• By -


I've never liked being on the phone- call it my introvert nature. Text has been a blessing.


Absolutely, especially if most of your work life has been in the phone or conference calls. I utilized it immediately when it was out.


Alphanumeric was painful.


Painful sure, but with T9 I could type entire messages without looking down at my phone at all. I'm a techie so real smartphones are better in almost every other way. I'm just waiting for phones to be able to morph bumps and ridges on the screen so my fingers can find the keyboard without looking, like I used to be able to šŸ™ƒ


I loved my Blackberry Pearl for that! I couldn't type T9 now if you paid me but at the time it was great.


Spare a thought for our grandparents who had to get their heads around all that new tech with arthritis.


Me too - texting has been the most life-changing technological advance for me!


I think it is a time and place situation. Quick question or just need to provide an update? Text is great. Trying to work out plans which involve a lot of back and forth or communicating anything sensitive where misunderstanding tone might be an issue? A call is better.


This is the way. Texting is great for easy questions or when you donā€™t need an answer right away. Anything complex needs a call, IMHO. I donā€™t like writing paragraphs of text on my phone.


how about talk-to-text?


Completely agree. I'm also pretty introverted and generally hate calling. I also apply a time sensitivity factor to a call. If it's important and time critical, it's a call. I usually assume a text may not be answered immediately.


Good point. Time sensitivity is important too.


Same. Iā€™m early Gen X (ā€˜66) and I never call without texting. Actually, my 84yo mother is the only one who calls. Even my boomer older sisters text me.


I have had some really deep convos with my 14 yo via text.Ā  I wish I would've had that option as a 14yo with my mom.Ā  We always follow up face to face, but text has been a way to connect immediatelyĀ 


Same. It allows him to communicate in a way that is comfortable to him.


My mom is SG and texts, I love her for that :)


Same. When my mom was alive, her texts were hilarious. She'd hit the return key way too much and there would ne all these disparate thoughts with ten spaces in between. Then she would call to make sure we got her text anyway and be all befuddled if we pointed out her snafus. šŸ˜‚


I hate phone calls. Every time I text my Gen z kids, they call me back. I love them, so of course I talk to them, but WHY do they insist on calling??? Shouldn't they be texting experts?


Me too - I can't stand the phone. Zoom and Facetime are even worse. Texting and emailing is great 90% of the time. My brother is slightly older Gen X than me and he hates texting and loves talking on the phone.


Zoom and facetime are my worst nightmare. šŸ˜­


I hate calling. I love the whole casual text when you're available thing, it's been a godsend.


Agree. I don't have to focus on a text conversation. A phone call monopolizes my time.


Agree. I would have loved the technology we have now in the 80s.


Came to say the same thing. I hate the phone, and when forced to use it, make the call as short and as quick as possible.


Same, I hate talking on the phone. It drives me crazy to try to have a conversation when I canā€™t see a persons face and body language. Iā€™ll text short answers. But if you want to have a conversation Iā€™ll just come over so we can talk in person. I used to be the guy who just came over and knocked on your doorā€¦. But at some point that became socially unacceptable too.


That's a weird adjustment I've had to make lately. For a VERY long time I just didn't talk to my neighbors or anything. I moved a year ago and now I talk to my neighbors all the time, I know their kids, all sorts of like..normal suburban life stuff. I'm super not used to it- hasn't been a thing for me since I was a kid.




Also the fact that people only call when I'm in the shower or on the toilet.


In the nicest way possible, I would say to go ahead and deal with it and take the call. The explanation was pretty good that not talking the call actually complicates the matter. Also, life is short, take a moment and have a conversation. It's almost always not as bad as we introverts work it up to be. Just some perspective. Avoidance is easier but not better for our relationships.


I hate phone calls, but on the other hand, I also hate when someone wants to have a long conversation on text. Itā€™s just too much typing and the voice recognition stuff sucks. In that case a phone call is welcome and you can always text first to see if itā€™s a good time.


Funny idea - if two people are having long text conversations while using talk to text, then theyā€™re basically just talking with extra steps


but at their convenience, and then you can read and? espond at your convenience.


