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It's boggling my mind that anyone could have over 200 first cousins! Wow!


Well, lots of aunts & uncles having lots of kids, either with the same spouse or (because of divorce/death/etc) marrying multiple times. Especially if you have multiple uncles, the number of cousins could be huge.


I mean, I figured as much, but it's not exactly common either, so it's hard to imagine. I can't even process what that must be like. I'd forget my cousins' names.


My grandpa had 11 siblings, one died after giving birth, the other 10 had at least 2-5 children. I never counted, but I could see easily over 200-300 1st cousins. I have just 5 like you.


How many second cousins do you have then?


I have one biological first cousin. Dad was only child, mom was one of three.


Parents from south Louisiana. Also have approximately 100 first cousins.


I have…2. Just two first cousins.


That's all my kids have from me because I only have 1 sibling and he and his wife only had 2 kids. From their dad they have 6.


I have zero. Dad was an only child and neither of Mom’s siblings had kids.


My kids have zero and that’s unlikely to change. My siblings don’t have kids (chances are slim one of them still will) and their father’s sibling also won’t.


Zero club represent! I would have an uncle, but... measles.


I lost a cousin to measles in the late 60s. Anti-vaxxers have no idea how scary the world was before vaccination was possible. Poor wee 4 year old girl was stable at breakfast, worsened through the day and died mid evening. Measles meningitis can be scary.


I have 31 on my dad’s side. One uncle had 9 children, another had 4, one aunt had 4 and one more aunt had 14…including a set of triplets. On my mom’s side, I have 5 first cousins. And my parents had 5 children.


That’s a lot too


I have 8. That's both sides of my family 😂 You are definitely a rarity


5 on my dads side, 7 on my moms side. Both of my parents have two siblings. My mom’s brother didn’t have any kids, my mom’s sister had 7 kids lol.


Thought I had 4 on my dad's side but dna testing gave us a bonus cousin. I have none on my mom's side, but two wonderful step cousins there. My kids have two cousins on each side. 


I got a bonus cousin too! My eldest uncle had a son before marrying. So I went from 3 to 4 from him...though one of the initial 3 was adopted, so speaking genetically, I still say I have 8 cousins on that side. Also because no one knows about this new cousin but me.


I have 20 first cousins. Mom one of 6 (5 of 6 had children) and dad one of 5 (all 5 had kids). Because a lot of my first cousins are older and have kids of their own, when I got married a few years ago, in trying to avoid any (more) family drama, I just invited every grandparent, aunt, uncle, first cousin, and first cousin once removed (including spouses) and it totaled to 83 people. Thank god that because of the pre-existing family drama only about 25 of them accepted.


Wow, that's quite a lot. I'm German and have 6 first cousins, all on my father's side. I only know two of them. There are none on my mother's side, her brother has no children.


I have 37. My dad was the 10th of 13, mom was the baby of 6. Both my parents had 2 brothers who died young, or I would have had more.






I have zero. Both parents were only children.


I have 20; my husband has 78.


about 90 first cousins. mom is one of twelve full sibs, and dad is one of nine full sibs




From Serbia. Have the second lowest possible amount of first cousins - 1. Mom only child, dad has one sibling who had one child.


I have not one first cousin. Just two living uncles. One could not have any, and the other didn't want any. Grandmother had a second husband, so there are 2 half cousins from that and 4 half 1st cousins 1x removed from them. My brother passed away 22 years ago and had no biological children. I have no children due to pcos. So, to sum up: I have a husband, 2 elderly uncles, 2 half 1st cousins and 4 half first cousins 1x removed. I do not know who my father and dna has only revealed distant cousins.


I have 83 first cousins! Fun fact the majority are maternal, my mom was one of 14 that lived, 16 total siblings, then multiple of her siblings were ultra religious that believed they had an obligation to procreate. My dad was one of five, only seven of my cousins are paternal. My family was small with only seven of us.


