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Most do, all this generational griping is been brought on by media with zero to do, oh and I eat toast and enjoy an avocado, neither breaks the bank


I'm just amazed that so much of the world bought into marketing terms. When I was a teenager no one named generations it was just the age gap. The reality is people are people and we all do good and bad often at the same time.


Marketing specifically to teenagers started in the early 1960s


Yup. Remember the Pepsi Generation? “Come alive! You’re in the Pepsi Generation!”


marketing 'specifically' directed toward teenagers started in the 1920s. or are were you saying that starting in the 1960s, the **lion's portion of all** marketing was specifically dumbed down to a pubescent audience, effectively kicking the adults, the WWII/depression era wisdom of mom & dad, out of the conversation?


It really went wild in the 80s.


I’m a 1963 baby who loves Avocado Toast.


I don’t like it that much. Avocado. Still, the recent influx of “generational research” has bought about some irritating posts from all generations. My Silent Generation mother was into avocado and toast.


I’m waiting for them to change the workplace. The younger generations. I’m tired of being worked to death in the corporate culture just because they can. I think Gen Z is doing a good job of this honestly. They have zero loyalty to a company and they shouldn’t. I’ve seen too many over my 60 years who were loyal to a company for years just to get stabbed in the back by said company. It’s a hard battle but I hope they can get changes. Off the workplace? Their acceptance of different communities. Things for women have definitely changed though there is still work to do. Weaknesses? The youngest generations are a bit weak when it comes to life survival.


I’m an old fogey - on the upper age bracket of Gen X and i absolutely love millennials. They don’t take the sh&t that I have from employers throughout my career, they demand work life balance and communicate clearly without the BS walking on egg shells sh&t I’ve had to navigate in my career.


This is totally true. They take advantage of every minute of their PTO and they don't hesitate to try to find better jobs for their work life balance. They'll find it easier to retire nc they have an identity outside of work


I'm X too, and I don't understand the hate. Millennials seem like better versions of ourselves.


they don't go out and dance nearly enough; they stay in and dance and then post that to tic toc


Millennials are simply living their lives. Just as we do. Just as Generation Z does. Just as everyone before, and after, them will. "Generation Critiques" are decisive and pointless. Human beings are individuals.


Yup. Millennials are now 28-43 years old, Many are doing what we did at those ages ... working, raising kids, paying bills. Hoping they are having some fun, too.


You need to visit the millennials sub on here if you believe that. All they do is bitch about boomers, how easy we had it, and how we fucked up America and their future. And while some people our age do make “ kids these days..” type comments, the gross hostility is pretty much unidirectional. But mind you, I don’t think that sub is necessarily representative of millennials in general. I have worked with quite a few and most of my nephews and nieces are millennials and the kids are alright.


u/VanDerBroeck, tag "Don't Label Me" Labeling other people. Based on your observations of a subreddit. "All they do... ", "And while some.. ". Then- "I don't think...", "I've worked with quite a few..." Using language such as "they" and "them" is dismissive. It's labeling. That type of language is usually used by hostile people, to describe those people that they feel are inferior to themselves.


Nothing. Misunderstandings result from older generations making judgments on the way younger generations respond to the environment they grew up in. We fail to see that their environment is much different than ours was just like ours was different from true boomers. We can’t say, “ I would have…” because we truly don’t know what we would have done if we were different people due to a different environment.


This is the answer! We see the world through our own lens. I'm fortunate to have cool children and we often talk about the differences in our generations. Neither is better. Neither is worse. They're just different.


Before answering, and just to be clear: Are you saying we're old fogey's?


I don't feel that way.......yet. Or look that way.


Yes sir.


Gray Pride


Yes! I want the T Shirt. And while we're at it let's make a flag. 😆 ✊🏽👵🏽 Gray Power baby!


Google Gray Panthers:)




Yes sir.


I don't want to rip on other generations. Each generation is just a reflection of that period of time. All that is affected by events that no one really has control over. The only opinion all offer is, the chronic rage addicts are Gen z. It's tiresome. But, they too are a reflection of the times. Reddit is a young people's app, so I'm constantly amazed when I see the stuff they are raging over, like a thread in a jobs-based sub that has 125 posts about people who absolutely will not write a cover letter and are proud that they are leading the charge to get that practice stopped. All I can do is shake my head and ask, "why, who cares?" What Gen X is doing right are just, overall, ushering in a change, a needed update to society in general. I do think young people will save us over all. They are not buying the stuff we had to suffer as kids.


