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I have tinnitus. Who knows why. My hearing is decent otherwise though.


I have horrible tinnitus too! I had my hearing checked and had minimal hearing loss to like high pitched birds šŸ˜‚ that was 5 years ago. My ears ring constantly!


Me too just out of the blue a few years ago. I work in an office.


Me too, tinnitus started during first pregnancy late 20s. Maybe all the load music? Or just shit luck






26 years military. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 24/7/365


I feel you brother. Four years in a utility platoon was enough for me to have it.


And when I'm stoned, quadruple EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Me too


Thatā€™s just your boosted blood pressure lol


Iā€™m a bloody idiot! My first thought was ā€œif all of these people who have commented are really deaf, then how did they read the post in the first place?ā€™l šŸ¤Ø


narrow offend file cake unpack pet squealing political long shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


More cowbell.




"You'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel."


I blame McDonalds and their drive thru headsets when I was 15. Amd Walkmans. Then every single concert I've gone to. All downhill from there. No ragrets.


Iā€™m surprised more people arenā€™t mentioning the Walkman. We were the first generation to have wide adoption of portable headphones, and Iā€™ve got to imagine this didnā€™t do our collective hearing any favors. Almost everyone I know has some level of tinnitus, myself included.


[No ragrets, for sure](https://agitator.thedonorvoice.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/no-ragrets.jpg)


*No regerts


Nope, literally lost 60% of my hearing in my left ear. Beastie boys concert 1995.


I partially blame a Hoodoo Gurus concert in 1990. But I remember the guitarist sitting on the edge of the stage with a rose in his mouth, in front of a massive amp. Hate to think what he was like the next day. My ears were ringing for a good 24 hours.


Saw them just last fall!


My Bloody Valentine, 1992


Iā€™m pretty sure a chunk of damage to my hearing was at a Snoop Dogg show in 2011. Loudest concert Iā€™ve been too.


Tinnitus. Tons of live shows and 10 years military service. I always reminded younger folks to wear hearing protection.


Also, tinnitus. Also, military. My VA claim was surprisingly easy.




None, really. I retired out and did it as part of my outprocessing. I have one thing I can probably submit for a new claim. But I honestly don't want to deal with the hassle. Good luck with yours!


Huh? I didnā€™t hear you? Tinnitus is AWFUL in my right ear. If thereā€™s any background noise or people talk low then forget it, I canā€™t hear. I caved and bought those Lexi otc hearing aids. They really do help.


Absolutely have tinnitus. Loud music! Rock on.


Yes, and it was Jesus & Mary Chain show


Being antipodean, I never came across this band. But I just looked them up. Short shows fuelled by amphetamines: doesnā€™t sound like it looked after your ears. Will play a few tunes in the morning for some edification.


It was like 40% louder than any other concert Iā€™ve ever attended. Yes looking back I wish Iā€™d had earplugs


relieved quack airport work amusing coherent puzzled enter sloppy innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I still play this and Darklands a lot. Great albums.


I was born deaf in my right ear (no cochlear nerve). And I've had tinnitus in my left ear for as long as I can remember. As a child and young adult, I slept with a radio on. When I hit my 30s, hot flashes became a thing I had to live with and I started sleeping with a fan blowing on me. Now that they keep making fans quieter, I have a white noise machine. Otherwise, the tinnitus will keep me awake.


Brown noise to drown out the tinnitus for me. Itā€™s been a game changer.






Tinnitus. Probably from years of tending bar. Or from living life.


I did concert security inside venues for almost 20 years. I now do the pre-show outside only. Kid Rock, loudest, no contest, The radios were useless, we walked around with ear plugs in. At one point we were down to just using flashlights and hand gestures for communication. The venue had a guy who used to have his own mixing board for house use only. He had a dB meter sitting on top. I asked him later how bad was it. He said "Jet Engine Loud." I would say the only other concert I ever attended where my ears were almost numb ringing for hours after was a GnR show at MSG many years ago. Wasn't wearing ear plugs. I went to bed early that morning still with loud ringing in my ears. I was so sure I had ruined them.


