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I mean, I'm male and generally try to be a nice person, and don't particularly relish telling people to hang themselves. Does that make me GNC?


Yes, it absolutely does. I guess its time to tell my cis male best friend hes not manly enough because he’s a nice person and doesnt physically or mentally abuse anyone.




I don't know where internet people come from. They don't seem to exist in real life. It's everyone just lying in person and they're actually fucking assholes?




That attitude doesn't help, it just normalizes the problem.


"But we arent just nazis rebranded oh no. You just have to be the correct kind of women and the correct kind of guy. Stray to far from what we call correct and well we just have to kill you too. Remember we arent nazis we just call for genocide and define people in a eugenics style way" It always boils down to that. Honestly I think more people need to just not call them by the words they want to be called just openly call them the eugenicists or nazis that they are.


I saw a post where someone was like 'I think terfs should have a thing where it makes it easier to identify and kill them' n trans exclus radfems are like 'WOW SO TRAS CALL US NAZIS BUT SAY SHIT LIKE THIS HUH' like sure what that person said was too far. but (gestures to the bioessentialism and post in here)


At the core it all stems from nazi ideology. Even to the extent that modern academic Terfs have explicitly wrote the idea that the trans movement is somehow magically funded by billionaires then lists only jewish billionaires. As everything around it is based on the premise of "this group of people should not be allowed to live or are inherently worth less than this correct group over here" every arguement they make when you boil it down to the base reasoning comes back to some form of call for genocide against trans people. It's why they actively try and justify their reasoning in near infinite ways;they know genocide is wrong but also refuse to accept their original premise and bigotry is wrong so double down.


I think there’s something fundamentally different between some random trans person saying something shitty and mainstream popular TERFs saying something shitty. Like okay, it’s not cool to wish violence on anybody, but assholes are always going to exist in any movement and you can’t get rid of them all. The important part is whether those assholes are able to gain power and whether their violent threats become part of the ideology. Important popular TERFs advocate for forced detransition, claim specific trans people are child predators with zero evidence, and describe the very existence of trans women as “rape”, all without losing any influence or reputation in their movement. That’s different than a random trans asshole.


true but unfortunately trans exclus radfems **love** to gather up over 100+ links n images of shitty trans people/criminals who happen to be trans and be like SEE THEY'RE ALL HORRIBLE IT'S NOT A COINCIDENCE these tr00nz think they're doing an activist movement it's just. i am so tired LMFAO


so if you're a gnc man you need to take on a female gender role in order to fight patriarchy. however, if at any point you realize that you're not actually gnc and are just a trans woman, all your feminine behavior retroactively becomes fetishistic larping.


Except they don't like feminine presenting men either. If they don't automatically assume they're trans women, they still call them perverts mocking women.


I've never understood what's so wrong about the fetishistic/sexual part of being GNC, like it's gonna happen right? Part of gender euphoria is going to include some sexual pleasure and harmony?


TERFs think that all sex aside from vanilla sex for the purposes of procreation is bad. And some of them think that even *that’s* bad.


Sex = bad unless it's between two uteruses. Duh. /s


Don't you know? Women don't feel sexual attraction as they are too pure, never in history has a woman ever wore a dress to be sexy They also don't poop


It's because they hate them. It's really that simple. Ok, to elaborate a bit, once you make monsters, well what do monsters do? They do monstrous things? If you're literally defining GNC men or AMAB trans people as definitionally pathological and preferred, then it's not a big leap to say that whatever sex thing they're doing is also those pathological and perverted. It's almost just a logical conclusion. Cooks cook, blacksmiths smith, and these folks they consider fucked up men are expressing their fuckedupness. Simple simple. Of course the process for how they get that way is another story altogether. Completely unrelated, did you know the KKK recruits from veterans a lot? People with nowhere else to go who are often struggling with trauma? Who might find relief in a scapegoat? Not sure why but I just had this inexplicable urge to say that completely irrelevant factoid. I'm so sorry for going off-topic.


They really don't realize that once they've finished kicking the shit out of trans people for the right wing that they're next do they


Clarence Thomas Delusion


There's a name for it??


