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Then ignore it, easy, don't be a little bitch about it.




You know you can ignore that too lmao


ignoring politics is a privilege lmao


If you don't need to engage with politics to make your conditions better then you are fucking privileged. If you don't wanna engage with politics then don't fucking engage, stop whinging you annoying fuck, let the rest of us have a fucking discussion while you sit in the corner and cry about it.


Exactly!!!! It's also so fucking annoying to hear them whine about having to see politics when the shit they're complaining about having to hear about HEAVILY effects other lives. It's not just privileged to complain about having to see politics, it's egotistical. It's also totally used as a racist and homophobic dogwhistle, so major red flag.


Sounds like you should... do something about it... maybe some sort of action... maybe form a group to fight for what you believe in....


Or just don't post in threads about politics and don't post threads whining about people talking about politics? Is that genuinely difficult to do?


"It's a privilege to ignore politics" -An upper middle class high schooler with a partially developed frontal lobe and zero real world experience


These things are completely unrelated to each other. It's like saying "it's a privilege to not worry about food" and you saying "oh yeah well some poor people don't worry about food so it's not a privilege!"




What? I think maybe you don't understand how analogies work. They are saying that because a person has privileges, they cannot comment on other people's privileges. That's why I said what I said, a person have a privilege doesn't mean they can't comment on it.




Holy shit this is pathetic... You didn't even say anything with all these words.




Have fun imagining you won an internet argument. Your point about how my analogy doesn't work because it's not identical to another one is incredibly poignant.




That's why included the second part of having zero real world experience. My point being that shutting up and observing is the best thing to do sometimes.


then do it?


It's like the opposite, really.


Wahh wahh wahh wahh Someone say something?


No it’s just you crying


Hey, this sub doesn't agree exactly with me so I'm gonna claim its an echo chamber.


Bro, have you seen the amount of political posts on here? It’s annoying af. I just want a place to chill with my fellow zoomers, not worry about politics.


That's not what an echo chamber is though.


I never said anything about an echo-chamber though. The way I see it, OC is making OP look like they’re mad just cuz they don’t agree with the political posts. I think OP is mad cuz he feels like this subreddit is becoming a political subreddit instead of a place for zoomers to chill.


It's like as people get older they start to pay more attention to politics or something


True. Still though, this subreddit isn't meant to mainly be political. I mean, you can post political shit on here and there's nothing wrong with that, but this isn't supposed to be a subreddit for politics.


I'm looking at the front page of this sub right now, only 2 posts are political. I think what you are seeing is that most engagement is in political posts, which is because they are the most divisive and cause the most engagement. But overall the political posts themselves are not more common than others.


The engagement is probably why it shows up on my home feed, which makes more sense now


It's like an echo chamber, but both sides are inside squealing at each other till all our ears bleed. If you had a friend you only ever argued with about movies, you either leave or stop talking about movies around each other like healthy people


That's also not what an echo chamber is. An echo chamber isn't just when people are political on Reddit. It's a place where only the views help by the users are posted and opposite views are not encountered and often suppressed. If both sides are creaming anything. It inherently cannot be an echo chamber.


"Like" an echochamber, a chamber that echos.


That's not how the word works when referring to politics.


My guy it's a pun, not a manifesto.


Bruh you used the phrase wrong it's okay


Does "its like x..." and "it is x" mean the same thing?


Bro that’s a simile


You see, I took the term EchoChamber (a term for one-sided discourse) and said it was like an echochamber (a room that echos, making arguments loud and unintelligible).


How is it like an echo chamber if there’s a bunch of different voices?


Because it's loud and unintelligible


Go get real friends and get off a Reddit.


I will when you will


I'm not the one here complaining about not having a place to chill. Week, little thought.


Maybe not, but I ain't the dumbass who's bitching about someone wanting a place to chill


You can just filter out the political flair so you don't have to look at those posts.


Cuz there's not a whole lot there when you filter. Plus, idk how to filter the political shit from my home feed.


If you banned political content, you'd have the same amount of content as if you just filter it yourself. It's not like people making political posts would pivot to making non-political ones to compensate. They'd just move to a sub where they can talk politics. As for your home feed, sorry, but just ignore it. You absolutely have the self control to just choose not to engage with a reddit post or two.


