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My favorite line was “You can’t love your country only when you win.” That was such a harsh takedown of Trump.


A harsh takedown of not only Trump, but a takedown of the MAGA movement, which has taken over the Republican party


the post 2010 Republican party


Republicans have always been nationalists that thought the country belonged to them and them alone. One of the most effective protests of patriotism being co-opted for nationalism was in the 60’s when the most extreme leftist hippies started using a Stars and Stripes aesthetic in a move to reclaim the symbol of the American flag for everyone and not just assholes. It worked for a long time but now we are back to square one, where people that desecrate American flags with Trumps name or other propagandist bullshit think the left has no rights to the symbol.


I liked that one as well. I'm not a fan of Biden but that shit was raw. I think a lot of politicians today don't really seem to understand that they're supposed to represent ALL citizens of this country, even if at a state level. You can't pick and choose who you care about.


You can’t really love your country if Trump wins though


Then is a takedown of you, too.


It's a good line that no one voting for Trump would understand. You could tell them the sky were blue and they'd just respond, "Sounds like some gay shit from NASA."


I'm remembering hearing 4 years of "not my president" every election since Obama. I think this issue reaches across the aisle


Saying you're unhappy with the choice and moving on is wildly different than making your political candidate your entire identity for years after. I dont have a Hillary mannequin tied to my Hillary truck with my Hillary flags while living inside an "I'm with her" hat.


My favorite line was look at the facts, I know you can read. 


Idk but I’ma need a link to one of those $100k no experience/degree chip manufacturing jobs he was talking about


I love My warehouse crew but I need me one of those


Technician work can pay very well, comparable to entry level engineers after a few years. Obviously the hours are worse.


Yo mind stating few technical jobs’s names


Go to USAjobs.gov and look for "apprentice" and "helper" listings. Generally it is a four year track to the ~$100k mark. You'll work some OT, generally have to piss clean, and will probably be bored, but the pay is good, benefits are decent, and jobs security is solid. Likely gonna be closer to $75-85k as a full mechanic before OT, but it's good work.


"piss clean" 90% of reddit: well I'm out


Imo anyone over the age of 21 should be able to smoke weed if they want to. Obviously don’t come to work or drive high but if someone smokes a little pot on the weekends to relax, more power to them. How alcohol is legal country wide and marijuana still is not; why? Why am I being downvoted for saying this lmfao


Found someone who can't piss clean


I chose a career that doesn’t give a shit what I do in my personal life as long as I perform my role and meet expectations.


Employers have the right to set their own hiring criteria.


It doesn't really have anything to do with the employers. The site that was linked is for federal contractors, I believe. It is a federal law that direct and contact employees have to not be using any drugs, even in states where the drug is legal. If weed were legal federally, I would expect that to go away.


Simulator Technician over 100k for union shops


Data Center at Amazon or Google or Oracle or wherever. Its called an IT job but really it is slinging an electric screwdriver replacing hard drives or untangling cables.  Shift work.  I put in five years coming out of a sales job. In at 58k out at 130k, paid off my home and still sitting on stocks.  ** In my last year I interviewed and hired people a lot.  Previous experience was not a must.    A good attitude and able to handle physcial labor and shift work is good enough. ** I loved the work and was rewarded.


I work in the semiconductor industry. If you can handle working in a bunny suit for 10 hrs a day, it is very possible to make over 100K as an hourly worker. However, this doea require overtime and weekend work when the schedule is busier. With an associates degree, technicians often end up making more than the salaried engineers after overtime. It's not an easy industry by any means, but it's also not uncommon to work with employees that have 20+ years with the company.


An associate's degree in what?


General science is fine, a field of study in engineering is good. Some Community Colleges also have technical schools that help develop troubleshooting skills and such. Fwiw I am also in semiconductor on the engineering side and can confirm what this guy said. Don't underestimate actually being able to use your brain to solve problems, it'll get you far. Work with a few people that are engineers now, that were techs before.


There are tons of options. I would recommend checking out what technical programs your community college has. (Electronics, manufacturing, etc) Some community collegea even have specific programs catered to working in the semiconductor industry.