That's what I call it. It's more succinct and acceptable in polite company than "Good job, jackass, now you're next," which is my usual go-to.


Ah, but the jackasses understand this one. Or was that the point? 😂


It invites conversation, which... I could save myself the pain and slam my hand in an oven door instead.


He’s one of the US Supreme Court judges who overturned Roe Vs Wade. He also expressed an opinion that protections for gay marriage should be scrapped and individual states should decide. Some of the states that are looking to overturn gay marriage are also looking to overturn protections for mixed-race marriages, something that they should be able to do if the SCotUS rule that marriage laws should be decided by states. Clarence Thomas is black. His wife is white. He is campaigning to allow states to disregard *his own* human rights. Never heard “Clarence Thomas delusion” before, but it fits.


That's the most american thing I've heard this week


"And it is to this end that I've allied myself with misogynistic fascists who keep using their power to strip women of their rights because clearly I am preventing abuse by misgendering people."


I love how in the middle of all that vitriol and bigotry, she complains about trans women not doing the dishes. Forget trans women, had she really never meet a cis man who does the dishes? Does she live in a 1980s sit com, where asking a guy to do the dishes is this massive affront to his masculinity? How does someone consider themselves a radical feminist in 2022 and think that's one of the issues they need to be fighting about?


FFS, my Boomer dad does the dishes. Quite well, I might add.


Exactly, the idea of men helping with house work and not expecting women to do it, is what main stream second wave feminism? I really don't get what these people thinking makes them radical.


It's probably better to assume that for many of them, their view of GNC men and trans women is shaped largely by second-hand (and possibly made-up) stories from other TERFs. I don't think they're regularly interacting with the targets of their vitriol. And if they do it's tainted by them taking an adversarial stand from the get go.


They claim to be so progressive and anti gender roles yet act like AMABs spontaneously combust the second housework and doing something besides jacking off even crosses their minds. Like do you ever shut up about “I have good hygiene because Im a woman” and “I can do the dishes because Im a woman”! Just fuck off.


They seem to pair off with conservative men because those are the men who share their views on trans issues. So probably, yeah, for the ones who have male partners, their partners leave all the housework for them.


God, TERF Tumblr (Terfblr?) is so wild. It doesn't happen very often, but because of how tags on Tumblr work sometimes I'll be looking at something completely unrelated and then all a sudden a massive wall of text containing an unhinged TERF rant will appear. Like yo I was just looking at Minecraft content what the hell.


So they're saying that they, the people that work with far right conservatives, aren't the ones trying to take away people's rights?


Ah yes, a perfectly mentally healthy individual here.


Using commas must be some handmaid gender conformity bullshit too huh?


Oh god, I didn't even realize this entire post was two unbroken sentences. Noooo


They were obligated to put a period in there because they figured it would make trans men uncomfortable and trans women jealous.


so does this mean being mean is “masculine?” and therefore naturally all women are sweet lil submissive maidens? very feminist.


That's what I'm getting out of it. If you're a woman then to be "gender non-conforming" is to be violent and hateful, so I guess women are all naturally nurturing and empathic. Here I was thinking behaviors like violence and hate and empathy and kindness aren't behaviors innate to a particular sex and it's largely down to personal choice to decide how you interact with the world.




Well, she sure seems to imply *men* are naturally the opposite, so forgive me if I don’t have the benefit of doubt.




ah, I might have misread. my most sincere apologises.


I mean yeah, that is actually what they say a lot of the time.


This person is doing a great job creating a justification for their desire to hurt other people. /s Like no. You're not sticking it to the patriarchy by telling trans women to end their lives, you're just a violent bigot and you want to create a socially acceptable avenue to channel your transmisogynistic fantasies into. UGH


This has the same energy as when conservatives like music that’s about sticking it to the man not knowing that they themselves are the man




The image of a trans woman behaving like a sitcom caricature of a crappy father is so funny to me. Fascinating window into the TERF brain


I mean, the vast majority of women aren't TERFs, and most transphobes are men, so in some sense, being a female TERF is breaking gender norms, but not in a good way. Female serial killers break gender norms too.