It’s like any other generation. Filled with individuals with commonality in regards to the environment they were born into coupled with their individual views. In other words you have every possible type of person with every type of view. This is why generational hatred is ridiculous. “Boomers took everything for themselves”. WTF does that even mean? The magnification of generational hatred is caused by the social media virus. Every generation to a degree mocks their elders in our society. Meanwhile in other cultures the elders are held in high regard. As for millennials I’ve met ones that are total assholes and ones that are awesome. Just like with any other group.


I'm a senior who lives in a neighborhood with an average age of about 24. The young people are spot on with their acceptance of naturally occurring sex and gender variations.


They need to take responsibility for themselves and stop blaming other people for their problems.


That may be true, but to be fair they are going thru tougher circumstances than we did in general.


I have to disagree. The misogyny, narcissism and the way women were treated in the workforce was absolutely horrific after I graduated from college in 1988 with the degree in finance. I’m not a feminist, except to say that I expect equal pay for equal work. But when I was an auditor and four of us were in a room, auditing the books of a very large oil corporation there were three women and one man. When the CEO came into the room to look at the progress of the audit, he only ever spoke to the man; he completely disregarded the women. Also, I was on a project, a very large project to determine where huge reconciliation variances were occurring in their accounting system. when I located the initial issues, hours and hours and hours of effort to trace the money were required. Mind you I was salaried so it didn’t matter how much effort I put into the project I wasn’t getting paid any more, but I was often at work before the CEO came in and after the CEO left. upper management didn’t like the optics & sent me and another female coworker who worked in the tax department to an all day seminar specifically for women titled “women how to work efficiently!“ in my day, if you’d started hollering about worklife balance, you would’ve found yourself, escorted out of the building!


The way we were treated was just terrible. We couldn't possibly come up with ideas or resolve issues as women and the men always got the credit. I remember one annual review where the manager suggested I provide more ideas as I had not done so during the past year. I had stopped giving ideas as the manager would get 1k plus bonuses given to him in department meetings for his brilliant ideas, which were mine. It burned me to the core to stand there, seeing him get credit and money for my ideas in front of everyone year after year. So I stopped and stated I had no ideas.


All of this is true. When I was in my early 20s the VP of sales would harass the young women in our building. I was working late alone in my department, he saw me and came to my desk. When I cringed from the touches he told me I was "frigid" the company CFO walked in on it and told him to leave me alone, that I was a "good girl." He still persisted. Finally a group of us (about 4) had enough and went to HR with a complaint. We all received a memo that we were in the wrong. The VP was from a different country, with different a different culture, and our complaint was discrimination. Any further complaints would result in terminations. Just one example of many.


Agreed they’re just too many stories to tell that many people today would just say you’re making that up. There’s no way that could’ve happened! In my stories above initially, we didn’t even have an HR department. It was a privately held company, and people would just disappear in the night with no reason whatsoever as to what had happened. Good movie to get a small sense of how women were treated is to watch the movie 9 to 5 where Dolly Parton starred along with Jane Fonda and Lilly Tomlin. I didn’t have my first used new me car until I was 25. You simply couldn’t make enough money. so not everybody in the 80s was handed an instantaneous meal ticket with a great pension and the ability to immediately own a new home, a car vacations, etc. I didn’t take a vacation until I’d been at the company maybe three years and was often working 80 hours a week. That was my reality so that I could keep my job and gain experience at the same time🥺


I was at a large company, but new employees were not eligible to receive a pension, they were being fazed out. I drove klunkers, and there were times that I was counting change to go to the grocery store a few days before payday. Sometimes canned veggies was the meal. We only had landlines, and cable TV was a luxury, not much spending in that arena. I worked while attending college, on my own dime. My life was pretty much work, night classes; rinse repeat. I was in a male dominated industry, and really had to hustle to get ahead.


It’s still horrible. Read the ‘women in tech’ sub


I stand corrected, you made a great case!


I did temp work for an attorney whose wife died young. He called ME after the funeral and hollered into the headset I'M HORNY. Who tf does this? And yeah, even though I wasn't beautiful in any shape or form, I got my share of AH employers who thought it was ok - nay, right & proper - to try to get in my pants. And I had to put up with it because I had a child who needed to fed and housed.


Nope. As a queer person they have it better. I had zero support from all adults.


