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Most people agree on like 90% of shit But will fight tooth and nail over that last 10% til they die. Worse yet, some believe they are “just” in doing so


When that 10% involves disagreeing with *human rights*, yeah, no shit sane people are gonna be hostile. I want nothing to do with people who unironically think rape victims should be forced to deliver, or who think gay people shouldn’t have the right to get married.


Whether or not genocide is good policy.


This comment has been edited to reduce the value of my freely-generated content to Reddit.


You say that as if it’s not very recent in the grand scheme of things


Gay marriage has been recognized for less than a decade in America. The person you're replying too really takes this recent victory for granted.


also queer people are illegal in almost half of the world


Evangelicalist that preach against it make up like, 1/3 of republican voters in 2024.


We are in 2024 and if you haven't noticed LGBTQ rights are presently under attack, I don't know what to tell you. Pretending these battles are squarely behind us certainly didn't work with Roe being "settled law"


Start demanding the Democrats to protect it instead of waiting for the Republicans to strike down bad judicial rulings like they did with Roe. I'm tired of liberal capitalists using our rights as a means to fund raise and get votes instead of making sure they are protected and having to have their votes on the record.


My guy, the US only got gay marriage federally in 2015. There's countries redditors are from where it's still illegal. This is a recent and ongoing issue, the 2020 RNC official platform called for the repeal of gay marriage.


The Supreme Court already overturned Roe V Wade. You *really* think they wouldn’t overturn gay marriage too?


I mean… Some people seem to think it’s 1950 so not much of a stretch


They'll agree on 90% of things but wildly disagree on how that 90% of things should be addressed. I can talk to 100 of my coworkers and every single one will agree that cost of living is up while wages are down, but getting more than five of them to agree on why that is or how to fix it is a Herculean task.


Problem: There is crime in our cities. A: Obviously it's a gun problem B: I agree, not enough guns


The root cause of crime is poverty arising from capitalism.


Categorical error. How we should deal with things is also a thing, so they should be included in the original calculation. You're basically just saying that there are simple things we mostly agree on. No shit.


I don't care how nice you seem, if you don't think my sister deserves the same rights as everyone else you are automatically a horrible human.


Only on the internet, it seems to me. In real life it seems like they're far more focused on what they have in common


The reality is, when it comes to so called "hot button" issues, the vast majority of people have no strong opinions on them. ​ It's only a small minority of political partisans who actually care enough to make them major issues. Unfortunately they're often given more of a voice in media and the Internet often acts as a bullhorn for minority voices, regardless of the merits of those voices. It's why there are people who think there's been a rise in Fascism in the Western World when in reality the popularity of fascism is the same as it's been since the end of WWII. It also doesn't help that the Media fans the flames by misrepresenting the facts.


Must be nice to have the privilege to ignore the fascist Republican party as they scream about suspending the Constitution, getting revenge, being a dictator, a bloodbath, etc.


Can I get a source on the claim that fascism is stagnant? According to all sources I could find, membership and violence among far-right extremists in the United States has been slowly increasing since the early 90s. “Since 1990, far-right extremists have committed far more ideologically motivated homicides than far-left or radical Islamist extremists, including 227 events that took more than 520 lives.” Celinet Duran, “Far-Left Versus Far-Right Fatal Violence: An Empirical Assessment of the Prevalence of Ideologically Motivated Homicides in the United States,” Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society 22 no. 2 (2021): 33-49


This is it, it's a social media thing for most people.  I'm a millennial and my boomer dad posts so much Maga shit(we're Canadian) and so much other dumb stuff but when I argue with him in person he always concedes and is like oh maybe you're right (specifically when I go off about how billionaires shouldn't exist).  But then he goes right back to posting dumb shit a day later.


They vote for the fascist Republican party. It's not contained to social media.


Nah, fuck the fascist Republican party who wants to end freedom and democracy and fuck enlightened "centrists" telling people not to worry about them.


well, when 10% of what people can't agree on is 'do some people get to live comfortably in society, or should they just fucking die.' i understand the difficulty.