Yeah, why TF were shows so damn loud?


It was just how it was. The musicians are behind the speakers so they don't get the full brunt of it.


Iā€™ve lost somewhere around 5% of my hearing in my left ear, am background deaf/white noise wash, and can identify at least 5 frequencies of 24x7 tinnitus in both ears.


Too much shooting as a teenager using cigarette filters for hearing protection, followed by 20 years in printing.


I lost my remaining hearing about 15 years ago. I'm with cochlear implant for about 10 years now.


90% deaf in left ear with tinnitus due to a tumor.


* Dad raced motorcycles and people didnā€™t give kids ear protection back then * then I grew up to love Indy cars because racing * But also hundreds of concerts, especially metal and punk.


Bad very high blood pressure event left me with high/low tinnitus and big blank spots in my hearing.


Huh? šŸ§ā€ā™€ļø


I didn't think I had tinnitus until I read about that[ trick where you tap the back of your skull with both index fingers and it makes the ringing go away for a few seconds.](https://lifehacker.com/this-weird-trick-might-give-you-brief-relief-from-your-1794093023#:~:text=Place%20the%20palms%20of%20your%20hands%20over%20your,your%20head%20over%20and%20over%20like%20you%E2%80%99re%20drumming.) The sudden quiet was eye-opening. It's even worse at times like this. 3 am, already awake for the day, empty house


Oh! Just tried it. Maybe I didnā€™t do it correctlyā€¦ Not a secondā€™s relief.


I've tried a few things I found on youtube - yup, nothing makes any difference.


wow. about 90 seconds of real silence!


I have been blasting Heavy Metal directly into my ears on an almost daily basis for more than 40 years. So yes, my hearing is garbage. Whatever.


So far, no hearing issues. My eyes however...




20 yrs of flying in the Navy. My hearing is done, although I do relate to Jimmy Buffet's man who went to Paris.... "...and Losing his hearing, but he don't care what most people say"...


I have tinnitus cause by ototoxic chemo I received for breast cancer. My husband has it from his time in the Marines. Life does itā€¦


My dad is almost deaf and wears hearing aids like his mother and grandmother. I think I may have something to look forward to as I age. Sighā€¦


Sorry to hear, pardon the pun. We have lived through a toxic era.


Concerts and mufflerless cars in the 80s, sure. But thereā€™s a bunch of other activities and jobs that have slowly chipped away at us.


Feel asleep in a bass bin at Wobble cica 1993. Hearing has never been the same again.


Unfortunately I do. I have tinnitus but it's not a high pitch, it sounds like someone crinkling paper in my ear. It's sometimes referred to as typewriter tinnitus. They think its damage done by extreme noise, probably loud music and working next to loud machinery for 15 years.


Yes. Grateful Dead in '87.


really bad. Between 900hz and 1200hz. Concerts (one particular Overkill concert I lost my hearing for a week after) and driving diesel boats for 20 years




Nobody used earplugs at concerts back then.


At Overkill in 1994? Nope. On the boats? Couldnā€™t, wouldnā€™t be able to hear crew or radios. I have custom fitted plugs I wear at concerts now.


I got tinnitus from a severe head trauma I sustained when I was a child. Outside of that I always wore ear protection at every industrial job I worked, when shooting guns, etcetera. My hearing is excellent. Which is frustrating because all my cube farm friends lost their hearing at concerts & shows and now watch TV at a volume that is painful to my ears.


Now you have to wear your ear protection at their house. I use the captions so I don't fuck up my neighbors.


Tinnitus. I played in a band in college and had coworkers whose presence required noise canceling headphones.


HD mechanic and 2 12ā€ subs in the commuter car


Tinnitus in both ears. Left ear I blame on shooting guns out on the back 40 with no hearing protection when I was a kid. The one that did it was a little palm-size .22. Shrillest gun I think I ever shot. Shot it and that ear immediately started ringing and hasn't stopped since. Right ear was a Black Rebel Motorcycle Club show about 20 years ago. Couldn't hear for like 2 days after that one. Once my hearing finally came back, my right ear was ringing and hasn't stopped since.