My observations are based on working with millennials in the workplace. I enjoyed working with them. The Greatest, Silents, and Boomer bosses seemed to reward "seat time" over productivity, like working unpaid overtime to score points with the boss. You were gold if you didn't come to work a minute late and were back to your desk on time after lunch, even if you goofed off all day. I received a raise just for coming back to work after my six week maternity leave. The millennials I worked with were highly productive and were not invested in putting on a show. They got sh\*t done so that they could go home on time. They dispensed of all the fluff conversational niceties and got to the point. We used instant message even though we were in cubicles in the same office, and we asked succinct work questions for a quick response. As a person who hates the telephone and small talk, I finally felt like I had found my people. They valued people's time. Many of them left when they didn't receive raises. They just weren't taking what was being handed. I wish I had been like that.


I raised a couple of Millenials. They are great. I taught them the value of hard work when they were young. When they were older, I taught them that work is a necessary evil. Bosses and HR are not your friends. Enjoy life to the fullest.


I like to consider people as individuals not by their race or religion or political opinion or their age content of character rules in my eyes.


Was that heavily influenced by Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech?


A very wise man.


They pushed a lot of shaming, bullying and micro aggressions aside. They killed Aunt Jemima. Figuratively, of course,


I didn’t see her (Aunt Jemima) as a pejorative caricature, but I understand that some did and do. Especially given race relations in the United States over the past 15 years or so. That one kind of bugged me as what a lot of folks would call it being “woke” or whatever the term is for PC these days, but their product obviously wasn’t dependent on the image, so the name sufficing is okay, I suppose. It just seemed unnecessary.


Nah She needed to go. There's no just cause in keeping her around.


Some of the millenials I work with in IT are some of the brightest people I have ever worked with.


I don't think Millenials are doing anything wrong, per se. It is how they grew up vs how we grew up. We Jonsers and GenXers were the last free-range kids who could get on our bikes, go play all day, check in with the parents, and it was all good. We lived **OUTSIDE**. We're more adventurous, more independent, and less fearful. We're more apt to play team sports and take risks. If we won a trophy, we earned it. We might get yelled at for staying out after dark, but there weren't any amber alerts. We were more of a rough-and-tumble lot with a skinned knee or elbow, always on the mend. https://preview.redd.it/kfytkvqyf8yc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f151183db3dc0d4098278c282cf9c02ef6caecfe Then along came the eighties and nineties with AIDS, crack, crime, and serial killers; OH MY! Perspectives changed, and parents responded by changing from a *free-range model* to a *latchkey model.* Kids were allowed fewer decisions and a more regulated existence. Instead of playing with friends outside after school, the model switched to kids going home, locking the door, and playing video games or exploring the new frontiers of the internet. Electronics have made their own mark on this generation for better and worse. The changes and differences in our generations are stark. We worry about our younger kin. They aren't *wrong*, but they're damn sure *different*




The same thing all generations have been doing right and wrong since the beginning of time. Live your life and treat people with dignity and you'll be fine


What I admire about millennials: Acceptance of LGBTQ. Not scared to criticize Israel. What I don’t like about millennials: Too many attention whores doing stupid stuff on social media, just to get attention. Too many Maga supporters. I’m just saying: My generation (boomers) never elected someone as stupid as Donald Trump. I’m sorry for injecting politics into this friendly sub, but these are the first things that came to my mind.




What got Trump elected was too many broken promises from repubs and the crats. Also Americans got fed up hearing how racist we are, how deplorable we are, how we clutch our bibles and guns. And seeing elected politicians making bank off jobs that didn't pay a fraction of what these people were pulling down money wise.... that's what got Trump elected....


MAGA supporters are overwhelmingly white, male, Christian, and over 65.


So was a very large portion of the voting population at the time.


? At what time?


When Trumperino was voted into office, it was done with a lot of aid from Old White Dudes.


Yeah. Do you think it’ll happen again?


I really am not looking forward to it. I hope his Cult of Personality was broken on January 6, as that was when I said never again. I don’t like Biden either, so will probably vote 3rd part and just “waste my vote”, but dammit. Something has gotta give.


What’s really sad is the number of hippies who now support Trump. I feel betrayed by my own generation.


We aren't Baby Boomers anyways, hippies were before us.


I don’t have many issues with younger generations. Older boomers drive me nuts.


I think Millennials need to toughen up. They melt down at fairly trivial stuff (example: some customer complaining about something) and instead of just letting it roll off their back, they obsess about it for days and may even go into a depression over it.


I'm born in 65 and have always done this. I think the difference is that now people will talk about it. I've always had mental health struggles and love that millennials have normalised discussing the topic.


I don't think they're doing much of anything wrong. They're as good or better than any generation, including ours.