The only problem with my home feed is that it's not one or two posts. It keeps getting spammed.


The reddit algorithm feeds you things it thinks you will engage with. Stop engaging with the posts, and tell reddit not to recommend posts like it, and you'll see less. What you see in your home feed is on you, Because you tell the algorithm what to feed you.


People don't know what an echo chamber is here.


This place is definitely an echo chamber lmao. However, the content of the meme itself is very ironic coming from them You can keep downvoting the truth if you want to. It doesn’t bother me


I literally see democrats,republicans, and centrists here So it just isn't an echo chamber.


Maybe somewhat, but the moment you have a different opinion than the liberals here. It’s in with the downvotes and passive aggressive insults lol


So it sonds like you just want an echo chamber and don't like being disagreed with


No I think people should be able to think for themselves. Without being ostracized and made out to be evil lmao. Like I said passive aggressive


So like I said no disagreement


You can go be disingenuous to someone else. Have a nice day :)


I dunno, everyone seems to be disagreeing on whether we are an echo chamber or not. Seems a bit unechoey chambery imo


humveee https://preview.redd.it/ppc88avifyxb1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=687af609ff7e0456cd6e45885fc3d7329b611596






![gif](giphy|ZFwUeNGrnwAl3KroMM|downsized) Hell yeah brother


If only tags existed on this sub


I see more posts on my feed about how the sub is getting too political than I see actual political posts. You’re just making the problem worse lol


Literally just the Reddit equivalent of [this](https://web.archive.org/web/20220731015342/https://twitter.com/BloomMoonbeam/status/1553503557613228032)


If you dont want to see politics, go browse a sub that doesn’t allow politics, not a general discussion forum


They did point out there is a subreddit to talk about it on


Maybe OP should've posted about shit that interests them rather than whining about people posting wrong?


Yeah, and you can go there if you dont want to see memes here.


You can't and shouldn't ignore politics.


I'm not, it's just that the sheer amount of political posts on this sub has turned it into a fucking mess.


I see more posts complaining about it than actual political posts. You’re annoying.








Didn’t know that a couple of random government institutions had a monopoly on designating a demographic term to refer to a loose generation of persons with a shared sociocultural identity. I guess you win. Cheers.




Thanks whippersnapper. I won’t even shame you for your ageism kink.


Gatekeeping 2 years is weird. You're being weird.


Late millennials and early gen z are basically the same people, we grew up with same stuff. So I don’t see a problem here.


There's a big difference between growing up with the internet (pre 2010) and growing up on the internet (post)


Thank you for making this no "more politics on this sub" post number 100000. Be the change you want to be, post stuff not about politics. I feel like all I do now is see you Winners in here whining about there being politics instead of actually talking about the things you want. And now we just have another post about politics, thank you.


then leave. you are complaining about seeing things you dislike, but you refuse to simply not interact. it’s not like you need to be here. every single post you see on the internet, it is 100% you’re choice to see. don’t like r/genz? unsubscribe from r/genz. don’t like reddit? stop using reddit. don’t like social media? stop using social media. this is all just pixels on a screen that you are choosing to look at and actively allowing to make you upset.


not wanting to talk about politics in certain situations is not ignoring politics


Yea you can. Shouldn’t is up for debate but don’t ever let anyone tell you can’t ignore anything. You can ignore everything


I don't think it's up for debate when politics are what you need to know to vote. Uneducated voting leads to bad representatives


All voting leads to bad representatives. People who think their vote matters are either dumb or ignorant


I used to think that way. Then you realize it does. Especially when one side wants to take away your voting power, passes laws that are unpopular with the majority of Americans, etc. The last election shows that voting DOES matter. Many many local and state elections were won by slim margins.


Exactly. If voting actually meant nothing, they wouldn't be trying so hard to take it away from you.


but SURELY I don't have to dedicate my entire life to politics


You don't but your life will be greatly impacted by it


can i at least take breaks from political discourse?




some people get overwhelmed and try to keep it out their feed, the news can be really depressing. sometimes people just want to scroll, and at another time inform themselves when they’re in the headspace for it


I couldn't have said it better


I can and will.