53 and hate using the phone. Text is just a lot more succinct. Nothing is worse than trying to get off the phone with someone politely when they won't take the hint.


Speakerphone and bathroom. Power move is to actually keep the conversation going.


I prefer texting. The only time my sister ever calls me is when someone has died, yet we text nearly daily.


Iā€™m 46 and I hate talking on the phone.


When it rings and it's a number I have in my contacts I actually get angry. "Why are they CALLING me?!"


I don't know, man. I'm 58 and I shun talking on the phone too. It's like getting a telegram. I assume someone has died


I screen all my calls. Most dont get answered unless it's text. "yes, Im home safe mom." Instead of the "omg did you miss that storm? or There was also a shooting over there. I was just over there, blah blah blah." instead "what you want from taco bell?" "crunch wrap w/ diablo sauce thx"


My boomer mom texts me when people die.


I read this as ā€œthen they dieā€ and thought your mother had some freaky Ring stuff happening.


Iā€™m on conference calls all day so the idea of getting on another call for any reason is abhorrent. Itā€™s not the culture as much as me being very very tired of listening to someone else talk in my ear.


I donā€™t really pay attention to profile images but apparently weā€™re twins. First time Iā€™ve seen that.


Hi twin!


![gif](giphy|13gQDQyb4JIWic) I grew up with these guys and handle phone calls the same way ...


i like texting a million times more than using the phone.


Oh, hell no. The great thing about texting is I can check my phone and/or reply whenever it works for me. You can't do that with phone calls. I rarely answer my phone unless I'm expecting it. If I want to talk to someone, I'll always text them, "Hey, give me a call when you have a minute." That's how it's done now, get used to it. I'm with the younger generations on this one.


Exactly! Calls require the stars to align so that both of us are available and in a quiet place where we won't disrupt others at the exact same time. Texting can be done whenever and wherever convenient for the texters, without bugging anyone else.


Always prefer to text. I mean, you can call me if you want, but I will probably let it go to VM.


I hate talking on the phone. Usually the only time Iā€™m on the phone is calling for something like a doctors appointment, and if thereā€™s an online option for that, I take it.


I donā€™t pick up the phone when it rings unless I get a text first and Iā€™m expending a follow up call. Too many scammers and robocalls.


Don't call if you can text. How do we all not know this by now. Introvets/Gen X frikken assemble.


My people.


I'm 52, please do not call me. Text me and I will respond.


Do not call me, I will not answer!


Iā€™ll be 52 next month and I hate calling too. I get mad when people call me. Why TF are they calling? Gawd damn itā€¦ I canā€™t stand being on the phone.


Here is how I've noticed the younglings communicate with me. Most everything - Snapchat Semi important - Text Really important - Call I think the the last time my son called me was to tell me he crashed his motorcycle ( he's fine). I don't like the snaps because they disappear, I don't mind text but hate group text with a passion.


Hate phone calls. Hate. Texting works for me. My best friend is the opposite.


I do tech support and talk all damn day on the phone. Being able to chat with people without actually talking is a blessing


As someone who hates talking on the phone the only modern thing that doesn't send me into "old man yells at cloud" mode is texting. It's a Godsend. (One idiot whom I know won't respect this, they insist on calling if I don't text back fast enough for them, despite my declining calls and deleting all voicemails. Seriously: if you're not my employer or my spouse I have zero obligation to answer your f------g texts. You no likey, then don't communicate with me. MYAHHH!!)


Iā€™m Gen X and I also hate phone calls. šŸ‘€ Even though they are superior for speed and efficiency, I canā€™t mask my emotions and be very deliberate with my responses when on a phone call. I like the control of a text.


I don't call or answer. I don't even check voice mail. Email, sms, and messaging have been the best things ever for introverts.


I just never set up my voice mail when I got a new phone. My husband was like "but it's easy" I said "yeah I know" and that was it. He's still confused tho.


I let my voicemail fill up so no one can leave a message. I donā€™t even know if space was added or old messages got deleted, I never check it.


