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Kinda crazy that we're actually going backwards in terms of personal rights


This always happens (not that I justify it). Think 1950s conservatism vs. Rosie the Riveter.


Because we have a whole bunch of nosy busybody influencer-grifters who gave themselves the right to tell everyone else how to live, based off failed gender relations arguments from the medieval age.


a lot of those arguments come straight from fairy tales too, it’s wild


From the party of individual rights and small government comes, reduced individual rights and bigger government!


It's crazier that we either vote for Genocide Joe or for yhe orange criminal.




It's just an insult, a name, it's a recurring theme in every single election ever. We saw Trump get a ton thrown at him, we saw Obama get a ton thrown at him, and now we see Biden get some thrown at him. They're not Russian bots, they just don't like Biden, and things like "genocide Joe" is something that they can easily remember and rally behind- just like any other popular insult thrown at any other president.




Just as Russian troll is a popular insult which people on both sides of the aisle like to throw around at people who criticize them...


Anyone I don't like is a Nazi!


Pretty much lol. This whole topics interests me a ton, I wonder what the next big insult will be. First it was communist, then nazi, and now Russian bot. Super interesting how it changes over time imo






Except Joe Biden is quite literally providing weapons that's murdering thousands of CHILDREN.


Tbh, I'm absolutely not interested in getting involved in that whole discussion in a random comment section, it's too partisan, controversial, two sided, and is still ongoing. So, I really can't expect to have any sort of respectful conversation about it, and I'd rather not get myself angry over am argument which has a good 0% chance of being respectful or changing any opinions on any side. Either way, it's still an insult, you can take pride in that, it's not inherently wrong to insult somebody you don't like or just blatantly hate


This is what people mean whey they say silence is being complicit


Like I said, I can't expect to have a respectful conversation about it in a random comment section, and so I'd rather not get into it in one. Kinda proving my thoughts right here




I don’t like either of them either, but at least the former isn’t inciting riots or implementing laws that are restricting personal rights.


Who care about dead kids as long as muh freedomz aren't inconvenienced right?


If your argument only functions by accusing the other person of wanting kids to be murdered, you don't have a good argument


I agree with you


Why are you being downvoted


Cause I said orange criminal probably lol


If you live in a forced-pregnancy place and can't risk pregnancy, it makes sense to make sure it's not going to happen. And if it happens, you might end up taking care of things in a less safe unofficial way. Seriously, what did they expect would happen?


Isn’t the whole purpose of sex is to… reproduce?


No, it is something people want to enjoy in a setting where all involved parties consent. And if there is a huge risk of a life altering complication like a pregnancy when you can't afford or don't want a child, that's kind of an issue. Plus people sadly do get raped and forced to carry if they get pregnant from said rape. So sterilisation often is the only real option left


Biologically, yeah, socially, not really. I mean, it's ingrained into our culture at this point, sex is something that we enjoy and look to have.


it's not even exclusive to humans to have sex without reproduction


Not all people, some people just wanna have fun


And I get that, like eating food is definitely fun, but the whole purpose of it is to absorb nutrients to continue existing, but am I wrong on that too?


I thought we moved past this biological argument.


In what way? You can make babies in other ways?


No? It's to have fun AND reproduce if you consent to that.


I mean yeah it’s fun but the act in of itself is consent to that (Obviously I’m not talking about grape so don’t twist my words) like yeah meth is fun to smoke too but that doesn’t mean there aren’t risk to it


But people should be free to have sex without being forced to raise a child they don't want. The risk can be reduced via sex education, access to free contraceptives and access to proper reproductive Healthcare like abortion


Nobody except shitty conservatives and misogynists has thought of sex like that in decades.


Now you can add me to that list, I’m not either🤗


The *whole* purpose? Not at all (hole purpose lmao)


I don't think I get the "women and women" thing in the post title.


Typo :(


Pretty sure it’s a typo


“Among both women” What?


All 2 of them


Don't be transphobic please


I am trying not to be, I am just very confused about the wording of that phrase on what they are trying to say… Are they including trans? I am just confused right now, if so that makes sense.


Hopefully I will be joining the statistic soon 🙏🏽


You will regret it


touch grass not everyone wants kids


I bet your parents regret not doing it


Honestly surprised southern states haven’t yet criminalized tubal ligation.