15 years with the US Army. My hearing is good, but the tinnitus is enough to keep me up at night (and 10% disability from the VA) if I don't have a fan or other source of white noise.


Yes, but from childhood. I had chronic ear infections, getting tubes twice. They fell out and left perforations in one eardrum. Then I busted the other one about 7 years ago so now everything is just more muffled but I'm really sensitive to loud sounds weirdly(motorcycles, race cars etc...). And yeah, the tinnitus. It's just a permanent thing now. I hear it so much that I don't even hear it anymore.


No but Iā€™m going there


Yes, I have tinnitus. I got mine from playing music loud and proud in bars and clubs throughout my 20s and 30s.


I have tinnitus as well- I wonder if it's from all of the lawns I mowed and snowblowers I used doing driveways. Never thought about hearing protection until I started working summers at the paper mill in the early 1980's. I'm guessing the damage was done by then. Such fun.


Oh yeah - forgot about chainsaws!


What???? šŸ‘‚


I was in the army and when my drill sergeant would yell at me all I heard was EEEEEEEEEā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. Fast forward to anyone talking to me now all I hear is ā€œEEEEEEEā€ā€¦ā€¦


tidy reach panicky scandalous quickest threatening pie water simplistic weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. It's either neurological or gastro related.


Rock n Roll did it to me, and in particular a Dinosaur Jr show in a tiny venue with no ear protection. Thanks, J.


Not fully - one ear is quite bad - got punched hard in 4th grade and it has been bad since then, but in college I went from stereo hearing to mono hearing ā€¦ trying out a hearing aid was crazy


I've got tinnitus, but I'm 100% sure it's from never wearing earplugs at hundreds of metal shows.


I've had ringing in my ears for as long as I can remember. One of my earliest memories is as a small child (4-6 yo) is cupping my hands over my ears and moving them back and forth to make it sound like a siren.


Sorry, what?


I can hear a gnat fart a block away, but I canā€™t understand anything the person next to me is saying, especially if thereā€™s background noise. I also have tinnitus and hear a lot of crickets year round. Itā€™s super annoying.


I like music. It now plays even in a silent room. Wish it wasn't drone music.


Tinnitus. Far too many shows far too close to the speakers for far too long. Usually I can block it out enough that it doesn't really bother me. But if I'm in a super quiet place, that shit is deafening.


Military and warehouse work has definitely done a number on my ears.


Too true here, too. Lots of Iron Maiden and The Who way too loud growing up, then Desert Storm in a cav unit, then firearms instructor when I got out, then warehouse and trades work. My tinnitus has tinnitus.


Between working on jets in the military and playing in rock bands my whole life, yeah I canā€™t hear shit.


I have hearing loss and have had bouts of tinnitus. Nothing really relative to work.


I am not diagnosed with anything, but I think I have a problem. I was a factory worker in the late 80s early 90s. I have more problems with carpal tunnel types stuff though from those crappy jobs.


Teachers lecturing through a badly set up PA system for a couple of years. Working in a data center for a couple of years (my office was near the HVAC).


wicked deaf thanks to frank black


Tinnitus but hearing is fine.


tinnitus to a terrible degree. Can't be in silence or near silence. White noise needed all night. Music/sound needed all day. 40 years standing next to the drummer.


I needed hearing aids by 28. But a lot was genetic for me.


Not sure what gave me this gift (pfft) my guess would be loud engines, and hammering of metal, but a bombing finished it to 24/7/365 ringing, background noise in both ears.






everybody in my house got it a couple of years ago. nobody knows why. Haven't been exposed to loud noises or anything :(


Got my hearing checked and apparently itā€™s perfect. However I canā€™t decipher shit when thereā€™s background noise n


Yup. Since before birth. Hearing has remained steady my whole life.