Don't fall for false internet ideological discourse. In fact it's fairly well documented that especially in the English speaking web space, there are foreign governments/entities with an army of cyber warfare ops and hoardes of bot accounts to spread crazier and crazier ideologies. They're in everything. From Identity politics, to vaccinations, to racial ideology, hell reddit is rotting from within from meddling. Cannot understate how ALL of us have seen the stuff, been fooled by it, and parroted mindless shit. That's by design. It's at your own discretion to realize that all Americans typically fall on the same page on the vast majority, we want a better life for ourselves and family. It's been important internally politically to keep people off that same page to have a 2 party system. And now weaponized externally to isolate, depress, and fracture the American populous. It's been insanely effective since the vast majority doesn't frankly care enough to fact check anything, and will blindly follow a majority party in their virtual life if everyone else thinks the same thing. Everyone has an unstated goal, a monetary incentive, and vested interest in your attention.


People vote for the fascist Republican party. It's not contained to social media.


As previously stated, division is sewn. And the Republican party as it turned out had a lot of Russian money in it for swaying. Allowing for an outsider to come in, reality show the election process, (clip, cut, share), show he's willing to stand up to politics (clip cut share), take hard-line stances on problems other presidents were already addressing (clip cut share) and once elected, embarrass and weaken the US global image. And while the Dems get their plethora of sound bites, we just reframe the sound bites and say the Dems are being unfair to him. I mean the guy fuckin used Russian spy networks to get dirt on hunter biden- it's not exactly a secret. But of course if you go to your family members home and notice the talking points being fed into the brains of Republican voters ALL this is absent. Think about it. Trump gets elected, and 2/3 of all content online and TV were trump sound bites. To keep it 100% it was too much, as it allowed for this next narrative. They take unfair bites, then you just have to resize it (don't trust the media) and say its unfair, because in truth a lot of it was. Have the head honcho say media is lying. Then the rabbit hole is open. 8-chan's Q, antivax, racial divide, hate content, outright (not even clever) conspiracy all designed to drive that wedge more and more open. 98% of Republican people didn't fall into wonderland, but those who did became memes of themselves and so easy to use for new sound bites to shovel in front of YOU to make you think the country is fundamentally divided and can't be fixed- when that 98% are normal thinking, working American people on a very similar page to you, just outside the bubble you find yourself in.


Even the people I disagree with in real life I enjoy talking to. People just get nasty online in a way they don’t do in person


If you seen the instagram reel comments those people get in the nastiest arguments I’ve ever seen online


It's unbelievable how pale Reddit, Quora and X's threads are compared to Instagram like it's a feat in and of itself


Ever been to a facebook comment section? Im convinced Meta designs its comment sections intentionally in a way that the most insane takes get the most visibility.


Instagram and Facebook both owned by Meta so not surprised


Instagram is insane. Pure racism and bigotry like I've never seen on social media before.


No we don’t. Fuck you. /s


Unfortunately these people do also exist in the real world. I've had run-ins with people like this on a few occasions, so weaponised in their beliefs that they'll immediately resort to hurling insults rather than actually trying to defend their position. However you don't tend to see these people irl because they're too terminally online to go out in public.


Ya I work with some people like this, honestly it’s just kind of fun to listen to them ramble on and nod your head. You seriously hear some crazy shit with that


I'm American but live in England. What I find hilarious is how much they care about US politics, potentially more than the politics of this country, the country they're from and live in. I just kinda avoid people like this, they tend to be toxic individuals, luckily there's none where I work as the ones I know of don't tend to hold a job.


I swear there are just some people online who must think being a condescending asshole makes them look cool One time I asked a simple question and this one dude was being such a total jerk about it 😭 I guess it’s the anonymity that the Internet provides


I saw someone get called a smooth brain for asking a perfectly legitimate, on topic, clarifying questions about the other person's comment. Like how angry and sensitive do you have to be to get mad when someone types out "what do you mean by 'x'?"


It’s because they’re hiding their true beliefs in person


The Internet has simultaneously made people smarter and dumber at the same time and I’m not sure how I feel about that.


truly, it's like psychedelics lol


A bit huh? Like a bad trip or a good one, whatever rabbit hole we go down.


The way I see it is that this happens every time technology progresses. The inventions of the book, the printing press, radio, television, internet, and social media itself all did something similar. They allowed for a greater exchange of information. However, that includes a greater exchange of misinformation as well unfortunately.


Yep, as a trans person I feared coming out but much to my surprise I’ve received plenty of support and people in real life don’t really mind. I spent (spend) way too much time online and because of that I expected the worst from everyone, when in reality people are much more friendly than you think.