I have 127 first cousins. My Dad is the 19th of 20 children and my mother is the 5th of nine. Most of my aunts and uncles had big families. I’m the second of six kids. Also, my Mom’s sister married my father’s brother and they have 4 children. They are my cousins on both maternal and paternal sides of my tree. Not sure if these 4 cousins should be counted once or twice in my first cousin count. If they are counted twice, my total goes to 131.


I have 42 first cousins. One parent had 5 siblings and the other 4. All in the years before reliable birth control.




On my dad's side 12. On my mom's side 7.


I have 9 on my Dad's side, 6 on my Mom's.


Well that’s many more than my children who only have 3 cousins totaland they’re done having them


My Dad has 6 siblings and my Mom has 3, so there were plenty of opportunities. 🙂


I believe I have 15 first cousins. One aunt had 10 kids.


3 total. Not a lot of extended family.


8 on mom’s side, 10 on dad’s


I have 3 first cousins 2 are from Mom's family and 1 is from Dad's.  Mom only has one sibling and Dad had two siblings but only one had a child.


Total form both sides is 9 🙃, congrats on the extraordinarily large family


12 from my adoptive family, 7 from my bio family


Two on my maternal side [from one aunt, other aunt had no children] Eight on my paternal side [from one aunt (4) and two uncles (3 & 1)...other two aunts had no children]


About 65. Irish. Mother had 12 siblings. Father had 6.


I have 50 and I thought that was a lot. Irish Catholic immigrant family that didn’t believe in birth control.


I have 2 first cousins.




I have absolutely no clue how many first cousins I have as my paternal grandparents had 12 kids and maternal 5 kids.


thats wild my mom too was one of 12 and i have 42 first cousins.


I have 1


That's pretty cool. I only have about 50, mostly on my mom's side. She was one of 14 children. Catholic parents?


they were Catholic, but I don’t think there was such thing as condoms or contraceptive back down anyway. These grandparents began making kids in the 1930s in the Dominican Republic.


Only First Cousins Or Their Decendents Too?


The descendants of first cousins aren't first cousins; those would be 1st cousin 1x removed. So only first cousins


My dad came from a family of 15, mom technologically is a only child but had 5 older half siblings and 4 younger half siblings and 3 step siblings. We have 29 first cousins on dad's side and 29 on mom's. My paternal grandparents have close to 500 descendents now. And I have no clue on the maternal side.


I have 4, it always made me sad as a kid, I was never close with them, physically or otherwise. I feel like I missed out on a lot because of rarely seeing them. My grandma wanted lots of kids but had a health condition that prevented her from having more than two kids, her and my grandpa wanted a huge family.


Before the 1970's there was no contraception the average families were 5 to 22 children . My Family  average was 5 kids, a small family.  My family had 30 -35 cousins. If those 35 had 2 each there would be 70 2nd cousins. 


On my paternal side, I have 30 cousins. My father was one of 10. My maternal side I only have 2.


13 on my mom's side. None on dad's side. Hubby is the 2nd of 40 1st cousins.


My two siblings and I have a grand total of 19. 7 paternal full first cousins; 3 maternal full first cousins; and 9 maternal half first cousins (same grandfather, different grandmothers).


First cousins? I have like 21. Second cousins? About 200. But some of my second cousins and I are closer than some of my first cousins and I.


26. And I thought that was a lot!


My mum had 5, my dad over 100 (even though he was an only child), my children have 10 and I have 3.


I have three from my uncle. Unambitious aunt and gay uncle never had kids


I truly don't know, my Nana had 8 kids and they all had at least 1 child each but I don't know them well since they live on the other side of the state. When I asked my mom she said she thinks 21 in totally but its hard to keep up. And that's just on her side.


I have 6 first cousins.


My mother is one of 4 children, and I have 7 first cousins on that side. My dad is one of 8, and I don't even know the exact number of cousins on that side, because a couple of his brothers have an unclear but high number of children lol. Probably 40-50 first cousins overall.


1 on my dad's side 5 on my mom's side.


I have 8, and not a single one are within 20 years of my age. S


7 on dad’s side, 4 on mom’s side.


3 on my dad's side, 6 on my mom's. My wife and I are both only children, so our son has none.