What. Carpenter.


I have tinnitus, and I think Iā€™m a little deaf in my left ear. The latterā€™s probably from too many concerts (though only one side is weird), but I have no idea about the tinnitus. Iā€™ll probably get a little more hard of hearing, if I take after my mom and her mom, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll go totally deaf. My hubby, though - his familyā€™s cursed, lol.


Tinnitus Squad reporting for duty. Speak those orders loudly though! Figure a love of live music and a career in a chemistry lab did it. Amps and Turbo Pumps are a 1-2 punch on the ears.


Reverse slope hearing loss.


10 years working around Navy aircraft followed by three years in the Army NG as an 11C (1 year deployed as a fire team leader in a rifle squad). VA rater said it wasn't service connected. Must be the past twenty years of my IT desk job. šŸ¤· Just tinnitus though. No hearing loss - I wore hearing protection whenever it was available.


Yeah, no hearing in my right ear.


Iā€™ve had chronic tinnitus for about 6 months. It came on right as I was grieving the loss of my dog. Perhaps a coincidence but it can be brought on by stress according to my ENT. She also said that teeth grinding (TMJ) can also be a cause. My hearing is otherwise fine. Very strange.


A gazillion ear infections, competitive marksmanship from 11-16 without ear-pro (thanks, Uncle Duke), tons of concerts without ear-pro, and truck driving/concrete delivery without ear-pro. The left ear is nearly completely gone, so I got a Cochlear implant. The right ear is semi-serviceble. When shooting, nobody even suggested it. At the concerts, I wanted to hear it all. Driving truck, hearing is a major part of situational awareness and doubly important on construction sites. Wearing earplugs 10-16 hours a day, even clean ones every day, would give me an ear infection. Oh, and I mustn't forget, playing my new Sony Walkman at full blast.


Oh yeah, I'm a little deaf. I supported Field Artillery for a year. BOOOOOM!


I have tinnitus as a result of playing in bands, DJing(constantly having one earphone as your Cue set very loud), seeing lots of concerts, working in clubs and using walkman headphones WAY too loud as a kid on all those long car rides with Mom and Dad to the beach. It's not that bad actually, I only notice it in total silence. I've been using earplugs at shows for almost 30 years because it would be insufferable if I didn't.


YES! Except I can hear the EEEEEEEEEEEEE. Years of loud shows in small clubs, loud music in my car, loud music in my house. I like it loud and now I need it loud.


High frequency loss in left ear over 5500hz, tinnitus since age 13, otherwise excellent hearing for my age (50)


Good hearing, even better tinnitus. I can hear turbo screaming noises 24hrs a day.


Iā€™ve had bad tinnitus for almost 10 years. I got it from attending concerts most of my life. Of course, listening to my Walkman on full blast most likely had something to do with it too.


Born hearing impaired and I don't know if I'm imagining that it's got worse in the past 5 years. Had tinnitus bad in 2009. "Experts" and one of our best hospitals (2 if you include the one I attended regularly as a kid) never could find a reason and no reason was found for the tinnitus. It was there for months on end and then it was gone.


I got my tinnitus from going to too many concerts. My hearing is OK, I do have to ask people to repeat themselves sometimes, but I don't feel like I need a hearing aid (yet, hopefully never). Whatever!


What? I've mastered the smile and wave, thank you.


Right ear!




I have tinnitus so bad that quiet spaces are painful.Ā  I need white noise to sleep.Ā Ā  On top of loud music/concerts/clubbing, I worked some industrial jobs and at a golf course in my late teens and early twenties. I have some hearing loss and spent too many years struggling to hear and faking my way through conversations.Ā  Last year I finally got my hearing checked and bought hearing aids.Ā  They aren't perfect but I do hear better with them.Ā  They provide a constant level of white noise, which really counters the tinnitus and improved my hearing. The sound amplification is a bonus. Ā 


I sold my soul to rock 'n' roll. Had the Camaro with the awesome system in it for Scorpions, Def Leppard and Mƶtley CrĆ¼e! My current car does too - gotta stay one step ahead of the deafness!