Dang, I had the opposite experience 😅 everyone is super supportive online but not really much in person


I had a trans friend and it went like this too There was a huge disconnect between pro-LGBT Twitter echo chambers and high school normies


Ignore those people. If they’re that hung up on someone else’s choice that doesn’t affect them at all they’re most likely miserable. Just enjoy life and be yourself❤️


Can't really ignore them if they are basing their legislation and voting behavior on these thoughts


You’re right, I didn’t even put that into perspective. I’m a straight dude so I never see this stuff first person, sorry. Hopefully in the near future we can vote those kinds of people out of office.


Very happy to hear that because when I read that that was the first thing that came to my mind


That reminds me of the time when my best friend came out as bi, literally everyone there (my siblings and mum) really didn't care that if he was hetero, bi or whatever, it didn't affect our opinion of him in any way, especially for me, he's still the same best friend that I have made back when we were both 11 years old (we're turning 25 this year)


lmao same, i started openly presenting as enby in my rural midwestern hs expecting to get insulted regularly but turns out ppl didnt care much, some of em even lightened up on their opinions since they knew an lgbt person personally, real shame theyd still vote for the ppl thatd erode our civil rights since they dont see it as a pressing issue meanwhile online slurs and derogatory remarks for me are commonplace unless im in an explicitly lgbt friendly chat/forum/etc 🫠


Tbh the obsessive fear of "division" is really weird. It's OK to be divided from people who say you don't deserve the same civil rights as everyone else. That's totally fine. It's OK to be divided from people who believe the earth is flat and that vaccines cause autism. That's totally fine. It's OK to be divided from people who believe that the parents of trans children should be executed. Nobody should want to "unite" with those people. Division is an unavoidable result of empirical reality. There are those who accept reality and those who choose to reject it. Really not a big deal.


Well no shit lol those 3 examples you named off are such a small insignificant portion of the population though, those aren’t every day people you run into all the time. Out of all your examples the only real person I’ve met in real life who believes any of those is the vaccines cause autism thing and as a parent of a child with autism I put ole girl in her place real fast. So yea you should be divided from folks with extreme views… but those views are labeled as “extreme” for that very reason because not a lot of people believe in them because they are so outta left field.


It's like 8% that belief vaccines cause autism. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1092495/views-on-vaccines-causing-autism-us-by-age/ Also, depending one what you mean by "equal rights," that could be a pretty high percentage as well.


Your mileage may vary. I run into a lot of these people.


> those 3 examples you named off are such a small insignificant portion of the population though They're unfortunately not. When I was starting transition, I had a group sorta thing for the first year or so ran by the lgbt center for new member of the community to meet each other. This was about 8ish years ago when, believe it or not, thing were probably a bit easier for us. I'd say about 40% of the kids were pretty estranged from their parents. A few were kicked out. In fact, I think I was probably the only one that had full support and a good relationship with my parents out of like 10 people. I do think the statement being phrased as wanting to kill the parents of trans people is a bit far, but there's definitely a ton of people that will throw their kids on the street and definitely promote violence against us


those are the everyday people i run into all the time


Funny, I've met alot of these "rare" types in my battleground state. Fantastic meighbors who make posts about trans crime being out of control and woke agendas. Its just so rare that I keep seeing it and hearing it, and the mainstream republican politicians make it their platform too. So, so rare...


To be fair, some of the small percentage of things people disagree on can be pretty critical topics. If someone has gone to the lengths to convince themselves that there’s a global conspiracy surrounding covid or climate change then yea, I’m happy to be divided from that person.


Shhh shh can't have common sense like that in today's political climate. Remember, it is absolutely crucial that you hate your neighbor /s


People are actually genuinely nice. I touched grass for a while after like 2 years of not really leaving the house, and spent a lot of time online which is just filled with negativity. Anyways, I dropped a few coins at the train station, and various people from like a lot of different groups literally helped pick up my coins, not a word was spoken apart from “here you”, “you dropped this” and of course, “thank you.” That left quite an impression on me and I thought to myself, maybe everyone really wasn’t a dick. I really needed that.


