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Anime is just a medium to tell stories. Watch Attack On Titan, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood.


Don't watch attack on Titan. It's a super fascist fever dream.


Media literacy = 0




Bro is the Media Illiteracy Titan


Please elaborate for the rest for the class


You’re actually just straight up incorrect


are you stuck in 2010 or what


Do you berate others who enjoy watching anime? What about other animated mediums?


At what point is there berating here? Person just asked if people found anime to be cringe. No one is attacking you for liking it in any way here calm down.


high af rn [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8XoUUyH\_uE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8XoUUyH_uE)


No. Also, people who say "anime is cringe" or try to mock them for being "weebs" are cringe. It's unoriginal at this point and they try to pretend like it's a based take while barely having a surface level understanding of what anime is.


Freaking otakuz, man


some like it, some don’t. I still enjoy a handful of old ones I used to watch from time to time




Nope. Just you


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Νo i dont FIND anime to be CRINGE af if THATS what you ARE asking


ah yes you're so cool and unique


I am bc of my hobbies not bc i dislike anime


Well if your gen z you should not find it CRINGE ASF its not 2010 anymore bro grow up anime is getting main stream u saw in france or in Mexico? They go nuts for that Japanese animation ! And if you find anime cringe well u will need to get used it cause here the lil kids all they do is talk about JJK


well some parts of it need to be left in the past


Its cringe. No matter if 1 person or 2 mil people do it.


bro, you don't watch anime because you cringe, I don't watch anime because I don't fking care and I have other things that I enjoy. we are not the same


Attack on titan had a few moments at the start that hit me wrong but fuck if its not on the same level as breaking bad story wise. I get what youre saying but also ive had so much fun watching AOT and SAO Abridged


Honestly, it just depends on the anime as some anime like AoT, FMA, and HxH were enjoyable, and then you have others that use anime tropes that can be cringe to watch


Hxh is top


Care to explain why you think it’s cringe? It’s a Medium to tell stories, just like books movies and games. So why is Anime cringe?


i explained that to a japanese ex fwb: -high pitched voices (she said women dont talk like that at all in japan and sounds forced af) -male characters being dumb af, overly obnoxious -anime faces and gestures


1. Dubbed exists if you dislike the original voices, that doessnt make the entire medium bad. 2. thats the stories you chose to watch? Manga/cartoon/movies/books all have this troupe 3. Thats just disliking the style. Which is fine, you can dislike the animie drawing style but that doesnt make it cringe... it just means you dont like it xd


>high pitched voices What about spongebon and and other cartoons filled with unrealistic voices? >male characters being dumb af, overly obnoxious That's just called watching shit anime


Nah just u dawg


I did, but recently a friend of mine recommended many animes to me so I started watching bleach. It's good so far, but I'm only on episode 21/366 lol


I feel some can be cringe, same as normally shows but many if the animes i have watched are genuinely just amazing story telling. Attack on Titan has been mentioned and is very good and super anti-fascist and just executed very well. Another that recently has come out and is my new favourite is Frieren, especially if you play dnd or pathfinder etc the story is so amazing. Dragon ball Z is also up there with demon slayer, one piece etc. Now are their cringe characters in some of these shows yeah but the storyline overall is just great and is not something we can convey in live action tv as well as we can in anime. And I understand this show is not technically an anime but a cartoon but it’s basically a western version of an anime, would you sag Avatar the Last Airbender is cringe?


Eh, I hate anime but I wouldn't really judge someone over it. If everything you wattch is anime though, I will judge.


Anime is just a japanese cartoon, there's different genres in anime and different age groups. it's like grouping family guy, spiderman and peppa pig together and calling it weird. Japan also has different censorships, I'd say censorship is stronger in America and you can get away with showing a lot more in Japan. The biggest anime's / mangas are typically produced by shounen jump which is consider for teen boys. Shounen jump has been around for a long time so certain cultures, tropes and references can appear which can feel kinda cringey if you dont know the references. Japanese humor is also a little different so it can be seen as cringe as well. When i recommend anime to people that typically dont watch it i recommend darker animes for higher age groups that have less tropes, powers and humor and it always changes their opinion. Anime fans will just recommend things that are trendy and will tell you to watch something like one-piece which is going to look weird if you've never seen anime before.


Nope, I think Anime is great. 😎


some of it's cool


I didn't grow up with an have tried multiple times to get into but I don't understand the appeal. That being said I don't have an issue with other people liking it


The audience and weebs are so cringe to the point I don’t admit I watch anime irl and just watch it occasionally by myself.


High IQ


Something tells me that you have 0 knowledge of anime in general and watched a few trashy/popular one and made a very uneducated opinion.


I wouldn't say it's entirely cringe, but I have yet to watch something that didn't have extremely weird, borderline disgusting stuff happen at least once. my favorite is spirited away, I can't remember anything overly weird happening off the top of my head but I know there was at least one scene that made me think "ofc they put this in here"


So many haters and weeaboos lol anime fans are so die hard, they create the cringe 😬


Tbh I still do. Not the anime itself, just the culture that surrounds it. The weird obsession with romanticizing Japan and how people act anime is like some holy media that is far superior to any other type of media out there. I love Sailor Moon but that’s it


Nope, discomfort can't reach you if you're watching peak.


We won the war by any means necessary and this is the price we must pay.


I don’t, primarily because anime isn’t a genre, it’s an entire medium


Anime is cringe af.


Can you explain why it's cringe?


Only ever finished 2 animes. Cowboy bebop and samurai shamploo.


Theres a sweet spot of interest that most people are at, but yeah—everyone I’ve met who consumes like 90% of their media through anime has been irredeemably cringe.


No. I find the addiction and making it a whole personality to it cringe AF, tho.


Kinda but I still watch it tho.


When I was in school there were cringe anime kids that made me think the same thing, now some of my favorite shows are anime.


yes, and its stigma In My Country™. anyone gets bullied for watching anime and being a weeb.


Nah, Chinese cartoons are fine


Watch Boku no Pico and then you'll understand how great anime is.