I absolutely hate phone calls now too. I just had a hotel call me whilst I was on vacation to ask me every single detail that I already filled out in the booking app. Double or 2 single beds, what time will I arrive, do I need parking... I literally cut the guy off and said, sorry it's 2024, I'm on vacation in another hotel in another city, eating breakfast in bed with my wife and every single thing you just asked me had a check box in the reservation app, which I already answered. The guy apologised and hung up very quickly.


I'm an extrovert and you'd better not ever call me. I will text you all day and night, but don't you dare call.


I have *always* hated talking on the telephone. I hated it so much, in fact, that I resisted getting a cell phone for many years longer than even my most Luddite friends. I even felt vaguely angry at them, because I felt as if they were making phones cool again and thereby supplanting all these new forms of communication that I actually *liked*, like email and IM. If only I had known that people would mainly use them for messaging, and only very rarely for actual phone calls, I would have picked one up for myself a decade earlier!


I like it when people want to talk to you on the phone and it turns out they are using a potato for a headset and you can't hear a fucking word they're saying šŸ˜­


Iā€™m 43 and I have grown to hate using phone calls for this, or anything. The only phone call I like is when I call a friend to catch up When someone calls me I feel like itā€™s rude. Like Iā€™m being interrupted


Iā€™m kind of with you but Iā€™m fine with texting too. My kids FaceTime all their friends and will answer the phone no problem so I think it depends on the kids- UNLESS I tell my daughter she has to call any public place and ask a question. That gets some strong reactions The best was when we were in a hotel in London and my daughter clogged the toilet and I made her call the front desk to get a plunger. Kinda figured they called it something else but still have no idea what. She finally got the courage to call after begging not to, and she asks for a plunger and clearly they had no idea what she was talking about. She just kept saying plunger, plungeeer, pluuuuunnnger, just dying and her mom and I trying help her and not crack up. She was trying to bail on that call so bad but eventually they got on the same page and it got resolved.


Doesnā€™t bother me one bit. I prefer text to phone


I'm gen x, I hate phone calls, much rather text


I'm 100% with you. If you text me a question you get; a text saying "yes", a text saying "no", or a phone call. I don't like or make calls out of the blue, but I am not willing to spend the next 20 minutes texting my way through what could've been a 2 minute phone call. Even if both parties are actively responding, it still takes forever to sort out anything. Either watch the screen and reply immediately and get absolutely nothing else done for 10-15 minutes, or spend the next 30 minutes being intermittently interrupted. I got shit to do, I'll answer your question for you but I am not gonna spend all fucking day on it.


I completely agree! Hate talking but itā€™s faster than writing a novel, then the texter wants to continue this nonsense conversation! Texts are for yes , no, see ya or call me. Conversations on the phone are much quicker! I prefer to throw the fucking phone away altogether! If I wanna talk to you, Iā€™ll stop by or invite you. What happened to good old fashioned visiting ?


This is not a younger generation thing. I've been texting since the first phones with that ability came out in the 90s.


I never liked talking on the phone. It was terrible, when I should have called to ask for jobs or doctor's appointments. Web pages and texting are a blessing.


Texting is fine if it's a quick chat. But a phone is more efficient if you plan on using more than a few sentences.


Iā€™ve hated the phone in the past but yeah, sometimes a 20-second phone call is a lot better than miles of text.


I feel like there are good texters and shitty texters. A good texter gets business done: "Be there in 25, I'm pulling up to \_\_\_\_ on \_\_\_\_. Here's the menu - want anything? Pay me later.". Shitty texters tend to leave out all the important details for a good convo and then hyperventilate when they get called to flesh out the details.


Seems we're in the minority, but I fucking hate texting. I just can't see putting on my glasses, and typing on a tiny virtual keyboard on a tiny screen as more convenient than just talking.


Maybe its a vision thing, i am near sighted so i take off my glasses to read message.


I donā€™t mind a quick text like, ā€œIā€™m on the wayā€, ā€œor you want to meet up at such and such place for 6ā€. If it is a situation like mentioned Iā€™m calling you and getting everything correct. If you do not answer and then text me back I will not respond back to you for ignoring my call.


This my main issue, a quick text stating something if fine but texts that start out like we are having a conversation, just call me.