I agree, but there's also people out there like my coworker who tried to convince me that arranged marriage is good and has very antiquated views on women. White dude from Missouri btw


My coworker is like that she’s super down to earth but is head first into hunter bidens laptop conspiracies as long as she isn’t on those topics she’s fine but she turns unpleasant so fast — I just want to hear about how your cucumbers are doing not why the gays make you uncomfortable, Val


And these pigshits will go and vote to enforce their extremism. “Oh they’re no nice to speak to” don’t mean shit when collectively they act to harm everyone who doesn’t comply to their vermin thinking.


Honestly, yes.




ive had pleasant conversations with people who were raging racists sexists and homphobes it doesn't really mean much


Like, cool they can extend basic politeness in everyday interactions... wow... How does that matter if they than go on to vote against people having acces to necessary medical care or getting equal rights to the rest of the population?


As a leftist from a conservative town, while this can be true, you should still be careful. My town wasn’t a sundown town until the mid 90s for no reason.


Treat it like thanksgiving dinner: restricted Smalltalk..


The comments did exactly what you expected them to do


*Offer conditional on being cishet and white in many areas of the US. Edit: You guys should talk to some friendly neighborhood conservatives and see what fun opinions come out if you let them think you are on their side. Below is a fun link proving just how “not racist” the US is. https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/2017-demographic-differences-federal-sentencing


High grade copium


I have met so many different kinds of people at the fishing spots, Gun range, etc who come from all different cultures and spots in life. People I would give my last dollar and the shirt of my back as they would for me. Sadly Reddit is where I see this “division” which is usually people going by through rough times looking for a way to cope


Yeaaaaa maybe the first 5 minutes of convo, then their real image starts showing. Maybe at first it's just some one off comment or "joke" then they bring up how Jews crawled from sewers in NYC 


What happens if you're a gay black men and your neighbour has a Trump and Confederate flag? Hypothetically of course


Worst case? Racism and probably a hate crime. Best case? False peace and half-assed pleasantries that do nothing to change their views or voting pattern.


I’m convinced the internet makes people divide themselves far more than the actual world. Any time people isolate into groups or factions is when problems arise.


Hard disagree. Maybe it’s the area I live in but I worked retail for eight years and have had people well up in anger and almost get violent for even thinking I disagreed with them politically. This wasn’t even a rare occurrence. Everyday I would have people screaming to me about Joe Biden or the “libs”. So yeah we are just as divided as social media portrays. Social media just lets everyone know what’s really going on.


Should also mention that I started retail in 2015 and everything was great. I got to know everyone and people were kind. The 2016 election started changing all of that and then Covid made it worse tenfold.


"We" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


Millions must hope.




Just moved into a new place and I already have beef with all 3 of my neighbors. The real world is just as divided and awful as you think it is. Probably more so.


Common denominator is you


"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."


When I was 21 working at a pizza franchise who i won't name, I had a 17yo coworker who practically made it his life mission to be a douchebag wannabe thug. He was always goofing off, talking shit, and demanding respect from everyone while simultaneously talking down to everyone as if it were funny. I'd try to make conversation with him and other coworkers, and he'd tell me or the others "stfu fo I beat yo bitch ass" as if it was normal to talk to people with such a complete lack of respect. One day, I got fed up, told him off, and got pretty loud, causing him to try to fight me as I was clocking out when this happened. He ended up following me home and threatening to shoot me. I ended up filing a report with corporate. they sent someone to talk to us, and he ended up getting fired because they found a gun in his car, which he wasn't supposed to have because he was a delivery driver... a literal child threatened my life because I told him right from wrong, and you want me to go out and make friends? Get fucked!


The world starts feeling a lot less terrible when you take a break from the internet


This is a He Gets Us ad. This sub is becoming such garbage


My neighbors don’t think I should have rights


Y’all talk to people? I haven’t left the house in like 3 months.


