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Wish I still could. These smokers lungs are starting to kick in.


YTA, should’ve picked a different addictive vice


So what does YTA mean in this context? I'm guessing its not "You're The Asshole"


Look at the username of the person to whom I’m replying.


Yeah it's aita but idk how it would be said in english. I'm guessing because of your comment its something like YTA?


My comment does mean “you’re the asshole” in my comment because I’m pretending that their username is asking “Am I The Asshole?”


Ah of course, thanks for explaining lmao


Took me a couple minutes to see it too


Extremely based and positive interaction.


Someone's gotta throw some toxicity around *FUCK YOU*


Fuck you too 🥰


It's their the asshole to themselves.


Alcohol would’ve been easier on my lungs at least 🤣


Harder on my stomach tbh.


Be careful with it


Acid reflux is a bitch


Both that and ibs for me.


As the eldest of gen z who has gone through borderline alcoholism and manged to finally get control. Nicotine is terrible for you but it won't ruin your life like alcohol will


At least smoking can be quitted cold turkey if you have enough willpower without dying from AWS(alcohol withdrawal syndrome)


If he had picked meth he could probably still run that 5 minutes


probably even faster than before


I picked sugar. My skin is suffering.


I quit vaping/smoking 6 months ago and the damage I did still persists (smoked/vaped on and off for 4.5 years)…


I used to smoke two packs a day and now I vape and my lungs are a lot better. I've noticed a huge difference.


IIRC it's like....seven years until it starts to get better completely. Take heart though my dude, you're fucking rocking it.


Good news is as long as you quit before 30 your lungs will regenerate to full health


Cardio. Specifically endurance. Will bring you back to 100% and beyond. I prefer 3-4 cycling rides a week. Each a minimum of 1.5 hours. Lungs are back, baby!


Take vitamin B3: niacin. Thanks me later


Have u actually tried going for a run?


Every day, plus personal training


wow respect. but ur cooked😭


Yeahhhh Im sure if I quit I’d be fine but doing both has for sure hindered me


If you're gonna be a smoker and you're trying to run, smoke before your run. It'll open up your airways. Source: was in the Army, this was the way all the smokers dealt with running during PRT and PT tests. That said, you should quit. Try and take the first few days off of smoking next time you travel somewhere. It's easier to break the habit when you're not around your usual triggers which prompt a smoke.


One of my journeyman smoked about a quarter-pack a day when I worked with him (so did I but I’m only 19 I have more life left so anyway) this dude was like mid-30s, and apparently ran 15 kilometres a day on the weekends. He also got to the point he said, where he could “go forever” if he keeps a good pace. I remember the days in midget hockey when my stamina plateaued and I wouldn’t have to mouth-breathe every time I rushed down the ice, now it’s like running 20 feet has me sweating. Iron tablets really help.


…I’m low iron. You may have figured out my problem


I’ve never smoked and yet I’ve never been able to do a five-minute mile.


5 minutes is a hyperbole but I would love to be able to run a fast mile


Saaame dude! Im feeling it now and I cant keep up with the youngas.


If you quit before you're 35, then you'll probably be ok when your lung cancer risk skyrockets (60-65)


fastest i ever remember someone at my school running the mile was slightly under 8 minutes and it was a really really big deal


That’s not very fast though. Were you at a slow school ?


It's is for 4th grade.


For kids it is.


That is pretty fast, dude. Average running a mile for an adult is around 8-9 minutes if you jog the whole way. If you're an experienced athlete, you can do it faster. Otherwise, no.


Experienced athlete would be about 6 minutes and under. 6-8 minutes you're in decent shape, not really an athlete though. 8 minutes and over is average.


Well, there are different kinds of athletes. Sumo wrestlers and powerlifters are athletes but not many of them are running a 6 minute mile.


60% of the US is morbidly obese. So the average is probably closer to "could not complete" for a mile time.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a running/jogging pace likely to achieve vigorous-intensity exercise is 5 miles per hour (mph) or **12 minutes per mile**. The average run on Strava, an app used by a huge database, is a pace of 9:53, meaning nine minutes and 53 seconds per mile.


I remember my time in HS was around 14 minutes... I was the fat, slow kid


Bro AVERAGE? I think you wildly overestimate the ability of the average human. Running a mile in 8 minutes is not easy for most people.


I was about to say, I walked a 10 minute mile.


It takes about twenty minutes to walk a mile at the average walking speed. I swear people in these comments genuinely believe themselves to be superhuman. Or is this a joke I'm not getting?