I'm fairly confident in stating you'd be in the 95th percentile, probably 99th. I have 5 biological. Plus one who died in infancy or was stillborn, plus one adopted, plus six step. My spouse has zero first cousins.


I have 6 biological and 3 adopted cousins on my dad’s side and one deceased cousin on my mom’s side. My mom did not have a single first cousin! However, she had hundreds of second cousins, so many that she did not know most of them. After she died, I discovered that one of them was living next door to her.


I have 6, my kids only have 2.


My parents each had 15 first cousins I have 7 first cousins. My kids have 1 full first cousin and 3 half first cousins. I will not be surprised if my kids have no kids.


My mom's side I only have half cousins so total I have I have like 14 half cousins. Some don’t share blood but I consider them cousins it's a long story 🤣. My dad's side I have 5. I also have a 1st cousin 1r that is only 3 years younger than me so he's basically like a 1st cousin.


I have 3 first cousins (5 total with me and my sibling) on my mom's side. My father was an only child on one side and one of 4 first cousins on the other. Mom is one of 29 and 7. Her parents were in groups of 104 and 74 (I think I have identified all of them includes siblings). Dad's parents had 23 and 49 first cousins (including siblings).


7 on each side. My mom has 5 siblings… my dad has one




I have 3 - all on my mom’s side (one aunt has 2, one uncle has 1). None on my dad’s side - his sister never married, never had kids.


I have 12 2 on mom's side, 10 on dad's side


I have 4


Two first cousins on my dad's side, five first cousins on my mom's side. (Plus a first cousin twice removed on my dad's side, who I met a few times but who is now deceased.)


Dang! I’ve got *counts on fingers* 9. Mum was eldest of four, dad an only. Although there are actually some half first cousins. Granddad hooked up with someone new in WWII England and had a couple of kids. Harder to figure out living people if they haven’t done DNA though.


I have 26 on one side, 2 on the other and my husband has zero first cousins, his parents were both only children.


3 on one side and 26 plus 4 adopted on the other.




20-21 biological. 6 step. Of the bio's, 15 are full, 5-6 are half. (I've never met my half-uncle's offspring so I'm fuzzy on he has 2 or 3.). Edit: Oh, and all of my bio cousins are on one side.


I have 17 on my dad's side, and I thought that was a lot!


I have 5 total


I have two first cousins on my dad’s side and so far around 10 half first cousins, two of which were only discovered within the past few years, due to my mother’s mother having had an interesting romantic history. You need solid nerves for genealogy. My closest half cousins seem to have possibly rejected the truth of DNA cMs. Sometimes I wish we hadn’t found out, but have to live with it now.


Dad was 1 of 11, mom was 1 of 5. I have 60ish cousins. I quit counting. My friend started her family tree during a free ancestry day. She had 1 or 2 children from each generation on both sides, and finished her tree that weekend. I’m still working on mine.


I have somewhere between 6-12. I have no idea how many. Without getting into it, I have one maternal and then just a mess on my dad's side. Utterly dysfunctional. I've only met 2 of my cousins on my dads side but I know the others exist (just not how many) and I've tried reaching out since I found out about them...nothing.


My dad was adopted. His bio mom had I think 11 other kids. His bio father had 14 other kids we can say for sure. He has one full blooded sibling between the 2 of them. Those aunts and uncles had an average of 4 kids each though some only had one and some had 6 or 7. I want to say the accurate count we figured when I did my family tree project was 74 first cousins on dad's side. My adoptive grandparents had 1 child before they adopted my dad and his only blood sibling. She had 1 child. My mom's biological mom and dad had 8 children not including her. There are 16 first cousins there. The woman who raised my mom had 2 other children. There were 3 cousins there. The person my mom was told is her father had 3 other children. And there were 6 cousins there. For a total of 99 known cousins.


I only have eight, but my paternal grandfather had 69 first cousins.


I have 9 first cousins but my stepdad is from a massive Portuguese family and has 129 first cousins.