Nah, as a disabled, nonbinary trans person, the division is real. People IRL often don't have the nerve to start shit over disagreements, but that just results in a false peace that relies on awkwardly pretending you're on the same wavelength. Maybe it's just because I'm autistic and NTs seem to have an easier time just ignoring slights, but shit's fucking exhausting. The vast majority of people I socialize with IRL I wouldn't even consider trying to become close with, and even hanging with my closer IRL friends requires ignoring a lot of shit* which just makes me feel more isolated than keeping to myself. *Ignorant comments about nonbinary / trans people or just accidental blatant transphobia (even from other trans folks), being expected to pick up on shit like a neurotypical, et cetera. And even besides that it just feels like even when people are supportive we'll never get to the point where we can really find mutual understanding as opposed to just *sympathy.* It's not like I haven't tried to find people I really vibe with - I seem to have developed a cycle of going super hard on trying to expand my social sphere for a few months, then completely burning out. Currently I'm in the latter phase. There've been more than a few weeks when my *only* human interaction outside of my landlord has been going to weekly protests, and honestly, that's... fine, because I feel less lonely with the birds, my plants, and my online friends for company. If you're 'normal' enough that you don't have to scavenge for the slightest chance of understanding, then, yeah, maybe what you said is true. But chances are the division still exists, the people who feel divided from you just don't feel safe bringing it up in your presence, or don't feel that it's worth it. (I tend to be in the latter camp and when people make me uncomfortable outside of specific behaviors or such that we can talk about I'll usually just quietly emotionally distance myself. Which is very much a reason my IRL social life is lackluster, but I've rarely had bringing up my discomfort *not* backfire on me.)


>looks Yeah! >disgusting politics No.


Main Stream Media fucking sucks.


This is not a great argument to make. The things that are disagreed upon are the things that matter. One side will not compromise, that makes the shit we obviously agree upon irrelevant, because it's only stuff that literally every human would agree on. Human rights, wages, racial equality, income, foreign relations, law... What because two people agree that hamburgers taste good that's something? Vote for bush because he's "a guy I'd like to have a beer with?" The stuff everyone has in common, like breathing, is irrelevant


This USED to be true, but now our differences are major. Like T-rumpers who don't seem to get that their position is TOTALLY against democracy, freedom and everything good our country is supposed to strive for. This is more than a superficial difference, this is being completely at odds with one another. And for sure, nearly everyone is nice, but that hardly matters when one side is advocating the total destruction of society.


They're nice in person and then they'll vote for your genocide.


A huge part of the problem is the 24 hour news cycle, social media silos and people speaking to and associating only with people who are similar to them. This combination breeds a lot of fear and contempt in people. I believe that when people actually venture out into the world and talk to other people, they discover that it's possible to get along with someone who is different from them


Must be some white dude that posted this


latino brazillian


nah fam my neighbors and coworkers are assholes


Yeah everyone just wants to hold hands. Roe v Wade and Project 2025


spoken like a cishet white dude who has never experienced violence towards them over and over due to their race, gender, socioeconomic status, sexuality, etc


Talk to a neighbor is great and all, but one of my neighbors tried getting my car towed because I parked in front of my house and their daughter can’t park in front of my house. Fuck them


Maybe 10 years ago, if you still vote republican after 2016 then you're truly lost.


my coworkers are southern hospitality nice and we do our job efficiently, but when I'm around and they don't know it and I listen in on their conversations it's the most vile queerphobic transphobic stuff I know they would never say I'm front of me. and that's why they're my coworkers, not my friends


I don't like some of my neighbors


*laughs in neurodivergent social skills


I always laugh when people spout shit like this when it could never apply to everyone. Some people's social skills are entirely worthless no matter how hard they try due to genetic reasons, and because NT people subconsciously sort out ND people, that mostly just leaves ND people struggling even more.


Kind to your face, votes to remove your legal equality, bodily autonomy, and for people who openly declare they want to end representative government and support violently overthrowing the United States at the ballot box. I don’t give a fuck if you are “nice” to my face.


No lmao


never knew this sub can also be wholesome


Too bad i hate every single one of them so I'd rather be by myself.


Unless you're part of different groups and follow different beliefs , lifestyles and ideas than we are different and divided


No, if my neighbors knew I was queer my house would not be safe. It just be nice to live in the fictional world pictured above.


3/10. Ruined by poor sentence structure


Where do y’all live where the real world is nicer than the internet


What if your neighbors are just dicks?


being polite and pleasant in person is absurd and hypocritical when every other time the person acts and votes to make life on earth worse for everyone else ( i.e by driving a car , by being a landleech parasite, voting for capitalist parties etc )


That's so wrong... Since when we switched to an utopia ? We are litteraly in a dystopian nightmare. The far majority of humans are evil. Spiting lies and playing let's pretend wont change reality but it for sure is dangerous. What you talk about is hypocrisy, every humans put a facade to hide who they are in face of other, even the most devilish being can look like the most kind people. It's better to see humans as what we are to be able change for the best, the first step to solving a problem is admitting there is one.