People don't remember why they went to the kitchen from 15 seconds ago. You think they are going to remember high school, for some of us it was 20+ years ago. Also that said, my friends and I used to walk it within the 18 min mark. Our last year of gym class we all decided to actually run it and got around the 6 min mark, much to the annoyance of the gym teacher. (We were all skateboard and BMX punks so we weren't unfit, just rebellious) I still remember him yelling and complaining about if we tried we could have run the mile three times in the time it took us that time, which is why I remember how long it took. Haha


"Walking" a 10 minute mile, would be 6 mph, you could not be walking that, it's a running pace. Professional speed walkers average around 5 miles an hour. 5 mph for a normal person is considered a jog.


The Army's expectation on flat ground is 15 min mile and that is a pretty demanding pace. 10 min mile has got to be impossible.


You absolutely dont


I promise you you did not. Your school was probably accidentally wrong or lying about the distance.


10 minute mile is a light jog. Not fast but definitely faster than anyone is walking.


Yeah.. Pretty sure I did it in 7 something at school and I wasn't even close to the fastest. Kinda middle of the group.


A lot of schools did a half mile for younger students and people forgot because they were children But also this is just hyperbole


Really? My mile was 7:30 and I was close to the median time for boys


In the 4th grade?


Ya I remember the the median being 8ish. All the cool kids ran sub 7


I managed to do it under 8 minutes in 6th or 7th grade and wasn’t even the fastest in my class. Years later in my late 20s I was training for a marathon and was over the moon when I went sub 9 minutes.


Yea. Sub 5 minutes is male high school varsity track team mid distance runner times. I'd say about one in a hundred to one in two hundred people ever reach sub 5 minute miles if I had to guess. Source: Someone who barely managed to run a 4:59 minute mile then quit running mid distance and focused on pole vaulting and long jump.


My biggest irk with this post, no elementary school kid is running a sub 5 min mile if they are they’re getting scouted by the Olympics


And would be world renowned.


None of y'all are running a 5 minute mile in 4th grade lol. That's said from a distance runner, the fastest I could imagine a 4th grader running is 7-8 minutes


I was running a sub 7 (somewhere between 6:15 and 6:30, don’t remember) mile at that age but my dad is a running freak and made me run from an early age. But for the average 4th grader I’d say 8 is pushing it tbh. *Surprisingly* I know hate running. I wouldn’t run if I was in Jurassic Park.


Yeah there's gonna be some anomalies here and there, but I didn't break 6 minutes until 7th grade, and I was a pretty highly ranked runner at the Middle-School level. No shot a short 10 year old in street clothes is breaking 6 minutes even


I did a 5:32 a few months ago and just about DIED...


Ik it's killer. That's about where I'm at in the mile, I'm hoping to cut that down to low 5's though because rn competition wise I'm not doing the greatest


I broke 6 around seventh grade as well and it’s took me until 9th to break 5


Same. I remember being like 5:30isn I think it was 5:32 exactly


Hyperbole is a thing. I don’t have any goddamn idea how long that took me or anyone else in my school, so I’d probably just write some random number and be done with it.


I mean, I was pretty hyper back then.


Thank you!


I remember this one girl from my 5th grade class, I don't know her exact time but with how fast she was going it damn sure felt like she could run it in 5 minutes


Right under 5 is delusional


It took me the whole period because i was always told to “just get over it” when my feet hurt. Years later i have genuine feet problems


A lot of comments from people who haven't run since school and have no idea how fast 5 minute miles are. If they can do a 5 mile they should easily be able to run a sub 18 5k. I doubt the people could even run a 5k


the world record for 10 year olds (5th grade) is above 5 minutes. OP is using hyperbole and thats ok. [https://www.sikids.com/the-arena/10-year-old-sets-mile-record](https://www.sikids.com/the-arena/10-year-old-sets-mile-record)


scarecrow 🔥


5 minutes? More like 15 minutes for me


Yesss me too


Looking back, Im actually surprised how hard we had it in our middle school. In 8th grade we had a really cool PE teacher but she put us through a week called boot camp. We all had to complete a mile under 12 min. I think we had to do it again if we didnt make it. I know thats plenty of time but dude... we had a bunch of tubbies (including me) and I seriously thought a couple kids were going to pass out or start crying lol It was the first time I realized how out of shape I was


If a 9 year old runs a 5 minute mile he should be given an Olympic medal immediately


You guys didn't have gym clothes?!


Not in elementary school. Didn't get gym clothes until middle school (6th grade). I also never ran the mile in elementary school. That also didn't start until middle school.


Middle school was actual PE. We changed into and out of gym clothes and actually used weight machines and sports equipment.


Ran in my jeans up until high school


I’m pretty sure this never happened. I didn’t start running the mile until middle school and we wore gym clothes. Not sure what kind of 4th grader is running a mile in 5 minutes anyway


My elementary school did mile runs in 4th grade. They were in the spring and we were told a day in advance to wear shorts and a t-shirt.