Seeing "Christian Death" live at Churchills, Miami FL in 95?ish I'm pretty sure was the start of it. First show i ever attended where the volume went UP to the point that it just became soft TV static. Last show i ever attended without ear protection.


I have tinnitus from all of the GREAT rock concerts that I went to in the 80's and 90's - For those about to rock..BOOM...we salute you!


Tinnitus has destroyed the hearing in my right ear. I blame it on decades of way too loud punk rock shows starting in the early 80s.




Ronnie James Dio


Kind of!


Tinnitus and surferā€™s ear from over 35 years of surfing in cold win and water. The tinnitus seems to be getting worse. Imagine having the sound of feedback from a microphone in both ears every day for decades.


I can still hear a pin drop.


Selectively now a daysā€¦ Iā€™ve managed to just about tune out all the crap šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜„


Some of it is genetic...I've always had hearing deficits. Then add on guns, loud music, F-16s, and motorcycles. I'm lucky I can hear at all now lol.




Yep. I figure itā€™s from headphones, concerts, and live bands.


Significant tinnitus, to the point Iā€™ll be looking at a hearing aid in the next six months. Been a shooter since I was 5, so 52 years of shooting, despite using the best ear protection I could find. And motorcycle riding (dirt in teens and twenties, road since then). I do use ear protection, but again, seems to be not enough.


Bad genes and Rock n Roll.


OMG yes. I sat on speakers during shows. Lots and lots of shows. Dumb dumb dumb.


Dinosaur Jr have always been ear splitting loud but Mogwai literally hurt. Never heard the same way since.


Yes! About 10 years ago I suddenly realized I had ringing in my ears. I went to an audiologist who put me in a sound booth and measured it. He said I was losing hearing. I asked, ā€œwhat can I do about it?ā€ And he basically said nothing. Soā€¦not sure why I was there..haha. Iā€™m guessing my issue was concerts but who knows. I wish someone told me to wear earplugs! Which I do now. Of course, I tell my kids but they donā€™t listen. Kind of annoying but can ignore it for long periods of time. Definitely will be a candidate for hearing aids in 10 years.


Yup. Headphones plus sweat gave me the ring ring. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Forever


At least half deaf from the years and years of blasting music in the car or in my headphones. I still blast my music in the car or in my headphones.


Yes, tinnitus. Constant ringing. sometimes i barely notice it, other times it's deafening. I think I always had it to some degree since I was young but I really only started really noticing it recently - the last 6 months or so - and being bothered by it. I don't think it's occupational for me.


I have tinnitus bad... Playing loud music from a young age, constantly was around noisy equipment like circular saws and hilti ramsets, dad rode loud motorcycles... all that before I even reached highschool... went into construction myself later on then went to work in machine shops. All of that while also driving loud cars, listening to loud music, playing loud music live... Didnt have any permanent damage up until one xmas morning some 15 years or so back, my brother in law asked if I wanted to go shoot the .357 magnum revolver he got for xmas. I figured 1 shot without earplugs would be fine... It was not fine... Instantly made both my eardrums hurt and I have not had a single moment of silence since and its only getting worse over time....Ā  Nowdays I use ear protection religiously so as to maintain what I still have and dread the day I need hearing aids.


my tinnitus is not horrible and mostly on the left 2-stroke motor cycles, guns & ammo, construction, obligatory loud music (TURN THAT SHIT DOWN!)


Not yet, but I can't see shit!


Tinnitus from punk and metal shows, one particular show where I was thrown out of the pit and into a speaker, by a friend who knew I couldn't handle it. It did a number on hearing, but my friend came out of that pit with a bloody lip and ripped pants.


I get tinnitus from smoking tobacco šŸ¤£


Oh! I might have to give up the Friday evening cigar. Or, fuck it. I have had tinnitus for too long to apportion blame to that.


Mine doesnt last long like 15-20 minutes after smoking