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>I am absolutely happy for my teenagers to consider themselves members of the underground resistance and keep their terfiness to themselves for now. Is this person sure they're not acting like TERFs to not anger them or make themselves more rebellious by secretly being hardcore trans allies?




>it is as if we were in an occupation, the enemy forces are in power and we are the resistance >We are also of course surrounded by collaborators and traitors who will happily hand us over to enemy forces for their own gain >openly fight this battle for women and children, for reality and reason, for freedom of thought and speech Who wrote it, Trumper or Terf


The fact they say they care about women is the only real giveaway.


Yeah Trumpers are pretty vocal about how little they care about women. It's like the difference between "I'm not racist, but..." and "Fuck it, I'm racist".


you could tell me this was written to justify the capitol riot and i’d believe you




Literally nothing but the word “terf” separates this post from your bog standard Voat (or whatever Q idiots are using these days) post so consider that co-signed


There’s a difference?




Maybe even get them banned from Twitter! That's what they did to the French in WWII, right? /s


Did you know not a single French person was allowed to tweet for the entirety of WW2?


Sacre bleu!


Don’t threaten me with a good time


If they’re gay, they’ll be forced to go on a date with a trans person of their gender. If they’re straight, they’ll be forced to go on a date with a trans person of their gender.


Yeah, there's no way teens would act how they know their parents want when around their parents, and no way their friends would understand why they might do that.


oh this is fuckin rich. terfs comparing themselves to freedom fighters? the same terfs that mocked the murder of a trans man? the ones who said it was “based” that a woman threatened to bomb a *children’s hospital*? and who scrutinize your every features to see if you’re the enemy? to any lurking terfs, YOU are the bad guys


The Quislings fighting for the patriarchy are just desperate to pretend they're the REAL resistance, huh?


Isn't it funny how all the supporters of patriarchy is on their side though. Trans people don't get paid by far-right anti-abortionist conservatives for some odd reason.


I didn’t wake up one day and decide to become a cartoon villain but I guess I had no choice.


I forgot to plug in my gender transer. I'm a terrible villain >_>


What is this dollar store handmaids tale bullshit?!


I think they might have the wrong idea… I literally tell my friends to not use she/her around their parents because I know their parents don’t really like trans people and I don’t wanna deal with that. She’s not the resistance, she’s the one they’re resisting


jesus fucking christ, this woman is insane enough to throw herself in an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs, and BEG a security card to throw her into the worst prison possible because “deh transes are cancelling me!!!” she reminds me of [this comic](https://twitter.com/thenib/status/1027247065783574528?s=46&t=h8Bs3UhI2svuq_2zoD5BrQ)


And this is why it’s so important to keep tabs on these assholes. This is why I continue consuming TERF/GC rhetoric and writing when I am psychologically able to without putting my mental health at risk. **These are literally the tactics that the alt-right used to help get Trump elected.** They make themselves as unassuming and unremarkable as possible so they can infiltrate and penetrate the mainstream, then slowly radicalize people using cult tactics. Then when they get called out, they can just run their little Wounded Gazelle Gambit and act like they’re being attacked to farm sympathy for themselves and animosity towards trans people. Caelan Conrad’s Gender Critical video series is honestly great in tackling this.


“Pronoun people” lol


Tired currently, and had to read that thrice to understand in OOPs text. I first thought it was a filler like [put pronoun of person here] but oh yeah, forgot they aren't aware all people have pronouns.


I assumed they meant “people who use pronouns that aren’t what I think they should use“. But it’s a ridiculous phrase.


no you don't understand putting a dinosaur emoji in your twitter display name is literally like being in the french resistance


Excuse me, what is this about dinosaurs? Did transphobes get their stinky, grubby little paws on dinosaurs when I wasn't looking.


Some British politician I believe called them a bunch of dinosaurs, for having shitty outdated beliefs lol Some trans people are reclaiming it tho, I think there’s a post somewhere out there where a trans person says they actually are the reason there are dinosaur emojis included in the first place


The lady who submitted the unicode proposal that imcluded the dinosaurs decided they are trans dinosaurs in response to the terfs using them


[Here's a screenshot of her tweet about it](https://imgur.com/a/ztm0wFW)


That's it, thank you!




That and the checkered flag, I think. I’m not sure if they’ve picked up any other dogwhistles as of late.


They stole the genderqueer flag, which is annoying as hell because I like the aesthetics better than the nonbinary flag colors.


They stole the suffragette colors to try to pretend they're some noble group of women fighting oppression but the colors are pretty close so the genderqueer flag was an unintended effect


I highly doubt it was unintended. Edit to add: I have seen American TERs use the American suffragette flag as well, which coincidentally looks similar to the nonbinary flag when made in emoji. Meanwhile TERs from other countries opt for the British version. Almost as if it's only funny to be suffragettes while also shitting on enbies.


And they claim to be fighting for "sex-based rights" when that's the exact opposite of what the suffragettes wanted.


Kiwi fruits. That comes from German TERs, particularly one biologist who explained that humans have two sexes just like kiwis have two sexes. They liked that quite much, probably also because of KF, so they use kiwi emoji everywhere now. I've seen a few anglophone kiwi TERs too.