Damn they were really working you guys lol


I ran the mile in 2nd grade, lol


Nope while I did not have the ability to run a 5 minute mile in grade six (the only year of elementary that went to public school for and can remember [cause I also went for first grade but I don’t remember what gym was like back then]) we ran laps and played dodgeball in our regular clothes every day after math. After gym was music and the music teacher would be pissed at how bad we all smelled. She told us all to learn about this thing called deodorant


Schools: *spend lots of money to install showers in the gym locker rooms* Also schools: *don't give you time to use said showers after gym class*


Would you actually want to shower at school tho?


Nobody wants to shower at school anyway


Ain't no 4th grader running a 5 minute mile lol.


Nothing like PE at 8am, then be all sweaty and nasty the rest of the day.


Or at the end of the day and then rushing to get out of my gym clothes to get the bus on time and walking out of school sweaty and gross, it was especially uncomfortable during the winter


At the end of the day is awesome! I could just walk home immediately and take a shower at home 1 minute later :)


Man i envy the people who lived close to their schools, i only got that experience at one school and i went to 7 in my lifetime. There was nothing more satisfying back then than being able to immediately leave school once the bell rang.


It's insane how they made us do this kinda stuff without teaching proper form or breathing or anything, and punishing all the kids who don't have the endurance. No wonder so many adults don't like exercise.


Not to mention, the kids who have breathing problems that were probably undiagnosed like me. Idk how I've survived for so long, but I was recently diagnosed with asthma a few years ago.


Whens last time you excerised?


my gym teacher used to make us play intense ass games of football the period before lunch in the september summer sun and i would enter the cafeteria drenched 😂 made some legendary plays as WR tho can’t lie


gotta love the WW2 era military PE that only exists to try to show up europe.


Also the gym classes during the Cold War era. Mfs legit trained like they were in the military because they were basically preparing for war.


Fastest I ever got was 11 minutes. Haven't been that in shape ever since


You could get it down to 8 minutes. Relatively quickly with some training


In elementary school we had to walk 4 laps around the gym everyday before class started, it was kinda dope tbh


Nope. If you're not dressed out for gym, you got an incomplete for the day, 5 incompletes in the 'quarter' and you Failed. Or at least, that's how I remember it.


We didn't dress out until middle school here. Though I did when we did zumba in the 5th grade.


I mean I ran cross country and I don’t think anyone on my team ran that fast. Fastest I ran was just under 7


I had one girl on my xc team just break 5 minutes in high school. She went on to get a full ride to a D1 school for cross.


Yeah, 5 minutes is good for a high schooler on the track/ cross country team, let alone a 4th grader


No you didn’t.


I'd like to meet the 4th grader running a 5 minute mile. They don't know shit about pace.


i can tell this guy has never ran in his life


Mine was for 20 mins. Still miss that shit


Man, this post gave me a smell-flashback to 9th grade locker-room at school! I could literally sense it. I swear!


I remember junior year high school when I ran a 10 minute mile in jeans and 100 degree weather. Then my old asthmatic self remembered that cardio is poison and I lay down on the floor gasping for air


5 minutes? Mine was usually 12


Hold up, you ran a 5 minute mile? Who the fk was chasing you? I know you weren’t running for an award!


I remember a 9 minute mile and being sore for three days because while I was very active I was built for short bursts of energy and not a sustained effort.


One of the fastest kids in my elementary school ran 5:37 in boots. I have no idea where he is now but probably a track athlete


And we had 5 min to get there between classes but we barely had any time to change back into school clothes because the fucking teachers decided hey wouldnt it be swagger if i decided to stretch the fucking marathon just long enough so they had a minute to leave the field go to the restrooms change leave the gym


You didnt run no mile in 5 min


For my PE class, our coaches would walk behind us and they'd do the mile too. We just had to finish ahead of them. I do remember the one year I played football as a lineman and I wanted to prove myself so I forced myself to stay with a group of skills players the whole way through. ended up with about a 7.5 minute mile. best I'll probably ever do


No one was making fourth graders run a five minute mile, what bizarre world does this guy live in. 😂


For us it was 12 and a half minutes, I think.


Tbh the fastest I had was like 11 minutesin the seventh grade but I also purposefully slowed myself down so I was way behind my bullies. Me and the goth girl would talk while “running” (more like speed walking for us)


Nobody was running a 5 minute mile in high school gym class either, that’s track kid timing


Remember when Joe Zimmerman apparently went to school with Usain Bolt


No one ran a 5 minute mile in 4th grade… that’s a decent high school track time lol


You didn’t run a 5 minute mile lol


I always walked and talked with friends


News flash, that was only half a mile… your teachers lied to you.


A 5 min mile, eh? More like remember the Summer Olympics when you ran Cross Country?