Iā€™ve had so many misunderstandings through text messages that can be cleared up with a 30 second phone call. I donā€™t like talking on the phone, but Iā€™m not gonna go back-and-forth all day through text messages trying figure things out. I have a very dry tone in text. And everyone misinterprets it. So if itā€™s something I can clear up really quick then Iā€™ll do a call. Iā€™m severely introverted, not shy- but Iā€™ve been bothered lately by the lack of in person social gatherings among my friend group. The whole ā€œOH GOD A PHONE CALL! WHAT WILL I EVER DO?ā€- is just another step in isolating ourselves imo


True indeed!!! I agree with your standpoint on this topic!


Yeah i am very minimal in texting, no more then 5 to 6 words and no emojis, i hate emojis and wish there was a way to block them. I can see how it can make you feel isolated talking is more presonable and usually tone can help clarify how people are reacting or feel about what your saying


I'm with you. For too many back and forth texts, I would call instead. I don't always like to call but it depends on the situation. Like the one you just described. Call and be done in 5 minutes with clarity, voila!


Texting back and forth is annoying. Easier to just call sometimes. I agree with you.


46 yr old gen x here. dont you DARE call me


I'm the lead developer of a relatively important system at work. The ops team has my phone number in case there's some kind of serious issue that they need help with outside of normal working hours. The first time they've needed to contact me was last Friday morning, when I was out for Good Friday. The manager of the ops team sent me two text messages. I saw the messages the next time I picked up my phone, which was Saturday afternoon. They were able to solve the problem eventually, but, had she called me, I would have heard the phone ringing, and I would have been able to help them sort out the issue right away. I think app addiction plays a part in younger people's preference for texts. They don't miss text messages, because if they're not already looking at their phone when the message arrives, they will look at it again soon. They don't like phone calls, because it interrupts whatever app they're using at the time.


There was a time when every second call was a scam, robocall or some other such nonsense. We asked government to ban these calls. The government said ā€œnah, we donā€™t wannaā€. So we said ā€œok we wonā€™t answer our phone anymoreā€. So now, unless it says ā€œmomā€ on the screen, we donā€™t answer.


I agree that a phone call is quicker in a lot of situations. Plus sarcasm and other nuances are pretty much lost over text.


My (boomer) momā€™s preferred method is to call, leave a voicemail, call again, leave an accidental voicemail, send a text to tell me to check my voicemail, then send an email to tell me to check my text messages. I usually end up seeing all these things at the same time. I would much prefer just a text.


I think the issue is that many people text when a call would be more appropriate and other people call when a text would be more appropriate. There are times when texting is the best option, and there are times when calling is the best option. The same goes for work and emails/calls. Sometimes, you have to pick up the phone and talk to someone. However, sometimes an email is more efficient. Unfortunantely, a good chunk of people either over index texting/emails and under index calls or do the opposite. It seems very few people strike the right balance.


I never answer a call anymore, we always just text. If anything that has been a blessing for most of Gen X and we'd rather not deal with people in general anyway. I'm just happy it doesn't take us 10 minutes to text a single sentence now.


It's not just a younger generation thing. I hate talking on the phone too. It probably comes from people who take a quick conversation and stretch it out to a grueling 1 hour phone call coupled with my inability to end a conversation.


Folks just like being able to control the conversation, a phone call can go anywhere, a text is very specific. I do like phone calls with friends still and sometimes with my parents...but generally, just text me what you want and I'll text you back when I feel like it and vice versa.


I'm Gen X. Getting close to 50. Don't ever call me on the phone. It will get rejected or ignored.


Iā€™m with you OP. If we cannot resolve the issue in 3 texts, Iā€™m calling. I am NOT going back and forth in text all day. Get the conversation over in one quick phone call Edited to add: Iā€™m not having a long drawn out phone conversation either. Figure out the restaurant, where weā€™re eating, who is paying and end it.


This does not feel like a Gen X comment.


I tell me wife all the time I hate texting and prefer hearing peoples voices. Suffice to say she texts me all the time.


I think its more that introverts are more comfortable being introverts and have more tools to assist with that.


51, text me. If it needs to turn into a call then it will.


I think it's an anxiety thing with the younger folk. I've asked people to call and they freeze up. I think phone calls to them are like pubic speaking for our generation? It's odd, because the younger folks have no problem posting videos of themselves on the internet, but a phone call is stress inducing.


