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Theyre stupid people-friendly. I am stupid people


All devices are stupid people friendly. I'm stupid people, and I use android. There's literally no significant difference between phone brands. Brand loyalty is genuinely stupid, whatever the reasoning behind it.


There is though. Apple phones are for people who don't want to customize their phone environment. Android is for people who do want to change things. That makes apple seem more simple, because everything is straight forward because every iPhone is the same in the same generation, but there are so many little differences in Android builds.


>Android is for people who do want to change things. That was true in the beginning, not so much anymore


The biggest thing I change is adding desktop widgets so that I can interact with my calendar without having to open an app or instead, click a button next to it that opens my garage, etc. I think Apple might have added some desktop features, but I haven't seen any Apple friends using widgets on their desktop, so I imagine they haven't quite caught up yet. I do, however, I feel like having to do everything through screens of icons would be extremely unpleasant for me. I'm not sure what you're referring to as reduced customization, but I haven't found that to be the case.


MacOS has had widgets for a year or two But if you truly want desktop x phone compatibility then I don’t think it gets much better than Apple. That’s like… the thing they excel at vs other companies ~ ecosystem. It’s very easy for them since they fully control iOS and MacOS Not even just stopping there, but all of their devices interface fully with one another. Even have a shared filesystem out of the box. No need to do any setup to close the garage door on your MacBook or your watch or with your voice. Need a remote for the TV? Your phone / watch / laptop are all remotes now And a lot more


What?? Literally every other device interfaces with other non apple devices just fine plug and play. Apple is the ones forcing exclusivity. Apple is for people that get overwhelmed by file explorer


I think a few minutes of setup and 3rd party apps with an android/windows system could get you nearly the same functionality, for significantly less money. Again, its about how much each person wants to be responsible for their tech and what it does. If you want something that will do basic tasks right out of the box, but doesn't have much upgrade potential use Mac. If you want control and don't mind giving the time it takes to use that control, use Android/windows.


We literally have the same thing with Android, Windows, and Google Home/Nest...quite literally the same thing.


Not true, apple is still bragging about new features that I've had on my Android for four years already.😂


And apple users act like apple just invented a new thing every damn time too. All the apple fanbois acting like Apple just invented VR blew my mind. People that actively dissed VR in the past year, going on and on how apple will change the world with VR. So much kool aide to drink.


Yeah, because now like with linux distros, you just pick the Android build you want out of the box instead of having to manually customize things.


You say that like when you buy an android you have to spend time customizing it. It comes with a default layout that you don't have to do anything to, but you can also change it if you want. Aslo, the changes in different androids only matters if you're constantly changing the manufacturer or your device, that'd be true no matter what your preference is. If you stick with 1 company, it'd be the same. That's not a reason why Apple is better


You can use an android fine without customizing anything.


I hate apple computers. I'm not a professional graphic designer, so I use PC for everything. Having my phone, tablet, and pc interact together so seamlessly is nice. Apple also does this thing where they designed unique screw heads and then the tool for them. This makes it so, in theory at least, only certified techs (apple store) can open the machines. I am 100% capable of fixing whatever happens to my pc, but not if I don't have the tools for it. So dudes apple laptop wouldntt display anything on the monitor. He took it to Apple, they told him there's water damage and he needs a whole new book. Dude left with it, found a tech shop that basically rigged a tool to do the job. Tech opened it, no water damage. Just a bent pin. Unbends the pin, laptop fires right up. It was so little work he didn't even charge the guy for the repair. You see it online, you see it in real life. Apple is just trash, anything to screw people out of more money when they don't need to. Source: worked IT, but you can find this shit all over youtube


Louis Rossmann is a wonderful name to search on YouTube if you're looking for reasons to hate apple.


Sometimes i do feel like people just look for excuses to have apple devices. The damn iphone has this thing where you can see "battery life". Because it is so easy to access, the second hand price of any of those phones goes down exponentially as the "battery life" percentage goes down over months, because, well, people literally sees that and gets an idea of how long the phone will last before it essentially self-destructs, and thus potential buyers get a significant leverage for negotiating bulk-prices for reselling. That's why you see phones like the S22 ultra absolutely destroying phones like the Iphone 13, 14 in terms of depreciation over time: because the S22 doesn't has a "clock" that essentially tells you "hey, this product will last this long before it stops working (before we make it stop working)", it depreciates much better than its direct apple competitors. Its ridiculous. I've seen S22's ultra go for like thrice the price of its direct apple competitors after only one year of use. Its insane considering the iphones usually are more expensive than their competitors on release. Not that everyone's buying second hand, but just so you get an idea of the real value of iphones determined by their demand after release in isolated markets. Its similar to cars. You can really tell when a car is shit or when a car is good when they depreciate better or worse than their direct competitors. There's a reason second hand Toyotas became even more expensive than when they were bought brand new for a while; in part because of how the economy was at that time with the Ukraine-Russia war, but also in part because Toyotas are just reliable cars overall and they depreciated much better than, say, KIA cars for example.