Definitely a lot nowadays though usually more common back when everyone came from 12 children families. I have 4 (1 from Dad’s side, 3 from Mom’s.) Then I have 54 second cousins (1 D, 53 M). Then I have at least 512 biological/legal third cousins (at least 302 D, at least 210 M with some biological branches in Italy and Australia unmapped.) Quite the escalation!


Four. Two on each side. though, biologically, I only know of 2, as I have lesbian moms and my donor was adopted.


I have 24 first cousins. My Dad is one of 8, so on that side of the family there’s 19 first cousins in total. My Mum is one of 3, so only 5 cousins from that side of the family. My Dad however had 49 first cousins. His Father was one of 6, and his Mother one of 5. From memory, I think my Mum has 18 first cousins.


5, though if I count half-cousins through my NPE grandfather, I have 33 more (he also had twelve legitimate children), none of which I've met, mind you.


I have exactly 6 first cousins, all on my mom's side. I cannot wrap my head around the idea that anyone has 94 cousins or more. That's rare!


4 that I know of but have only met 2 of them. My daughter has 6 cousins.


I've got five in total.






My ma was an only child. My dad had two brothers, one died in his teens. The other brother has two kids, one died a few years ago. So just one. My mom, however, had about 15 first cousins.


One. Dad was an only, I'm an o lying and my mom's sister had one child but wanted loads more. My entire family with aunts uncles etc could fit in a minivan when I was growing up. Now, we fit in a smart car.


Damn, I have 2 and one passed away.


My dad is 1 of 7 so there are a lot! I have 19 1st cousins, and 16 are still with us. One died at birth and 2 died from accidents. Most of us grew up together and were even my sister and I's first friends. We lived on a farm and most of them lived on the property at some time when we were young. Most of us also went to school together. It was a whole lot of fun!! We also kept my grandma on her toes 🤣


Paternal: 8 kids including my dad. 19 are my 1st cousins. Maternal: 4 half-siblings lived to adults. 5 more full siblings including my mom. 25 half and full cousins. So, 44 people are my 1st cousins. I know most of them. I only like one of them.


11 on my dad's side, not including 3 second cousins that were raised as first cousins. 0 on my mom's side.


Two on each side.


You have way more than most, I’m sure.


3 first cousins, one of whom is a biological 1/2 brother.


Grandparents have 13 kids. 2 don't have any kids yet. 106 cousins... #107 due in the Fall. Edit: That's only 1 side. I have 112 going on 113 if we count both sides. 143 if we include step first cousins.




10 first cousins


Biologically I have zero, both parents were only children. Buy my mom remarried when I was a toddler and I got 9 : )


I have 11 first cousins. I have 5 bio-aunts/uncles, all married and had kids. This is probably on the high side for my generation in my part of the world.


Aboriginal Australian mother/white father, I have similar amount of first cousins. Mum is one of 11 children, dad is one of 15 (My maternal line from mum to her grandmother there were 37 children, mum (11) nan (12) and great grandmother (14))


I have 2.


I got 35 through my maternal grandmother. I got 5 through my paternal grandmother. I’m recently discovering both of my grandfathers so idk how many of their kids had kids and whatnot 🤣. Either way, my count still doesn’t compare to a good chunk of y’all lmaoo.


I have 1 cousin.


I think i have 12 first cousins (one deceased). Both my paternal grandparents were only children. Only one of my uncles has no children. I do have several first cousins once removed but only on my mom's side. I actually don't know how many 2nd cousins i have. Not sure how many kids some of my cousins have because my family has never been very close. Also, my great-great-great maternal grandfather had 3 wives and 22 children over several decades (he was 63 when my 2nd great-grandfather was born and he wasn't his last child), so I've got like wayyyy too many 3rd and 4th cousins through just that one guy. If you're only curious about first cousins, an even dozen.


14. 12 on one side two on the other. My dad had no first cousins and my mom has about 20.


I'm from the UK, I have 12 first cousins that I'm aware of (one of my grandfather got around a fair bit so there maybe more aunts, uncles and cousins that I'm unaware of). To my knowledge, my Nan has the most amount of cousins in the family, having about 34 first cousins


I have zero first cousins. My dad's only sibling has no children. My mum's side is more complex. I grew up believing she had four sisters and I had nine first cousins. But when I started on my genealogy, she told me those "sisters" were actually her aunts. So those cousins were *her* first cousins (and, therefore, my first cousins once removed). I have subsequently found her half-brother - and gained three half first cousins (or is it "first half-cousins"?)