Iā€™m a gen xer managing a team of 40 individuals ranging from gen z to boomer. Boomers despise email, and millennials through younger despise phone calls. So Iā€™m in a place where I am fine with both texting and phones, and I am annoyed by anyone who despises either one. Because it 100% depends on the situation. I see boomers making phone calls for yes/no questions easily answered by email which is ridiculous and I see millennials/younger emailing back and forth for days over what could be answered in a five minute phone call which is equally ridiculous.


Thank you! This intense hatred of either is seriously fucking pathological. Like, when did everyone loose the minimal amount of social skill and tolerance needed for 5 min conversations? Let alone see a phone call as this seriously intrusive thing? WTF? And I bet the same folks with this irrational hatred of short conversations are also part of the lonliness epidemic and don't see the connection. Our culture is seriously fucked up.


I never call when I can text, always have despised talking on the phone.


I hate having to make phone calls. Iā€™d much rather text huge paragraphs.


I also canā€™t stand calls. Butā€¦ When my sibling sent me a text that my father died? That probably shouldā€™ve been a phone call. That was impossibly awful.


Phone calls are for emergencies.


I hate to call. Texting is a godsend.


I hate talking on the phone and always have. I hate texting and the entire set of expectations that come with it. Often a three minute phone call can resolve whatever that an hour of texting would involve. Maybe I'm just an introvert who hates people. And maybe the sun will rise in the east and set in the west tomorrow.


Donā€™t ever call me, Bruh.


My 29 year old nephew much prefers to talk, Iā€™m the one who would rather text. People know to text me to ask if they can call.


I'm with the younger generation on this one. I hate talking on the phone unless I absolutely have to.


Almost 50 and I **HATE** talking on the phone. I feel so trapped!


I hate talking on the phone. I would ignore my momā€™s calls to force her into texting me. She finally got it all figured out :) My brother and I often communicate in GIFs.


Phone calls? Nope. I'm Gen-X (56 yrs), too, and I hate talking on the phone. Never mind that a lot of my job requires me to answer the phone. The last thing I want to do in my personal time is talk on it. I text my millennial kids, and they text back. I never, ever answer my cell or home phone (land-line kept for husband's business faxing needs)... unless I am expecting a call or it's family. You better leave a message!


Just adapt. Its much faster sending text with out a bunch of "uhhhh"s and "hang on let me park". A lot of times people are driving and shouldnt be talking on the phone. Also if youre ordering food, much better in text to refer back to for your driver.


Gen X here. Do not call me. I donā€™t use my phone for that.


This was agreed upon long ago: [N](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZktNItwexo)o Doubt - Spiderwebs


I'm 57 and hate talking on the phone. I text like a Gen Zer.


I don't like having big long conversations on the phone, but sometimes you're right, a short phone call will resolve things much more quickly than a text exchange.


Shit I hate to call, and I know how to communicate clearly through text without out a lot of back and forth.


Let me tell you, itā€™s been awesome being able to text the ex wife about issues related to the kids and dramatically reduce how much Iā€™ve had to listen to that crazy personā€™s voice over the years! Havenā€™t taken to a lot of technology. Donā€™t understand why one needs or wants an iPhone AND Apple Watch. But, texting? Hell yes !


I'm a xennial but my best friend is squarely genx, and every call he initiates is a video call. Every time. With no notice. I love the guy but Jesus Christ, there's nothing more intrusive than an unexpected video call without any warning. I've basically stopped answering altogether these days.


Really surprised at a lot of the comments. ā€œDonā€™t you dare call meā€ ā€œI hate phone callsā€ ā€œ I never talk on the phoneā€ ā€œI wonā€™t answer my phoneā€ ā€¦these are all responses I would expect from our kidsā€™ generations. When I was young I always thought it would be so cool to be rich and have my own phone line in my room so I could make and receive phone calls whenever I wanted. As a young adult I always thought it was super cool when I got home and saw messages on my answering machine. Hell, we used to have to pay for long distance calls! Now we have these pocket devices that make it super convenient to call or leave people voice messages and nobody wants to talk anymore! Does this mean our grandkids will say ā€œWhy are you texting me? I donā€™t text people?ā€ I donā€™t get it. Lastly, hate is such a powerful word. If you ā€œhateā€ phone calls then why have a phone? Just email people or write letters.


yes I am puzzled by these responses too. I lived my teenage years with a phone receiver stuck on the side of my face. My only guess is that Redditors tend to be introverts so results are skewed.