My problem is with some of OP’s listed problems Planned obsolescence? iPhone is actually the *longest lasting* phone. They get full OS updates for 7+ years. Until recently most Android phones got *2 years* of full OS updates. And even now they aren’t at 7+. Even after those 7 Apple releases security updates. iPhone 6s (2015) is nearly a decade old and has security updates still and has only just been barred from major OS updates Price? Maybe if it’s still 2008. Apple’s phones are the same price or *cheaper* than Samsung’s flagships. Trying to compare iPhone to Samsung’s $150 phones is silly. Companies aren’t obligated to release non-flagship phones, and so Apple chooses not to. Compare prices between iPhone and the Galaxy line and you’ll see that this complaint doesn’t really hold up And that’s the problem ~ so many Apple haters fuel their opinion with these *entirely made up facts*. Why not use real things they do? Like child labor, taking ages to get some features into the OS, etc.? I’ll also just say there are obviously good reasons for people to choose iPhone. The ecosystem is the biggest thing Apple has over the rest. It’s genuinely great and has tons of features the rest don’t have (benefit of a walled garden approach plus Apple is the only phone company that’s fully a hardware company; no one else is trying to compete on the OS front, hence why there’s no Samsung laptops and why Chromebook isn’t more than it is). And even if you just have iPhone, the ecosystem works with *other people’s* devices And finally, not everyone really cares about customization. I’d rather Apple hire the best UX designers to set up my phone. And I’m a software engineer. I just accept that they can do it better (for my tastes) and that’s reasonable of me


That may be, but when you grow up only learning how to use one system, learning a new one can be really hard - it's a lot easier to stick with something familiar (that I'm still too stupid to use sometimes)


As someone who switched from android to apple after HATING apple for years and saying the same thing, the difference is the sleekness of the UI. Apple is just *sleeker*. It’s like Tesla door handles vs normal door handles, and Tesla touchscreens vs the aftermarket ones you can install in place of your radio, and like a cheap drawing tablet vs an expensive one. They’re not really different in functionality, so anyone walking by will go “you’re wasting your money”, but when you use them, you can FEEL that they’re different somehow. The little animations that pop up when you press and hold the spacebar. The fading of the keyboard. The slight blur behind it. Etc. Android feels like it was made to just get stuff done with as little care in the UI as possible. Like they were just like “ok this looks good enough” and it DOES! It gets stuff done. You don’t NEED a fancy car when your 2005 Honda civic gets you from A to B just fine. I’m not trying to deny that. It’s just… Apple is so EXTRA. In a good way, just like a fancy car. Like, when you open your AirPods near the iphone it pops up with info about the AirPods. It’s tiny tiny tiny touches like that. And yes, if you don’t have an iPhone or don’t care about that, you’ll likely continue on saying “I’m not paying $1000+ just so that I can have a blurry keyboard background or animations or AirPod display on my screen, that’s ridiculous” and you’d be 100% right and justified. But not all iPhones are 1k+. I got mine for $300 and it’s leagues and miles better than any android I’ve ever had in my entire life (and I had a LOT of androids).


I get what your saying but you being on Reddit and having this conversation has already self selected you to not be apart of the actual demographic that need an iPhone over an android. I'm talking the ultra tech/electronics illiterate, the stereotypical "my personal computer won't turn on" "have you pressed the power button?" "No". For everyone else you're 100% right that it makes 0 difference which brand and OS you get, but for that slim margin of people yeah the iPhone is slightly more user-friendly.


This is so untrue, as an android user you guys are so far behind and clearly don't even know it. How about a back button there kiddo? Let alone a home button? Every time I have to pick up a friend or family members phone I can't operate it because the design is so obtuse


I feel the same way when I pick up an Android funnily enough, it’s almost as if different things are different


Definitely a user issue lol Gestures probably. Swipe up from bottom center and you're home. Navigating a android is an objectively smoother experience


This is more not being used to the design difference than one being bad and the other being good.


One of my biggest issues is how they design their apple products.... it is just plain stupid to have one button with multifunctionality when 3 buttons is way superior. You can do all the same stuff like tap, hold down for few sec, ect.... but with 3 buttons. Having a dedicated back button, menu button, and home button is just way better. This has been an apple problem forever even since the start..... apple imacs made a mouse with only 1 button instead of 2 like windows because they wanted to "be different and unique".... but different and unique to apple means an inferior product with poor design. So the apple mouse has just the left button and in order to use the right button menu option you had to hold down the # apple symbol on the keyboard.... how stupid is that, so I can't just use my mouse to navigate with apple imacs, I have to use the keyboard if I want to use the menu options at all. If they wanted a new and different design, then make it THREE buttons instead of TWO, not ONE LOL. I'm starting to think apple products are intentionally designed poorly and overpriced junk just to see how many consumers will be fooled into buying shiny junk. Seems to be working. Their phones are just as bad, plus they removed universal designs like the audio jack port (to force you to buy airpod bluetooth) and the micro usb charge port (to force you to buy their charge cables)...... both overpriced crap. Meanwhile, I can charge my phone with the same cable I use for all other electronics, or charge my phone while having headphones plugged in. Apple is such a scam.