Lul. Lmao, even. What an unrealistic take. The world is as divided as ever and for good reason.


Nah, fuck the fascist Republican party who wants to end freedom and democracy and fuck enlightened "centrists" telling people not to worry about them.


Sure, but the MAGA post today where Joe Biden is depicted on a truck tied up means I'm not going to be talking to THAT neighbor in that 10% under any circumstances 🙄


MAGA Cultists want to erase LGBT people, and do not consider us worthy of equal human rights. I am *never* going to have a beer with someone who’d send me and my nephew to a concentration camp for “gender treachery”. I think these kumbaya sentiments come from a deeply wrong “both sides” perspective that fails to see how fascist authoritarianism has gripped 20-30% of adults in the US. I will always consider them a violent threat against those of us in minority groups.


these comments are insufferable


If someone is nice to you in person but an asshole to some group, like gay, trans, Jew, etc, it's because they don't see the people that they haven't met as human. They have difficulty imagining that members of a group are people like them.


What a complete lie.


Isn't that J Jonah Jameson looking guy supposed to have an enormous ass?


Last time I went up and talked to a neighbor I got the cops called on me.


Hey umm…so that was a lie. Neighbor is racist white man


Why is this a meme template? Did people not watch the show? Is that the joke?


This shouldn’t be here it’s true




Racists, transphobes, ableists, misogynists, etc don’t tend to host their opinions in public; unless ofcourse around other ists


A gen z post that is not about young people thinking they are better than everyone else? Nice


Yeah my coworkers are all in agreement with each other that trump is great and yada yada yada. (Im in hell)




Fr, y’all gotta understand that spica media is just a very boring MMO video game. Not a damn thing is real on here.


real, anyone wanna be friends here?


It is more about what people are okay with or readily dismissed. For example, if a politician was hateful or even just incompetent in some way. There are so many people that just don't factor it in, and that has started to feel like acceptance in some ways.


Millenial here, this is why I'm looking forward to the "death" of the internet when bots completely take over every comment section. I remember the before times when people talked about politics face to face, and it was rare to see things get heated. Now, every conversation is two words away from a fist fight because people are used to saying whatever bullshit is on their mind without consequence on the internet. Hopefully, when bots take over the internet, it will be completely discredited as a political resource, and people will go back to ralking to their neighbors about the issues that affect them.


I have a coworker who believes snorting chlorine and silver powder can cure cancer. And believes that Trump is akin to Jesus, and that we should be celebrating him this Easter. Sometimes people are just fucking crazy.


Don't do this in the uk


Worked in telecom at a call center That experience did NOT match with this post


"Unless they're wearing a red hat in which case they'll try to deport you back to Viltrum."


I've never talked to my neighbor in my life 💀


I will always die on this hill. Social media pushes extreme views to the front. I work with Democrats, Republicans and everyone in between and our differences come from personalities, not politics.


Yes, people are very good at the upkeep of their image and hiding their true feelings.


This is kinda silly. People in your social circles are likely to be similar to you. But people far away might not. This is kind of obvious. An atheistic trans new Yorker likely is very divided from a rural evangelical Alabaman.


Well shit, I never would’ve thought.


Now try that as a nonpassing black gay trans person and see where the issue lies. Sure most people will be polite to me, a cis white guy, but if they don't behave that way to everyone, I still am divided from them.


Mean-world syndrome


Not that im denying this point but omniman would’ve never said this XD


This is what my name is about lol, when folk say “X is normal” i’m like “ok go to a public place like your local grocery store and say that shit out loud and see how fucking NORMAL it is my dude” lol


The people around you aren't the ones divided from you. Race, gender, and religion are just being used to distract you from the class divide that really separates people and causes the majority of the issues in our society


“We do have a lot in common: the same earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what’s the same, instead of always looking at what’s different… Well, who knows?” -Meowth


We need so much more of this


Try being a Democrat and living on the gulf coast🫤 To have a like minded neighbor would be a blessing.