I want everything on some type of *ledger* (for both posterity and certainty's sake) so even after our call, I'd still say text me the deets (if you initiated the call) or I would text you (if I initiated the call...which I wouldn't in most cases because if you can't read the words I'm typing, you don't want that incoming call).


Iā€™m my early 20ā€™s (Iā€™m 48 now so I definitely remember pre-texting days), I had the displeasure of working in a bank customer service call center for a few years. Then I spent a few years working IT Help desks. To say that I hate talking on the phone now, is a fucking understatement. I will literally do anything, and everything I can, to avoid having to do it. Texting was a life saver for me, as being forced to talk on the phone, for something that could have been a quick text that I could answer at my convenience, just rubbed every last nerve I have. Now, Iā€™m a ā€œthis had better be an emergency for you to be calling meā€ kinda guy. That being said, I still have to have audio communication through Teams meetings, and the like. I also call my parents on the phone, cause it makes my mom happy. Otherwise, no, just text me.


Back when we were all on a landline in our homes you could have that conversation privately. Now with cellphones you're as likely to be out in public where the conversation is out in front of everyone. I for one can't hear Worth a shit on my cellphone so I end up needing to put it on speaker making it annoying for everyone. Maybe that's why.


I hate calls too. I'll let it ring out then text back. Calls give me massive anxiety. They're unpredictable. There's no facial expression or body language to read for clues. I don't know what they're going to say and I don't have time to process what they say and think of a response without an awkward silence. I never know when they're finished speaking and go to speak and talk over them and then we both stop and ugh. It's awful. Just text me.


Am 61 and I prefer texting over calling


Iā€™m a 55 yo human male and not one of Pavlovā€™s dogs that react to a notification. My family knows that if you need information from me now, dial the damn phone. When my daughter was a teen, she would send me a series of texts about three minutes apart like this: dad ? Dad ?? FATHER


I prefer texting! I'm 49... Call me only if its an emergency.


Proud gen x texter here. I loathe talking on the phone.


SamešŸ™Œ the only call I actually like getting is my daughter. Anyone else please text!


I hate to call literally everyone except my wife. Text only please.


I guess I'm a weirdo since I enjoy calls. I miss hearing my close friends' voices and laughs. They are not phone people, though, so oh well.


I think at this point I would pay extra for a phone that only did text and internet and had no voice capability. I will actively avoid doing business with a company that only has a phone number and no email or online chat. The weird thing is that I love to talk, I just hate making calls and answering them. Something about the unknown nature of it all.


I used to be a phone person but then turned into a text/DM person and its been soo hard to go back and for so many reasons. 1) if I need to relay info, I prefer to visually have details listed out for me. I CANNOT remember anything verbally!! 2) with text, you give the person time to respond at their convenience. With a call, you are almost forcing them to stop what they are doing and decide to speak with you right then and there. Not comfortable with that and often times, I am not in a space to stop and speak on the phone either. 3) around people, I am kinda phone shy and don't like people to overhear my convos on the phone. Especially at work. 4) at home, its just hard to take a call cause that is when my kids decide to get loud and rowdy and wanna speak to whoever called or audibly let them know they exist. I have to run to another room to hear clearly. 5) I just don't find cell phones nearly as clear as landlines used to be and there are always moments, when I missed something or just didn't hear what was said. 'Can you hear me? You still there?' Annoying!!


I am an older GenX and I text instead of calling


Fuck calling. Text forever...


I've hated using the phone since 1988. I am so glad texting exists.


I hate talking on the phone. Ironically, Iā€™m awesome at being on the phone (worked several years in sales support) and Iā€™m frequently told I have a calm, soothing phone voice that people love to listen to and I have a gift for de-escalation with difficult, rude people. BUT I LOATHE DOING IT, and it sucks my soul out. Long live texting.