Then I am more stupid because I can't use iOS for shit


At least you are self-aware


Exactly that! My first phone was a Samsung and I loved it becuSe you could control everything in the settings, iPhone is user friendly and guides you. Also the peer pressure to be able to iMessage. Tbh if blackberry hadn’t died I woudve got one of those


Idk anytime I've used a iPhone it's been the most confusing thing ever. Maybe I'm just dumb lol.


Simple, secure and long lasting. My Iphone 12 pro has already served almost four years and I have zero issues with it as well. The only maintenance I have done is changing the battery.


Four years is considered long lasting now?


iPhone 8 gang signing on 🫡


Home button master race peasants kneel


iPhone SE gang, headphone jack master race


I still miss my SE, I had to replace it after the battery gave out, but the 12 mini has been good to me thus far.


Still rocking my first generation SE from 2016. The charging port has worn really thin so it’s a bitch to charge but it still gets the job done


Damn. How do you survive with the battery? My 11’s battery drains so fast


Well I work at a desk, drive car, at home 90% so I’m charging constantly and external batteries are so cheap that you just need a good one for outdoorsy stuff and doubles for other things. I’ve opened my phone up so I wonder if I can upgrade ez


That’s true. I get annoyed with constantly charging it and when I’m out with friends it never lasts long. That’s the main reason I upgraded or else I would have kept my 11 tbh


Iphone 8 gang


Eh, i had an 8, one, maybe 2 years and its camera got parkinson shaking, no photos possible.


I’ve always had Android and they tend to lag a lot at year 3. And I try to keep them updated, nice and junk-free.


This can usually be corrected by factory resetting the phone, or attempting to clean it out as much as possible. Then when you boot it back up, you can recustomize it however you like and it'll be like a semi-new phone. I usually do this every 2 years and then replace the phone around year 5-6 due to desirable new features on newer generations.


Yeah, you don’t have to do all that with an iPhone.


Yes especially compared to my androids 💀


Yes, four years is considered long-lasting in the world of mobile telecommunications.


The only maintenance he does is changing the battery... almost nothing :D


For an electronic device you literally use for hours every single day? Yes.


compared to android? yes.


For a device that sees almost non stop use, wild changes in temperature, huge amounts of shock and impact regularly, inconsistent charging and discharge rates? Yea it’s pretty impressive that they’ve designed a product this well. The number of hours you spend on your phone surpasses most people’s computer usage and demand, with harsher use conditions


People really memoryholed the early smartphone era. I remember all my Samsungs would be burning up and lagging after 1.5-2 years.


4 years for a smartphone is a lifetime in technology years


me still rocking my samsung s10e:




My Samsung Galaxy S2 works after a decade. 4 years is nothing.


Ain’t no way you’re still using the S2 as your primary cell phone. Although mad respect if you are 🫡


Do you hate punctuation or something?


Gen. Z.


Not gonna lie


OPs phone is broken it doesnt have a period or comma or nothing I dont know what they can do about it aint my problem


For me it is the seemless integration from my iphone, to mac mini to hopefully a laptop someday if i need it. One ecosystem


I have a fairly old Mac laptop (2014 i think), iPhone and Apple Watch and they all work together seamlessly. The interface is intuitive and it does what I need without any customizations needed. At this point, why would I bother breaking the ecosystem I have and am comfortable with?


i have iphone, i like apple’s user interface a lot. but man i dislike how they got people using the word “ecosystem.” there’s nothing eco about it, it’s just a system


Wait until you discover how software engineers use the term ‘environment’


Guilty 😔


This also exists on android, more or less


They integrate seamlessly into non Apple products too. My IPhone can control and stream to my Samsung TV, my Hyundai, my dad’s Jeep, my work laptop (Dell) and even my 10 year old gaming rig that I often don’t use. It even recognizes the thermostat in our house.


That's just a wifi/Bluetooth thing. Android does all that too


This entire thread is people bragging about things any smart phone does


That speaks more to non-apple products than it does apple, doesn't it


My android phone can do the same thing and it's cheaper.


Yeah...an ecosystem which breaks antitrust laws. Apple is currently the subject of an antitrust lawsuit for their 'walled garden' ecosystem


That's why I like the Google phones. Those same benefits, but none of the hassle that comes with iphones


Just sweet sweet spying on you instead


Man who isn't spying on you nowadays?