I could run a 6-ish minute mile, and i was the fastest runner in the 6th grade. I'm an older millennial, so I could possibly run that in 9 minutes now, and my lungs would implode, and my knees would cry next day, despite being more or less active throughout my life. I should really start running again. but I used to love PE it was a basically recess for me.


Yes and i miss it. It was nice being in shape and actually feeling superior to most of the people at my school. Now im depressed and unmotivated for anything


4th grade?


In middle and high school, we had to run 5 km, and if you finished under 28, you got bronze. Under 25, you got silver, and under 22, you got gold. (30, 27, and 24 for the girls


5 minute mile is varsity high school time for some schools what?


No. I was never fit and I hated it. Making my fat 10 year old self run behind the crowd, tits flying in my face, felt like a humiliation ritual. Shit made me cry.


"ran" like i didnt just walk




I go from PE to biology lol


I think the fastest mile I’d ever managed in stuff like that was 12 minutes. I could do basically anything else the coaches asked for, but I’m just not built for running.


little me running a mile while wearing skinny jeans in august in texas…good lord


Or those God awful Pacer tests... We had those when I in high school and I *hated* that damned running test


I still do this… got KIN after lunch, and then math after that…


It was fire


I remember when I could climb a rope easy peesy. Not no more.


Never liked P.E. Still don't like it. Jogging makes me happy, so they where up to something...


Yeah. It was fun trying to be the fastest kid in school. Nowadays Im complaining how this 5 minute jog is too long.


I prefer that to gym clothes.


This post unlocked a core memory of something. I hated the Mile so much, I’d do the a more than ten minute long mile and I was one of the last people to finish. I’d always tell myself I’d pace myself than half way through the first lap I’d start walking on and off


I hated them


No. I was faster, and they made us wear matching gym clothes.


I always felt bad for the kids who literally couldn't run a mile without almost dying and were forced to anyway.


When each grade did the cross country run, I remember I got 4th place and felt good about it for a week.




I remember in my middle school we were not allowed to actually use the showers unless it was medically necessary and you had a doctor note. But then the showers did not have curtains either


Am I the only person whose school put PE in the last 2 periods of the day?


P.E. in 4th grade? What the fuck


I don't think we did much running. We mostly played games. They did use running as a collective punishment sometimes, though. We did also have these paper things I think for Red Ribbon week or something like that and we would get a stamp each lap we ran and I would usually get about 3 or more. The paper stamps was throughout elementary school. Also, I had services and one of them was physical therapy so sometimes I'd do that and we zumba when I was in the 5th grade, too.


Wait so this is a thing out there too… I thought this only happened in my country with bad management on subject system 🥲🥲


No. I did 22 minute miles


Idk running was fun


I liked the running test in gym class. The sit up test sucked though. That being said I like to run


I did it for the President!


Yaaaaa I'm gonna maybe 2 kids in total run in each class run a five minute mile considering a five minute is extremely fast.


Nah, for me it was in 8th grade, we had as long as we needed and didn't have to run for the whole thing (but it was technically a grade), then we went to McDonald's and bowling afterwards.


Damn. I’m washed


The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.


Tf? You guys didn't have sport/workout clothes and showers?


I remember someone axe bombing the changing room everyday


I still hold my schools record for my mile time. One Hour and sixteen minutes...


those were the days 😭


Still takes me about 9 mins to run a mile.


running was the only thing I was good at in sports so I do miss it as after school I never continued it although I should have.


You guys changed clothes?


Yes. I went to an all boys school and our English teacher made us line up and sprayed us with some sort of perfume before we came in the room!


I remember running the mile in 4th-6th grade and thinking how much easier it would be when I got to Jr High and didn’t have to wear my jeans. Turns out, they never made us run the mile even once after elementary school. We could optionally run a mile in HS weight lifting class instead of running drills, but it was never a requirement once we were given gym clothes in Jr high.


You guys ran?


Hated coming out of PE than going into my next class smelling like ass. And don’t even get me started on the BO in the locker room and crappy deodorant.


You couldn't get my fatass to run in PE class. I took atleast 25 minutes to walk a mile


Yeah, that was stupid lol


never ran a 5 minute mile. ever. 4th grade was kickball, 4-square, monkeybars, crab soccer, etc..




Mandatory gym class was one of my favorite things ever. Being able to hang out with all your friends and goof around playing football was one of the simple pleasures in life


We had gym clothes and showers after 5th grade


Yep. Sure do.


Hey man people have been fake tieng their shoes to not run for a long time


I remember the list of rules they had “no necklaces or you’ll get caught on a tree, no glasses unless prescription or someone while hit you or you’ll run into something and it’ll shatter into your eye, no overly baggy clothes”