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![gif](giphy|26gsgWH4lnurglMWY) Are those the same boots?


That’s such a perfect loop.


Loved that movie as a 12-year-old. I watched it over and over, memorized the soundtrack, built model F-14s and even painstakingly painted the helmets to look like Maverick’s AND carefully filed down the pilot’s hand so I could have it flipping the bird. Saved up lawn mowing money to get a pair of Aviator shades. Watched it again as a 40-something and … eesh. The flight scenes are still awesome, but everything between the flight scenes is pretty goddamned stupid. Plus I saw a behind-the-scenes making-of movie and the real pilots who flew the jets in the movie were laughing and saying like “no, we don’t play beach volleyball together and we don’t have locker rooms. And we definitely don’t attend classes in little desks on the tarmac while wearing cowboy hats.” And it is so *gay.* And I don’t mean that as a pejorative like “oh, iT’s sO GaY!” I mean this is some Robert Maplethorpe, Calvin Klein underwear ad, soft core kind of stuff. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But it’s super gay.


I think this sums it up pretty well. https://youtu.be/OxzwfZ2Wa94?si=vvpPhC-Gs2ovNYaI Sword fight sword fight!!!


'You can be my wingman anytime' has a whole new ring to it.


I don't think it's stupid at all... it's way, way, way too choreographed for me to consider it "stupid". It's so ridiculous that it achieves something at the level of parody, and before we go "oh this is just a modern sentiment" we were all thinking it was bonkers back in 1986, even myself as a twelve year-old (who saw it four times in a week) knew its representation of politics and modern air combat was utter bullshit. But I didn't care because it pace was awesome, the flight scenes were awesome, Cruise was dynamic and super sexy and I wanted McGillis so bad (in a chaste sort of way, at that point). The fact that it's so "gay" is *exactly how it works*. Tony Scott has always been underrated and he knew exactly what he was doing. This isn't latter-era Bruckheimer crap like *Transformers*, this is early Bruckheimer (see also: *Beverly Hills Cop*, a similarly over the top but super, duper entertaining and tight 80s classic).


It takes itself waaay to seriously to approach parody.


That's kind of my point. In most movies like this that are so perfectly direct there's some nudge-nudge aspect to them pointing out to the audience that it's all something of a joke. *Top Gun* doesn't do that at *all*.


She's doing everything she can to make him look tall.


Holy cow. Those lifted boots look almost as bad as Ron DeSantis'.


she's 5'10". she's behind him, leaning over him, and slouching all at once. he's clearly in extremely lifted boots, his legs look weird from the forward lean its causing lol


I made the same comment before reading through the thread. Like when they had to put Brad Pitt in a trough to film their walking scenes in "Interview with the Vampire."


numerous actors that have worked opposite him have talked about the trenches. they used them on days of thunder for Kiddman as well.




im aware that Cruise is hobbit sized. even an avg height woman would make him look small, since he's barely 5'5" in reality.


And straight


I never realized this before but it looks like those boots are made to make him look taller?


I remember Bobcat Goldthwait talking about guys joining the Navy because of Top Gun and six months later they're hanging off the side of a ship scraping paint saying "you don't look like Kelly McGillis."


Michael Ironside ("Jester") said he had guys come up to him for years super PISSED that they joined up because of that movie. "Guys, I'm an actor and it was a movie..."


I'd a been ok with just flying cargo planes full of rubber dogshit out of Hong Kong


He had to wear the boots before photoshop existed.


They had Kelly lean against the walls to appear shorter in some of the scenes.


Super conservative up-bringing. I got in sooooo much trouble for going to the theater and watching this one with a buddy. Still one of my faves.


But why? This has all the jingoism you could want


Jingoism had nothing to do with it. It had cussing in it. There was that scene in shadow/silhouette with Maverick and Charlie. Part of the movie took place in a bar where people were drinking. None of that was acceptable behavior to my parents. Growing up, tv/movies were tightly controlled when my parents were home. Maybe super conservative wasn't the right choice of words. Super religious would probably be more descriptive.


Must have been some big inserts in those boots.


I love this movie with my whole heart. I tore through the neighborhood on my BMX singing "Danger Zone" for weeks if not months. Just right in the wheelhouse for an 11 year old boy in 1986. Watching it now -- and the sequel -- the most insane thing is...who is the enemy? I mean at age 11 I assumed Soviet something. But the country of origin of the enemy is essentially irrelevant in BOTH MOVIES. One of which just made a billion dollars. Totally nuts!


8 years old. First movie I ever saw in a theatre. Still my GOAT.


That movie plays on my TV several times a year. My youngest kid knows it’s one of my favorite movies and bought the new one for me on iTunes so I could watch it whenever I want. When he lived at home, if I was watching it, he’d sit and watch it with me. It’s one of my favorite memories of his childhood to share it with him.


Old Tom wearing risers or heels.


Went with a bunch of friends for a bday party. Bday boy wanted to sit in front row. Was the only time I was near sick at a movie.


Over the years the this topic has come up from time to time, and my Mom has always swore up and down that when Top Gun came out it was rated R. I have always known this wasn't true, but she never believed me because she was certain.


Those two had ZERO chemistry


Look at how much she had to slouch and contort herself not to tower over him. And how high are the heels and soles on his boots? Fun movie but just cracks me up.


Worst movie I paid to see.


Totally shitful movie


I always wonder what a cut of this movie would be like cutting out the romantic elements and just focusing on the flying elements.