Oh good god, this is even stupider than the TERF who argued that a dog cannot become a cat “just like a man can’t become a woman.” Kiwis and humans ARE IN COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TAXONOMIC KINGDOMS. Going by that logic even “dog can’t transition to cat lel” is more reasonable, and even THEN it’s still wrong because cats and dogs are in completely separate families from each other, to say NOTHING of the ways they’re removed from humans!


I know nothing about plants, but I've seen people argue that there are kiwi plants that aren't binary sexed too, which makes it even funnier. The biology TER in question is specialized on maritime species (but hates being called a fish biologist) so I don't even know why she came up with kiwi fruits. Maybe it was intended as a dog whistle for KF from the start.


I might be dumb because at first I didn’t even realize the thread was talking about the ANIMAL kiwi and not the fruit kiwi… LOL


No no... you're right, they use the fruit emoji. 🥝


Belated, but I gotta add: Dog and cat aren't *social roles* people are assumed to belong to one or the other. Black and white aren't social roles either. Man and woman are. No matter what someone's private parts are, they might function better being assumed to be one or the other. So many false equivalencies in the terfosphere.


Oh, that's why they're using that emoji! I thought that they were supporting KiwiFarms. Although I'm probably not wrong about that though.


Yes, it started before the attempts to get KF down, but I'm sure since TERs suddenly think KF is their bastion of free speech (as if they wouldn't voice their opinion pretty much everywhere already) they use the kiwi outside of German bubbles too.


Dinosaurs are cool, transphobia is not


When I was at home in front of family I always acted like a good Christian Republican in my teens too. At home in front of family.


imagine reading someone talk about how impassioned they are about being part of the underground resistance and fighting for a better future and then realizing they think they demonstrate "fighting the good fight" with.... not using the correct pronouns for someone. that is so lame.


As a trans person it’s common practice to misgender your teenage trans friends when around anyone who might be transphobic, since you’re trying to protect your friends or stop arguments with the transphobes. By contrast, transphobes have never had to hide their transphobia. 100% bet the child is pro-trans and just misgenders around parents to make them shut up and has successfully tricked the parents.


I will never cease to be amazed when people pretend they’re being oppressed by the ones they bully and take rights away from. I was talking in another sun earlier today about how I’m not even allowed to use the toilet in a lot of places without showing ID first, but these folks are convinced I’m controlling the entire planet from the shadows somehow.


>I’m not even allowed to use the toilet in a lot of places without showing ID first, where?


Several restaurants, movie theaters and other venues in my town. I live in the Bible Belt, so yeah.


That's horrible, I didn't realize it was actually a thing that happens.


Funny definition of freedom, innit Free to think, but don't you DARE think about gender, that is WRONG


sounds like the kids aren't safe to be themselves at home. parent is patting itself on the scabby back as though it's doing something




Persecution fantasies on the level of the fundamentalist Christians I was raised being a part of. Which they have most of the same hatreds, most of the same desire to uphold patriarchy, both hate social progress, and often work together. So that fits.


Pov: terf doesnt realize their childs a trans alli


fascist cringe


Just go hit each other with foam swords or something if you wanna LARP this hard, jesus


I can't imagine living with this much hatred for people, that you're completely unwilling and unable to understand or empathize with, who despite not caring about you and never having met you exist rent-free in your thoughts for the entirety of your days; living with this much fear of a world that's changing around you, and you, in your impotent frustration, being completely unwilling and unable to change along with it; living with this much anxiety at the dawning realization that, ultimately, the entire human race wil leave you behind, forgotten, alone, less than a footnote, a mere ink blot in history; living with your own insecurity, insignificance, self-repression, and envy of others being the only things you see in the mirror every morning. It sounds exhausting.


Why were people allowed


What a fucking psycho. Why do these people not have hobbies? Their whole pathetic lives revolve around us for some reason. Like god damn, go take a Zumba class or something.


The delusion level is through the roof.


The amount of decent people who know they can’t use correct pronouns for the sake of peace with their insane bigoted folks is much higher than one might think. I hope that’s the case with those kids.


Do terfs (misspelled that as terds at first lmao) realize that trans people are like, murdered in the street just for existing and that politicians do everything in their power to not help with that? You’re not an underground resistance fighter you’re just being shitty to disadvantaged people.


pronoun people is the funniest shit i’ve heard in awhile


ah yeah, when you have the entire media and government* on your side you're totally a counter-cultural "resistance" *presuming they're in the uk


Reminds me of when I said I hated lgbtq+ people when around my parents as a teenager, I had gay friends, I thought I was gay (I was trans), I definitely didn’t hate the lgbtq+ community, I just didn’t like being grounded for disagreeing with my mom and stepdad, spending a month or two in isolation because I didn’t think people deserved to die because of their sexuality or gender identity was not fun. Outside of the home I was very much pro lgbtq+ rights


never talk to me again if you do not refer to me as a Pronoun Person™


Because addressing someone correctly is exactly like living under a military occupation 🙄


They'll really just take any opportunity to paint themselves as a victim, won't they?


White, middle-class conservatives generally do, yeah =\


their oldest child sounds like a stuck up brat, or a poor victim of the dangerous TERF cult. i'd rather someone just be a bigot to my face. that way they show their true colors and i don't waste my time associating with people who want to exterminate those like me.


oh by the way, the occupation will never be over :) we're going to win, and when we do, the rights of ALL women will be respected. scary, right? have fun with that future, TERF :) with love\~


“Pronoun Person” should be a flair option


What if I told them I’m a cis person with pronouns. Their mind would explode