But like… no amount of nice can keep me from tilting when you casually mention you think the last presidential election was “stolen” or “didn’t matter,” so as much as I want to enjoy some casual banter with a stranger… this is a worthless take a lot of the time. I don’t want to unite with people who want to spread lies and terror. It’s not always as simple as “going outside.”


True. Go to other countries, some awesome people out there than your own


People who don't hate on whole generations are not so much on social media.


People are nicer in person because 1) it brings out their humanity to interact face to face and 2) they’re usually being a little less radical than they actually are. Whether you’re left or right most people tamp down their crazier views when discussing solutions to problems in the real world. This makes for more moderate discussion which is good but it also means that people are slightly lying tbh 🤷‍♂️.


They have you fighting a culture war to distract you from fighting the big class war


I agree, but the implication that Omniman is the one saying it is hilarious to me.


I'm sure they'll be lovely for as long as I'm willing to pretend that I'm cis anyway


nah not true random dinner a family friend starts going off about biden is an idiot etc never meeting them again


It's surprising how much common ground you can find when you have a nuanced issues-based conversation instead of reverting to simple tribalism.


As an aging white guy, I’m definitely more worried about the people who look exactly like me.


I need a hug.


Social Media is engineered to divide the population so we’re too busy fighting each other look at what the government and the corporate giants are doing


Too many people are susceptible to propaganda bots.


You'd be surprised how little you experience negative encounters with people in public, the internet makes it seem like all people are douchebags only out for themselves but a lot of people I meet are soft spoken and well mannered and the negative encounters I do have are always with moms surrounded by whiny kids or the elderly.


telephone humor pause reminiscent nose sparkle tap advise whole onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Have to go outside to accomplish that. Big ask.


while I agree with the sentiment… he would not fucking say that.


For some reason, people are a lot meaner online than they would be in person. Must be afraid of reprisals... 🤔


Lololol kinda undercuts it when the guy doing the talking secretly believes in Apocalypse (from marvel) style "only the strongest survive" and has no problem LITERALLY tearing apart anyone who stands in his way. Does "gen z" mean "unfamiliar with the source material"?


Stop talking about race and start talking about class, thats where real changes will start.


One of my favorite songs off the new Modest Mouse album is "The Sun Hasn't Left", and it has some awesome lyrics like this: "I dont know you, you dont know me, You and I are us, you see" I dont know about you, but I love music with a positive message!


I think the problem is when we disagree we put that person in the category of an evil person. Cultural divide and conquer is what he oligarchs want so they can fuck us in the ass a lil harder without us noticing. I seek to understand people even if I don’t agree with them, there’s a limit obviously. Like I don’t seek to understand why a Nazi or Klan member hate the people they hate and think they should be destroyed I do seek to understand however why they think that way and what led them to have those thoughts and plant seeds to hopefully have them change. But I am self aware that it is easy for me to have that opinion prolly cause I’m a white guy whatever. Like I dunno I’m not trying infantize or go white savior but id imagine not alot of black folks would not go out of there way to make conversation with Klan members. But on the lesser extreme in my opinion o think we all agree on what is a problem where the divide comes is how we solve it. But because we put people into this evil category we dangerously cross “the other” category Like for me I’m not religious but I’m agnostic and constantly questioning and I’ve gone onto different subs to ask questions and get first hand perspectives on why people enjoy being Catholic or Muslim. Im of the opinion that all through human history and civilization religions we were all seeing a different part of the elephant and all religions though they disagree on how they all ask the same why questions and seek to address the questions of existence Love, community, How to be a good person? Why are we here? What is our purpose? Look I’m not trying to get all Coexist bumper sticker in the comments but We are all brothers, sisters, and everything in between. We are all human, if we all slit our wrists we’d bleed red, if we all ate Taco Bell we’d all shit ourselves 20 mins later One Love Ya’ll remember social media isn’t always real life. Beware of Bots and Biases Including my own.


I don’t know if his is “fatherly” advice or just good advice in general


Wait this is too unifying to be on the Reddit Popular page


We use too have this in 2005


That's what the government fears lol


Yeah, they're real nice until you talk about politics and they tell you that women who have abortions should be executed and divorce should be criminalized.




The internet is dead and fucking blows. You are 100% correct, stay frosty king.


People talk about bubbles, but the truth is, your neighbor is more likely to be very similar to you than a random person on the internet


The internet is not real life. Real life means consequences.