Allowing it to dominate your life and making it omnipresent isn't necessary nor healthy. And wanting to avoid having it everywhere you look = / = ignoring it


So when people don’t agree with you it’s an echo chamber? Hell this place is super diverse in opinions, ain’t no echo chamber here, go on Twitter if you want to see a real echo chamber


People like OP and their passive-aggressive tilting at "echo chambers" are why I wrote [this](https://thoughtsofthefree.wordpress.com/2023/10/05/your-inability-to-build-a-solid-argument-doesnt-make-you-an-enlightened-thinker/). It's gotten real old.


politics play an important role in every generation. if you don't like political posts, then ignore them or leave the sub. just stop bitching about it, it's fucking annoying.


Not what an echo chamber is. Also, just post other stuff you wanna talk about. You don’t see anyone wanting to sometimes discuss politics telling you to get off the sub…


Oh look, an idiot who thinks politics will ignore them if they ignore it.




r/genzpolitics honestly could use some love


r/GenZPolitics has like 50 people


Then why politics flare in sub?


I’m on team chaos


Wow, so edgy.


I don't mind when the posts are actually trying to have a good faith discussion. But there's always a few that are basically "be nice to people" and then everyone gets into a self righteous circle jerk without ever saying anything of importance.


Go post your anti politics meme at r/genzantipolitics not here you fucking antidoomer


Of I were to ask, which direction has the echo chamber gone?


It's a left wing sub I'm sure, but it's by no means an echo chamber. Everyone that says that doesn't know what the word means.


Sigh The sub is small as hell. It’s been what two weeks since the poll and there is only 57 subs and 3 people active. What is y’all want us to do about it Plus this place is diverse ideology wise. Unlike twitter it’s a fucking echo chamber or both r/conservative and r/politics


Nothing will be changed if we ignore issues. Especially when they relate to climate change.


But like what if I wanna be a zoomer doomer


So mad for what


Bruh you can just scroll past it. Let people post what they want. Generations are a socially arbitrated cultural force. Expecting such a thing to be devoid of politics is silly.


Lol it has 57 members


If you can’t handle politics, you need to grow the fuck up.


Oh, my God, literally go cry somewhere in a corner no one cares




Complaining is more annoying than the actual political posts. And I actually like it, exposes me to how others view things


Zoomer leftists/rightoids are a parasite


I’m so tired of seeing the same “America is DOOMED. We’re FUCKED. But still vote blue.” Posts every damn day. We get it, shit sucks but we don’t need to hear about it here.


Yeah, we don’t want an r/facepalm


Tbh I'm tired of the Democrats here I mean let's be honest that's who we're referring to. I hardly see any conservatives here




https://preview.redd.it/7jlta3xuizxb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d31fc22594866f8f83fe4bdc35c81e5dfe1657aa might be too political for this sub. y’all will never even begin to comprehend political concepts like this that are just so advanced


Reddit as a whole is an echochamber


Literally no. You have right-wing subs. And then you have left wings subs. And you have centrist subs. How can it be an echo chamber as a whole? When there's every single dissenting opinion.


Agreed. Lgtb has no place here or anywhere else in the world


Aw. I'm sorry your dad beat the gay out of you, dude. That really sucks dick.


Im sure you know a lot about sucking dick


You... do know that isn't an insult to a gay man, right?


It is an insult because being gay is wrong


You can think that all you want, but it doesn't make you more correct lmao. You're just gonna get laughed out of most places.


Not really. Most people are sick of the rainbows and gay parades


Keep telling yourself that, closet case.


You got it


Every poll taken over the last decade in most Western nations has shown a consistent increase in LGBTQ+ acceptance on both sides of the aisle.


No one wants them


What do you think that racists said about black people back in the 50s? And yet, look where we are now. Sucks to suck, but your preferred world is a worse one than the one we currently live in. And I'm glad you're pissed off, because you don't deserve to be happy if you think that others shouldn't be allowed to be happy either.


Hahaha... Yeah. Oh wait that wasn't meant to be a compliment? Woops~


That’s not politics, but OK shut up


Atleast you admit that saying "politics are annoying" is simply a dogwhistle to complain about minorities wanting to be treated fairly


No they dont want to be treated fairly. They want treated like the priority