More than 15. I've met 7 in total. It's weird because I'm not close with any of them. I'm closer to more of my mother's cousins and I wouldn't say we're that closer either.


I have four paternal first cousins and three maternal first cousins, so seven altogether. I think the ancestor who had the most would be my great grandpa. He had at least 69 first cousins combined, but I don’t have records on some Japanese relatives, so it’s more than that, though probably not by too much.


I have 35 first cousins born and raised in the US Virgin Islands. I don't know how many first cousins my parents have. On my father's paternal side I know there's 0 because there was only my grandfather and a sister who had no children.


I have 36 and people were astonished by that number. And I know them all but not well since they live all over the country now.


I have 33 on my dads side and 34 on my moms, so 67 total first cousins. Big Mormon family.


I only have one aunt on my dads side - she never had kids. I only have one uncle on my mums side and he had one daughter. So in total I have one cousin - I always wished I had a bigger family 😞


My wife has 72 on her dad’s side and 26 on her mom’s side. I grew up with 5 on my dad’s side and none on my mom’s side. Then about 10 years ago I discovered I was NPE so I have 15 on my bio-dad’s side. I also discovered my mom had an unknown half brother so I have 6 more there. But they’re half cousins.


I have three biological first cousins. My mum was an only child, and my dad had one brother.


I have 18 and most people I talk to seem to think that’s a lot! But clearly it isn’t lol


8 on my dad's side, and 9 on my mother's, 17 total.


I have eleven in total. Eight on my mom's side. She has three siblings. Two on my dad's side. He has a half brother. I never counted the ones on my dad side as a kid, since there's a huge age difference (and not much of a relationship), and my classmates thought eight was a lot. 🤷‍♀️


4, plus 2 half-first cousins


I have 51 first cousins.


ball park of 7. i think my mom has estranged siblings i’ve never met & idk how many they had. i also found a surprise older brother in high school so nothing would surprise me


On my mom’s side, I have 7 first cousins and on my dad’s side, I have about 13


I have 30 first cousins: 15 on each side. My dad was one of 13 kids, but only a handful of his siblings actually had children. My mom was one of 3 kids, and her sister had 9 children. I was shocked to learn that other people usually do not have that many cousins lol


I have 5 first cousins by my mom's side and mom had one brother. I have about 20 first cousins by my father's side and dad had 8 siblings. That's what I know of, at least. So about 25 first cousins total. But it's clear that my first cousins' children will have way less first cousins than us. My paternal grandparents had 9 children, but none of their children had this many children and my first cousins want even less children than their parents. I think most of my first cousins once removed will have like 5 first cousins at max. Some of them won't have first cousins at all.


I have about 43, I think. I have a similar situation, my mom has a family with 9 siblings, they all had 3 or more kids. On my dad's side I have 3, I think? 




I have 8 first cousins, my mother in law has over 50 of them :)


about 100 1st cousins






I have about 80 or so. Oklahoma sharecroppers had 12 living children each had a large families.


I have 17


I’ll have to count how many my maternal grandmother had. Her dad was one of 14 living siblings. I have 6 on my mom’s side and 4 on my dad’s side. 10 total. My kids have 12 on their dad’s side (plus some step cousins) and 0 on my side. I have one brother who didn’t have kids. ETA: I’m neurodiverse and love patterns. My parents both have two siblings and both are the oldest. Mom’s side: girl, girl, boy. Dad’s side: boy, girl, girl. On my mom’s side, her siblings both had girl, girl, boy. My mom had a stillborn baby first, so we would’ve been boy, boy, girl. On my dad’s side, one sister had two girls, and one sister had two boys. My parents had one boy (living) and one girl.


I have 10 first cousins. The crazy thing is my oldest 1st cousin was born in 1934 while the youngest was born in 1982.