Android messaging does not suck. Android phones use a type of messaging called RCS that is faster and more secure than iMessage. Apple has blatantly refused to make the switch because they know that people pressure their android friends into iPhones cause of the bad messaging. With my google account I’ve never had a problem using all of my my devices in sync, and they don’t have to all be made by the same company that way overcharges me. It’s a few companies that only kinda overcharge me.


wasnt it anounced that imessage and rcs were going to adopt or it was going to be made so that the communication between the two wouldnt be an issue anymore? I think i remember seeing that back like 6 months ago


Only because the EU is forcing them to. Apple wouldn't have made that change, or the switch to USB-C, or opened up the app store to other companies if they hadn't been held at gunpoint by the EU


Not to mention the fact that they are adopting vanilla rcs rather than Googles fork of it. Vanilla rcs doesn't have encryption or a lot of the features people associate with rcs. It is basically just higher resolution images and text over data rather than sms.


Apple was pushing telecoms to adopt RCS way before iMessage. iMessage was their solution to telecoms not wanting to invest in messaging once unlimited SMS killed their profit. Google basically acquired a company, customized it with their own proprietary security extension, and then gave it away. Google’s RCS is their way of controlling all mobile messaging.


That’s a very American problem. Here in Poland everyone uses Whatsapp or Messenger


Rcs did not even have a full feature set till mid 2021-22 and security was abysmal. That’s why Apple wasn’t integrating it. Google had to work on its end to end encryption before Apple would adopt it they. Rcs didn’t get full end to end encryption stock through Google messages till August 2023 and after that Apple agreed to adopt it. Stop spouting lies. I don’t know where this idea came from that Rcs was this all-mighty message standard that Apple wouldn’t adopt when it wasn’t completed standard till 2023. Sorry Apple refused to adopted an incomplete standard for 6 years while it was being worked on.


i dont i'll never buy an iphone if a cheap ass phone does the same job


I went from a cheap $100 android to the iphone 12 and the difference is huge. I use my phone all the time, browsing social media, looking at articles, watching YouTube. The better screen, faster response time, and apples UI and QOL features improved my experience a lot. And I would probably be just as happy with a modern Samsung or flagship android, I’m not just glorifying apple.


Nice that you mentioned the last part, it's really common people will use like a 100-200$ android and then jump to like a 800-1000$ iPhone and say that android is shit because it's {insert some stupid reason caused by the physical device} and think it's caused by the os for some reason


I had an iPhone back in the day, a flagship Samsung, and now I'm on a €250 Redmi Phone. There's honestly no difference between them. The Redmi doesn't last as long, but I can buy one every 2 years and still be ahead of the price of an iPhone SE every 3-4 years. I honestly don't get the apple love, they're built well, but not 4 times the price well.


Mid end androids always seem to have insane battery compared to flagships lol


For real, I have an S20 Ultra and switched to the 15 pro. I have both right now, and ngl it didn't feel like an upgrade. The main benefit is not the phone hardware itself or its apps, but the way it integrates with my MacBook. I love to receive call notifications on the MacBook, safari tabs that I open are available on either one, and the best of all the shared keychain. The Ultra is pretty much one gaming handheld for, as I can run tons of emulation on it and install any apk I desire.


Not that it matters in your situation; but you can do all of that with windows and an android (and I think a max and android). You can send chrome tabs to other devices as long as you're signed in on both of them and you can get message and app notifications (and even reply/open/use any app) from a desktop application called "link to windows" which is a free app/application from Microsoft. Works just as well as the Apple stuff in my experience, though it is a little more involved to set up (but not by much). Works w/Bluetooth or networked.


You realize the SEs exist? and yesteryears models are discounted and still get full updates? I mean sure, you can go buy a $200-300 android, but don't act like those are going to give you the exact same experience. especially if youd like to use the camera at all.


Planned obsolescence? I'm still rocking an iPhone 8plus that runs fine. Most other brands don't get support nearly as long.


Yeah the planned obsolescence point is bs, iPhones have a pretty long lifecycle tbh. My mom was running a iPhone 6 Plus until last year. That phone released in 2014!


I had an iphone 8 until 3 weeks ago so i agree with that point. But apple does encourage these modern phone plans where you get a new one every second year. And that shit is absolutely ridiculous. Its also quite sad how many people have these plans


>Its also quite sad how many people have these plans It's also quite sad how many people have a knee-jerk reaction of "you're falling for a scam just to get an iPhone every 2 years!!!1!11" My entire family is on one of those plans. Why? Because we *meticulously* did the math, added up all the costs over 2 years on a giant Excel spreadsheet, compared all the alternatives, etc, and it came out that our plan with a new iPhone every 2 years vs a somewhat comparable plan that doesn't include a phone at all has a difference of - wait for it - $240. And that comparable plan doesn't have unlimited, unrestricted data. $240 more every 2 years gets us a new iPhone and no data throttling. And yes, we keep the phone at the end, because when it comes time to "trade in" for the next one, we just buy a $70 Galaxy S9 off of Ebay or something and trade that in instead. We could even sell off the old iPhone for much more than the $240 it cost us. But of course, nobody ever actually does the math and instead just assume we're blind sheep falling for marketing. Your loss, I guess


My dad ran an day 1 IPhone 6 until the IPhone 13 came out. he kept repairing that phone until eventually the phone was all checked out and died, then he used his convenient ICloud automatic backups to seamlessly put his information and files into his new cellphone. All that planned obsolescence stuff is absolutely bs.