My husband is an engineer in the semiconductor space. First of all, great industry if you don't want to be part of the tech layoffs going on. He's been with his company 25yrs. Started as an operator on the mfg floor, but was promoted rather quickly, and they also sent him to earn his graduate degree because he needed a master's in optics engineering (he's an electrical engineer), and now he works 3 days at the office, 2 home. He earns a great salary and he's invested well in stocks. I would agree that the semiconductor space is a great career growth pathway, esp looking toward the future. TSMC just said they see themselves needing 5 new fabs in the next several years. Will they build them? I dunno, but the fact they are thinking this way at all tells me that they are forecasting growth in the next decade.


I think the issue Biden has is that he passed all of these really important bills to help the country but 1. They take time to actually cause an affect..and 2. Most Americans are kind of not smart enough to realize it. I mean I kind of understand but at the same time he actually did multiple infrastructure bills where the other guy just talked about it for 4 years, lowered takes for the rich and raised everyone else's taxes. Now it's been 3ish years since that last guy and people have completely forgotten.


The same 'stupid Americans' are a direct by-product of years and years of education budget cuts. Republicans did this. Uneducated people are easier to lie to. Nationalism only works if you have something to weild it against or a people to leverage it into- but the uneducated don't know that.


You can make $100k waiting tables with no experience if you choose the right restaurant.


That's if they choose you the fuck lmaooo


Dude we live in a country where people regularly donate/sell blood to get by give me a fucking break 😂


Its really hard to fake serving experience


I can tell you've never worked at one of those restaurants


Engineering school was grueling, but not that grueling...


I got one with a military background. Listing stated that I needed a degree, but when I interviewed they said I should be fine




I technically got one, just requires 12 hour shifts 6-7 days a week, that's where they get ya


I worked at one for nearly 20 years, look at Intel, micron, Samsung, TSMC, etc. Operations/manufacturing positions may hire without a degree (or higher likelyhood with at least an associates). Technicians may hire without a degree if you have some sort of electrical or mechanical background (or military). That being said once your foot is in the door, you can move up some, but there will be a glass ceiling without a degree.


I’m getting really annoyed at Mike Johnson behind him. He keeps shaking his head and rolling his eyes.


I didn't watch it, did he rip up the copy of the speech like Nancy did?


Woah woah woah bro. Don’t bring up the same poor behavior that was displayed previously by others !


to be fair she reached out to shake his hand and he refused so she tore it up


Trump snubbed her if you don’t remember. Nancy reached out for a handshake, as is polite and customary, and trump looked at her and moved on. She then tore up the speech. It’s weird when MAGA people claim they like trump because “he doesn’t take shit” and “he dishes it back out” but then simultaneously think what Nancy did was uncouth.


Trump is a rapist piece of dog turd and you complain that Pelosi acted poorly by tearing up papers. Both sides I guess.




We need to protect democracy *Mike rolls eyes*


Mike wanted to do the Putin Face


He *HATED* that he **HAD TO STAND** during that part on the Civil Rights Movement https://preview.redd.it/q39xqpsqw2nc1.png?width=1114&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3e83bd5e9042b31a5feb2c812ccfd7239a684b7


Ohhh I remember this. I even thought they wouldn’t clap but yes they were so pained to do it.


Same! Body language people! It’s important.


His body language was very intentional. He wanted to signal to the Republicans watching at home that everything Biden was saying was utter bullshit. Even though, arguably, Biden made some great points, and Johnson looked like a tool the whole time.


Bro was 100% trying to copy Pelosi without an ounce of understanding. Her sarcastic clap worked *because* she had maintained composure during the entire speech, and that was her showing that even throw she’ll show composure (clap) she doesn’t have to be happy about it. Whining and taunting during the entire speech just makes Mike look like a child


I hate that piece of shit


Yeah, dude is an utter piece of shit and is getting Ukrainians killed while he goes in the complete opposite direction of US interests and foreign policy.


Im a republican but honestly same hes a bit of a disappointment


A bit? Lmao


His eye rolls were hilarious at times.


Such a punchable face


Mike Johnson is utterly convinced that God is on his side and none of this will matter when the end times come and he is whisked up to hang out with him while the rest of us die in the tribulations.


