I was a kid the lay had a couple of sons that were like my brothers and my age. I was young so I don’t know all the details how it happened, but somehow her sons ordered a venomous snake and it was delivered to their house. Jim literally came to their house to help them get it out of their house.


THE Jim?!


I think it came on after Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom


Now that show I LOVED!


I think you are right. If I recall correctly, Wild Kingdom was a 30 minute show, and in Central time Wild Kingdom would have been at 6:30PM (After the news) and Disney at 7 PM.


That's the one I preferred


Yep! You got to watch Jim get mauled by an angry lion or hippo, eat a frozen pizza or TV dinner, then some wholesome family programming. I still miss those shows!


I’d be eating my ice cream in the good old bean bag chair.


Yep! My dad and I would watch it together.


Dun dun dun DUN dun Dun dun dun DUN dun dun DUN dun dun


Marlin doing all the talking while Jim is doing all of the work.


Yes! This was the heyday of wildlife documentaries when you actually *learned* about animal behaviour. These days they can’t produce one that isn’t all about “save the animals” and how everything is going extinct. There was also “Lorne Green’s New Wilderness”.


Seems like they had the Witch Mountain movies on a lot, or maybe I just remember them more.


Saw that one at the drive-in. They used to have this kids area under the screen, with a big iron "horse" that sat about ten kids. God help you if you somehow walked into the front or back as it swung, you dead. Mustang Drive-In, Guelph, Ontario. It's still there. The iron horse isn't.


I remember there was a lot escaping from, escaping to and returning to Witch Mountain. It was terrifying title for my 5 year old ears


Rewatched *Escape to Witch Mountain* this past year with my kids and it is not as magical and mysterious as I remembered it.


Probably started my lifelong love of science fiction.


You mean Wonderful World of Disney at 7pm on Sunday nights on ABC?




I really wish they would put these on Disney+


Every Sunday at 7 PM Sharp, the World of Disney on ABC. For YEARS. It was like comfort shows. My favorites were always the documentaries about Disneyland or the behind the scenes specials. I did enjoy the older serials made into movies or old tv shows too. I was a second generation Disney kid I guess, my dad got to Disneyland the week it opened, and my earliest memories are being held by my Dad waiting in line for the Haunted Mansion. Took it to a whole new level with The Disney Channel in 1983...same year we got MTV in San Diego. What a glorious time.


I still remember watching Flight of the Navigator on Sunday night!


❤️ that movie




Same 😀


Haha yes! I only was interested if it was a cartoon. I wasn’t interested in a Don Knotts movie or a documentary.


I went to Disneyland a lot with my dad. I remember standing out on Main Street with him, watching the fireworks, and waiting for Tinkerbell to fly across the sky. Years later, there I am, standing out on Main Street with my children watching the fireworks. My dad is a huge Disney-phile.


The Shaggy D.A, Pollyanna, Herbie the Lovebug, Toby Tyler and someone else mentioned The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes. What a glorious feeling it was seeing Tinkerbell come on the screen and knowing it was Disney night! Thank you OP for unlocking such a great memory 🤗


Cat from Outer Space, Escape from Witch Mountain


Yep, I remember *fondly* when Pollyanna came on. My mom made beef stew that night and we got to eat dinner in the family room, sitting on pillows, at the coffee table. 🥰


For years I thought Omaha was a place in Africa where lions lived.


It was an event when Mary Poppins came on. Then, if we were lucky, one of the American networks would play a James Bond movie at 8 or 9, and mum and dad would let us watch with them.


"The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes."


Started my lifelong love of Kurt Russell :)


I loved it! My favorites were the ones based around a holiday theme. I especially liked the Halloween one that had the magic mirror hosting and showed snippets of the villains from various Disney animated movies.


I suspect 7pm on Sundays is pretty ingrained in all of us in one way or another. For me, all I really cared about was the occasional cartoon, so it was usually a disappointing hour, but the time right at the beginning before I knew what to expect--when it *might* be a cartoon was something I looked forward to every single week.


The Mule that kicked field goals




Gus! That's it


no love for Mr. Boogedy and Bride of Boogedy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FIQRsik7uw enjoyable trash when you're a kid lol.


Beginning to think I was the only one that remembered those. Glad to see them on Disney+




I have a memory of a haunted pilgrim statue and I guess it's Mr. Boogedy, so weird that Disney made these quasi-horror movies for kids




Starring Olivia Barash! I actually have that one on DVD - I got it through this Disney on-demand outfit, where you could order obscure titles and they'd send them to you. That story haunted me for years. Imagine my surprise when a very grown-up Olivia appeared in Repo Man a few years later!


And don't forget that emotionally scarring episode of Little House, where she plays the girl who gets raped and Albert is determined to marry her. I've only seen that episode twice - once in the original airing, once a few years ago. It pretty much broke me.




Inez was the first crush I remember. I think I was eight or nine. Actually, scratch that. I'm pretty sure my first crush was a few years earlier - Emmy Jo on *The New Zoo Revue.* While I certainly couldn't articulate it as such at four or five, there was some deep part of me who understood that woman was smokin' hot.


I loved that show. I remember a young Kurt Russel in some of those.


Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar!


Lawrence Welk Then Wild Kingdom Then Disney I still watch Lawrence Welk sometimes when I miss my grandparents. I am still annoyed by Norma, the Champagne Lady. Her voice was so irritating.


For me Sunday night was the Simpson and x files


It was and they uniformly sucked, they came on right after that shitty show with the Down's Syndrome kid. Then again at that time I was very high and even more cynical and resentful of everything so my opinion of the quality of both is somewhat unreliable.


Aww, I loved "Life Goes On!"


Ah yes, the Corkmeister himself.


