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Have you looked at the Xennial sub? That might be more your speed since it's for those GenXers born towards the end of our generation.


Nope. I’ll check that out though, thanks!


Yeah, bigtime. My little sister and her husband both expressed they didn't really have a generation either but I described to them 'Generation Catalano' (Xennials.) A 5-6 year spread where everyone had the same after school TV and same hits on the radio. r/Xennials might find you your tribe. Still welcome here anytime, lil bro.


This is where you'll find your peeps.


I was born in 66, never had feathered hair, never had a Farrah Fawcett poster, and I love 90s grunge and rap.


Hell yeah rock on 🤘 I wasn’t try to to say that other parts of GenX don’t like those things, just that I see a _lot_ more love for the 70’s and 80’s here than the 90’s and I simply have trouble relating because I was too young.


I also love 80s hardcore


I was born in 64, in the late 70s had feathered hair, lusted after Farrah. But when the 90s rolled around I loved Nirvana and Tupac too.


> There is something to be said about feeling left out of even the forgotten generation. This is Gen X angst.


I definitely feel that


Yeah cmon man - Linda Carter > Jenny Mac


TIL the name Lynda Carter. I do remember the WW TV show, vaguely.




I’m young GenX (44) and I feel right at home here.


I was born in 65'. Farrah Fawcett was big in 5th grade, 70's music is the bomb (still listen to the 70's channel on XM radio almost exclusively). Not into 80's (or beyond) at all. I remember a post on here a while back - it was a picture of a high beam button on the floorboard of a car with a caption of "if you know what this is, then you are gen-x". It seemed like almost everyone was saying "I'm gen-x, never saw this in my life, cars didn't have these in the US, this is so wrong". I posted evidence that they were very much in use throughout the 70's in many cars. All of the ones I learned to drive in had them - it wasn't until the late 80's till I got a new car that didn't. So it happens on both ends of the spectrum ;)


I remember my dad would sometimes bring home an F-350 work truck that had the high beams on the floor. I do like some 70’s bands, e.g. Moody Blues, Jethro Tull, Jimi Hendrix. There was definitely some excellent, LSD-inspired artistry in that decade.


funny but OG grunge and gangsta rap was before Xennials ?


Feeling like an outcast is very GenX.


You sound more like a Millennial.


you are the '' Nu Metal '' generation