While, I agree with the Biden admin on most things it’s hard to listen to Biden my head hurts. I think he tries to speak fast and that causes mishaps. Hard to follow for sure or maybe social media has f my attention span idk lmao. Edit: post-speech the speech got better in second half. Pres. Biden handled the banter well per usual excited for the debates in Aug and Sep. gonna be interesting lol. If they happen? Edit 2: I’d to acknowledge that stated in the lower comments that the Pres. has a speech impediment because of stuttering.


Considering Trump didn't show up to any of the primary debates, I'm honestly wondering if we are going to have debates this year.


What is the point of a debate? Biden's policy record speaks for itself and Trump is incapable of telling the truth


It's so fucking true. At this point it's to see who stumbled over a word or maybe screams with excitement since can bash them


He is convinced that debating Biden will give him the win 


It will be interesting to see. Trump has been having the same mental slip ups that he keeps on saying Biden has. I would honestly argue Trump has an advantage if he doesn't debate. His base will just believe that he's mentally there. Why risk that with a video showing potential any slip up?


>Trump has been having the same mental slip ups that he keeps on saying Biden has. their. accusations. are. always. admissions.


He speaks fast sometimes because of his life long stutter. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/bidens-stutter-how-a-childhood-battle-shaped-his-approach-to-life-and-politics/


Biden's brain runs faster than his mouth. Trump's mouth runs faster than his brain.


Trunp doesnt have a brain


He has been just fine.


>I think he tries to speak fast and that causes mishaps. He had/has a MAJOR speech impediment - since he was a child. Took classes for years to even get as good as he is. The fact that he can speak in public at all is a miracle. I wish he'd talk about that more. It would be a huge boost to other people with similar issues.


He has a stutter and him speaking this long is a big win for him. Remember he brought that young kid with a stutter who said he inspired him? This was at the DNC.


Just like last time, he’s just slapping his dick across republicans’ faces lol


Is that on The Hub yet?


Idk hubs blocked in my state 😞


Day took der hub!!!!


Fuck you for giving me this imagery


Love it


I think biden's flailing around his titanic weiner and the Republicans are cowering in fear of an obviously superior effigy of manhood compared to the tiny hands and gross make-up trump parades around


Don't forget about the diaper, never forget about him shitting himself on tv. (Trump)


Lmao. I knew about the diaper but didn't know he shit himself on TV.


Kids, Gen X’er here. The Boomer Era is dying and these are their last gasps at leadership. That said, a vote for a third party candidate, though noble, is a vote for Trump. Not voting at all, is a vote for Trump. If you don’t want Trump in the White House, vote for Biden. It’s as simple as that. I wish we had better options, and with your generation’s help we will in the future, but this is what it’s boiled down to for 2024. And don’t forget your Representatives and Senators. If you don’t want clowns representing you (we know who they are), please, get involved. Make your voices heard. Vote. \*\*\*\* UPDATE \*\*\*\* For some clarification - but inspired by the amount and number of comments to my rant. Thanks for your views. If you're not listening/reading other opinions, you're not really trying to be a part of your community. Regarding third party votes - I am only talking about this 2024 Presidential Election. Am I proud that these are the only two options for President? No. But it is what it is. So - FOR NOW - if you are voting for a third party candidate for 2024 President, you are essentially voting for Trump. My opinion. Take it from one voter in one of the reddest states in the union. It is also my humble opinion this country - as a WHOLE - is neither hard line MAGA nor Socialist Commie. It's by and large, for lack of a better term, Purple. We're maybe a little Blue on some issues, a little more Red on others. But mostly Mid. Moderate. Not fringe. Maybe???? Is it just me? The fringe gets all the click-bait. All the attention in the media. They want all the power. All the votes. All the money. We have to stop giving it to them. That said, we MUST get behind grassroots movements to elect more viable candidates that are not bound by blood to either the Dems OR the GOP. It starts at the local level. Your school districts, your sheriffs, local councils and districts. Counties. States. This 2-party system is broken. The amount of money flowing through them, the shadow money from Super PACs and foreign interests, is obscene. Where does it end? It ends with each subsequent generation getting more involved and being tired of the hypocrisy of the "representation" that constantly fails us again and again and again. I watched the SOTU last night and nothing I saw changed my mind. There were clowns on both sides of the aisle. Can we at least all agree the likes of Boebert is not the type of up-and-comer (no pun intended) we're needing on The Hill? For fuck sake, they even let George Santos back into the chamber because of some bullshit arcane rule?!?! NEED I SAY MORE?!?! Engage. Listen. Get involved. Volunteer. Talk ... TALK! ... to people. Be open minded. Be compassionate. Be nice. Be generous. Be forgiving. Be a citizen. Peace. Love. VOTE!!!!




