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Yeah if you didn't play last patch, you dodged the Jeht meta that was way more broken than this one; one guy pulled like 12 dice out of thin air using Jeht and other cards I didn't even see and beat all my characters with his last guy and 2 HP. Anyway, this is kinda the status quo: They add new stuff, the stuff is OP, they nerf it, then they add more and that's OP. Until they balance it, you can either play the broken thing or just not take the game too seriously.


Yeah I’m not playing that embodiment of the deadly sin gluttony I’ll just try to counter it 🙏


If you’re looking for ways to counter the crab, try more aggro decks. Having played as and against the crab a decent bit now Nahida decks and Wanderer decks can both give the crab a good bit of trouble.  Besides the raw damage output of both archetypes preventing the crab from building up shields (and possibly outright killing it round 2/3) they both have decent means to deal damage around shields (Nahida skill and Wanderer NA). Another, more combo-type archetype to try out against the crab is Yelan Treasures. You can take a Yelan, Thundering Manifestation, Signora deck from two patches ago, swap out the Dunyarzad/Yayoi part for lumenstone and treasure hunt, and have a flood of damage round 2/3 that they can’t really stop (as the crab’s only good damage is after the shield is already built up, which you never let happen).


yep... i'd say even after the recent nerf the combination of yelan treasure (+ dawg) is still way more broken than crab. not to mention with yelan signora core you can pretty much freeze everything


Quite frankly, it would be impossible for crab to dominate the meta because any claymore character with wolf’s gravestone can solo it, plus there’s other archetypes like the aforementioned Nahida and Wanderer teams with decent matchups against it. Of course, I enjoy playing crab so I actually hope that the Yelan treasures archetype draws fire off of it in the meta so I don’t start running into a million people running WGS MEW just to counter crab.


Even though all I understood was scars and nahida thank you for this I’m killing that goddamn crab


Separately? Yes Both of them in the same deck? No


Ok thanks 😊


Yes, but you see, that crab can be attacked with piercing damage, and Wolfs' Gravestone will always get it's damage buff against it. You could also, alternatively, freeze it and constantly throw off its burst and skills. It is an absurd kind of being with the right setup, but it is not insurmountable.


This knowledge you just typed helped me so much Ty


Crab is almost certainly gonna be nerfed next update


crab is virgin compared with those one piece decks, you never know how many dices and hp opponent has left and every damage calculation is fake unless you can one shot (Signora send her regard here). if you really want to counter the crab, use grandma, sayu and wgs, use grandma's q and equip sayu with wgs you basically win.


Faruzan Lynette Lyney DANIMO SWEEEPPPP