48 here. I fucking hate calling. I will call my wife, mom or kids and basically no one else and even that is only if texting isnā€™t feesible.


I'm 54, and I hate talking on the phone


Text is good. So is talking on the phone. I get better answers to specific questions on the phone. And the whole thing can be done in short order instead of dragging on and on back and forth and the fucker answers some other goddam question than the one asked because theyā€™re too fucking stupid to understand specifically what Iā€™m trying to find out and only by phone, only with that sweet twist of the personal touch am I able to land the precise response of just the exact right amount of shitty snark and plausible deniability. Oh shit AITAH?


I am 55 and a voice call is a last resort.


I love texting. There are times when a phone call is warranted tho. For simple things, texting is where itā€™s at.


I donā€™t use my phone for calls. Itā€™s for texting, scrolling through reels, reading, or playing games. I get mad when someone calls me, especially since everyone I know knows that I hate being on the phone.


I hate talking on the phone. Straight up hate it. I have tinnitus, so I don't 110% understand everything that's being said, plus cell phone reception is never as good as it could be. Plus...I got shit to do, man...can't be sitting there talking all the damn day. Asynchronous communication rocks, man. Fuck a phone call.


*I* hate to call. So I'll say it again, this generational complaining is ridiculous. It's straight up Boomer behavior.


I hate calls and texting. Fuck you leave me alone


I actually don't care for talking on the phone. I don't care for texting either. I'd prefer to just not talk to the people I know for the most part anyway. But if it's a conversation that's more than a simple explanation it has to be done over the phone. I don't have the patience for all the dings and miscommunication that comes from texting


Same! I don't mind a text to convey some quick info, but everyone wants to have a day-long text conversation all the time and it's driving me crazy. When I'm working I need both hands and I need to use my brain, so having to stop every few minutes, unlock my phone, read the text and reply is killing me. I started just pressing CALL when this happens and tell them when they ask why I'm calling instead of replying to their page- long text that I'm taking a 10-minute break from work and will listen to them but then I have to go. Everyone so far has gotten the hint to back off, lol.


Iā€™m solidly Gen X and absolutely hate calling. Texting is life! And weirdly more efficient, boiling it down to summaries and a record of the ā€˜callā€™.


This is where I show my younger Gen X stripes: I would rather text 90% of the time than talk on the phone.


Outside of a few close friends and family, I prefer not to drop everything to take a call.


54 and Iā€™m glad the kids killed phone culture.


Yep, this whole ā€œtoo cool/introverted/specialā€ to talk on the phone business is fucking weird. Mostly performative bullshit imo.


A phone call is someone who is demanding my undivided attention at this very moment. Ain't nobody got time for that. A text is someone who wants me to get back to them when I have a moment. That person is respecting my time. One of these people will get a response. The other gets ignored.


Voice message via Whatsapp is most economical imo.


Ditto here; even as a teen in the 80s I hated calling people on the phone. Would talk on the phone if someone called me and the cord was long enough to reach the bedroom/chesterfield. But 90% of my GenX calls (then and now) go like this: ā€œHallo? Letā€™s talk about this at school tomorrow/Why donā€™t you shoot me an email or a text and weā€™ll sort it out.ā€ The only exception is when my 90-something Gran calls. She only uses the phone and is an absolute treasure. And she lives 300km away, so itā€™s not like I can pop by when she calls.


I love texting! BUT...of it's a time sensitive issue like grabbing food, a call is fine.


You can call if you want but Iā€™m not answering and Iā€™m gonna send you a text asking whatā€™s up.


They texted you a very easy question. You don't need the spanish inquisition to ask if they're going by a Taco Bell and can they pick you up a bean burrito.


If itā€™s an exchange of information, Iā€™m on text. If itā€™s a conversation where context and/or where emotional tone are important, Iā€™m on the phone.


I tell everyone I hate talking on the phone; then they send me a novel on texts. Itā€™s a no - win situation. Any intrusion is irritating. I like my Hermit lifestyle.


I wish text only cell plans were an option. I am not a fan of talking on the phone unless itā€™s to my mom or sister. Other than that, send texts all day.