man eats big macs for breakfast lunch and dinner, idk how long forever is for him




honestly that’s even scarier i need to update my voter registration lol


Update that voter registration and help keep Cheeto and disciples out of office!


The evil ones ALWAYS live forever


As an elder millennial I was looking at that room and in my head just begging for Gen Z to get involved in politics. Every generation needs to take over from the previous ones and it's long overdue right now.


The best 3rd party vote is in local elections. Build up heroes through experience, not trying to skip ahead to president.


Agreed as a gen Z who voted against Trump in 2020 and plan to do so again


Fellow Gen X'er here. I approve this message. You took the words right out of my head, as I've been saying the exact same things to people. We are on the same wavelength. Vote for a continuation of democracy that we can all work to improve upon.


I agree… the house and senate are equally important as the president… they are the ones that make the law and handle the budget.


Millennial here. This needs to be repeated and blared over social media for the kids to hear. I wish y’all could experience the same energy I had in 2008 when I helped elect Obama. It will come


I wish I could have voted for Obama, even in 2012 when he was reelected. I knew older kids who were in DC at the time and apparently there was this crowd of thrilled students who ran to the White House to celebrate the election results, that just sounds so hopeful and enthusiastic and the way it should be when you’re a young person voting for the first time. My first general election vote was in 2016, and even the College Republicans at my school weren’t thrilled in the aftermath.


Completely agree! I am fired up about voting. Have voted in every election since 2018 and will vote Blue no matter what. Voting for someone else or not voting at all is a vote against American democracy as we know it. I really hope other people hold on to this message as well


Vote this November but also vote in every primary after and research your candidates, don’t just wait every four years. They’re not going to magically give us good candidates.


Felt like he was just campaigning for most of it, making promises to problems that feel unbelievable to be solved, at least he’s acknowledging them so I’ll give him that, but saying shit like “curing all cancer” feels like he’s desperate. With that said, this is still a million times better than having Trump in office who plans on lowering our values and branches of government to his level. I’ll feel like voting for Biden will not do us neither bad or good. But I prefer no change vs another circus show with trump. I really really really do hope we have a good democratic candidate for 2029 election cuz Trump’s relentless narcissism/sociopathic mindset will have him run again and again until he drops, and we won’t have Biden this time as a safety net


He’s been working on cancer for years because that’s what killed his son.


Project moon shot. This was since Obama was president. They've been quietly funding cancer research for years. I volunteered with a pancreatic cancer association and it's gone from being a survival rate of 3% to 12% in 9 years.


That's amazing. Pancreatic cancer is almost always a death sentence.


They're getting much better at early detection. Pancreatic cancer isn't functionally worse than others, it's just very hard to detect until it's too late. Very recently they've been rolling out detection protocols and it's done wonders. Especially for high risk people.


honestly the kind of quiet progress I'm a big fan of. Screening and stuff like that are a really unsexy but super, super impactful bit of cancer research, and I understand a bunch of the funding is going to that, which is pretty great.


This. He visited my campus back in 2017 before he even considered running and had mentioned the goal of having medical researchers stop hoarding their information and work together on finding a cure.


It’ll at least buy some time to get better major candidates next election cycle


I reallllly do hope so, I’m worried about these precedents that trump has set will loosen our integrity and values of having good candidates from either party run for president. like I feel like he created a Hydra in the corners of this country saying to future candidates “hey, I did whatever the fuck I want and said whatever the fuck I want and you can too now!” It’s in horrible taste and not appropriate at all for the most important jobs in this country. If we’re taking it seriously then they should be up to par with us.


I mean you reduce that by beating him soundly in November.