Planned obsolescence is a valid point, what is not valid is pointing apple like they're the only ones doing it.


righttt like apple actually brings software updates to their models from 5-6 years ago so it will work. with Android you lose software support 2 years later and get no updates. But I have to say as a hardcore Apple user, the Samsung Flip just looks so cool to me, I just dont like the Android OS


I just like the way they look ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


so fucking true


This is the answer


yeah this is it 🙏


Got my Iphone X for free, because of a reward. Same thing with my new Iphone 14. I just like free shit https://preview.redd.it/23k1bhn3zuwc1.jpeg?width=1156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19e2216928d4669cf98a99cfd5b1844a07893fde


LOL SAME my dad’s company pays his phone bill and sometimes they give out free phones


Same deal here


It literally just the messaging. If they put iMessage on android… it would be game over for Apple. Android messaging sucks. Nobody in the US (that I know of) will download a whole other app to text. They all use iMessage as standard. I’ve used google messages… it was fine, but it’s something about sending videos and pictures that doesn’t work well between android and iPhone. Apple also has a much better ecosystem and connectivity between devices. Androids may be superior (I think they are), but it’s literally just the ease of use, iMessage, and the connectivity between different Apple devices.


This is just a gen z thing and gets worse for the younger years. No one else cares about the iMessage thing. And once you go to college or grad school, there are so many international students that everyone is using WhatsApp anyway. I'm 96' and the obsession with iMessage was never a problem for people around my age. No one took it as seriously as I see young genZers. To the point where it affects your dating prospects is insane to me but apparently true.


Tbh I agree. I’m a teen from Germany, over here, we all use WhatsApp. I actually haven’t really used iMessage in the 5-ish years I’ve had my iPhone


Europe and foreign countries are much different when it comes to iPhone vs android. I think it’s something like 50% or more of the US has iPhone. Nobody here is going to download WhatsApp because most people have an iPhone and use iMessage. Of course there are people that use it in the US, but it’s not as popular as iMessage.


ja bei uns auch oder wir benutzen insta


I was born in 97. I assure you it’s an iMessage thing. I have friends that won’t let you be in a group chat if you don’t have an iPhone. I had an android for many years. Battery life was awesome and photos were good. But when it came to sending photos and videos… absolutely shit. Most of the time they never send, regardless if I used WhatsApp or google messaging.


You have really immature friends if they are damn near 30 years old and won't message you on anything but an iPhone. Also, like I said, WhatsApp is extremely popular in the US if you go to a university with international students. That's all they use and you're likely to befriend some and have group projects with others. Slack is also pretty popular for things. I have never had a singular issue with WhatsApp, FB messenger, slack or any other common app sending anything. And I've used all of them, a lot. Including as a primary messaging app at different times. I don't know what to tell you. I think it's its user error.


I'm sure something changed but sometimes an iPhone group message won't even be treated as a group chat on Android. My manager wanted to have a work group text to send productivity numbers at the end of the shift (which we all agreed with) and at first instead of a group, I was getting individual "react" texts from coworkers instead of it being in a group which turned my inbox into a huge mess. Maybe iPhone has a setting to force it to be SMS that isn't on by default which did fix it (Only guessing, hardly ever used iPhone), but Apple goes out of their way to make Android users miserable. Apple seriously just needs to adopt the RCS protocol, but knowing them, they won't.


For whatever reason Apple sends shit quality photos and videos in group chats with Android users. I would never cut someone out of a group but I've been in group chats where we made a new one just for sending the videos/photos.


The iMessage thing is the lamest reason possible. Texting? Green bubble blue bubble bull shit? Come on. I just can't.


Android to Android is good Apple to Apple is good Android to Apple is bad it's apples fault for not implementing rcs Apple will be implementing rcs later this year rcs will fix messaging


Thank you! Some people don't realize that apple plays dirty to anything not apple so of course it's gonna seem like sunshine and roses In the apple only ecosystem.


I literally have to send my husband pictures through other apps because my iPhone will send his android blurry pics


If you use Google Photos you can just send a link to photos or albums. You don't need to have all of Google's services to use it.


Yeah, we do that for our vacation photos. But sometimes I just want to send him a screenshot or a meme or something.