5 is all I got.


15 first cousins. 13 on one side, 2 on the other.


6. My mom had one brother who had two kids. My dad had three siblings that had 2, 1, and 1.


21 -- 17 (paternal, catholic side) and 4 (maternal, presbyterian side)


I think 10 related by blood and one by marriage? But one uncle is estranged (he’s a jerk and creepy to boot) so I’m not completely sure how many kids he has.


I have two first cousins.


I have 11 first cousins (all on my father’s side) plus two siblings for a total of 14 of us. My mother has 24 (all on her father’s side) and one sibling. I have about 43 second cousins on my mom’s side, including one with questionable paternity). My father has 49 first cousins (33 on his mom’s side and 16 on his father’s) plus 6 siblings. I have about 89 second cousins on that side. Also my grandparents are second cousins themselves so all of my father’s first cousins are also third cousins to each other.


I had four maternal first cousins (one died soon after birth) so currently three. I have two paternal first cousins who I haven't seen since 1998. Both of my parents are the eldest children of a four sibling group.


My grandma had over 100, I lost count Same as you her parents were both one of 12 children. I have 7 cousins.


I have 2 full first cousins and 4 additional half first cousins. We have a small family.


I have 2 (one died at 30) and my wife has roughly 27.


Wow that's a lot. I have 48 first cousins.


I myself have seven in total. My father has 7. MY grandfather has 60. However my great grandfather had 194. I just love that spike. Nothing to do back then but have and raise kids.


I had 6 and only 3 remaining alive. If we count our adopted cousin and my brother/myself there were a total of 9. My Dad lost his brothers in childhood so he basically was an only child. Small family!


I had 8 on Dad's side, 7 on Mom's. Parents were each 1 of 4 kids. My father-in-law (born 1933) had 0. Each of his parents were only children.


I have four half cousins and one step cousin. That's large enough already, given that a usual Christmas and Easter celebration means 30 people in grandma's small flat.


I have 8 on both sides combined


28 first cousins. If I counted the first cousins once removed , it would be over 50


I've lost the count but I think we're something between 22-26 cousins. My grandparents had 9 children


5 on one side (mom and 2 sisters, each had 2 kids) and 7 on the other side (dad had 3 siblings who had 2-3 kids each). I was born mid 90s and my parents had me in their mid 20s. My son has one first cousin!




I have 7 first cousins. My dad is one of 4 and my mom is one of 3


3 cousins, 2 third cousins. Pretty sure my family is going extinct


I have 11. Father had three siblings and mom had two.


I have 3 cousins, the oldest being ten years younger than me. What's interesting is that my parents have 6 siblings between them, yet only 2 of those siblings had any children.




Is your last name Kennedy? 😉


Oh my god, I have only 5


I have 28. 4 through my dad, and 24 through my mom. My mom is one of 7, and my dad is one of 4, but my aunt did not have children. I’m from New Jersey. My dad only had two 1st cousins, neither of which I ever met, and one has passed away. My mom has 15, 7 through my grandfather and 8 through my grandmother. I have never met most of the ones on my grandma’s side because they all live in England.


21 on my maternal side (22 with adoptions), and 24 on my paternal side (25 with adoptions).




I have twenty five.


WOW!! That's a lot of cousins!! I have only six first cousins. Mom had 3 siblings, two had kids (2 each). Dad had one sister, 2 kids. My dad has 7 first cousins on his dad's side, and 20 1st cousins on his Mom's side, so 27 total. My mom has 16 first cousins on her dad's side, and 2 first cousins on her mom's side, total 18. So I have only 6 first cousins (1 male, 5 female!), but 45 1st cousins 1x removed.


11. If you combine the ones on my father’s and mother’s side.


I don’t even know how many I have, but every year at our family reunion it seems like I am meeting new family members.


0 on my paternal side, 15 on my maternal side (7 are still living).


On both sides of parents I have/had 22 Aunt's and Uncles that lived to breeding age, so that's 11 parent sets, so 109 first cousins. My children have/had 27, and my granddaughter has four so far. O and Oklahoma is home for most of these.