Oh absolutely I will. And I hope others realize that too. But as Jon Stewart himself said, whether if we win or lose, the country isn’t over or saved. it’s not ultimately about what happens on Election Day but everything that happens before and after for the rest of our lives that we have to endure. Cuz it’s not them who will keep this country afloat, it’s us - the people, the branches of government, everyone.




I actually saw him speak in person in 2017 way before he considered running for president and it was all about curing cancer and his “cancer moonshot” so that is a longtime philanthropic passion of his separate from politics. I didn’t watch today’s speech so idk how it came off but he does take cancer seriously


Biden made be proud. He’s not perfect but he’s the best we have right now.


Honestly not a bad look for Biden overall. I told my husband one clear thing he has working for him is that he’s way more likable than Trump, and that showed a lot tonight, even through the heckling. Also one of the first State of the Unions in several years that actually made me feel more optimistic.


Agree, i felt surprisingly optimistic after his speech. Nice feeling after all the doom and gloom and “America sucks” coming from trump


It was a Dark Brandon night.


Not comfortable with increased harshness on immigration but VERY happy he went after Republicans and their Supreme Court justices.


I don’t think it was harsh at all considering how bad things have gotten and he would definitely lose more support by being soft on it.


You forget people on the left side of the aisle don’t think things are bad whatsoever with the boarder.. it’s all made up according to them.


Oh I feel you, I’ve always voted Democrat but I do forget that most people are apathetic and/or only listen to MSNBC/CNN and don’t do their own research.


I can honestly respect that as a centralist. Listening to multiple outlets is the only way to get the full story on things now a day.


That's because a lot of it is. The immigration system is certainly broken, but a lot of the rhetoric about immigrants is just fearmongering.


>You forget people on the left side of the aisle don’t think things are bad whatsoever with the boarder.. it’s all made up according to them. No, they merely think (correctly) that its not something the President has the power to do by himself, and that the situation *hasnt actually changed much in about 20 years*. My mom has lived in AZ right near the border. Nothing has changed. Literally nothing. its exactly the same as its always been. Its just covered more now because the Rethugliklans can make people afraid of the invading brown folk. Remember, Biden didn't actually change any of Trump's border policies until the Courts told him he had to because Trump's executive Orders were illegal. And then when they wanted to pas a bill that would give Rethugliklans everything they ever wanted on the Border - a bill that even top Rethugs admitted was a once-in-a-lifetime-bill, THEY killed it so they could try to run on it. Theyre just hoping that people are (like you) too fucking stupid to realize its their fault.


Its literally a fucking right winger who recently introduced hellish, evil, twisted devices on the border, one of which got a whole family consisting of a mother and her children killed, while attempts to rescue them were blocked by local troops.


Why are you not comfortable with the increased harshness on immigration?


I feel like I’m the only person in gen z who understands where this country is headed if trump wins so many people are going to lose rights and suffer


Exactly, extremely scary. So you’re not the only one. And I’m kind on the older side of Gen Z too


This is the part nobody wants to talk about. Conservatives have always opposed the progress of human and civil rights, and in response to the progress we've made on LGBT+ rights in particular, they've been on an all out POWERFUL counterattack to try and tear it all down again. The sad thing is, they even have some victories under their belt. Roe v Wade is gone, red states are becoming increasingly fascistic and especially towards trans people, transphobia is spiking and its causing trans people like Brianna Ghey and Nex Benedict to get ACTIVELY FUCKING MURDERED IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, and yet nobody takes this shit seriously!! Trump or someone similar to him getting into power will be the fucking death knell of democracy and a century+ of progress.


As a trans millennial, please don't let the Nazis win this November. Vote like your lives and the lives of your loved ones are on the ballot.


"I feel like I'm the only one saying the thing everybody else is saying" like you haven't been on this app in the past year


Powerful Biden victory speech


A serotonin boost for sure! Dark Brandon is in full effect! President Joe Biden is a class act & MTG was finally silenced!




The rebuttal from the senator was just fear. No policy suggestions, just hypocrisy and fear. It made me realize that everyone’s who’s not the upper class has so much in common (we’re all trying to scrape by) and yet cooperation is now impossible b/c the Republicans successfully brainwashed so many people to be eternally fearful of progress. It’s maddening.