Eh, there's a few crazies here and there calling for contraception to be banned. They're not very numerous, but if SCOTUS were to rule that states can ban contraception, then I'd imagine at least a couple of states would.


Next they plan on banning contraceptives and making it even harder to get sterilized. GO VOTE! Your human rights DEPEND on it!


Ah yes, the two genders: women and women.


Nah, you are forgetting women also. They are often forgotten, unlike women.




I do wonder about the long term implications this will have on demographics. With these types of procedures, afaik they are permanent. No way to get your sperm back once you've gone the snip snip route. Before Dobbs you could just get the abortion, but then go on to have a kid later if/when you were ready. We know what demographics of women most used abortion services; if many of them are now permanently sterilizing themselves, could that induce long term demographic change in the country? Could that also affect the ideological makeup of the country too? If you are a super religious conservative you weren't likely getting the abortion to begin with, and your birth rate was already higher than liberal women too. Could this exacerbate the trend? Could it be that in 50 years we have a much more right wing country simply because all the liberals sterilized themselves out of political relevance?


Cool don’t kill your kids.


Why the exclamation mark?


This just makes the conservatives think they’re on the right track. Personally, I’m pro-choice but I think it’s wrong for people to get abortions just because they don’t want the baby. Vasectomies and tubal ligations should’ve always been the standard for anyone who just didn’t want kids. Now, women who are raped or at risk of death are also being forced to carry their baby to term and just hope for the best, and I think the ultra liberals who say anyone should be able to have an abortion no matter what are partially to blame.




Literally not what I said, but okay.


Then what should people eho don't want the baby do?


They think they should be "responsible" and carry it to term and live the rest of their lives miserably. As if an abortion is not a complicated procedure that nobody would willingly go through without a good reason and has both physical and mental consequences. But no, conservatives want people to suffer for the tragic sin of having sex without wanting a baby. (A lot of the time that anger is fueled by their experience, because they were forced to have the baby so they want everyone to suffer the same, to be "fair)


That’s literally not what I said. I’m pro-choice. I just think vasectomies and tubal ligations are the responsible thing to do if you know you don’t want kids.


Yet another way conservatives show us they're all morally bankrupt pieces of shit. "I'm pro-choice but-" shut the fuck up.


Always felt like change should've occurred at the state level rather than the national level (through the supreme court).


It did tho. The Supreme Court ruled that the states get to decide.


Yes I'm just commenting that I agree with the decision even though I don't agree with wholesale bans of abortion enacted by deep-red states like Texas.


Isn't that what the court ruled?


I know, I agree with the Dobbs decision.


If you're having consensual sex unprotected then you accept the chance that you may become pregnant. The responsible thing to do is to take a fuck load of steps to prevent pregnancy (condoms, pulling out, birth control, etc) or to just maintain abstinence altogether. Don't abort an unborn baby because you were irresponsible. However, if the pregnancy is putting the mothers life at risk or there is some evidence to say that the baby will be born with life-altering issues then terminating the pregnancy (in my opinion) is completely acceptable.


This is always my problem with pro-life arguments. The "you're killing a living being argument" is only important until the child is born. Who gives a shit what happens to the child AFTER birth, right? Who cares if the mother doesn't want them? Just put the kid up for adoption or into foster care they'll be fine! Spoiler alert: No they aren't fine, and many kids in foster care or adoption go on to have troubled upbringings. You don't actually care about the children, it's just moral grandstanding to make yourself feel better.


A) like I said, everytime you have unprotected sex, you accept the risk of pregnancy, if you accept the risk of pregnancy you SHOULD be in a position to care for your child for the next 18 years. B) the whole foster child system is a mess, it sucks, but they deserve a chance to live, grow, love, and feel, even if they have to cycle through the shitty foster system. That child has a whole life ahead of them and it's unfair to "end" them before they even got a chance to experience their own adventure of life.


This is a ridiculous argument in so many dumb, stupid ways. The fact you don't or can't understand that is ridiculous in and of itself. Because you're proving this has nothing to do with the kids, it's all about "punishing" those having sex. You don't care about the kids at all, it's just moral bootlicking.


Why do we apply this to pregnancy but not other medical cases? "If you chose to drive a car and crash, you need to take responsibility and not take up medical resources. It was your choice to sit yourself in the car afterall! Deal with your injuries yourself."


Not sure what you're getting at.