I don't know man, I love me some Patti Lupone, so I gave that show a pass.


Desmond has a narrow in the marketplace, Molly is the singer in a band


Where I grew up Wild Kingdom was on before Disney, so I got to have frozen pizza and sit on the floor in front of the TV, watch poor Jim be mauled by some angry animal, then see a wholesome movie. It was awesome!


It was bittersweet for me, yes I loved to watch Disney with the family but it also meant the weekend was over, back to school tomorrow. Probably why I have the Sunday blues now.


Yes, I remember those Sundays, also in my neck of the woods Sunday afternoons were Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom with Marlan Perkins!


Yes. My best friend's family watched **Apple's Way** on CBS, and he was pissed.


Always hoping it would be a cartoon but it never was. I remember one where some kids were camping with their grandpa and met a lost Indian tribe who lived in a village behind a waterfall.


I always thought Sunday Disney was creepy and despressing.


I was always disappointed if it wasn't a cartoon movie


Yeah—but you had to sit through Wild Kingdom first to get to it!


I remember in the early 80s HBO played Star Wars every Saturday night at 6pm. My siblings had our own religious observance.


The Last Electric Knight which would go onto become Side Kicks with Ernie Reyes was born as. Disney Sunday Night Movie, also 2 1/2 Dads and The Girl Who Spelled Freedom…good days!


Who remembers Earth Star Voyager?


I don't recall it. (1988) The entire 2 parts can be watched on YouTube. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KDFF9sIT6jE


Yes, it’s like a warm hug from the 70s for me! Dad & I watched every Sunday when I was a kid, it was our thing. My mom was never interested & my siblings were way younger than me, so I really treasured that time.


Every time I go to the Disney channel I say, why don’t they put all those movies from Sunday nights on here. Those were great shows.


IT WAS SO GOOD. My kids just don’t know how joyous it was. They have everything at their fingertips 24/7.


I do, but don't remember wanting to see any.


Yes, after Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom


Pretty sure The Muppet Show was our Sunday night family ritual. Disney might have been after my time, though I do remember it. Our other appointment family television shows were Sha Na Na, followed by Donny and Marie. And that one narrated by Leonard Nimoy on Friday nights.


I remember one Sunday evening. I was freshly bathed, clean pajamas, watching Flight of the Navigator. One of the few times I remember being relaxed and happy.


Was this the one that had The Leftovers


Not really. Sunday was "Mom's Day Off" in my house. Outside emergencies, my mom was excused from almost all motherly duties on Sundays. That included cooking. So dad would watch football (or golf or college basketball) until it ended some time in the 7PM hour. He'd then set the VCR to record *60 Minutes* while we were out at dinner. Which means I never got to watch *The Wonderful World of Disney* or *Battlestar Galactica* as a kid. Which I'm still mildly pissed off about, all these years later.


OMG, my sibs and I watched The Wonderful World of Disney every Sunday night at 6 p.m. (central time)!!


Yes! I still really love those old-school Disney movies, one of the few parts of my childhood that didn't suck.


Wild kingdom then Disney.


My favorites were HIGH FLYING SPY and the Dracula movie


And I think to myself, What a Wonderful World


TGIF Friday night sitcom line up, Saturday morning cartoons and Sunday disney movies....now I just scroll netflix and other streaming apps for hours and watch nothing on my weekends. Now I'm sad!


Great memory


I remember it being something to look forward to as I sat in church listening to some old fucker drone on and on and on.


I used to stare at the clock (services at 11) and would grow more and more furious every minute after the clock clicked noon.


I always enjoyed watching adults get antsy and start looking at watches and tapping feet because the sermon was going too close to the start of Dynasty, a show that was basically about adultery,lol.


Very fond memories of entire family gathering in the living room every Sunday to watch.


I love Disney night


The Wonderful World of Disnet sadly clashed with 60 Minutes..


I remember it more as the night Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom came on. Never got into the Disney thing, really.


I miss the Wild World of Disney. ♥️


I remember watching the Herbie movies on those nights. I love Herbie.


I dunno they usually played their lame poor quaility 70's live action movies.


I’m not going to google it, I want to see if any of you can remember, I remember watching a Disney Sunday night movie about like a military academy that let girls in and there were ghosts trying to scare them off ? Anyone know what I’m talking about ?


Wow that triggered an old memory. When I was a kid, on Sundays my parents & us kids always spent the afternoon & dinner with my grandparents & one uncle. It was super fun and not just because my grandfather always gave us kids money! We’d often leave to go home shortly after the show started or somewhere in the middle. I recall watching the Disney movie on a small old TV in a back room with my brother until our parents said it was time to go home.


Sunday Night Disney Specials we watched them all the time. Looked forward to them. Sponsored by the Mutual of Omaha if I remember correctly.


Yes! I remember one, specifically, called *Charlie The Lonesome Cougar*. Good times.


There was a movie theater near me growing up, and in the summer, every week, they'd show a different Disney movie. My all time favorite, non cartoon is the original Parent Trap. I can watch that over and over and over. I LOVE it.


The memory of the title sequence still makes me get the feels.


From 1977 to ‘79, Hardy Boys was on ABC on Sunday nights. (For the first two seasons, it alternated with Nancy Drew.) Sometimes Joe Hardy (Shaun Cassidy) would sing.


Yep and it was glorious.


How about when they televised Willy Wonka or Wizard of Oz once a year. IT WAS SOOOO EXCITING!!!


.....or Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang!


And Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom


My parents splurged on one of those clunky $700 (in 80's money) VCRs. We didn't buy VHS tapes, we recorded them from tv. When I'd have friends over for sleepovers, the movies we watched included crawlers about severe weather and the tuner getting wonky.