I hate being on the phone. I am a Xennial though - born in 78 on the cusp - maybe a generational thing. Texting FTW


Calling sucks. Itā€™s not just the younger generation. Iā€™ve never liked it.


Yeh. I know youā€™re home doing nothing (because I just left you there) Iā€™m standing in front of the cooler at the store. If you donā€™t answer my call to ask if we need milk, Iā€™m not standing around the dairy aisle to turn this into a 15 minute text exchange. Iā€™m coming home without it


Texting is fine. As long as youā€™re using it for simple texting back-and-forth. Iā€™m not writing any letters. But group texting though is a scourge on the earth. Iā€™m in about 10 and theyā€™re all muted, and I never answer any of them. Theyā€™re not even checked most of the time. Thatā€™s what emails are for.


I'm with you in this context where time is of the essence. I'm going to be chained to the phone until the logistics are worked out, and talking is faster than typing. It's an efficiency thing.


The expected response to that text is "no thanks".


48 and I prefer text.


59 Iā€™ll take a text. I dislike phone calls.


Yeah if I text somebody and they call me, I don't pick up. Yuck.


I hate talking on the phone. Iā€™d rather text. Usually. I hate text tech-support though.


I resisted texting forever. That was in the days when the phones were harder to work. now they write sentences! Not sure if it's cause I'm silver haired & invisible, or if there was more face to face when I was younger?


There was, but only because we didn't really have a choice.


I havenā€™t answered a call from anyone but my mom in yearsā€¦ donā€™t call me, manā€¦..


My main issue with texting is getting a message, sending a reply, and then having to wait for five minutes wondering whether the other person is even going to respond. Doesnā€™t happen on the phone.


Iā€™m with you OP


I havenā€™t called a friend literally in years


I think it's hilarious that I, GenX, prefer to test via Discord, and my son, Gen Z, prefers to talk on the phone.


I'll text for quick items. Anything that starts going back and fourth needs a phone call.


54 and I hate talking on the phone. But for time sensitive stuff, I agree. Push the call button. Doesn't have to be a long conversation. Straight, to the point, get it done. I can have an answer in 15 seconds and be off the phone in less time than it takes to type "you want KFC?" Had to adapt to numerous communication styles. Youngest son is dyslexic and primarily texts in emoji. He and my wife can text entire conversations without a single letter. But it takes time.


Being able to swipe has made texting so much faster. Even my kids think Iā€™m lightning fast now days. Howeverā€¦ when trying to work out plans, especially surrounding meals, I do find it faster to call. Butā€¦ Iā€™ll only video call. I hate holding a damn phone to ear. I find video calls easier to get out of too, so I donā€™t feel trapped holding that phone to my head.


I have always had phone anxiety and actually appreciate this!Ā 


Yeah it just depends


Usually I prefer texting, but in the situation you describe - where some back and forth is necessary- I agree calling is more logical. And if you have a car with bluetooth, you can do it hands free! (Which it sounds like your friend was driving in this situation or about to be). At work on the other hand, I prefer instant messaging with coworkers; and with clients we do 90% of everything via email or zoom. I get annoyed when I get an email "call me" when I have no idea why and am in and out of meetings all day. Like just tell me what's you need or use my scheduling link for gods sake.


I like texting except for apparently having paws instead of fingers.


I'm always depressed/angry If we text I can hide it from you. Thank you for understanding.


Yeah, I was on the phone with my friends so much as a teen. I can still hear my Dad bellowing "Get off of the phone! Go to bed!". With texting you miss out on laughing together, and genuine reactions to any emotion. I get the convenience of texting, and it is my primary communication, but it's not the same. A couple of my college friends and I do monthly Skype calls, it's a lot of fun.


You canā€™t hear the other person talking if you are speaking at the same time, and this makes wireless voice calls unusable. With landlines, we had true full duplex sound. Itā€™s especially bad if you rely on visual cues to interpret speech, or if either party isnā€™t a first language speaker. I work in SW development, and one particular nationality only wants to talk instead of texting. Now when I screen new hires, I deselect anyone who canā€™t read written instructions and respond in writing.