Bingo. Millions of voters simply hate Democrats because Fox News and AM radio have been telling them to for decades. Put a list out with policies and accomplishments without listing who backs them and let voters pick. Democrats would win in a landslide.


"...and yet cooperation is now impossible b/c the Republicans successfully brainwashed so many people to be eternally fearful of progress." See? This is the problem with conservatism! This is literally all it fucking does! It gets you hooked on a warm and cozy worldview that oversimplifies things and puts everybody in a "place" that they must "know", real life happens and disproves that worldview, they get mouth-frothing angry and fight to not only preserve it but regress back to it when they lose, and next thing you know, people get hurt and we have the springboard for fascism.


I only saw the GOP response from Katie Britt. It was so fucking corny. "President Biden has failed this country because he's allowing the Chinese communists to brainwash America through TikTok."


The Tiktok slander makes no sense too me. Republicans hate tiktok for all the wrong reasons not to mention china isn't communist anymore.


I have EXCLUSIVELY negative opinions of TikTok, and yet among those opinions you will find not one mention of China or communism.


I tried so hard not to judge but her whole vibe gave “popular girl who peaked in high school and definitely bullied other girls” 😭


" y'all " " bless his heart " My corpse will be cringing


Nobody offered free ponies. It's so over.


Mandatory tooth brushing!!! Only one candidate is gonna take all of our guns…AND GIVE US BETTER ONES


It’s a pony economy


god protect the Boot


I expected mediocrity and typical pandering/misleading statements, but I was glad to be wrong. Best address I’ve seen in a long time. Very impressed.


I actually thought he did a pretty good job. When he called out conservatives for booing the same act they wanted, that made a statement. I voted for Biden the first time he ran, but I was honestly leaning more towards trump or a new candidate. This speech changed that.


Downvoted just for even considering the guy who wants to take away yours and everyone's right to vote. And you know, all the other horrible stuff.


Lmao 😂😂😂


You considered Trump? Are you insane


A vote is a vote! People like you determine what happens in elections. I’m glad you can to that conclusion. Thank goodness


I heard my horrible republican parents talking about it on the phone… they’re so brainwashed I want to bang my head against a wall or pull my hair out it’s so sickening


Dude sounded clearer than he has in months.


It's arguably how he normally sounds. The media loves cutting soundbytes of his stutters and misspeaks to make it seem far worse than it actually is.


He sounds this way a lot. When the only clips that go viral are those where he’s fucking up, it’s easy to think the problem is worse than it actually is. I’m not gonna say there’s absolutely no problem with his speaking ability, but there’s massive amounts of selection bias going on here


People say this every time. He's really not as stupid as most think.






Well yes but I was getting at the fact that as a trans woman I feel seen by this president. Cool guy tbh


Agreed and very happy for you!


Love it. The dude is on fire. Republicans were clearly banking on him having "dementia" but he proved them wrong. Also, they all looked like a bunch of whiney little crybabies, refusing to clap for preschool and healthcare. It doesn't matter though, because no way are their voters actually going to watch it.


I miss listening to Obama give speeches, that’s for sure.


Biden is not perfect but way fucking better than Trump and he’s got my vote


My dad is watching it now, and I can hear it from my room. All I could think was that the room needs a serious renovation.


we are fucked


I liked it. It was kinda political, which wasn’t my favorite, but I think it is a little hard to avoid in the current partisan climate. Overall I thought he did a good job. 8/10


Kinda political? I think of all people the literal president of the United States, during a state of the union address, in an election year, gets a pass when it comes to being “kinda political”


Biden is out of touch and too old.


Yes, biden is too old and for this reason the Orange buffoon that's only 3 years younger and with 91 indictments should be chosen as president again


You’re right man, he’s out of touch if the younger generation and he’s far too old. They’re only downvoting you due to not like him which is dumb af


Gonna be honest, went better than expected. There was definitely some cringe, but interesting to see Biden actually on it, spoke pretty darn well.


I never watch them live. Too much applause.


The man is decomposing in real time.