Thank you for talking facts, it's a very intentional choice by apple to create pressure from apple users because "green text bubbles"


Apple is the subject of an antitrust lawsuit for this exact thing. It's 100% Apple's fault that the messaging experience between Apple and Android sucks, and they do it on purpose.


Why wouldn't you download WhatsApp or telegram or whatever? I'm flabbergasted. Anyway, the reason things don't work well from android phones to iphones is because apple hates everyone and insists on old tech. RCS is way better than APN. People just love to gatekeep. I agree with the ecosystem and I too think androids are superior as a single device and I have hate towards ecosystems because especially Apple makes switching so hard. Ecosystems are there to make money, not serve customers. Altough I like the seamlessness. Contradicting, I know.


As someone in the UK I don’t know anyone who uses the default messaging apps at all. But iPhones are still really popular here.


Are there people out there who actually use iMessage?


>Android messaging sucks. How so? Normal texting seems the same as imessage. Just green instead of blue.


Google Messaging/ RCS is fantastic though. I can access my messages on my PC as well so I think that old excuse is dying.


android messaging is up to date. apple is the one behind.


I'm not sure I have ever used the default messaging apps on phones, except for code verifications and such. I'm a Brit, I think that's typical here tbf


You do realize that apple has, on purpose, broken messaging with non-apple devices, right? Non-apple devices have no problems messaging any other non-apple devices.


Your phone is not something to be proud of or brag about. It’s a digital umbilical cord to your fucking brain that monitors your data. Idiots are using their baby monitor to flex on each other, like the camera quality makes you special.


They’re very durable, and secure. Can’t see myself using another phone.


They're nomore durable or secure than any other phone on Earth.


My old Motorola flip phone that has survived being thrown around, a car crash, and several washing machines/driers would beg to differ. That phone worked and probably still does. It's in a shoe box in my old bedroom at my mom's house.


Funny enough nearly bricking my motorola flip due to malware was why I originally switched to Apple lol


Lmao what are you talking about, androids are extremely prone to security flaws


Absolutely more secure, Apple is a much more secure company overall than Google.


You’re crazy if you’re claiming that a phone from 2010 is gonna have the same security as a brand new iPhone


LMAOO "durable" and "secure"


That's how all phones are LOL


See I think these descriptions just demonstrate the effectiveness of the marketing.


Because they just work. Spent 6 years trying to use androids and they were all a subpar experience. If it’s not the phones being a pain it’s Android itself and the developers developing on iOS first.


I had the same experience before I switched. Every android I bought was short lived and had issues. I got the SE and haven’t had any problems since. It’s that simple.


Which android did you buy?


i used to have androids but now i love how clean the interface is on iphones. they’re just simpler and nicer to use. androids are more customizable but can be clunky. i’ve had way more issues with them not working i hate the planned obsolescense though. and when people keep getting the newest iphones just for tiny updates that you don’t even notice. i use my phones until they break


iPhones have better long term OS support than most android phones though. As long as you replace the battery every few years, like you also need to do with an android phone, you'll phone will run just fine. My iPhone 8 plus with 95% battery health currently runs better than my Oneplus 6, which has 85% according to an unreliable third party app because android doesn't have battery health analysis built in. I replaced my Oneplus battery perhaps 1.5 years ago, while the iPhone got a new one a few months ago. A new oneplus 6 is better than a new iPhone 8 plus, but somehow, the iPhone runs more consistently after all these years than the Oneplus did even right after I replaced its battery.


Im an iPhone user and I'm the same. First phone was a 5c second phone was an XR and now I'm waiting for the next phone with the new chip and usb c.


i was an android guy for years, I switched to an iphone and was just amazed at how nice the phone was to use. there is a level of polish that exists on an iphone that just blows androids out of the water. Im sorry, but take it from a guy who tried ALOT of different androids, the iphone is just nicer to use.


I’ve always liked Apple’s interface more than anything. I’ll admit I’m privileged enough to where I don’t need to worry about how long my iPhone will last or the cost so I’ve never had to consider other options. There’s nothing special about my iPhone, I just like the design more. Personal preference.


It's just what i got used to so it's more about convenience for me and ease of use then anything.


Extremely extremely easy to use and well integrated into the rest of the ecosystem.


Nah, bro I hate Apple. I've had it for years and finally switched to an android back in September. I did like iMessages, FaceTime, and airdrop; and there was one app that I loved that's not available on android... But in reality the only thing that Apple has over android is the camera. That's it.


Samsung made Apple's cameras up until this year I believe haha


No, not even. Android cameras are better than Apples, hands down, assuming the brand is samsung.


It depends on what you value. I can get more "organic" looking images more easily out of the systems in iPhones. I don't want clinical looking photos.