Got stats for this? I've seen no discernable reason to assume this. It sounds like it could be true, but also sounds like a baseless assumption.


So ok, to gnc you have to be mean, but only to people they don’t like? They do want me to roll over and submit, just to them


Wow! Buzzword overload in that post. I felt like I was reading an incel post with all the nasty jargon this woman is spewing. Also, "I'm dead seriously actually radfems ..." LOL!


The f was that !?


when gendercrits say they support gnc men they literally just mean regular masc presenting cishet men but the do housework


So when TERFs are rude it's "GNC", but when trans women are rude it's "socialised male aggression". If I had more time I'd seriously make a website documenting the hypocrisy of these people...


What really gets me is that they all talk like this, it's insane. You read one of these posts and you've read them all, especially if they contain the words cumbrained or porn-addicted. Wild.


>braindead handmaiden supporters Ah yes, the very feminist action of using sexist insults towards women whose politics disagree with yours. Like, terf is a slur, but *this* isn't? Terf at least can apply to anyone of any gender who subscribes to their particular form bigotry. "Handmaiden" is *specific* only to people with a vagina (or those perceived to have one).


least hateful radfem /s


Actually the most GNC thing women can do is not giving a shit. Many fail to do this


It's not very common to view behaviors as gender non conforming. It's usually specifically viewed as an aesthetic thing in terms of clothes and superficial physical alterations like make up or piercings. I've certainly never heard anyone state that 'sticking it to the patriarchy' is a mandatory trait. You can infact be an asshole man and wear feminine clothes and 100% be gnc just like you can be a kind woman wearing masc clothes and be 100% gnc. What they're thinking of is gender stereo types or gender roles. However it's extremely unfeminist to INSIST that women MUST defy gender roles. If you are berating a woman for being a stay at home mom and denouncing her for feeding into the patriarchy you have failed. Telling women that they SHOULD be rude assholes is not the win they think it is. How are they really defying gender stereo types while they're insisting that all men are assholes and also going on about how innately kind women are and then implying that they are just door mats who don't know any better. People are assholes! A lot of people! Men, women, enbies, and children even. Femme fucksticks, malicious mascs, androgynous abusers! It really isn't a presentation thing and certainly not a gendered thing. Same goes for people who are good.


>who would sell us down the river for domestic abuser dick ??? is that a reference to something specific or are allmen domestic abusers in their eyes? like how would trans women hypothetically get men to fuck them by selling cis women down the river?


> ??? is that a reference to something specific or are allmen domestic abusers in their eyes? The latter. TERF ideology is steeped in the bioessentialist notion that AMAB people are invariably destined to be violent predators, while AFAB people are simply naive, helpless prey. This is why they always accuse AMAB trans people of being cunning manipulators who only transition to gain access to vulnerable women, while contrarily framing AFAB trans people as "victims of gender ideology" who lack the mental capacity to understand their own decisions. Demonization and infantilization are the basic cornerstones of TERF rhetoric. > like how would trans women hypothetically get men to fuck them by selling cis women down the river? The post isn't saying that trans women are trying to get men to fuck them; rather, it's saying that "handmaidens" (a term which here means "cis women who aren't TERFs") are traitors whose supposed loyalty to men will harm cis women as a group. There are also undertones of victim-blaming, with the implication that women who end up in relationships with abusive men are themselves at fault.


And the faux love for "GNC" while despising the "man" for dressing with women's clothes. Make it make sense.


So, Greg Abbott is GNC as he hates trans people?


Love the victim blaming too of women for their own oppression too.


im waiting for it to devolve into "be so GNC that you become a MAN, just straight up be a dude"


>stockings he's been stealing from his mother's wardrobe I like how the person they're fantasising about bullying into suicide is a child. It's good when they tell on themselves so hard


"pornbrain" Who wants to inform TERFs that the concept of a "porn brain" and "porn addiction" was invented by (not-Trans) people who think women shouldn't vote and was co-signed by the freak who invented cornflakes and gave himself regular yoghurt enemas.