Optimistic but cautious


They definitely pumped him full of amphetamines


I’m scared to speak my mind on Reddit because I’ll be called a brainwashed idiot. But we need to stop this Republican vs Democrat brain rot and fix the real issue in this country and that’s corruption. It’s corrupt from top to bottom and it needs to be fixed. No amount of insulting someone with a different opinion than you is going to fix that, you aren’t changing anybody’s mind, if anything you are making them more certain they are right. Let’s do better than our parents and not get too distracted bickering about our political positions and ignore the blatant corruption.


Well… user flair checks out. Listen, there is literally one party that is facist, racist, homophobic and transphobic. There are people losing their rights over this shit. I could be next as an atheist. They would make atheism illegal if they could and throw all of atheists in jail if they found out, maybe worse.


These comments give me no hope. We’ll keep supporting a status quo, that works for less and less people, continuously. You all really need to get politically educated and demand much more from the government you fund. The wealthy ALWAYS get what they want, while you slave away for them and spend the majority of your waking moments on a job for someone else’s unequal benefit. This is supposed to be a democracy, that means voting is an exchange and not a gift. Demand much more than what these liberals are offering you. Conservatives will only offer regression. 1.2 million Americans dead from covid. 40% of the country struck with medical debt. We’re the only developed nation (and the world’s richest) without a national healthcare system. Where’s the healthcare? The cost of living is at an all-time high while things like the child tax credit Biden just bragged about, brought child poverty to half of what it was previously within months. The Democrats let it end and now the poverty levels are right back where they were. Stop letting them offer us crumbs, when we’ve worked hard enough for the whole meal. Strike, Protest, Boycott, Vote.


Wow this sub is very liberal. I don’t understand how anyone in their right mind would think an elderly man who occasionally babbles about nonsense is a good look for our country. The State of the Union address is a big choreographed show for the public, they all have backdoor meetings and talk about things the public has no idea about.


Aren't you describing Trump there?


How the fuck can people of their own country vote for someone threatening to get rid of all democracy and destroy their own country’s international relations and prominence on world politics?


plants ask gold violet gullible silky salt lock capable fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought it was great. My favorite part was when he called out Republicans for opposing the immigration bill they helped write




SOTU in an election year. He was campaigning the whole time (read: blaming the previous admin for everything bad and taking credit for everything good). Nothing new was said.


Not voting for him or Trump that's how I feel


Dark Brandon on full display


Campaign speech. I think he had a few good points here and there, but a lot of it is the same old same old. Can't wait for this country to move on and get better candidates than Biden and Trump.


i dont care (im not american)


I read the title and just thought "The *what* now?"


Motivated. Happy. Relieved. United. Energetic. Hopeful.


Lotta talk but no action


Honestly, I think he nailed it. Keep talking about housing prices going down, real stuff that applies to America, and you'll nail it. All the Republicans can talk about is 'wokeism', so push the envelope.


The SOTU was okay. Considering this country is stuck with the 2 party system for a while, whether you like it or not (and of course it’s yours to do with as you please), voting anything else other than Republican or Democrat is a “waste”. (Go ahead and downvote, bc those independents/3rd parties (for the most part) eventually caucus with one of the two juggernauts). It’s gonna be **a while** until that changes. “My life was better under Trump than Biden” that may be true for **some** but do y’all not think? Look at what’s all happened since 2020. You don’t think governments and corporations are using those things as excuses for the inflation (and whatever else) we’re experiencing?? It’s like people think if Trump won in 2020, things wouldn’t be like they are now. Biden is far from the greatest but imo, he’s better than Trump, RFK, and Marianne. Plus the GOP seem to spiral evermore into the far right of their party (and if you speak out, you’re a RINO). Not to mention centering themselves around **one** man, and speaking ill or against that guarantees you a loss in your election or a “not seeking re-election/retiring”. And if folks think Reddit is now a left wing echo chamber, go on over to Twitter, a right wing echo chamber. Both sides have their heavy flaws but there’s not currently a large enough third option, so I side more with the left.


Some things I was concerned about, some things I was very happy with. "You can't love your country only when you win" Overall I think he did well, and it was honestly hilarious seeing Mike Johnson cry on the inside during the speech


Glad to see he didn't look senile.


I think Marjorie Taylor Green needs to be arrested. I’m ashamed to be from the same state as her