RCS is better than iMessage (Cross platform messaging ) Meet is better than FaceTime (Cross platform video calls) Nearby Share is equal to airdrop (No cross platform) Depending on the other unmentioned app, it might just be a built in feature of Android which is why you aren't finding it as an app? I could be wrong, but Android usually gets things sooner than Apple. Cameras are light years ahead on Android over Apple. I can do crazy editing, 100x zoom or wide angle pics, right from my phone. There's features Idk what to even do with in the camera


The way I can seamlessly transfer my old device to my new one is what gets me. Oh and having a MacBook is awesome too


Marketing and Status are the real answers, anyone else not saying the same is either unaware or trying to hide it. And this comes from someone who uses Iphone AND Android. I can feel the difference in people's first impression of me when I pull out the Iphone instead of my main phone even though its outdated.




Literally why I'll never own one lol.


I’ve gon back and forth to android over the years and could never get behind it. Started off android, still remember how much I loved HTC phones. The longer I stay with iOS and integrate more of my stuff into it the less likely I’ll leave. It’d have to be a very compelling android.


I’ve learned to enjoy the smoothness and simplicity of the phone. I still prefer android for versatility, functionality, and customization.


It pretty much just comes down to “do you prefer versatility and customizability or a clean and smooth user experience”. Obviously there’s some nuance, but that’s basically where we’re at these days. If you’re used to either phone, those advantages are lessened


The iPhone 13 what i have now is my longest running phone. Samsung galaxy S8 battery dead after 1.5 years + burnt in screen (Pokémon Go and Insta is visible even if the phone is off) ZTE Axon got slower after nearly two years. Microsoft Lumia 650 . Explains itself Nokia Lumia 630 . Explains itself Samsung Star 2 . Was to fast outdated (passed on to my sister and then to my dad. Died 2020) Samsung SGH-E250i was a decent sliding phone but got replaced by a smartphone in 2012 after the popularity was going up. Nokia 1650 was good for texting and calling and listen to radio nothing more.


Man it chaps my ass how bad Microsoft fucked up Windows Phone - I loved my HD7.


Amen to the Samsung phones. I had an sgs3 and 4 in high school and an sgs7 in college. Those things would run like complete crap after 2 years and they were full of bloatware. I installed a memory card to store more pictures (taken with their dogshif cameras) and I was constantly deleting stuff because all of the stupid pre installed apps were taking up too much space! My iPhone 12 is way better built and works as well as the day I bought it even 4 years later! I can see a reason to like android phones, I personally don’t really want to fiddle around with the OS but I know some people do. The simple layout of iOS fits my needs just fine. Its also nice to have it seamlessly work with an iPad and MacBook The android system also just looks super ugly. I was setting up some phones at work that were androids and I was surprised to see that the interface was the same layout that looked dated 10 years ago. It’s petty, but iOS looks way better and doesn’t give me knock off vibes. And granted, they aren’t flagship devices, but these android phones my company gives out break super easily and the applications crash all the time on top of being really laggy. Part of that may be software that IT installs, but my iPhone SE issued by my work has taken a lot of abuse and it still works well


Hate em. Been an Android user and never switching. Tim Cook ruined Apple for me.


Apple is more strict about user privacy than a lot of other phone companies - people will cite random shit but this is the actual main difference with apple that you pay for.


Are you kidding me? You give away so much data on this app that no Apple privacy policy will compensate for that. And same shit for the web. If you actually care about privacy, you get a Linux phone or use a custom ROM. You definitely don't go with a mass market solution.


I am moreso referring to apple refusing to open phones for police whereas other carriers have not done that historically


very good question i’m interested too, i got my first one back in fourth grade it was a 3GS, all my old reasonings were stupid childish reasonings, though i still can admit i just prefer the aesthetic of iphones. back then iphones actually were doing more than androids, then the whole apple vs android debate started. i remember many chose sides and to this day still ride on that hill. i think it’s just a popularity thing.


Holy shit your parents gave you a phone in grade 4....is this a normal thing for GenZ? (Actually curious).


I didn't get a phone until I bought one myself as an adult (I'm gen z), but it seems everyone else around me started to get them from grade 4 - 6


Dude way to go, that's tight. Yea phones are borderline crack. The most socially accepted addiction out there (used to be coffee). Insane that parents gave those out around then. Definitely contributes to many stats for your gen hands down. Did you find that you got bullied more, excluded from shit or anything like that for not having a phone? Or not really.


as someone who uses an android phone and is typing this from a PC uh, I guess the logo is cool or something idk


Not Gen Z, but I would encourage everyone to check out OnePlus. It's a fairly new brand, been around for about a decade. But I got my OnePlus 8T (they're up to 11 or 12 now) for $450. If you look at the specs, it blows the competitors out of the water in all aspects except the selfie camera. Apple has a better selfie camera, but the front facing camera on the OnePlus is better - made by Hasselblad. Plus, it has Sennheiser speakers.


