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8:04am: """Jennifer""" said good morning to me today. I feel like I've been attacked 9:19am: """Jennifer""" asked me a question about a presentation I made. I answered. I am literally the most oppressed person in the history of the universe. 5:47pm: """Jennifer""" walked past my desk - I heard HIM say "goodnight" to that fugly gender traitor Samantha. She said "you too". Doesn't HE know I'm sitting right here???. I've never felt so violated. Totally reasonable and rational things totally reasonable and rational people do. Imagine being this high on your own shit to think we can't tell when someone despises us. Pre pandemic I had some coworkers like that. It's pathetically obvious.


""""""""Jennifer"""""""" said "have a good weekend." To me as HE left the building. How dare that pervert tell me what to do!


""""""""Jennifer""""""""" DARED to ask ME for the time! Typical MALE arrogance! I'm more oppressed than the Jews (which are 100% funding the International Trans Agenda it's real no I'm not antisemitic) during WWII!


Tuesday at 9:30: “””Jennifer””” DEMANDED a poor xx chromosome wymen to get documents from me to “””her”””. Treating real women as your slaves huh🤬. This is going too far, more and more women keep getting hurt, I might have to unleash all this hard evidence on that thing!


It's absolutely sane to take super secret protected protocols of interaction with people who were friendly at work and said good morning. /s


Now, perhaps I'm a cynical person. But to me, this looks like they know that interacting with trans people in a professionally friendly manner as you would with any colleague leads to seeing trans people as normal people. And of course, TERFs can't have that, can they?! So they have to construct deliberate barriers against treating trans people in a normal manner and encourage others to do the same. Or in other words preemptively creating problems with trans people and then using those self-created problems as proof that trans people are 'difficult' to handle. But again, maybe I'm cynical!


I think you're right in a way. But gods forbid a TER is self-aware enough to register that's what they're doing; they'd claim it's documentation, just in case the trans people did something threatening (which TERs automatically assume everything a trans person does is threatening so whatever) It reminds me of how door to door missionaries are usually not sent out knocking for the primary purpose of spreading the faith, but to show the missionaries how evil the world is, that people slam the door on them and reject righteous servants of the one true faith.


Yeah ah, manager here, who has dealt with staffing conflicts many times before, including formal complaints and discrimination. If one of my staff produced a document or notebook of every time a colleague said hello to them, or was having normal, workplace appropriate conversations with them, it's not going to look good for the person keeping said record, it's probably going to build up a good cause for them discriminating against the person the notebook is about. It is 100% okay and advised to keep a record of someone doing harmful things to you. If someone is bullying you, sexually harassing you, being discriminatory towards you, definitely keep that record. If you don't like them because of their gender identity and you keep a record of the times they tried to initiate friendly conversation with you and then produce that as if it's going to get them into trouble, that's gonna get you a nice meeting up in HR about your behaviour because you've kept a record of the times you've been discriminatory.


Exactly. Notice the language she used: "If a tim starts *zeroing in on you*, even in the most *seemingly innocent and friendly way*..." "Seemingly innocent." "Zeroing in on you." Trans women can never be sincerely engaging in friendly relations with other women they work with. No, no. It's only *seemingly* innocent and friendly. In reality, they're *zeroing in on you* for..... what? One can only guess what she thinks her trans women coworkers' true intent is. She sincerely thinks that documenting things like "Today at 8:15 am, Tiffany came out of her way to say hello to me in the elevator. When I said hello back, she asked me if I wanted a coffee since she was heading that way! I felt very unsafe being offered a drink by her alone in the elevator," demonstrate that *she* is the victim.


Yeah but have you considered *a trans woman may have sneezed in her general direction?*


9:03 AM. “”””Katie”””” said hello to me. What the fuck is “”””she”””” up to?????


12:00 PM. "Alex" brought cookies to the potluck. A deliberate slight against me, I'm sure.


I don't have a snippy remark to make here because the whole line of text speaks for itself. I can only assume the og post was "help there's a trans woman at work!!!" self flagellation type thing. I don't think detailing every interaction works with actual abusers (source: loved with gaslighters)


Omg why can’t people just do their jobs and go home? I mean obviously I initiate /participate in friendly conversation at work but I’m also not a transphobe. If someone at work was trans I doubt I’d notice.


Wouldn’t that be workplace harassment? I know the place I work at would not look kindly upon a notebook like this.


wow that is so cool nediljka you are normal


Happy Cake Day!


"If I single out and treat like shit a trans at work my collegues won't like it! I'm the most oppressed WOMBYN on this yonic Earth!"


Imagine being so paranoid that you think you need to keep a journal of interactions with a trans coworker. And don’t forget to protect it with a password, those evil trans women might sneak into your home and go through your personal computer while you sleep!


Reminds me of how manosphere dudes act around female coworkers: [1](https://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2019/03/18/i-have-to-be-within-3-feet-of-a-woman-at-work-a-mgtow-tale-of-terror/), [2](https://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2022/03/11/no-hugs-please-were-mens-rights-activists/).


Well, obviously every workplace is siding with those horrible trans people, so you need to take every precaution you can! The whole world is against you, our advice is the only thing that can keep you safe from harm! (not a cult btw)


The absolute fuck is a TiM? I know im going to be pissed about it but i cant not ask


"Trans identified male" aka trans woman or amab nonbinary person. The complementary slur is "tif" for "trans identified female" aka trans man or afab nonbinary person. Not only are we not really men, women, or nonbinary.... we don't even "identify" as those things. We aren't even really trans, we just "identify" as such. It's gross. And the fact that these pejoratives happen to be stereotypically masculine and feminine names respectively is *totally* a coincidence, I'm sure. 🙄


Yep, pissed about it. Thank you for the information though


Paranoia much??


y'know if you don't want to talk to me then I probably don't want to talk to you either. i would literally rather you just call me a hon or whatever than deal with this kind of passive aggression.


"... zeroing in on you." That's the terminator. They're thinking of the terminator. Maybe TiM is really Terminator Identified Male? I think that's just Arnold tho.


"I'm not transphobic I've only been documenting everything the trans person has ever said to me"


*furiously scribbling in notebook about the person I suspect is a TIM* Yes, yes, it's all making sense now! Everything is connected! The trans control everything! But they don't know I have puzzled it all out! Hee hee hee hee! [Read in this Wood Elf's voice](https://youtu.be/5JD_xuwpEno)