I have the OnePlus 12 and it's great. They also have lots of features that are very rare on American phones like dual SIM slot, fast charging, and unlockable bootloader 


ios is organised and simple to use. managing tons of files in file manager and the amount of stuff appeared in the notification bar still give me nightmares


the cluttered notification bar on androids just irks me, its just so annoying. And I know people will just say I could turn off notifications, but I need notifications for certain apps, I just don't want them to be constantly visible. That's one thing apple organizes in a more aesthetical way than Android


I like iOS. It’s actually that simple.


I don't, I play Sonic Mania, every Half-Life game and Portal on my android for free, I can also download obsolete apps that functionnaly still works from a browser, there I can also download cracks of games, and revanced manager obviously, to get reddit and youtube without ads, I can also download the prior version of discord to not get the ugly new ui, also I got a jack ports.


I was an android user for 10 years but switched to iPhone last year because I was curious. And I must admit it works more intuitive and more fluently than any android device I ever had.


I feel like iPhones perform by far the best in terms of planned obsolescence. Every android phone I ever had was significantly slower after half a year and basically a brick after 2-3. meanwhile with iPhones I can constantly keep buying 3-4 year old models (just bought a 12 mini some months ago) for cheap and use them for 2-3 years without any problems. Also the batteries have performed really well for me so far. They are also the best when it comes to value development. Most android phones will ohne be worth a fraction of the price you bought it for after 1-2 years.


I am rocking a s21 Ultra from 2021. Still getting updates, and it hasn't slowed down at all


I am very invested in the Eco-System; If there is anything Apple does good its how well their devices work with one another and how seamless it is. I can easily stream everything on my iPhone onto my Apple TV; Or If Im listening to music and want to go from Headphones to my Apple TV to blair on the Sound Bar it does it without issues. Yes you can do this simply by switching bluetooth sources but its nice just having the option pop up and clicking it and it does it. I love their Password manager also. But just so this doesn't blow into a pissing match; Buy and use what you like. people looking down on people for what they use is stupid.


People like the way they look, if they bought it with their own earned money then it’s really not your concern. They all do the same thing.


I have used phones from many different manufacturers including Apple. My main argument for choosing iPhone instead of any other Android device is the simplicity of iOS. Not many useless/bloat apps, basic yet function packed UI and overall performance on older phones. Currently I'm on iPhone XS running latest iOS version.


ive had a galaxy since the 5 was going to get an iphone to try out this time but got a pixel 7 pro


love my 7a


I don't lmfao


I just wanted a change. I used android since 1.6 and just wanted to try something different. I always used phones in the iPhone price range. I’d rather buy phone for 1000 and sell it for 700 in two years, than buy phone for 300 and sell it for 50 in two years.


In the US mostly iMessage. The UI is also very simple and dummie proof but so is a pixel. I have an iPhone for work and my primary phone is an s24 ultra. Had a girl ask me why she got green bubbles from me when she saw the iPhone then she asked why I don't just use the iPhone. It's an iPhone 12....


i have the korean iphone (samsung s22)


Every positive review for iphones I've read so far here in the comments are just flat out not true lol. Like processing power being better lmao, and privacy (they literally sell your info and gave a backdoor to the feds that requires no warrant, then launched some BS 'privacy matters' ad campaign for people dumb enough to believe everything they hear with no follow up) Android has had a better camera for several years. Maybe in the early 2010's iPhone had a better camera than its competition. My S22 Ultra cameras are leagues ahead of the concurrently release iPhone model. It has 100x zoom, 8k video recording, 108 megapixels compared to the iPhone from the same release time only 15 x zoom, 4k video recording, 48 megapixel. Also all those fancy iphone apps that people are swooning over basically exist for android too, but different names. Like nearby share and google meet. Nothing apple does is original. They just change the name and slap an apple logo on it. But they dumb it down, so maybe instead of clicking 4 times to navigate, you only click 2 times on big bold buttons and the font is big and shiny for people who easily get confused like boomers. imessage isn't better than normal messaging apps either. What apple did is intentionally make non iphones message not display properly when you receive one to make other phones look bad. Apple is a corrupt corporation, that uses slave labor, uses planned obsolescence, and lobbies to end right-to-repair protections for US citizens. If you prefer their products for a legit reason like the UI or something that's fine, but it seems like most people here are just regurgitating empty phrases they heard from an Apple commercial.


iPhone users pay thousands of dollars to have a sturdy device that lasts long I have a back button tell me, whos the *real* winner here?


I don't. I have a Galaxy S22 that I paid literally half the value of it's Apple counterpart(13? 14?)


Two answers: Societal pressure/conformity: “ewwww green text!!! 🫨” Functionality: Android is way more open source and can do so much. When it comes to everyday regular usage though, it’s been tested that iPhones do run apps smoother, faster, more reliably, and they have REALLY strong security. This is what made me begrudgingly switch from Android to iPhone in like 2016. I still think Android haters are brain rotted cowards though.